249 research outputs found

    Effect of the Coulomb repulsion on the {\it ac} transport through a quantum dot

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    We calculate in a linear response the admittance of a quantum dot out of equilibrium. The interaction between two electrons with opposite spins simultaneously residing on the resonant level is modeled by an Anderson Hamiltonian. The electron correlations lead to the appearence of a new feature in the frequency dependence of the conductance. For certain parameter values there are two crossover frequencies between a capacitive and an inductive behavior of the imaginary part of the admittance. The experimental implications of the obtained results are briefly discussed.Comment: 13 pages, REVTEX 3.0, 2 .ps figures from [email protected], NUB-308

    Prevalence and Diversity of Avian Hematozoan Parasites in Asia: A Regional Study

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    Tissue samples from 699 birds from three regions of Asia (Myanmar, India, and South Korea) were screened for evidence of infection by avian parasites in the genera Plasmodium and Haemoproteus. Samples were collected from November 1994 to October 2004. We identified 241 infected birds (34.0%). Base-on-sequence data for the cytochrome b gene from 221 positive samples, 34 distinct lineages of Plasmodium, and 41 of Haemoproteus were detected. Parasite diversity was highest in Myanmar followed by India and South Korea. Parasite prevalence differed among regions but not among host families. There were four lineages of Plasmodium and one of Haemoproteus shared between Myanmar and India and only one lineage of Plasmodium shared between Myanmar and South Korea. No lineages were shared between India and South Korea, although an equal number of distinct lineages were recovered from each region. Migratory birds in South Korea and India originate from two different migratory flyways; therefore cross-transmission of parasite lineages may be less likely. India and Myanmar shared more host species and habitat types compared to South Korea. Comparison between low-elevation habitat in India and Myanmar showed a difference in prevalence of haematozoans

    Battery data integrity and usability: Navigating datasets and equipment limitations for efficient and accurate research into battery aging

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    A tremendous commitment of resources is needed to acquire, understand and apply battery data in terms of performance and aging behavior. There are many state of performance (SOP) and state of health (SOH) metrics that are useful to guide alignment of batteries to end-use, yet how these metrics are measured or extracted can make the difference between usable, valuable datasets versus data that lacks the necessary integrity to meet baseline confidence levels for SOP/SOH quantification. This work will speak to 1) types of data that support SOP and SOH evaluations on mechanistic terms, 2) measurement conditions needed to assure high data integrity, 3) equipment limitations that can compromise data high fidelity, and 4) the impact of cell polarization on data quality. A common goal in battery research and field use is to work from a data platform that supports economical paths of data capture while minimizing down-time for battery diagnostics. An ideal situation would be to utilize data obtained during normal daily use (“pulses or cycles of convenience”) without stopping the daily duty cycles to perform dedicated SOP/SOH diagnostic routines. However, difficulties arise in trying to make use of daily duty cycle data (denoted as cycle-by-cycle, CBC) that underscores the need for standardization of conditions: temperature and duty cycles can vary over the course of a day and throughout a week, month and year; polarization can develop within an immediate cycle and throughout successive cycles as a hysteresis. If CBC data is envisioned as a data source to determine performance and aging trends, it should be recognized that polarization is a frequent consequence of CBC and thus makes it difficult to separate reversible and irreversible components to metrics such as capacity loss and resistance increase over aging. Since CBC conditions can have a major impact on data usability, we will devote part of this paper to CBC data conditioning and management. Differential analyses will also be discussed as a means to detect changing trends in data quality. Our target cell chemistries will be lithium-ion types NMC/graphite and LMO/LTO

    CONFIDENCE dissemination meeting: summary on the scenario-based workshop

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    The CONFIDENCE dissemination workshop “Coping with uncertainties for improved modelling and decision making in nuclear emergencies” was held in December 2–5, 2019 (Bratislava, Slovak Republic). About 90 scientists and decision makers attended the workshop. The dissemination workshop allowed the presentation of the CONFIDENCE project results, demonstration of the applicability of the developed methods and tools in interactive discussion sessions and the collection of feedback from the participants. The results were disseminated not only in the form of presentations and posters but also through interactive workshops where all participants were involved in round table working groups. A fictive accidental release scenario taking place at a nuclear power plant was developed and used by each work package in the workshop to provide the basis for interactive sessions and discussions

    Gfi1aa and Gfi1b set the pace for primitive erythroblast differentiation from hemangioblasts in the zebrafish embryo

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    The transcriptional repressors G fi 1(a) and G fi 1b are epigenetic regulators with unique and overlapping roles in hematopoiesis. In different contexts, G fi 1 and G fi 1b restrict or promote cell proliferation, prevent apoptosis, in fl uence cell fate decisions, and are essential for terminal differentiation. Here, we show in primitive red blood cells (prRBCs) that they can also set the pace for cellular differentiation. In zebra fi sh, prRBCs express 2 of 3 zebra fi sh G fi 1/ 1bparalogs,G fi 1aaandG fi 1b.Therecentlyidenti fi edzebra fi sh gfi1aa gene trap allele qmc551 drives erythroid green fl uorescent protein (GFP) instead of G fi 1aa expression, yet homozygous carriers have normal prRBCs. prRBCs display a maturation defect only after splice morpholino-mediated knockdown of G fi 1b in gfi1aa qmc551 homozygous embryos. To study the transcriptome of the G fi 1aa/1b double-depleted cells, we performed an RNA-Seq experi- ment on GFP-positive prRBCs sorted from 20-h our-old embryos that were heterozygous or homozygous for gfi1aa qmc551 ,aswellas wt or morphant for gfi1b .Wesubsequentlycon fi rmed and extended these data in whole-mount in situ hybridization experiments on newly generated single- and double-mutant embryos. Combi ned, the data showed that in the absence of G fi 1aa, the synchronously developing prRBCs were delayed in activating late erythr oid differentiation, as they struggled to suppress early erythroid and endothelial transcripti on programs. The latter highlighted the bipotent natu re of the progenitors from which prRBCs arise. In the absence of G fi 1aa, G fi 1b promoted erythroid differentiation as stepwise loss of wt gfi1b copies progressively delayed G fi 1aa-depleted prRBCs even further, showing that G fi 1aa and G fi 1b together set the pace for prRBC diffe rentiation from hemangioblasts

    NMN Deamidase Delays Wallerian Degeneration and Rescues Axonal Defects Caused by NMNAT2 Deficiency In Vivo

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    Axons require the axonal NAD-synthesizing enzyme NMNAT2 to survive. Injury or genetically induced depletion of NMNAT2 triggers axonal degeneration or defective axon growth. We have previously proposed that axonal NMNAT2 primarily promotes axon survival by maintaining low levels of its substrate NMN rather than generating NAD; however, this is still debated. NMN deamidase, a bacterial enzyme, shares NMN-consuming activity with NMNAT2, but not NAD-synthesizing activity, and it delays axon degeneration in primary neuronal cultures. Here we show that NMN deamidase can also delay axon degeneration in zebrafish larvae and in transgenic mice. Like overexpressed NMNATs, NMN deamidase reduces NMN accumulation in injured mouse sciatic nerves and preserves some axons for up to three weeks, even when expressed at a low level. Remarkably, NMN deamidase also rescues axonal outgrowth and perinatal lethality in a dose-dependent manner in mice lacking NMNAT2. These data further support a pro-degenerative effect of accumulating NMN in axons in vivo. The NMN deamidase mouse will be an important tool to further probe the mechanisms underlying Wallerian degeneration and its prevention.We thank Tim Self, Denise McLean, Ian Ward, and CSI/SLIM for use of imaging facilities and help with tissue processing. This work was funded by a Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, University of Nottingham nonclinical senior fellowship (to L.C.); a Marie Curie Intra European Fellowship (project number 301897) within the European Community 7th Framework Programme (to M.D.S. and L.C.); and an Institute Strategic Programme Grant from the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) and Medical Research Council (MRC) grant MR/N004582/1 (to J.G. and M.P.C.)

    Localized High-Concentration Electrolytes Get More Localized Through Micelle-Like Structures

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    Liquid electrolytes in batteries are typically treated as macroscopically homogeneous ionic transport media despite having complex chemical composition and atomistic solvation structures, leaving a knowledge gap of microstructural characteristics. Here, we reveal a unique micelle-like structure in a localized high-concentration electrolyte (LHCE), in which the solvent acts as a surfactant between an insoluble salt in diluent. The miscibility of the solvent with the diluent and simultaneous solubility of the salt results in a micelle-like structure with a smeared interface and an increased salt concentration at the centre of the salt-solvent clusters that extends the salt solubility. These intermingling miscibility effects have temperature dependencies, wherein an exemplified LHCE peaks in localized cluster salt concentration near room temperature and is utilized to form a stable solid-electrolyte interphase (SEI) on Li-metal anode. These findings serve as a guide to predicting a stable ternary phase diagram and connecting the electrolyte microstructure with electrolyte formulation and formation protocols to form stable SEI for enhanced battery cyclability

    Creating Physical 3D Stereolithograph Models of Brain and Skull

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    The human brain and skull are three dimensional (3D) anatomical structures with complex surfaces. However, medical images are often two dimensional (2D) and provide incomplete visualization of structural morphology. To overcome this loss in dimension, we developed and validated a freely available, semi-automated pathway to build 3D virtual reality (VR) and hand-held, stereolithograph models. To evaluate whether surface visualization in 3D was more informative than in 2D, undergraduate students (n = 50) used the Gillespie scale to rate 3D VR and physical models of both a living patient-volunteer's brain and the skull of Phineas Gage, a historically famous railroad worker whose misfortune with a projectile tamping iron provided the first evidence of a structure-function relationship in brain. Using our processing pathway, we successfully fabricated human brain and skull replicas and validated that the stereolithograph model preserved the scale of the VR model. Based on the Gillespie ratings, students indicated that the biological utility and quality of visual information at the surface of VR and stereolithograph models were greater than the 2D images from which they were derived. The method we developed is useful to create VR and stereolithograph 3D models from medical images and can be used to model hard or soft tissue in living or preserved specimens. Compared to 2D images, VR and stereolithograph models provide an extra dimension that enhances both the quality of visual information and utility of surface visualization in neuroscience and medicine

    Design and validation of Segment - freely available software for cardiovascular image analysis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Commercially available software for cardiovascular image analysis often has limited functionality and frequently lacks the careful validation that is required for clinical studies. We have already implemented a cardiovascular image analysis software package and released it as freeware for the research community. However, it was distributed as a stand-alone application and other researchers could not extend it by writing their own custom image analysis algorithms. We believe that the work required to make a clinically applicable prototype can be reduced by making the software extensible, so that researchers can develop their own modules or improvements. Such an initiative might then serve as a bridge between image analysis research and cardiovascular research. The aim of this article is therefore to present the design and validation of a cardiovascular image analysis software package (Segment) and to announce its release in a source code format.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Segment can be used for image analysis in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), computed tomography (CT), single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) and positron emission tomography (PET). Some of its main features include loading of DICOM images from all major scanner vendors, simultaneous display of multiple image stacks and plane intersections, automated segmentation of the left ventricle, quantification of MRI flow, tools for manual and general object segmentation, quantitative regional wall motion analysis, myocardial viability analysis and image fusion tools. Here we present an overview of the validation results and validation procedures for the functionality of the software. We describe a technique to ensure continued accuracy and validity of the software by implementing and using a test script that tests the functionality of the software and validates the output. The software has been made freely available for research purposes in a source code format on the project home page <url>http://segment.heiberg.se</url>.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Segment is a well-validated comprehensive software package for cardiovascular image analysis. It is freely available for research purposes provided that relevant original research publications related to the software are cited.</p

    Hedgehog signaling via a calcitonin receptor-like receptor can induce arterial differentiation independently of VEGF signaling in zebrafish

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    Multiple signaling pathways control the specification of endothelial cells (ECs) to become arteries or veins during vertebrate embryogenesis. Current models propose that a cascade of Hedgehog (Hh), vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), and Notch signaling acts instructively on ECs to control the choice between arterial or venous fate. Differences in the phenotypes induced by Hh, VEGF, or Notch inhibition suggest that not all of the effects of Hh on arteriovenous specification are mediated by VEGF. We establish that full derepression of the Hh pathway in ptc1;ptc2 mutants converts the posterior cardinal vein into a second arterial vessel that manifests intact arterial gene expression, intersegmental vessel sprouting, and HSC gene expression. Importantly, although VEGF was thought to be absolutely essential for arterial fates, we find that normal and ectopic arterial differentiation can occur without VEGF signaling in ptc1;ptc2 mutants. Furthermore, Hh is able to bypass VEGF to induce arterial differentiation in ECs via the calcitonin receptor-like receptor, thus revealing a surprising complexity in the interplay between Hh and VEGF signaling during arteriovenous specification. Finally, our experiments establish a dual function of Hh during induction of runx1+ HSCs
