24 research outputs found

    "Plantar pro gasto": a importância do autoconsumo entre famílias de agricultores do Rio Grande do Sul.

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    O artigo discute a valoração e importância da produção para o autoconsumo na reprodução social das unidades familiares e caracteriza os alimentos autoconsumidos. Vale-se da pesquisa "Agricultura Familiar, Desenvolvimento Local e Pluriatividade" (UFRGS/UFPel/ CNPq-2003) que propiciou a formação de um banco de dados com informações sobre a dinâmica da agricultura familiar em quatro regiões distintas da geografia gaúcha, suas fontes e tipos de renda, entre estas o autoconsumo. Trazer este debate significa retomar um tema pouco discutido até então, e que, embora marginalizado ou considerado sem importância, desenvolve importante papel como renda não monetária, fortalece a segurança alimentar e adentra esferas da sociabilidade e identidade social. Além da introdução, apresenta-se o papel do autoconsumo na agricultura familiar, o cálculo da produção para o autoconsumo, discussão dos objetivos e resultados, e considerações finais. Os resultados demonstram que a produção para o autoconsumo é uma estratégia recorrente pelas unidades familiares e se diferencia de acordo com a dinâmica da agricultura familiar. Diferença esta expressa em valores relativos (%) e no número de estabelecimentos pertencentes a estratos diferenciados de autoconsumo, e pouco nos tipos de alimentos produzidos para este fim, observando-se uma homogeneidade dos hábitos alimentares

    First measurement of θ<inf>13</inf> from delayed neutron capture on hydrogen in the Double Chooz experiment

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    The Double Chooz experiment has determined the value of the neutrino oscillation parameter θ13 from an analysis of inverse beta decay interactions with neutron capture on hydrogen. This analysis uses a three times larger fiducial volume than the standard Double Chooz assessment, which is restricted to a region doped with gadolinium (Gd), yielding an exposure of 113.1 GW-ton-years. The data sample used in this analysis is distinct from that of the Gd analysis, and the systematic uncertainties are also largely independent, with some exceptions, such as the reactor neutrino flux prediction. A combined rate- and energy-dependent fit finds sin22θ13=0.097±0.034 (stat.)±0.034 (syst.), excluding the no-oscillation hypothesis at 2.0. This result is consistent with previous measurements of sin22θ13

    The importance of riparian forest for the maintenance of bird species richness in an Atlantic Forest remnant, southern Brazil

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    We compared the composition and guild structure of bird communities of riparian and upland forest in an Atlantic forest reserve, the Godoy State Park (GP), in northern Paraná State, southern Brazil. Unlimited distance point counts were sampled monthly from September-December 2001, along four trails. Two trails in upland forest (TA and TB) were parallel to each other and about 300 m apart. Two trails in riparian forest (TC and TD) were along the Apertados River, about 100 m away from the river. A total of 145 species were recorded: 81 species were recorded in both upland and riparian forests, 19 species were recorded only in upland forest and 45 species were recorded exclusively in riparian forest. Among the 81 species occurring in both forest types, 18 species had significantly higher numbers of contacts in the riparian forest while only 8 species had significantly higher numbers of contacts in the upland forest. Taking into account the contacts numbers of the species the large frugivores guild was closely associated to the upland forest, while bamboo and vine-tangles insectivore, canopy insectivores, edge omnivores, ground omnivore and midstory insectivores were those more closely related to the riparian forest.<br>Comparamos a composição e a estrutura de guilda da comunidade de aves da floresta ripária e alta em uma reserva de Floresta Atlântica, o Parque Estadual Mata dos Godoy (GP), no norte do Paraná, sul do Brasil. Pontos de escutas com distância ilimitada foram realizados mensalmente de setembro-dezembro de 2001, ao longo de quatro trilhas. Duas trilhas na floresta alta (TA e TB) paralelas uma a outra e com distância de 300 m. Duas trilhas na floresta ripária (TC e TD) ao longo do Rio Apertados, distantes 100 m do rio. Um total de 145 espécies foi registrado: 81 espécies foram registradas em ambas as florestas, 19 espécies foram registradas somente na floresta alta e 45 espécies foram registradas exclusivamente na floresta ripária. Entre as 81 espécies que ocorrem nos dois tipos de florestas, 18 espécies tiveram maior número significativo de contato na floresta ripária enquanto somente 8 espécies tiveram maior número significativo de contatos na floresta alta. Considerando o número de contato das espécies, a guilda grande frugívoros foi mais relacionada com a floresta alta, enquanto as guildas insetívoros de bambu e reboleira, insetívoros de copa, onívoros de bordas, onívoros de solo e insetívoros de sub-bosque foram relacionados com a floresta ripária

    Resistance of sugarcane cultivars to Diatraea saccharalis

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    The objective of this work was to evaluate the oviposition preference of Diatraea saccharalis and the effect of ten sugarcane cultivars on larval development. Oviposition preference was assessed under greenhouse conditions by three releases of couples of moths, with subsequent counting of egg masses and eggs per plant. In order to evaluate the effect of the cultivars on larval development, each plant was infected with about 150 eggs, and, 29 days later, the total number of internodes, number of bored internodes, number of life forms found, larval and pupal weight and length, and the width of larval head capsule were evaluated. The cultivars IACSP94-2101 and IACSP96-2042, the least preferred by D. saccharalis for oviposition, and IACSP94-2094, the most unfavorable for larvae entrance and development, show resistance to the pest

    Cosmic-muon characterization and annual modulation measurement with Double Chooz detectors

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    A study on cosmic muons has been performed for the two identical near and far neutrino detectors of the Double Chooz experiment, placed at ∼120 and ∼300 m.w.e. underground respectively, including the corresponding simulations using the MUSIC simulation package. This characterization has allowed us to measure the muon flux reaching both detectors to be (3.64 ± 0.04) × 10-4 cm-2s-1 for the near detector and (7.00 ± 0.05) × 10-5 cm-2s-1 for the far one. The seasonal modulation of the signal has also been studied observing a positive correlation with the atmospheric temperature, leading to an effective temperature coefficient of αT = 0.212 ± 0.024 and 0.355 ± 0.019 for the near and far detectors respectively. These measurements, in good agreement with expectations based on theoretical models, represent one of the first measurements of this coefficient in shallow depth installations

    Background-independent Measurement Of θ13 In Double Chooz

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    The oscillation results published by the Double Chooz Collaboration in 2011 and 2012 rely on background models substantiated by reactor-on data. In this analysis, we present a background-model-independent measurement of the mixing angle θ13 by including 7.53 days of reactor-off data. A global fit of the observed antineutrino rates for different reactor power conditions is performed, yielding a measurement of both θ13 and the total background rate. The results on the mixing angle are improved significantly by including the reactor-off data in the fit, as it provides a direct measurement of the total background rate. This reactor rate modulation analysis considers antineutrino candidates with neutron captures on both Gd and H, whose combination yields sin2(2θ13) = 0.102 ± 0.028(stat.) ± 0.033(syst.). The results presented in this study are fully consistent with the ones already published by Double Chooz, achieving a competitive precision. They provide, for the first time, a determination of θ13 that does not depend on a background model. © 2014 The Authors