127 research outputs found

    Le parc naturel périurbain du Jorat : enjeux et opportunités pour l’agriculture

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    L’agriculture ne fait pas partie des activités ou du type de natures concernées a priori par la catégorie de parc naturel périurbain. Le projet de parc joratois est donc spécifique. L’objectif de la présente étude a été de repérer auprès des agriculteurs les craintes et opportunités suscitées par le projet de parc afin de pouvoir esquisser, avec l’aide de différents acteurs impliqués, des pistes pour une meilleure intégration de l’agriculture dans sa définition. Les craintes à l’égard du parc sont nombreuses et un véritable projet de développement agricole dépasse les prérogatives du PNP Jorat, mais la création du parc pourrait constituer un moyen d’intégration inédite de l’agriculture dans ce type de parc et de stimuler le développement d’une identité agricole joratoise encore aujourd’hui embryonnaire

    A Combined Transcriptomics and Lipidomics Analysis of Subcutaneous, Epididymal and Mesenteric Adipose Tissue Reveals Marked Functional Differences

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    Depot-dependent differences in adipose tissue physiology may reflect specialized functions and local interactions between adipocytes and surrounding tissues. We combined time-resolved microarray analyses of mesenteric- (MWAT), subcutaneous- (SWAT) and epididymal adipose tissue (EWAT) during high-fat feeding of male transgenic ApoE3Leiden mice with histology, targeted lipidomics and biochemical analyses of metabolic pathways to identify differentially regulated processes and site-specific functions. EWAT was found to exhibit physiological zonation. De novo lipogenesis in fat proximal to epididymis was stably low, whereas de novo lipogenesis distal to epididymis and at other locations was down-regulated in response to high-fat diet. The contents of linoleic acid and α-linolenic acid in EWAT were increased compared to other depots. Expression of the androgen receptor (Ar) was higher in EWAT than in MWAT and SWAT. We suggest that Ar may mediate depot-dependent differences in de novo lipogenesis rate and propose that accumulation of linoleic acid and α-linolenic acid in EWAT is favored by testosterone-mediated inhibition of de novo lipogenesis and may promote further elongation and desaturation of these polyunsaturated fatty acids during spermatogenesis

    Adipose Tissue Gene Expression of Factors Related to Lipid Processing in Obesity

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    BACKGROUND: Adipose tissue lipid storage and processing capacity can be a key factor for obesity-related metabolic disorders such as insulin resistance and diabetes. Lipid uptake is the first step to adipose tissue lipid storage. The aim of this study was to analyze the gene expression of factors involved in lipid uptake and processing in subcutaneous (SAT) and visceral (VAT) adipose tissue according to body mass index (BMI) and the degree of insulin resistance (IR). METHODS AND PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: VLDL receptor (VLDLR), lipoprotein lipase (LPL), acylation stimulating protein (ASP), LDL receptor-related protein 1 (LRP1) and fatty acid binding protein 4 (FABP4) gene expression was measured in VAT and SAT from 28 morbidly obese patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) or high IR, 10 morbidly obese patients with low IR, 10 obese patients with low IR and 12 lean healthy controls. LPL, FABP4, LRP1 and ASP expression in VAT was higher in lean controls. In SAT, LPL and FABP4 expression were also higher in lean controls. BMI, plasma insulin levels and HOMA-IR correlated negatively with LPL expression in both VAT and SAT as well as with FABP4 expression in VAT. FABP4 gene expression in SAT correlated inversely with BMI and HOMA-IR. However, multiple regression analysis showed that BMI was the main variable contributing to LPL and FABP4 gene expression in both VAT and SAT. CONCLUSIONS: Morbidly obese patients have a lower gene expression of factors related with lipid uptake and processing in comparison with healthy lean persons

    Association of adipocyte genes with ASP expression: a microarray analysis of subcutaneous and omental adipose tissue in morbidly obese subjects

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Prevalence of obesity is increasing to pandemic proportions. However, obese subjects differ in insulin resistance, adipokine production and co-morbidities. Based on fasting plasma analysis, obese subjects were grouped as Low Acylation Stimulating protein (ASP) and Triglyceride (TG) (LAT) vs High ASP and TG (HAT). Subcutaneous (SC) and omental (OM) adipose tissues (n = 21) were analysed by microarray, and biologic pathways in lipid metabolism and inflammation were specifically examined.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>LAT and HAT groups were matched in age, obesity, insulin, and glucose, and had similar expression of insulin-related genes (InsR, IRS-1). ASP related genes tended to be increased in the HAT group and were correlated (factor B, adipsin, complement C3, p < 0.01 each). Differences between LAT and HAT group were almost exclusively in SC tissue, with little difference in OM tissue. Increased C5L2 (p < 0.01), an ASP receptor, in HAT suggests a compensatory ASP pathway, associated with increased TG storage.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>HAT adipose tissue demonstrated increased lipid related genes for storage (CD36, DGAT1, DGAT2, SCD1, FASN, and LPL), lipolysis (HSL, CES1, perilipin), fatty acid binding proteins (FABP1, FABP3) and adipocyte differentiation markers (CEBPα, CEBPβ, PPARγ). By contrast, oxidation related genes were decreased (AMPK, UCP1, CPT1, FABP7). HAT subjects had increased anti-inflammatory genes TGFB1, TIMP1, TIMP3, and TIMP4 while proinflammatory PIG7 and MMP2 were also significantly increased; all genes, p < 0.025.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Taken together, the profile of C5L2 receptor, ASP gene expression and metabolic factors in adipose tissue from morbidly obese HAT subjects suggests a compensatory response associated with the increased plasma ASP and TG.</p

    Some methods for blindfolded record linkage

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    BACKGROUND: The linkage of records which refer to the same entity in separate data collections is a common requirement in public health and biomedical research. Traditionally, record linkage techniques have required that all the identifying data in which links are sought be revealed to at least one party, often a third party. This necessarily invades personal privacy and requires complete trust in the intentions of that party and their ability to maintain security and confidentiality. Dusserre, Quantin, Bouzelat and colleagues have demonstrated that it is possible to use secure one-way hash transformations to carry out follow-up epidemiological studies without any party having to reveal identifying information about any of the subjects – a technique which we refer to as "blindfolded record linkage". A limitation of their method is that only exact comparisons of values are possible, although phonetic encoding of names and other strings can be used to allow for some types of typographical variation and data errors. METHODS: A method is described which permits the calculation of a general similarity measure, the n-gram score, without having to reveal the data being compared, albeit at some cost in computation and data communication. This method can be combined with public key cryptography and automatic estimation of linkage model parameters to create an overall system for blindfolded record linkage. RESULTS: The system described offers good protection against misdeeds or security failures by any one party, but remains vulnerable to collusion between or simultaneous compromise of two or more parties involved in the linkage operation. In order to reduce the likelihood of this, the use of last-minute allocation of tasks to substitutable servers is proposed. Proof-of-concept computer programmes written in the Python programming language are provided to illustrate the similarity comparison protocol. CONCLUSION: Although the protocols described in this paper are not unconditionally secure, they do suggest the feasibility, with the aid of modern cryptographic techniques and high speed communication networks, of a general purpose probabilistic record linkage system which permits record linkage studies to be carried out with negligible risk of invasion of personal privacy

    Sugarcane root length density and distribution from root intersection counting on a trench-profile

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    Root length density (RLD) is a critical feature in determining crops potential to uptake water and nutrients, but it is difficult to be measured. No standard method is currently available for assessing RLD in the soil. In this study, an in situ method used for other crops for studying root length density and distribution was tested for sugarcane (Saccharum spp.). This method involved root intersection counting (RIC) on a Rhodic Eutrudox profile using grids with 0.05 x 0.05 m and modeling RLD from RIC. The results were compared to a conventional soil core-sampled method (COR) (volume 0.00043 m³). At four dates of the cropping season in three tillage treatments (plowing soil, minimum tillage and direct planting), with eight soil depths divided in 0.1 m soil layer (between 0-0.6 and 1.6-1.8 m) and three horizontal distances from the row (0-0.23, 0.23-0.46 and 0.46-0.69 m), COR and RIC methods presented similar RLD results. A positive relationship between COR and RIC was found (R² = 0.76). The RLD profiles considering the average of the three row distances per depth obtained using COR and RIC (mean of four dates and 12 replications) were close and did not differ at each depth of 0.1 m within a total depth of 0.6 m. Total RLD between 0 and 0.6 m was 7.300 and 7.100 m m-2 for COR and RIC respectively. For time consumption, the RIC method was tenfold less time-consuming than COR and RIC can be carried out in the field with no need to remove soil samples. The RLD distribution in depth and row distance (2-D variability) by RIC can be assessed in relation to the soil properties in the same soil profiles. The RIC method was suitable for studying these 2-D (depth and row distance in the soil profile) relationships between soil, tillage and root distribution in the field.A densidade de comprimento de raízes (DCR) é uma característica importante para determinar o potencial de absorção de água e nutrientes das plantas, mas é difícil de ser medida. Nenhum método padrão está atualmente disponível para avaliar a DCR no solo. Neste estudo, um método in situ usado em outras culturas para estudo da densidade de comprimento e distribuições das raízes foi testado para a cana-de-açúcar (Saccharum spp.). O método envolveu contagem de intersecções de raízes (CIR) no perfil de um Latossolo Vermelho eutroférrico, usando grade com quadrículas de 0.05 x 0.05 m, modelizando a DCR a partir da CIR. Os resultados foram comparados com o método do trado cilíndrico (TRA) (volume de 0.00043 m-3). Em quatro épocas durante o ciclo em três manejos do solo (plantio convencional, cultivo mínimo e plantio direto), em oito profundidades divididas a cada 0.1 m (entre 0 - 0.6 e 1.6 - 1.8 m) e três distâncias horizontais em relação à linha de plantio (0 - 0.23, 0.23 - 0.46 e 0.46 - 0.69 m), os métodos TRA e CIR apresentaram resultados de DCR similares. Encontrou-se positiva entre TRA e CIR (R² = 0,76). As DCRs nos perfis, considerando as médias das três distâncias da linha por profundidade, obtida utilizando-se de TRA e CIR (média de quatro datas e 12 repetições), foram próximas e não diferiram a cada 0.1 m de profundidade até 0.6 m de profundidade. A DCR total entre 0 e 0.6 m foi de 7.300 e 7.100 m m-2 para TRA e CIR, respectivamente. Para o tempo de realização, o método CIR foi 10 vezes mais rápido do que TRA e o método CIR pode ser realizado no campo, sem necessidade de remover amostras de solo. A distribuição da DCR em profundidade e distância da linha (variabilidade 2D) pelo método CIR pode ser avaliada em relação às propriedades do solo nos mesmos perfis do solo. O método CIR foi apropriado para estudos dessas relações 2D (profundidade e distância da linha no perfil do solo) entre solo, manejo e distribuição de raízes no campo