771 research outputs found

    Nitrogen Dynamics from Decomposing Litter of \u3ci\u3ePanicum maximum\u3c/i\u3e with Different Nitrogen and Phosphorus Content in Brazilian Alfissol

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    The objective of this study was to measure the dynamics (immobilization and release) of N and to evaluate the effect of the initial chemical composition of four Panicum maximum cultivars grown in a Alfisol and fertilized with different levels of nitrogen (0, 80 e 160 kg ha-1 de N) and phosphorus (0 e 200 kg ha-1), on the release of the N from the litter using the litterbags technique. There was an increase in the litter initial concentration of N with time of decomposition. The Aruana and Vencedor cultivars released about 70 and 60% of N; respectively, during the decomposition of the litter from 0 (zero) to 336 days; the Tobiatã and Tanzânia cultivars released about 30 and \u3e30% of N from the concentration of the initial litter respectively. Nitrogen fertization increased the N release, up to 20% in the highest N level tested (160 kg ha-1 of N)

    A model-model and data-model comparison for the early Eocene hydrological cycle

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    A range of proxy observations have recently provided constraints on how Earth's hydrological cycle responded to early Eocene climatic changes. However, comparisons of proxy data to general circulation model (GCM) simulated hydrology are limited and inter-model variability remains poorly characterised. In this work, we undertake an intercomparison of GCM-derived precipitation and <i>P</i> − <i>E</i> distributions within the extended EoMIP ensemble (Eocene Modelling Intercomparison Project; Lunt et al., 2012), which includes previously published early Eocene simulations performed using five GCMs differing in boundary conditions, model structure, and precipitation-relevant parameterisation schemes. <br><br> We show that an intensified hydrological cycle, manifested in enhanced global precipitation and evaporation rates, is simulated for all Eocene simulations relative to the preindustrial conditions. This is primarily due to elevated atmospheric paleo-CO<sub>2</sub>, resulting in elevated temperatures, although the effects of differences in paleogeography and ice sheets are also important in some models. For a given CO<sub>2</sub> level, globally averaged precipitation rates vary widely between models, largely arising from different simulated surface air temperatures. Models with a similar global sensitivity of precipitation rate to temperature (d<i>P</i>∕d<i>T</i>) display different regional precipitation responses for a given temperature change. Regions that are particularly sensitive to model choice include the South Pacific, tropical Africa, and the Peri-Tethys, which may represent targets for future proxy acquisition. <br><br> A comparison of early and middle Eocene leaf-fossil-derived precipitation estimates with the GCM output illustrates that GCMs generally underestimate precipitation rates at high latitudes, although a possible seasonal bias of the proxies cannot be excluded. Models which warm these regions, either via elevated CO<sub>2</sub> or by varying poorly constrained model parameter values, are most successful in simulating a match with geologic data. Further data from low-latitude regions and better constraints on early Eocene CO<sub>2</sub> are now required to discriminate between these model simulations given the large error bars on paleoprecipitation estimates. Given the clear differences between simulated precipitation distributions within the ensemble, our results suggest that paleohydrological data offer an independent means by which to evaluate model skill for warm climates

    Transport Critical Current and Magnetization Measurements of Melt-Processed YBa2Cu3O7-X

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    We report magnetic field dependence of the transport critical current and dc magnetic susceptibility measurements on YBa2Cu3O7−x superconductors formed by melt-solid reactions at 950 °C between Ba-Cu-O (or Tb-Ba-Cu-O) and solid nonstoichiometric Y-Ba-Cu-oxide. Four-probe dc critical current measurements at 77, 64, and 4.2 K show strong depression of the critical current density with increasing magnetic field in agreement with a model of weakly linked superconducting regions. Diamagnetic shielding and Meissner flux expulsion measurements in the temperature range 10–300 K show about one third volume fraction of perfect superconductivity. Both shielding and flux expulsion were observed to be approximately temperature independent below 60 K indicating strong coupling between the grains throughout the entire volume below this temperature

    Transport Critical Current and Magnetization Measurements of Melt-Processed YBa2Cu3O7-X

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    We report magnetic field dependence of the transport critical current and dc magnetic susceptibility measurements on YBa2Cu3O7−x superconductors formed by melt-solid reactions at 950 °C between Ba-Cu-O (or Tb-Ba-Cu-O) and solid nonstoichiometric Y-Ba-Cu-oxide. Four-probe dc critical current measurements at 77, 64, and 4.2 K show strong depression of the critical current density with increasing magnetic field in agreement with a model of weakly linked superconducting regions. Diamagnetic shielding and Meissner flux expulsion measurements in the temperature range 10–300 K show about one third volume fraction of perfect superconductivity. Both shielding and flux expulsion were observed to be approximately temperature independent below 60 K indicating strong coupling between the grains throughout the entire volume below this temperature

    Warm climates of the past—a lesson for the future? This is one article from the Discussion Meeting Issue ‘Warm climates of the past—a lesson for the future?’ compiled and edited by Daniel J. Lunt, Harry Elderfield, Richard Pancost and Andy Ridgwell

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    This Discussion Meeting Issue of the Philosophical Transactions A had its genesis in a Discussion Meeting of the Royal Society which took place on 10–11 October 2011. The Discussion Meeting, entitled ‘Warm climates of the past: a lesson for the future?’, brought together 16 eminent international speakers from the field of palaeoclimate, and was attended by over 280 scientists and members of the public. Many of the speakers have contributed to the papers compiled in this Discussion Meeting Issue. The papers summarize the talks at the meeting, and present further or related work. This Discussion Meeting Issue asks to what extent information gleaned from the study of past climates can aid our understanding of future climate change. Climate change is currently an issue at the forefront of environmental science, and also has important sociological and political implications. Most future predictions are carried out by complex numerical models; however, these models cannot be rigorously tested for scenarios outside of the modern, without making use of past climate data. Furthermore, past climate data can inform our understanding of how the Earth system operates, and can provide important contextual information related to environmental change. All past time periods can be useful in this context; here, we focus on past climates that were warmer than the modern climate, as these are likely to be the most similar to the future. This introductory paper is not meant as a comprehensive overview of all work in this field. Instead, it gives an introduction to the important issues therein, using the papers in this Discussion Meeting Issue, and other works from all the Discussion Meeting speakers, as exemplars of the various ways in which past climates can inform projections of future climate. Furthermore, we present new work that uses a palaeo constraint to quantitatively inform projections of future equilibrium ice sheet change

    Impact of sheep grazing on juvenile sea bass, Dicentrarchus labrax L., in tidal salt marshes

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    The diet of young of the year sea bass, Dicentrarchus labrax L., from sheep grazed and ungrazed tidal salt marshes were com-pared qualitatively and quantitatively in Mont Saint-Michel Bay. In areas without grazing pressure, the vegetation gradient changes from a pioneer Puccinellia maritima dominated community at the tidal ¯at boundaries through a Atriplex portulacoides dominated community in the middle of the marsh to a mature Elymus pungens dominated community at the landward edge. The A. portula-coides community is highly productive and provides important quantities of litter which provides a habitat and good supply to substain high densities of the detrivorous amphipod Orchestia gammarellus. In the grazed areas, the vegetation is replaced by P. maritima communities, a low productive grass plant, and food availability and habitat suitability are reduced for O. gammarellus. Juvenile sea bass colonise the salt marsh at ¯ood during 43% of the spring tides which inundate the salt marsh creeks. They forage inside the marsh and feed mainly on O. gammarellus in the ungrazed marshes. In grazed areas, this amphipod is replaced by other species and juvenile sea bass consume less food from the marsh. This illustrates a direct effect of a terrestrial herbivore on a coastal food web, and suggests that management of salt marsh is complex and promotion of one component of their biota could involve reductions in other species

    Contribuição ao estudo da influência dos fatores físicos do solo, sôbre a incidência da murcha do algodoeiro, causada por Fusarium oxysporum f. vasinfectum (Atk.) Snyder & Hansen

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    A finalidade do trabalho, foi obter dados para o melhor conhecimento dos fatôres físicos do solo, que influenciam a incidência de murcha do algodoeiro, causada por Fusarium oxysporum f. vasinfectum (Atk.) Snyder & Hansen. Foi estudada a influência do tamanho das partículas de areia e porcentagem da mesma no solo. O primeiro ensaio mostrou que, a porcentagem de areia tinha um efeito sôbre a incidência de murcha na variedade IAC - 12. A maior incidência de murcha, foi notada nos tratamentos que possuiam maior porcentagem de areia. No segundo ensaio, foi notado o efeito do tamanho das partículas de areia sôbre a incidência de murcha na variedade IAC - 12. A incidência foi mais intensa nos substratos com Areias Fina e Média. O terceiro ensaio mostrou que a resistência da variedade RM4, ao Fusarium, aparentemente não foi afetada pela porcentagem de areia ou pelo tamanho das partículas.Cotton wilt incidence, caused by Fusarium oxysporum f vasinfectum (Atk.) Snyder & Hansen, was studied on different artificial soil-substrates in three consecutive experiments. The physical factors of the soil studied were percentage of sand and the size of sand particles. In the first experiment using IAC-12 a susceptible variety, the greatest wilt incidence ocurred in the treatments having the highest percentage of sand. In the second experiment using the same variety the highest wilt incidence ocurred in the treatments consisting of fine and medium sized sand particles, when compared with the treatment consisting of coarse sand particles. In the third experiment a wilt resistant variety, RM4, was used and there were no diferences in wilt incidence on the different substrates