203 research outputs found

    Orbital forcing of stratal patterns in an inner platform carbonate sucession: an example from an Upper Hauterivian series of the Lusitanian Basin, Portugal

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    With an example taken from a late-Hauterivian series of the Lusitanian Basin (Portugal), we will demonstrate the sedimentary record of orbital pattern variations and, consequently, climate variations in an inner platform environment with patterns and isolation changes, allows us to establish 4 major orders of periodicity related to orbital components:- The large cycles ob bed thickness variation, constituted by 31-32 beds, recording the 400 ky eccentricity cycle component;- The medium cycles, represented by byndles of 8-9 beds, related to the 100 ky eccentricity cycle component; - The small cycles, of 3-5 beds, recording the 41 ky obliquity components;- The very small cycles, of 2 beds, related to the 22 ky and 26 ky precession components. The mean duration of each bed is around 11.8 ky, a number very close to that of the precession hemi-cycle. Climatic control on qualitative production is confirmed by the close relation between the bed thickness variations, the insolation variability and the variation of micritized elements concentrations

    ¿Es adecuado el sistema español de evaluación de la actividad investigadora para su aplicación a las Ciencias de la Tierra y otros campos afines?

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    Through the survey «Research activities in the R&D system in Earth Sciences in Spain (1990-1994)>>, information about different aspects of the professional activity of Spanish researchers in this field has been retrieved, as well as their opinion about prevailing research evaluation criteria. Starting from survey's results, we discuss the suitability of the present Spanish scientific evaluation system for assessing research activity of said researchers. Results show scientist's disagreement with the prevailing evaluation procedures and criteria. More than 70 % of both University and CSIC researchers consider that evaluation criteria are inappropriate or unacceptable, being this percentage significantly higher than the obtained from scientists belonging to other institutions. Disagreement with evaluation criteria is significantly lower among authors that only publish in foreign journals. Positive correlation has been found between opinion about evaluation criteria and the level of consolidation and stability of research teams. Main cause of disagreement is concerned with the over-valuation of papers published in SCI journals and the scarce consideration given to high quality papers published in serious domestic journals and to other scientific contributions. Results suggest that the evaluation system could have been detrimental to researchers working in some scientific fields, but does not seem to have discriminate among basic and applied research or among research of local or national interest and those more internationally-oriented. The research evaluation system should consider the idiosyncrasy of the different scientific fields, as well as their particular and distinctive characteristics and dynamics. It should take into the adequate consideration quality scientific work that, despite being of particular importance in fields as Earth Sciences, is not published in SCI joumals.A través de la opinión expresada por los propios investigadores, se discute la idoneidad del actual sistema español de evaluación de la actividad investigadora, para su aplicación en el campo de las Ciencias de la Tierra. Dicha opinión ha sido obtenida a través de la encuesta «Actividades de investigación realizadas en el Sistema de I+D en Ciencias de la Tierra en España, 1990-1994», que recoge información sobre distintos aspectos de la actividad profesional de los investigadores españoles en este campo. Los resultados muestran su desacuerdo con los criterios y el procedimiento de evaluación actualmente vigentes. Más del 70 % tanto de los profesores universitarios como de los investigadores del CSIC considera que los criterios de evaluación son inadecuados o inaceptables, siendo su grado de disconformidad con los mismos significativamente más elevado que el de los investigadores del resto de instituciones. Este porcentaje es significativamente menor entre los científicos que publican exclusivamente en revistas extranjeras. Asimismo, se ha detectado una correlación positiva entre la opinión acerca de los criterios de evaluación y el nivel de consolidación y estabilidad de los equipos de investigación, de modo que cuanto mayor es éste más elevada es la proporción de juicios favorables a los mismos. El principal motivo de disconformidad con el procedimiento de evaluación se refiere a la excesiva importancia que se concede a los trabajos publicados en revistas del SCI, en detrimento de los publicados en revistas españolas de calidad y de otras contribuciones científicas. Los resultados indican que el sistema de evaluación podría estar produciendo una discriminación entre los investigadores pertenecientes a distintos campos científicos, más que entre investigación básica y aplicada o entre investigación de interés local y/o nacional y aquella de ámbito internacional. Consideramos que el sistema de evaluación debe tener en cuenta la idiosincrasia y características propias y distintivas de cada campo científico y debe tomar en la adecuada consideración los trabajos de contrastada calidad que, por diversos motivos, no se publican en revistas del SCI, los cuales tienen una especial importancia en ciertos campos científicos, entre los que se encuentran las Ciencias de la Tierra

    Composição isotópica de Nd na componente terrígena de sedimentos como marcador de eventos de Heinrich:estudo de um caso na margem continental NW Ibérica

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    The OMEX core KC 024-19 was studied aiming at to assess the influence of climate changes on the origin and transport of the sediments of the Galician continental slope, in the last 40 ka. The results show that sea level variation played a major role in the supply of the terrigenous sediments coming from the nearby continental areas, whose basement has a Variscan age. Additionally, coarse-grained clastic materials, corresponding to ice-rafted debris (IRD), were deposited through melting of icebergs during the Heinrich events (HE), in the last glaciation. The last four HE were identified in the core. The measured Nd isotope ratios reveal that there was a strong contribution of continental crustal sources significantly older than the Variscan basement for HE 1, 2 and 4. The most likely provenance of the coarse clasts deposited during these three events lie in NE America or Greenland, and the carrier icebergs should be fragments of the Laurentide Ice Sheet. In contrast, the HE 3 layer displays εNd values in the range of the compositions of the most common sediments in the core and, therefore, its IRD should have European source(s), which supports previous results obtained in other places of the European Atlantic margin.O core OMEX KC 024-19 foi estudado tendo em vista avaliar o papel das mudanças climáticas nos processos de transporte e nas fontes de sedimentos depositados no talude continental da Galiza, durante os últimos 40 ka. Os resultados obtidos, usando diferentes metodologias, apontam para uma grande influência das mudanças do nível do mar no fornecimento de sedimentos terrígenos a partir das áreas continentais próximas, cujo soco é de idade varisca. Para além disso, nos eventos de Heinrich (HE), ocorridos durante a última glaciação, foram recebidos nesta área materiais detríticos grosseiros transportados por icebergues em fusão (IRD). Foram identificados, neste core, os quatro últimos HE. As razões isotópicas de Nd revelam que durante os HE 1, 2 e 4 houve contribuição importante de fontes de crusta continental significativamente mais antiga do que a ibérica. A origem provável dos IRD desses três eventos estará no NE da América ou na Gronelândia, podendo os icebergues que os transportaram ter origem na LIS (Laurentide Ice Sheet). Já o HE 3, não se distingue, em termos de εNd, dos sedimentos mais comuns no core, pelo que os IRD correspondentes deverão ter origem europeia, o que corrobora resultados obtidos noutros locais da margem atlântica europeia

    Caracterização mineralógica da sequência sedimentar Ha7 do Cretácico Inferior do Guincho (Bacia Lusitaniana) (*)

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    Mineralogical assemblages, specially clay mineral assemblages, have been widely used in multidisciplinary stratigraphical studies. This paper presents the results obtained in the study of a Lower Cretaceous depositional sequence from the Lusitanian Basin (Portugal). The Upper Hauterivian – Lower Barremian section at Guincho Fort pertains mostly to the Ha7 3rd order depositional sequence defined by J. REY & al. (2003) and has been studied in a detailed bed-by-bed sampling corresponding to a total of 85 samples. The analysis of the obtained clay mineral assemblages has contributed to the paleoenvironmental and paleogeographical reconstruction of the studied interval and has improved the sequence stratigraphic interpretation and positioning of sequence boundaries and other sequential surfaces (transgressive and flooding surfaces)

    Topology of the universe from COBE-DMR; a wavelet approach

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    In this paper we pursue a new technique to search for evidence of a finite Universe, making use of a spherical mexican-hat wavelet decomposition of the microwave background fluctuations. Using the information provided by the wavelet coefficients at several scales we test whether compact orientable flat topologies are consistent with the COBE-DMR data. We consider topological sizes ranging from half to twice the horizon size. A scale-scale correlation test indicates that non-trivial topologies with appropriate topological sizes are as consistent with the COBE-DMR data as an infinite universe. Among the finite models the data seems to prefer a Universe which is about the size of the horizon for all but the hypertorus and the triple-twist torus. For the latter the wavelet technique does not seem a good discriminator of scales for the range of topological sizes considered here, while a hypertorus has a preferred size which is 80% of the horizon. This analysis allows us to find a best fit topological size for each model, although cosmic variance might limit our ability to distinguish some of the topologies.Comment: 10 pages, 13 figures (12 coloured), submitted to MNRAS. Figures 1,2 and 3 are not included but a complete version of the paper with high resolution figures can be downloaded from (http://www.mrao.cam.ac.uk/~graca/topol/

    Late Holocene climatic oscillations traced by clay mineral assemblages and other palaeoceanographic proxies in Ria de Vigo (NW Spain)

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    This work aims to study recent climatic oscillations and their influence on sedimentation in the Ria de Vigo, a coastal embayment in Galicia, NW Spain. It is based on the study of clay mineral assemblages, in conjunction with other proxies (granulometric, geochemical, geochronological and microfaunal), in the core KSGX 24. A Benthic Foraminifera High Productivity (BFHP) proxy was used to determine changes in the flux of organic matter (OM) at the bottom of the study area. Total organic carbon (TOC) content is not a suitable proxy to estimate changes in the past supply of OM due to diagenetic processes.The sedimentation was finest in 3 sections: ~ 230–214 cm, ~ 185–73 cm and ~ 20–0 cm. These muddy sections are characterised, in general, by higher proportions of detrital minerals, concentrations of several chemical elements related to lithogenic sources and BFHP values. In addition, these sections are impoverished in carbonates, Ca, Sr and La when compared with the layers with the highest sand content.The clay mineral assemblage of the studied site, characterised by the dominance of illite, intermediate concentrations of kaolinite and minor amounts of smectite and chlorite, reveals the prevalence of a typical temperate humid climate in the last 3 ka BP, the estimated age for the core base. However, the quantities of illite and chlorite increase in the muddy layers. The characteristics of these muddy layers were interpreted as representing relatively cold climatic oscillations associated with the strengthening of northerly winds and the prevalence of an upwelling regime corresponding to wellknown periods, such as the first cold period of the Upper Holocene (~ 2.9 ka cal BP), the Dark Ages (between ~ 2.2 - 1.2 ka cal BP) and the Little Ice Age (~ 0.6 ka cal BP)

    A Bacia do Algarve: estratigrafia, paleogeografia e tectónica

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    A “Bacia do Algarve” corresponde, segundo a literatura científica tradicional, aos terrenos mesocenozóicos que orlam o Sul de Portugal, desde o Cabo de São Vicente ao rio Guadiana (~140km), penetrando irregularmente para o interior entre 3 km a 25 km, sobre terrenos de idade carbónica da Zona Sul Portuguesa. O hiato, de aproximadamente 70 milhões de anos, materializado pela discordância angular entre as rochas sedimentares de tipo flysch do Carbónico, metamorfizadas e deformadas durante a orogenia varisca, e as rochas sedimentares continentais do Triásico inferior provável, separa dois ciclos de Wilson. Os sedimentos carbónicos metamorfizados resultam do empilhamento orogénico de um possível prisma de acrecção associado à orogenia varisca e ao fecho de um oceano paleozóico e formação da Pangeia, enquanto que os sedimentos continentais triásicos resultam do fim do colapso e do arrasamento do orógeno varisco e início do estiramento continental que viriam a culminar com a separação das placas litosféricas África, Eurásia e América.Os sedimentos mais recentes do Mesozóico e os mais antigos bem datados do Cenozóico encontram-se separados por um outro hiato que ultrapassa ligeiramente os 70 milhões de anos na área emersa. Este hiato resulta duma alteração tectónica radical no contexto onde nessa época geológica se inseria a Bacia do Algarve. Esta mudança, que ocorreu no fim do Cenomaniano, resultou da rotação do vector de deslocamento da trajectória de África em relação à Eurásia, de aproximadamente NW-SE para SW-NE (segundo as coordenadas actuais, e.g. Dewey et al, 1989), poria termo ao regime distensivo e de bacia de tipo rifte na Bacia do Algarve, com o fim do regime transtensivo entre a região noroeste da placa África e sudoeste da placa Eurásia e início da colisão

    Semi-Holographic Fermi Liquids

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    We show that the universal physics of recent holographic non-Fermi liquid models is captured by a semi-holographic description, in which a dynamical boundary field is coupled to a strongly coupled conformal sector having a gravity dual. This allows various generalizations, such as a dynamical exponent and lattice and impurity effects. We examine possible relevant deformations, including multi-trace terms and spin-orbit effects. We discuss the matching onto the UV theory of the earlier work, and an alternate description in which the boundary field is integrated out.Comment: 26 pages, 4 figures; v2: typos corrected and report number adde

    NIBBS-Search for Fast and Accurate Prediction of Phenotype-Biased Metabolic Systems

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    Understanding of genotype-phenotype associations is important not only for furthering our knowledge on internal cellular processes, but also essential for providing the foundation necessary for genetic engineering of microorganisms for industrial use (e.g., production of bioenergy or biofuels). However, genotype-phenotype associations alone do not provide enough information to alter an organism's genome to either suppress or exhibit a phenotype. It is important to look at the phenotype-related genes in the context of the genome-scale network to understand how the genes interact with other genes in the organism. Identification of metabolic subsystems involved in the expression of the phenotype is one way of placing the phenotype-related genes in the context of the entire network. A metabolic system refers to a metabolic network subgraph; nodes are compounds and edges labels are the enzymes that catalyze the reaction. The metabolic subsystem could be part of a single metabolic pathway or span parts of multiple pathways. Arguably, comparative genome-scale metabolic network analysis is a promising strategy to identify these phenotype-related metabolic subsystems. Network Instance-Based Biased Subgraph Search (NIBBS) is a graph-theoretic method for genome-scale metabolic network comparative analysis that can identify metabolic systems that are statistically biased toward phenotype-expressing organismal networks. We set up experiments with target phenotypes like hydrogen production, TCA expression, and acid-tolerance. We show via extensive literature search that some of the resulting metabolic subsystems are indeed phenotype-related and formulate hypotheses for other systems in terms of their role in phenotype expression. NIBBS is also orders of magnitude faster than MULE, one of the most efficient maximal frequent subgraph mining algorithms that could be adjusted for this problem. Also, the set of phenotype-biased metabolic systems output by NIBBS comes very close to the set of phenotype-biased subgraphs output by an exact maximally-biased subgraph enumeration algorithm ( MBS-Enum ). The code (NIBBS and the module to visualize the identified subsystems) is available at http://freescience.org/cs/NIBBS