1,098 research outputs found

    Hollow-fiber membrane technology: Characterization and proposed use as a potential mimic of skin vascularization towards the development of a novel skin absorption <i>in vitro</i> model

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    Dermal bioavailability is currently estimated through skin penetration studies using ex vivo models, which lack any measure of capillary bed function, and thus do not fully reproduce physiological conditions. We propose a novel strategy to mimic skin vascularization using newly fabricated hollow fibers made from a biocompatible membrane material, polystyrene, which is hydrophobic if left untreated, or hydrophilic when its surface polarity is modified through plasma-treatment. Caffeine has been well studied in skin penetration assays and was used here to determine the permeation properties of the hollow fibers in a novel jacketed glass bioreactor. For hydrophobic fibers, approximately 87.2 % of the caffeine dose did not penetrate the porous surface; 0.2 % of the dose was collected after 24 h (permeated through the pores), and therefore 12.6 % of the initial dose was suspected to block the membrane. For hydrophilic fibers, both the percentage of the initial dose that permeated and that of blocking caffeine increased to 1.2 % and 35.2 % respectively. It was concluded that caffeine permeated the hollow fibers at similar times of clearance to those observed in vivo, and therefore shows that this new model could provide a surrogate for capillary-based clearance in in vitro skin absorption studies.<br/

    Hollow-fiber membrane technology: Characterization and proposed use as a potential mimic of skin vascularization towards the development of a novel skin absorption in vitro model

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    Dermal bioavailability is currently estimated through skin penetration studies using ex vivo models, which lack any measure of capillary bed function, and thus do not fully reproduce physiological conditions. We propose a novel strategy to mimic skin vascularization using newly fabricated hollow fibers made from a biocompatible membrane material, polystyrene, which is hydrophobic if left untreated, or hydrophilic when its surface polarity is modified through plasma-treatment. Caffeine has been well studied in skin penetration assays and was used here to determine the permeation properties of the hollow fibers in a novel jacketed glass bioreactor. For hydrophobic fibers, approximately 87.2 % of the caffeine dose did not penetrate the porous surface; 0.2 % of the dose was collected after 24 h (permeated through the pores), and therefore 12.6 % of the initial dose was suspected to block the membrane. For hydrophilic fibers, both the percentage of the initial dose that permeated and that of blocking caffeine increased to 1.2 % and 35.2 % respectively. It was concluded that caffeine permeated the hollow fibers at similar times of clearance to those observed in vivo, and therefore shows that this new model could provide a surrogate for capillary-based clearance in in vitro skin absorption studies

    Bacterial adhesion on biomedical surfaces covered by yttria stabilized zirconia

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    The aim of this study was to compare the bacterial adhesion of Staphylococcus spp. on Ti-6Al-4V with respect to Ti-6Al-V modified alloys with a set of Cubic yttria stabilized zirconia (YSZ) and Ag-YSZ nanocomposite films. Silver is well known to have a natural biocidal character and its presence in the surface predicted to enhance the antimicrobial properties of biomedical surfaces. Microbial adhesion tests were performed using collection strains and twelve clinical strains of Staphylococcus aureus and Staphylococcus epidermidis. The adherence study was performed using a previously published protocol by Kinnari et al. Both collection strains and clinical isolates have shown lower bacterial adhesion to materials modified with respect to the alloy Ti-6Al-4V and the modification with silver reduced the bacterial adhesion for most of all the strains studied. Moreover the percentage of dead bacteria have been evaluated, demonstrating increased proportion of dead bacteria for the modified surfaces. Nanocrystalline silver dissolves releasing both Ag+ and Ag-0 whereas other silver sources release only Ag+. We can conclude that YSZ with nanocrystalline silver coating may lead to diminished postoperative infections and to increased corrosion and scratch resistance of YSZ incorporating alloys Ti-6Al-4V.Peer reviewe

    AVOCADO: A Virtual Observatory Census to Address Dwarfs Origins

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    Dwarf galaxies are by far the most abundant of all galaxy types, yet their properties are still poorly understood -especially due to the observational challenge that their intrinsic faintness represents. AVOCADO aims at establishing firm conclusions on their formation and evolution by constructing a homogeneous, multiwavelength dataset for a statistically significant sample of several thousand nearby dwarfs (-18 < Mi < -14). Using public data and Virtual Observatory tools, we have built GALEX+SDSS+2MASS spectral energy distributions that are fitted by a library of single stellar population models. Star formation rates, stellar masses, ages and metallicities are further complemented with structural parameters that can be used to classify them morphologically. This unique dataset, coupled with a detailed characterization of each dwar's environment, allows for a fully comprehensive investigation of their origins and to track the (potential) evolutionary paths between the different dwarf types.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure. To appear in the proceedings of IAU Symposium 277, "Tracing the Ancestry of Galaxies on the Land of our Ancestors", Carignan, Freeman, and Combes, ed

    Multilevel transition in empty substrate integrated waveguide

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    This paper is a postprint of a paper submitted to and accepted for publication in Electronics Letters and is subject to Institution of Engineering and Technology Copyright. The copy of record is available at the IET Digital Library.Empty substrate integrated waveguide (ESIW) is an improvement of the well-known substrate integrated waveguide. While maintaining the low cost, easy manufacturing, small size, and integration with other circuits in the same substrate, ESIW decreases the related losses by removing the dielectric substrate, thus rendering it more interesting for practical applications. A wide band transition has been already developed to connect ESIW to microstrip lines. Filters, couplers, and antennas have also been developed in ESIW. For multilevel configurations, where different ESIW devices are implemented in different stacked substrates, a transition is needed that connects ESIW lines in different substrate levels. A low reflection wideband transition is presented for connecting two stacked ESIW lines.This work was supported by the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad, Spanish Goverment, under Research Projects TEC2013-47037-C05-3-R and TEC2013-47037-C05-1-R.Morro, JV.; Rodríguez Pérez, AM.; Belenguer Martínez, Á.; Esteban González, H.; Boria Esbert, VE. (2016). Multilevel transition in empty substrate integrated waveguide. Electronics Letters. 52(18):1543-1544. doi:10.1049/el.2016.2558S15431544521

    Mezclas poliméricas cristal líquido/olefinas: morfología y propiedades de transporte

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    Se han preparado mezclas con diferentes composiciones a partir de un copolímero de etileno-1-octeno, sintetizado con un catalizador de tipo metaloceno y un polímero cristal líquido. La caracterizción estructural y morfológica de las películas obtenidas se realizó mediante difracción de rayos X, calorimetría diferencial de barrido y microscopía electrónica de barrido, mientras que el estudio de las propiedades físicas se ha llevado a cabo mediante análisis mecanodinámico, microdureza y ensayos esfuerzo-deformación, poniendo especial énfasis a la evaluación de sus propiedades de transporte de oxígeno

    La gran erupción de hace 4.2 ka cal en Cerro Blanco, Zona Volcánica Central, Andes: nuevos datos sobre los depósitos eruptivos holocenos en la Puna sur y regiones adyacentes

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    The eruption of the Cerro Blanco Volcanic Complex, in the southern Puna, NW Argentina dated at 4410–4150 a cal BP, was investigated to produce new information on stratigraphy, geomorphology, physical volcanology, radiocarbon dating, petrography, and geochemistry. Identification of pre–, syn–, and post–caldera products allowed us to estimate the distribution of the Plinian fallout during the paroxysmal syn–caldera phase of the eruption. The new results provide evidence for a major rhyolitic explosive eruption that spread volcanic deposits over an area of ~500,000 km2, accumulating > 100 km3 of tephra (bulk volume). This last value exceeds the lower threshold of Volcanic Explosive Index (VEI) of 7. Ash-fall deposits mantled the region at distances > 400 km from source and thick pyroclastic-flow deposits filled neighbouring valleys up to 35 km away. This eruption is the largest documented during the past five millennia in the Central Volcanic Zone of the Andes, and is probably one of the largest Holocene explosive eruptions in the world. We have also identified two additional rhyolitic eruptions in the region from two other eruptive sources: one during the Early–Holocene and another in the Late–Holocene. The identification and characterisation of these significant volcanic events provide new constraints into regional Holocene geological and archaeological records, and offer extensive regional chronostratigraphic markers over a wide geographical area of South America.La erupción del Complejo Volcánico Cerro Blanco en el sur de la Puna, noroeste de Argentina (4410–4150 a BP) se investigó para obtener nueva información sobre estratigrafía, geomorfología, volcanología física, dataciones por radiocarbono, petrografía y geoquímica. La caracterización de los productos en relación a la evolución de la caldera de Cerro Blanco permitió estimar la distribución de los depósitos de ceniza de la fase paroxísmica Plineana de la erupción. Estos novedosos resultados evidencian una gran erupción explosiva riolítica que generó depósitos cineríticos en un área de aproximadamente 500.000 km2, acumulando > 100 km3 de tefra (volumen total). Este último valor supera el umbral inferior del Índice de Explosividad Volcánica (IEV) de 7. Los depósitos de caída de ceniza cubrieron la región, llegando a más de 400 km desde el Complejo Volcánico de Cerro Blanco, y los potentes depósitos de flujos piroclásticos rellenaron los valles vecinos alcanzando una distancia de 35 km. Esta erupción es la más grande documentada durante los últimos cinco milenios en la Zona Volcánica Central de los Andes y es probablemente una de las mayores erupciones explosivas holocenas del mundo. Además, se han identificado otras dos erupciones riolíticas en la región procedentes de otros dos centros eruptivos: una durante el Holoceno temprano y otra en el Holoceno tardío. La identificación y caracterización de estos grandes eventos volcánicos proporcionan nuevas guías para los registros geológicos y arqueológicos regionales del Holoceno, siendo marcadores cronostratigráficos de aplicación a una extensa área geográfica de América del Sur

    The Professional University Degree Of Actuary Through Bloom's Taxonomy

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    The aim of this paper is to determine the characteristics of the MScAFS in terms of how the Syllabus of the AAE sets out the subjects, organised into sub-areas, and the degree of development of the competences required to obtain the professional qualification of actuary in the EU. For this purpose, they are classified and quantified according to the type of conceptual development and the degree of in-depth study. This makes it possible to obtain the Master's degree graduate profile, which must coincide with the professional qualification agreed in the AAE. This profile is different from other master's degrees, whether complementary academic or with a research profile, and from other professions, which may or may not have one or more of the characteristics of the actuarial profession.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Enhanced anti-tumour immunity requires the interplay between resident and circulating memory CD8(+) T cells

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    The goal of successful anti-tumoural immunity is the development of long-term protective immunity to prevent relapse. Infiltration of tumours with CD8(+) T cells with a resident memory (Trm) phenotype correlates with improved survival. However, the interplay of circulating CD8(+) T cells and Trm cells remains poorly explored in tumour immunity. Using different vaccination strategies that fine-tune the generation of Trm cells or circulating memory T cells, here we show that, while both subsets are sufficient for anti-tumour immunity, the presence of Trm cells improves anti-tumour efficacy. Transferred central memory T cells (Tcm) generate Trm cells following viral infection or tumour challenge. Anti-PD-1 treatment promotes infiltration of transferred Tcm cells within tumours, improving anti-tumour immunity. Moreover, Batf3-dependent dendritic cells are essential for reactivation of circulating memory anti-tumour response. Our findings show the plasticity, collaboration and requirements for reactivation of memory CD8(+) T cells subsets needed for optimal tumour vaccination and immunotherapy.We are grateful to N. Anandasabapathy, J. Pardo and members of the D.S. lab for discussions and critical reading of the manuscript. We also thank R.A. Mota for the contribution to the development of animal models. We thank the CNIC facilities, personnel and to K. McCreath for editorial assistance. We are indebted to all the scientists who have shared reagents with us, as indicated in Methods. M.E. is the recipient of a CNIC International PhD Programme fellowship `La Caixa'-Severo Ochoa, 2013 Call (OSLC-CNIC-2013-04). S.I. is funded by grant SAF2015-74561-JIN. I. M. is supported by Asociacion Espanola contra el Cancer and Fundacion BBVA. A.H. is funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness (MEIC) and European Fund for Regional Development (FEDER) (SAF2015-65607-R). D.S. lab is funded by the MEIC and FEDER (SAF-2013-42920-R and SAF-2016-79040-R), and the Fondation ACTERIA. D.S. and I. M. lab are funded by the European Commission (635122-PRO-CROP H2020). D.S. and A.H. lab are funded by the CNIC. The CNIC is supported by the MEIC and the Pro CNIC Foundation, and is a Severo Ochoa Center of Excellence (SEV-2015-0505).S