80 research outputs found

    Detection of Tidal Disruption Events around Direct Collapse Black Holes at High Redshifts with the James Webb Space Telescope

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    This is the third sequel in a series discussing the discovery of various types of extragalactic transients with the {\it James Webb Space Telescope} in a narrow-field (∌0.1\sim 0.1 deg2^2), moderately deep (mAB∌27m_{AB} \sim 27 mag) survey. In this part we focus on the detectability and observational characteristics of Direct Collapse Black Holes (DCBH) and Tidal Disruption Events (TDE) around them. We use existing models for DCBH accretion luminosities and spectra as well as for TDE light curves, and find that accreting DCBH seeds may be bright enough for detection up to z∌7z \sim 7 with JWST NIRCam imaging, TDEs of massive (M≳50M \gtrsim 50 Msol) stars around them can enhance the chance for discovering them as transient objects, although the rates of such events is low, a few per survey time. TDEs around non-accreting black holes of M∌106M \sim 10^6 Msol may also be detected at z<7z < 7 redshifts in the redder NIRCam bands between 3 and 5 microns. It is also shown that accreting DCBHs appear separate from supernovae (SNe) on the NIRCam color-color plot, but TDEs from quiescent black holes fall in nearly the same color range as Superluminous Supernovae (SLSNe), which makes them more difficult to identify.Comment: 17 pages, 11 figures, ApJ in pres

    The Effects of the Peak-Peak Correlation on the Peak Model of Hierarchical Clustering

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    In two previous papers a semi-analytical model was presented for the hierarchical clustering of halos via gravitational instability from peaks in a random Gaussian field of density fluctuations. This model is better founded than the extended Press-Schechter model, which is known to agree with numerical simulations and to make similar predictions. The specific merger rate, however, shows a significant departure at intermediate captured masses. The origin of this was suspected as being the rather crude approximation used for the density of nested peaks. Here, we seek to verify this suspicion by implementing a more accurate expression for the latter quantity which accounts for the correlation among peaks. We confirm that the inclusion of the peak-peak correlation improves the specific merger rate, while the good behavior of the remaining quantities is preserved.Comment: ApJ accepted. 15 pages, including 4 figures. Also available at ftp://pcess1.am.ub.es/pub/ApJ/effectpp.ps.g

    Binary Star Origin of High Field Magnetic White Dwarfs

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    White dwarfs with surface magnetic fields in excess of 11 MG are found as isolated single stars and relatively more often in magnetic cataclysmic variables. Some 1,253 white dwarfs with a detached low-mass main-sequence companion are identified in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey but none of these is observed to show evidence for Zeeman splitting of hydrogen lines associated with a magnetic field in excess of 1MG. If such high magnetic fields on white dwarfs result from the isolated evolution of a single star then there should be the same fraction of high field white dwarfs among this SDSS binary sample as among single stars. Thus we deduce that the origin of such high magnetic fields must be intimately tied to the formation of cataclysmic variables. CVs emerge from common envelope evolution as very close but detached binary stars that are then brought together by magnetic braking or gravitational radiation. We propose that the smaller the orbital separation at the end of the common envelope phase, the stronger the magnetic field. The magnetic cataclysmic variables originate from those common envelope systems that almost merge. We propose further that those common envelope systems that do merge are the progenitors of the single high field white dwarfs. Thus all highly magnetic white dwarfs, be they single stars or the components of MCVs, have a binary origin. This hypothesis also accounts for the relative dearth of single white dwarfs with fields of 10,000 - 1,000,000G. Such intermediate-field white dwarfs are found preferentially in cataclysmic variables. In addition the bias towards higher masses for highly magnetic white dwarfs is expected if a fraction of these form when two degenerate cores merge in a common envelope. Similar scenarios may account for very high field neutron stars.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figure, accepted by MNRA

    Observational biases in Lagrangian reconstructions of cosmic velocity fields

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    Lagrangian reconstruction of large-scale peculiar velocity fields can be strongly affected by observational biases. We develop a thorough analysis of these systematic effects by relying on specially selected mock catalogues. For the purpose of this paper, we use the MAK reconstruction method, although any other Lagrangian reconstruction method should be sensitive to the same problems. We extensively study the uncertainty in the mass-to-light assignment due to luminosity incompleteness, and the poorly-determined relation between mass and luminosity. The impact of redshift distortion corrections is analyzed in the context of MAK and we check the importance of edge and finite-volume effects on the reconstructed velocities. Using three mock catalogues with different average densities, we also study the effect of cosmic variance. In particular, one of them presents the same global features as found in observational catalogues that extend to 80 Mpc/h scales. We give recipes, checked using the aforementioned mock catalogues, to handle these particular observational effects, after having introduced them into the mock catalogues so as to quantitatively mimic the most densely sampled currently available galaxy catalogue of the nearby universe. Once biases have been taken care of, the typical resulting error in reconstructed velocities is typically about a quarter of the overall velocity dispersion, and without significant bias. We finally model our reconstruction errors to propose an improved Bayesian approach to measure Omega_m in an unbiased way by comparing the reconstructed velocities to the measured ones in distance space, even though they may be plagued by large errors. We show that, in the context of observational data, a nearly unbiased estimator of Omega_m may be built using MAK reconstruction.Comment: 29 pages, 21 figures, 6 tables, Accepted by MNRAS on 2007 October 2. Received 2007 September 30; in original form 2007 July 2

    Casimir effect: running Newton constant or cosmological term

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    We argue that the instability of Euclidean Einstein gravity is an indication that the vacuum is non perturbative and contains a condensate of the metric tensor in a manner reminiscent of Yang-Mills theories. As a simple step toward the characterization of such a vacuum the value of the one-loop effective action is computed for Euclidean de Sitter spaces as a function of the curvature when the unstable conformal modes are held fixed. Two phases are found, one where the curvature is large and gravitons should be confined and another one which appears to be weakly coupled and tends to be flat. The induced cosmological constant is positive or negative in the strongly or weakly curved phase, respectively. The relevance of the Casimir effect in understanding the UV sensitivity of gravity is pointed out.Comment: Final, slightly extended version, to appear in Classical and Quantum Gravit

    Low-Mass Binary Induced Outflows from Asymptotic Giant Branch Stars

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    A significant fraction of planetary nebulae (PNe) and proto-planetary nebulae (PPNe) exhibit aspherical, axisymmetric structures, many of which are highly collimated. The origin of these structures is not entirely understood, however recent evidence suggests that many observed PNe harbor binary systems, which may play a role in their shaping. In an effort to understand how binaries may produce such asymmetries, we study the effect of low-mass (< 0.3 M_sun) companions (planets, brown dwarfs and low-mass main sequence stars) embedded into the envelope of a 3.0 M_sun star during three epochs of its evolution (Red Giant Branch, Asymptotic Giant Branch (AGB), interpulse AGB). We find that common envelope evolution can lead to three qualitatively different consequences: (i) direct ejection of envelope material resulting in a predominately equatorial outflow, (ii) spin-up of the envelope resulting in the possibility of powering an explosive dynamo driven jet and (iii) tidal shredding of the companion into a disc which facilitates a disc driven jet. We study how these features depend on the secondary's mass and discuss observational consequences.Comment: 24 pages, 6 figures, submitted to MNRA

    Infall Regions of Galaxy Clusters

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    In hierarchical clustering, galaxy clusters accrete mass through the aggregation of smaller systems. Thus, the velocity field of the infall regions of clusters contains significant random motion superimposed on radial infall. Because the purely spherical infall model does not predict the amplitude of the velocity field correctly, methods estimating the cosmological density parameter Omega_0 based on this model yield unreliable biased results. In fact, the amplitude of the velocity field depends on local dynamics and only very weakly on the global properties of the universe. We use N-body simulations of flat and open universes to show that the amplitude of the velocity field of the infall regions of dark matter halos is a direct measure of the escape velocity within these regions. We can use this amplitude to estimate the mass of dark matter halos within a few megaparsecs from the halo center. In this region dynamical equilibrium assumptions do not hold. The method yields a mass estimate with better than 30% accuracy. If galaxies trace the velocity field of the infall regions of clusters reliably, this method provides a straightforward way to estimate the amount of mass surrounding rich galaxy clusters from redshift data alone.Comment: 26 pages, AAS Latex macros v4.0, to appear in The Astrophysical Journal, June 1, 1997 issue, Vol. 48

    CLASH-VLT: The mass, velocity-anisotropy, and pseudo-phase-space density profiles of the z=0.44 galaxy cluster MACS 1206.2-0847

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    We use an unprecedented data-set of about 600 redshifts for cluster members, obtained as part of a VLT/VIMOS large programme, to constrain the mass profile of the z=0.44 cluster MACS J1206.2-0847 over the radial range 0-5 Mpc (0-2.5 virial radii) using the MAMPOSSt and Caustic methods. We then add external constraints from our previous gravitational lensing analysis. We invert the Jeans equation to obtain the velocity-anisotropy profiles of cluster members. With the mass-density and velocity-anisotropy profiles we then obtain the first determination of a cluster pseudo-phase-space density profile. The kinematics and lensing determinations of the cluster mass profile are in excellent agreement. This is very well fitted by a NFW model with mass M200=(1.4 +- 0.2) 10^15 Msun and concentration c200=6 +- 1, only slightly higher than theoretical expectations. Other mass profile models also provide acceptable fits to our data, of (slightly) lower (Burkert, Hernquist, and Softened Isothermal Sphere) or comparable (Einasto) quality than NFW. The velocity anisotropy profiles of the passive and star-forming cluster members are similar, close to isotropic near the center and increasingly radial outside. Passive cluster members follow extremely well the theoretical expectations for the pseudo-phase-space density profile and the relation between the slope of the mass-density profile and the velocity anisotropy. Star-forming cluster members show marginal deviations from theoretical expectations. This is the most accurate determination of a cluster mass profile out to a radius of 5 Mpc, and the only determination of the velocity-anisotropy and pseudo-phase-space density profiles of both passive and star-forming galaxies for an individual cluster [abridged]Comment: A&A in press; 22 pages, 19 figure
