461 research outputs found

    Multilayer structures of second-order linear differential equations of Euler type and their application to nonlinear oscillations

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    The purpose of this paper is to present new oscillation theorems and nonoscillation theorems for the nonlinear Euler differential equation t²x''′+g(x)=0. Here we assume that xg(x)>0 if x≠0, but we do not necessarily require that g(x) be monotone increasing. The obtained results are best possible in a certain sense. To establish our results, we use Sturm’s comparison theorem for linear Euler differential equations and phase plane analysis for a nonlinear system of Liénard type.Наведено нові осцнляційні та неосцнляційні теореми для нелінійного диференціального рівняння Ейлера t²x''′+g(x)=0, де припускається, що xg(x)>0 при x≠0, але вимога про монотонне зростання g(x) не є обов'язковою. Одержані результати є найкращими у певному сенсі. Для їх встановлення використано порівняльну теорему Штурма для лінійних диференціальних рівнянь Ейлера та фазовий площинний аналіз для нелінійної системи типу Льєнарда

    Evaluasi Sistem Manajemen K3 Terhadap Metode Pemancangan Jack-in Pile

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    Pekerjaan Pekerjaan pondasi menggunakan metode jack-in pile sering kali menjadi pilihan pada proyek-proyek konstruksi di Surabaya. Meskipun lebih praktis dibandingkan metode lain, metode ini tetap menggunakan banyak alat berat sehingga kontraktor perlu memperhatikan penerapan peraturan untuk keselamatan para pekerjanya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah sistem manajemen K3 yang telah diterapkan oleh Perusahaan-Perusahaan kontraktor pemancangan sudah sesuai dengan peraturan yang ada atau tidak, serta mengetahui faktor-faktor yang memungkinkan terjadinya kecelakaan kerja. Dari hasil 2 metode penelitian yang dilakukan, didapatkan hasil yang cukup berbeda. Hasil wawancara tidak sesuai dengan hasil observasi di lapangan. Persentase penerapan yang mencapai 87,5% pada saat wawancara ternyata berbeda jauh dengan Kenyataannya yang hanya mencapai persentase 53,85%. Dari hasil ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa belum semua sistem manajemen K3 yang direncanakan oleh Perusahaan-Perusahaan kontraktor pemancangan diaplikasikan dengan baik di lapangan. Perusahaan tidak pernah menyediakan rambu-rambu K3 yang menyebabkan kesadaran yang rendah dari para pekerjanya untuk mentaati peraturan-peraturan, sebagai contoh, pekerja yang menggunakan helm hanya 38%, operator yang menggunakan pelindung kepala hanya 25%, kebersihan dan ketertiban di proyek masih sangat buruk

    Hypersensitive Response-Like Reaction Is Associated with Hybrid Necrosis in Interspecific Crosses between Tetraploid Wheat and Aegilops tauschii Coss

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    BACKGROUND: Hybrid speciation is classified into homoploid and polyploid based on ploidy level. Common wheat is an allohexaploid species that originated from a naturally occurring interploidy cross between tetraploid wheat and diploid wild wheat Aegilops tauschii Coss. Aegilops tauschii provides wide naturally occurring genetic variation. Sometimes its triploid hybrids with tetraploid wheat show the following four types of hybrid growth abnormalities: types II and III hybrid necrosis, hybrid chlorosis, and severe growth abortion. The growth abnormalities in the triploid hybrids could act as postzygotic hybridization barriers to prevent formation of hexaploid wheat. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Here, we report on the geographical and phylogenetic distribution of Ae. tauschii accessions inducing the hybrid growth abnormalities and showed that they are widely distributed across growth habitats in Ae. tauschii. Molecular and cytological characterization of the type III necrosis phenotype was performed. The hybrid abnormality causing accessions were widely distributed across growth habitats in Ae. tauschii. Transcriptome analysis showed that a number of defense-related genes such as pathogenesis-related genes were highly up-regulated in the type III necrosis lines. Transmission electron microscope observation revealed that cell death occurred accompanied by generation of reactive oxygen species in leaves undergoing type III necrosis. The reduction of photosynthetic activity occurred prior to the appearance of necrotic symptoms on the leaves exhibiting hybrid necrosis. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Taking these results together strongly suggests that an autoimmune response might be triggered by intergenomic incompatibility between the tetraploid wheat and Ae. tauschii genomes in type III necrosis, and that genetically programmed cell death could be regarded as a hypersensitive response-like cell death similar to that observed in Arabidopsis intraspecific and Nicotiana interspecific hybrids. Only Ae. tauschii accessions without such inhibiting factors could be candidates for the D-genome donor for the present hexaploid wheat

    Differential tumor surveillance by natural killer (NK) and NKT cells

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    Natural tumor surveillance capabilities of the host were investigated in six different mouse tumor models where endogenous interleukin (IL)-12. does or does not dictate the efficiency of the innate immune response. Gene-targeted and lymphocyte subset-depleted mice were used to establish the relative importance of natural killer (NK) and NK1.1(+) T (NKT) cells in protection from tumor initiation and metastasis. In the models examined, CD3(-) NK cells were responsible for tumor rejection and protection from metastasis in models where control of major histocompatibility complex class I-deficient tumors was independent of IL-12, A protective role for NKT cells was only observed when tumor rejection required endogenous IL-12 activity. In particular, T cell receptor J alpha 281 gene-targeted mice confirmed a critical function for NKT cells in protection from spontaneous tumors initiated by the chemical carcinogen, methylcholanthrene. This is the first description of an antitumor function for NKT cells in the absence of exogenously administered potent stimulators such as IL-12 or alpha-galactosylceramide

    Fungal Origins of the Bicyclo[2.2.2]diazaoctane Ring System of Prenylated Indole Alkaloids

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    Over eight different families of natural products, consisting of nearly seventy secondary metabolites, which contain the bicyclo[2.2.2]diazaoctane ring system, have been isolated from various Aspergillus, Penicillium, and Malbranchea species. Since 1968, these secondary metabolites have been the focus of numerous biogenetic, synthetic, taxonomic, and biological studies, and, as such, have made a lasting impact across multiple scientific disciplines. This review covers the isolation, biosynthesis, and biological activity of these unique secondary metabolites containing the bridging bicyclo[2.2.2]diazaoctane ring system. Furthermore, the diverse fungal origin of these natural products is closely examined and, in many cases, updated to reflect the currently accepted fungal taxonomy

    Global gene expression analysis of the mouse colonic mucosa treated with azoxymethane and dextran sodium sulfate

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Chronic inflammation is well known to be a risk factor for colon cancer. Previously we established a novel mouse model of inflammation-related colon carcinogenesis, which is useful to examine the involvement of inflammation in colon carcinogenesis. To shed light on the alterations in global gene expression in the background of inflammation-related colon cancer and gain further insights into the molecular mechanisms underlying inflammation-related colon carcinogenesis, we conducted a comprehensive DNA microarray analysis using our model.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Male ICR mice were given a single ip injection of azoxymethane (AOM, 10 mg/kg body weight), followed by the addition of 2% (w/v) dextran sodium sulfate (DSS) to their drinking water for 7 days, starting 1 week after the AOM injection. We performed DNA microarray analysis (Affymetrix GeneChip) on non-tumorous mucosa obtained from mice that received AOM/DSS, AOM alone, and DSS alone, and untreated mice at wks 5 and 10.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Markedly up-regulated genes in the colonic mucosa given AOM/DSS at wk 5 or 10 included Wnt inhibitory factor 1 (<it>Wif1</it>, 48.5-fold increase at wk 5 and 5.7-fold increase at wk 10) and plasminogen activator, tissue (<it>Plat</it>, 48.5-fold increase at wk 5), myelocytomatosis oncogene (<it>Myc</it>, 3.0-fold increase at wk 5), and phospholipase A2, group IIA (platelets, synovial fluid) (<it>Plscr2</it>, 8.0-fold increase at wk 10). The notable down-regulated genes in the colonic mucosa of mice treated with AOM/DSS were the peroxisome proliferator activated receptor binding protein (<it>Pparbp</it>, 0.06-fold decrease at wk 10) and the transforming growth factor, beta 3 (<it>Tgfb3</it>, 0.14-fold decrease at wk 10). The inflammation-related gene, peroxisome proliferator activated receptor γ (<it>Pparγ </it>0.38-fold decrease at wk 5), was also down-regulated in the colonic mucosa of mice that received AOM/DSS.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This is the first report describing global gene expression analysis of an AOM/DSS-induced mouse colon carcinogenesis model, and our findings provide new insights into the mechanisms of inflammation-related colon carcinogenesis and the establishment of novel therapies and preventative strategies against carcinogenesis.</p

    rst Transcriptional Activity Influences kirre mRNA Concentration in the Drosophila Pupal Retina during the Final Steps of Ommatidial Patterning

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    Background: Drosophila retinal architecture is laid down between 24-48 hours after puparium formation, when some of the still uncommitted interommatidial cells (IOCs) are recruited to become secondary and tertiary pigment cells while the remaining ones undergo apoptosis. This choice between survival and death requires the product of the roughest (rst) gene, an immunoglobulin superfamily transmembrane glycoprotein involved in a wide range of developmental processes. Both temporal misexpression of Rst and truncation of the protein intracytoplasmic domain, lead to severe defects in which IOCs either remain mostly undifferentiated and die late and erratically or, instead, differentiate into extra pigment cells. Intriguingly, mutants not expressing wild type protein often have normal or very mild rough eyes. Methodology/Principal Findings: By using quantitative real time PCR to examine rst transcriptional dynamics in the pupal retina, both in wild type and mutant alleles we showed that tightly regulated temporal changes in rst transcriptional rate underlie its proper function during the final steps of eye patterning. Furthermore we demonstrated that the unexpected wild type eye phenotype of mutants with low or no rst expression correlates with an upregulation in the mRNA levels of the rst paralogue kin-of-irre (kirre), which seems able to substitute for rst function in this process, similarly to their role in myoblast fusion. This compensatory upregulation of kirre mRNA levels could be directly induced in wild type pupa upon RNAi-mediated silencing of rst, indicating that expression of both genes is also coordinately regulated in physiological conditions. Conclusions/Significance: These findings suggest a general mechanism by which rst and kirre expression could be fine tuned to optimize their redundant roles during development and provide a clearer picture of how the specification of survival and apoptotic fates by differential cell adhesion during the final steps of retinal morphogenesis in insects are controlled at the transcriptional level