1,826 research outputs found

    Removal of lead, mercury and nickel using the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae

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    Objective. In this study the biomass of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae was used to remove lead, mercury and nickel in the form of ions dissolved in water. Materials and methods. Synthetic solutions were prepared containing the three heavy metals, which were put in contact with viable microorganisms at different conditions of pH, temperature, aeration and agitation. Results. Both individual variables and the interaction effects influenced the biosorption process. Throughout the experimental framework it was observed that the biomass of Saccharomyces cerevisiae removed a higher percentage of lead (86.4%) as compared to mercury and nickel (69.7 and 47.8% respectively). When the pH was set at a value of 5 the effect was positive for all three metals. Conclusions. pH was the variable that had a greater influence on the biosorption of lead on the biomass of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The affinity of the heavy metals for the biomass followed the order Pb>Hg>Ni

    Rotation and lithium abundance of solar-analog stars. Theoretical analysis of observations

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    Rotational velocity, lithium abundance, and the mass depth of the outer convective zone are key parameters in the study of the processes at work in the stellar interior, in particular when examining the poorly understood processes operating in the interior of solar-analog stars. We investigate whether the large dispersion in the observed lithium abundances of solar-analog stars can be explained by the depth behavior of the outer convective zone masses, within the framework of the standard convection model based on the local mixing-length theory. We also aims to analyze the link between rotation and lithium abundance in solar-analog stars. We computed a new extensive grid of stellar evolutionary models, applicable to solar-analog stars, for a finely discretized set of mass and metallicity. From these models, the stellar mass, age, and mass depth of the outer convective zone were estimated for 117 solar-analog stars, using Teff and [Fe/H] available in the literature, and the new HIPPARCOS trigonometric parallax measurements. We determine the age and mass of the outer convective zone for a bona fide sample of 117 solar-analog stars. No significant on-to-one correlation is found between the computed convection zone mass and published lithium abundance, indicating that the large A(Li) dispersion in solar analogs cannot be explained by the classical framework of envelope convective mixing coupled with lithium depletion at the bottom of the convection zone. These results illustrate the need for an extra-mixing process to explain lithium behavior in solar-analog stars, such as, shear mixing caused by differential rotation. To derive a more realistic definition of solar-analog stars, as well as solar-twin, it seems important to consider the inner physical properties of stars, such as convection, hence rotation and magnetic properties.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figure

    Carbonatación de un hormigón hibrido con alto contenido de escoria siderurgica de alto horno y su impacto en la corrosión del acero estructural

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    The aim of this research was to study the carbonation resistance of a blast furnace slag concrete (80% GBFS/20%OPC), with and without alkaline activation, and its influence on the corrosion of structural reinforcement. An OPC-based concrete produced under the same specifications was used as a reference material. To do this, the material was subjected to an accelerated carbonation process under controlled conditions (65% relative humidity, 1% CO2, 25°C). The half-cell potential (Ecorr), linear polarization resistance (LPR) tests showed that both concretes based on GBFS led to depassivation of the reinforcing steel at approximately 99 days, which is the time required for full carbonation of the evaluated concretes.El objetivo de esta investigación fue estudiar la resistencia a la carbonatación de un hormigón a base de escoria granulada de alto horno (80% GBFS/20%OPC), con y sin activación alcalina, y su influencia sobre la corrosión del acero estructural. Un hormigón basado en cemento portland producido con las mismas especificaciones fue usado como material de referencia. Para ello, el material fue sometido a un proceso de carbonatación acelerada bajo condiciones controladas (Humedad Relativa 65 %, 1% CO2, 25 °C). Los ensayos de potencial de media celda (Ecorr) y Resistencia a la polarización lineal (LPR) mostraron que los aceros estructurales aproximadamente a los 99 días alcanzan la despasivación en los hormigones basados en escoria, coincide este tiempo con el requerido para la completa carbonatación de los hormigones evaluados

    A first--order irreversible thermodynamic approach to a simple energy converter

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    Several authors have shown that dissipative thermal cycle models based on Finite-Time Thermodynamics exhibit loop-shaped curves of power output versus efficiency, such as it occurs with actual dissipative thermal engines. Within the context of First-Order Irreversible Thermodynamics (FOIT), in this work we show that for an energy converter consisting of two coupled fluxes it is also possible to find loop-shaped curves of both power output and the so-called ecological function against efficiency. In a previous work Stucki [J.W. Stucki, Eur. J. Biochem. vol. 109, 269 (1980)] used a FOIT-approach to describe the modes of thermodynamic performance of oxidative phosphorylation involved in ATP-synthesis within mithochondrias. In that work the author did not use the mentioned loop-shaped curves and he proposed that oxidative phosphorylation operates in a steady state simultaneously at minimum entropy production and maximum efficiency, by means of a conductance matching condition between extreme states of zero and infinite conductances respectively. In the present work we show that all Stucki's results about the oxidative phosphorylation energetics can be obtained without the so-called conductance matching condition. On the other hand, we also show that the minimum entropy production state implies both null power output and efficiency and therefore this state is not fulfilled by the oxidative phosphorylation performance. Our results suggest that actual efficiency values of oxidative phosphorylation performance are better described by a mode of operation consisting in the simultaneous maximization of the so-called ecological function and the efficiency.Comment: 20 pages, 7 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    An archetype-based solution for the interoperability of computerised guidelines and electronic health records

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    Clinical guidelines contain recommendations based on the best empirical evidence available at the moment. There is a wide con- sensus about the benefits of guidelines and about the fact that they should be deployed through clinical information systems, making them available during consultation time. However, one of the main obstacles to this integration is still the interaction with the electronic health record. In this paper we present an archetype-based approach to solve the inter- operability problems of guideline systems, as well as to enable guideline sharing. We also describe the knowledge requirements for the develop- ment of archetype-enabled guideline systems, and then focus on the de- velopment of appropriate guideline archetypes and on the connection of these archetypes to the target electronic health record

    A new experiment for the determination of the 18F(p,alpha) reaction rate at nova temperatures

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    The 18F(p,alpha) reaction was recognized as one of the most important for gamma ray astronomy in novae as it governs the early 511 keV emission. However, its rate remains largely uncertain at nova temperatures. A direct measurement of the cross section over the full range of nova energies is impossible because of its vanishing value at low energy and of the short 18F lifetime. Therefore, in order to better constrain this reaction rate, we have performed an indirect experiment taking advantage of the availability of a high purity and intense radioactive 18F beam at the Louvain La Neuve RIB facility. We present here the first results of the data analysis and discuss the consequences.Comment: Contribution to the Classical Novae Explosions conference, Sitges, Spain, 20-24 May 2002, 5 pages, 3 figure

    Microbial sucession dynamics in the forefield of Breiðamerkurjokull Glacier (Iceland)

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    FEMS 2017 (7th. 2017. Valencia)Backgrounds One key consequence of glacier recession, as effect of climatic change, is the creation of new habitats for colonization. In glacier forefields, primary succession occurs simultaneously in soils and rocks recently discovered offering a type of natural experiment in which temporal colonization dynamics can be analyzed. Objectives A chronosequence established at Breiðamerkurjökull Glacier forefield, was used as a framework to analyze primary microbial succession processes in subarctic regions. This outlet glacier stretches to southeast from Vatnajökull Glacier and has been dramatically retreating during the 20th century. Methods Soil samples from different succession stages were collected. Microbial community structure was analyzed by high-throughput amplicon sequencing. Potential microbial activity (microbial respiration, N mineralization) as well as different soil attributes were also measured in these samples

    The Millennium Run Observatory: First Light

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    Simulations of galaxy evolution aim to capture our current understanding as well as to make predictions for testing by future experiments. Simulations and observations are often compared in an indirect fashion: physical quantities are estimated from the data and compared to models. However, many applications can benefit from a more direct approach, where the observing process is also simulated and the models are seen fully from the observer's perspective. To facilitate this, we have developed the Millennium Run Observatory (MRObs), a theoretical virtual observatory which uses virtual telescopes to `observe' semi-analytic galaxy formation models based on the suite of Millennium Run dark matter simulations. The MRObs produces data that can be processed and analyzed using the standard software packages developed for real observations. At present, we produce images in forty filters from the rest-frame UV to IR for two stellar population synthesis models, three different models of IGM absorption, and two cosmologies (WMAP1/7). Galaxy distributions for a large number of mock lightcones can be `observed' using models of major ground- and space-based telescopes. The data include lightcone catalogues linked to structural properties of galaxies, pre-observation model images, mock telescope images, and Source Extractor products that can all be traced back to the higher level dark matter, semi-analytic galaxy, and lightcone catalogues available in the Millennium database. Here, we describe our methods and announce a first public release of simulated surveys (e.g., SDSS, CFHT-LS, GOODS, GOODS/ERS, CANDELS, and HUDF). The MRObs browser, an online tool, further facilitates exploration of the simulated data. We demonstrate the benefits of a direct approach through a number of example applications (galaxy number counts in CANDELS, clusters, morphologies, and dropout selections).Comment: MNRAS, in press. Millennium Run Observatory data products, online tools, and more available through http://galformod.mpa-garching.mpg.de/mrobs