375 research outputs found

    Comparison of high spatial resolution stereo-PIV measurements in a turbulent boundary layer with available DNS dataset

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    In the present contribution, the aptitude of Stereoscopic Particle Image Velocimetry (SPIV) and of Direct Numerical Simulations (DNS) to investigate coherent structures of near wall turbulence is evaluated. For this purpose, the general properties and constraints of the two techniques are first reviewed. Then, data obtained from stereo-PIV experiments in a boundary layer and DNS in a channel flow are considered. Some statistics of the velocity fields are computed, and the results obtained from the two approaches compared

    Conversion of Cerrado into agricultural land in the south-western amazon: carbon stocks and soil fertility.

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    Mudanças de uso da terra e práticas de manejo modificam a dinâmica do C e a fertilidade do solo. Este estudo avaliou as implicações dos sistemas de cultivo (NT e CT) nos estoques de C e de nutrientes e identificou inter-relações entre estes estoques e outros atributos da fertilidade do solo em Latossolo após a mudança do uso da terra no cerrado amazônico. Os estoques de C e de nutrientes (P, K, Ca e Mg) ajustados pela massa equivalente do solo sob cerrado (CE), foram maiores principalmente sob NT. Após a adoção do NT, exceto em 2NT, os estoques de C foram maiores em relação às demais áreas avaliadas. Correlações entre estoques de C e de nutrientes revelaram algumas correlações positivas com Ca e Mg nas áreas sob NT, devido ao uso continuo de calcário, à maior quantidade de resíduos culturais e ao não revolvimento do solo, associado à correlações positivas com CTC, saturação por bases e pH. A correlação positiva (r = 0,91, p < 0,05) entre estoques de C e CTC em CE indica a importante contribuição da MOS na CT de solos tropicais, embora os sítios de troca estejam ocupados principalmente por H + Al. Estoques de P e K mostraram correlações positivas com estoques de C em CE (0,81 e 0,82; respectivamente), indicando a alta relação de P e K com a MOS em ecossistemas naturais. A alta variabilidade espacial associada à aplicação de fertilizantes (P e K) no sulco de plantio pode ter mascarado os resultados dos estoques. A principal fonte destes nutrientes para o solo foi o fertilizante aplicado e não a MOS

    A temperature and magnetic field dependence Mössbauer study of ɛ-Fe2O3

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    ɛ-Fe2O3 was synthesized as nanoparticles by a pre-vacuum heat treatment of yttrium iron garnet (Y3Fe5O12) in a silica matrix at 300-C followed by sintering in air at 1,000-C for up to 10 h. It displays complex magnetic properties that are characterized by two transitions, one at 480 K from a paramagnet (P) to canted antiferromagnet (CAF1) and the second at ca. 120 K from the canted antiferromagnet (CAF1) to another canted antiferromagnet (CAF2). CAF2 has a smaller resultant magnetic moment (i.e. smaller canting angle) than CAF1. Analysis of the zero-field Mossbauer spectra at different temperatures shows an associated discontinuity of the hyperfine field around 120 K. In an applied field, the different magnetic sublattices were identified and the directions of their moments were assigned. The moments of the two sublattices are antiparallel and collinear at 160 K but are at right angle to each other at 4.2 K

    High-mass star formation in the Southern Hemisphere sky

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    We report on a multi-wavelength (IR to cm) and multi-resolution (1 mas to 20 arcsec) exploration of high-mass star formation regions in the Galactic plane, at longitudes observable from the Southern Hemisphere. Our source sample was originally identified through methanol masers in the Galactic plane, which exclusively trace high-mass star-forming regions. (Sub)millimetre continuum and molecular line observations were carried out with SEST/SIMBA, JCMT/SCUBA and ATNF/Mopra mm-wave telescopes and have allowed us to identify massive (>20>20 M_{\odot}) and luminous (>103>10^3 L_{\odot}) clumps in each star-forming region. We have also constrained the SED with additional archival IR data, the physical conditions (TdustT_{dust}, LL, MM) and the chemical composition of each massive clump. Several types of objects were characterised based on the Lsubmm/LbolL_{submm}/L_{bol} ratio, the dust temperature and the molecular line properties, ranging from class 0-like YSO clusters (Lsub/Lbol1L_{sub}/L_{bol}\sim1%, T=30 K) to hot molecular clumps (Lsub/Lbol0.1L_{sub}/L_{bol}\sim0.1%, T=40200T=40-200 K). Preliminary high-angular resolution observations for a subset of the sample with the ATNF/ATCA at 3 mm, the VLA at 15, 22 and 43 GHz and Gemini in MIR have revealed that several (proto)stellar objects are embedded in the massive clumps: massive protostars, hot cores and hyper-compact HII regions. We have thus identified protoclusters of massive YSOs, which are the precursors of the OB associations. This sample of Southern Hemisphere star-forming regions will be extremely valuable for the scientific preparation of the ALMA and HSO observations.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, conference proceeding

    Maser emission from SiO isotopologues traces the innermost 100 AU around Radio Source I in Orion BN/KL

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    We have used the Very Large Array (VLA) at 7 mm wavelength to image five rotational transitions (J=1-0) from three SiO isotopologues towards Orion BN/KL: 28SiO v=0,1,2; and 29SiO and 30SiO v=0. For the first time, we have mapped the 29SiO and 30SiO J=1-0 emission, established the maser nature of the emission, and confirmed association with the deeply embedded high-mass young stellar object commonly denoted radio Source I. The 28SiO v=0 maser emission shows a bipolar structure that extends over ~700 AU along a northeast-southwest axis, and we propose that it traces a bipolar outflow driven by Source I. The high-brightness isotopic SiO maser emission imaged with a ~0.2 arcsec resolution has a more compact distribution, generally similar to that of the 28SiO v=1,2 emission, and it probably traces bulk gas flows in a region of diameter <100 AU centered on Source I. On small scales of <10 AU, however, compact 29SiO/30SiO v=0 and 28SiO v=1,2 emission features may be offset from one another in position and line-of-sight velocity. From a radiative transfer analysis based on a large velocity gradient (LVG) pumping model, we derive similar temperatures and densities for the optimum excitation of both 29SiO/30SiO v=0 and 28SiO v=1,2 masers, significantly higher than required for 28SiO v=0 maser excitation. In order to account for the small-scale differences among the isotopologues (v=0) and the main species (v=1,2), follow-up radiative transfer modeling that incorporates non-local line overlap among transitions of all SiO isotopic species may be required.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication by Ap

    Deuterated water in the solar-type protostars NGC 1333 IRAS 4A and IRAS 4B

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    Aims. The aim of this paper is to study deuterated water in the solar-type protostars NGC1333 IRAS4A and IRAS4B, to compare their HDO abundance distribution with other star-forming regions, and to constrain their HDO/H2O ratios. Methods. Using the Herschel/HIFI instrument as well as ground-based telescopes, we observed several HDO lines covering a large excitation range (Eup/k=22-168 K) towards these protostars and an outflow position. Non-LTE radiative transfer codes were then used to determine the HDO abundance profiles in these sources. Results. The HDO fundamental line profiles show a very broad component, tracing the molecular outflows, in addition to a narrower emission component and a narrow absorbing component. In the protostellar envelope of NGC1333 IRAS4A, the HDO inner (T>100 K) and outer (T<100 K) abundances with respect to H2 are estimated at 7.5x10^{-9} and 1.2x10^{-11}, respectively, whereas, in NGC1333 IRAS4B, they are 1.0x10^{-8} and 1.2x10^{-10}, respectively. Similarly to the low-mass protostar IRAS16293-2422, an absorbing outer layer with an enhanced abundance of deuterated water is required to reproduce the absorbing components seen in the fundamental lines at 465 and 894 GHz in both sources. This water-rich layer is probably extended enough to encompass the two sources as well as parts of the outflows. In the outflows emanating from NGC1333 IRAS4A, the HDO column density is estimated at about (2-4)x10^{13} cm^{-2}, leading to an abundance of about (0.7-1.9)x10^{-9}. An HDO/H2O ratio between 7x10^{-4} and 9x10^{-2} is derived in the outflows. In the warm inner regions of these two sources, we estimate the HDO/H2O ratios at about 1x10^{-4}-4x10^{-3}. This ratio seems higher (a few %) in the cold envelope of IRAS4A, whose possible origin is discussed in relation to formation processes of HDO and H2O.Comment: 16 pages, 13 figure

    Master crossover behavior of parachor correlations for one-component fluids

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    The master asymptotic behavior of the usual parachor correlations, expressing surface tension σ\sigma as a power law of the density difference ρLρV\rho_{L}-\rho_{V} between coexisting liquid and vapor, is analyzed for a series of pure compounds close to their liquid-vapor critical point, using only four critical parameters (βc)1(\beta_{c})^{-1}, αc\alpha_{c}, ZcZ_{c} and YcY_{c}, for each fluid. ... The main consequences of these theoretical estimations are discussed in the light of engineering applications and process simulations where parachor correlations constitute one of the most practical method for estimating surface tension from density and capillary rise measurements

    Dynamics of a ferromagnetic domain wall and the Barkhausen effect

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    We derive an equation of motion for the the dynamics of a ferromagnetic domain wall driven by an external magnetic field through a disordered medium and we study the associated depinning transition. The long-range dipolar interactions set the upper critical dimension to be dc=3d_c=3, so we suggest that mean-field exponents describe the Barkhausen effect for three-dimensional soft ferromagnetic materials. We analyze the scaling of the Barkhausen jumps as a function of the field driving rate and the intensity of the demagnetizing field, and find results in quantitative agreement with experiments on crystalline and amorphous soft ferromagnetic alloys.Comment: 4 RevTex pages, 3 ps figures embedde

    Spin-wave Scattering in the Effective Lagrangian Perspective

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    Nonrelativistic systems exhibiting collective magnetic behavior are analyzed in the framework of effective Lagrangians. The method, formulating the dynamics in terms of Goldstone bosons, allows to investigate the consequences of spontaneous symmetry breaking from a unified point of view. Low energy theorems concerning spin-wave scattering in ferro- and antiferromagnets are established, emphasizing the simplicity of actual calculations. The present work includes approximate symmetries and discusses the modification of the low energy structure imposed by an external magnetic and an anisotropy field, respectively. Throughout the paper, analogies between condensed matter physics and Lorentz-invariant theories are pointed out, demonstrating the universal feature of the effective Lagrangian technique.Comment: Published versio

    Fluctuations of elastic interfaces in fluids: Theory and simulation

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    We study the dynamics of elastic interfaces-membranes-immersed in thermally excited fluids. The work contains three components: the development of a numerical method, a purely theoretical approach, and numerical simulation. In developing a numerical method, we first discuss the dynamical coupling between the interface and the surrounding fluids. An argument is then presented that generalizes the single-relaxation time lattice-Boltzmann method for the simulation of hydrodynamic interfaces to include the elastic properties of the boundary. The implementation of the new method is outlined and it is tested by simulating the static behavior of spherical bubbles and the dynamics of bending waves. By means of the fluctuation-dissipation theorem we recover analytically the equilibrium frequency power spectrum of thermally fluctuating membranes and the correlation function of the excitations. Also, the non-equilibrium scaling properties of the membrane roughening are deduced, leading us to formulate a scaling law describing the interface growth, W^2(L,T)=L^3 g[t/L^(5/2)], where W, L and T are the width of the interface, the linear size of the system and the temperature respectively, and g is a scaling function. Finally, the phenomenology of thermally fluctuating membranes is simulated and the frequency power spectrum is recovered, confirming the decay of the correlation function of the fluctuations. As a further numerical study of fluctuating elastic interfaces, the non-equilibrium regime is reproduced by initializing the system as an interface immersed in thermally pre-excited fluids.Comment: 15 pages, 11 figure