560 research outputs found

    The active microbial community more accurately reflects the anaerobic digestion process: 16S rRNA (gene) sequencing as a predictive tool

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    Background: Amplicon sequencing methods targeting the 16S rRNA gene have been used extensively to investigate microbial community composition and dynamics in anaerobic digestion. These methods successfully characterize amplicons but do not distinguish micro-organisms that are actually responsible for the process. In this research, the archaeal and bacterial community of 48 full-scale anaerobic digestion plants were evaluated on DNA (total community) and RNA (active community) level via 16S rRNA (gene) amplicon sequencing. Results: A significantly higher diversity on DNA compared with the RNA level was observed for archaea, but not for bacteria. Beta diversity analysis showed a significant difference in community composition between the DNA and RNA of both bacteria and archaea. This related with 25.5 and 42.3% of total OTUs for bacteria and archaea, respectively, that showed a significant difference in their DNA and RNA profiles. Similar operational parameters affected the bacterial and archaeal community, yet the differentiating effect between DNA and RNA was much stronger for archaea. Co-occurrence networks and functional prediction profiling confirmed the clear differentiation between DNA and RNA profiles. Conclusions: In conclusion, a clear difference in active (RNA) and total (DNA) community profiles was observed, implying the need for a combined approach to estimate community stability in anaerobic digestion

    К разработке технологии возведения геокомпозитных охранных систем горных выработок

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    У статті розглянуто відмінності використання особливо тонко дисперсних в’яжучих (ОТДВ) у підземних умовах для створення елементів геокомпозитних конструкцій.In article the differences of the use especially thinly of dispersible astringent are considered in underground terms for creation elements of geocomposit constructions

    The active microbial community more accurately reflects the anaerobic digestion process : 16S rRNA (gene) sequencing as a predictive tool

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    Amplicon sequencing methods targeting the 16S rRNA gene have been used extensively to investigate microbial community composition and dynamics in anaerobic digestion. These methods successfully characterise amplicons, but do not distinguish micro-organisms that are actually responsible for the process. In this research, the archaeal and bacterial community of 48 full-scale anaerobic digestion plants was evaluated on DNA (total community) and RNA (active community) level via 16S rRNA (gene) amplicon sequencing. A significantly higher diversity on DNA compared with the RNA level was observed for archaea, but not for bacteria. Beta diversity analysis showed a significant difference in community composition between the DNA and RNA of both bacteria and archaea. This related with 25.5 and 42.3% of total OTUs for bacteria and archaea, respectively, that showed a significant difference in their DNA and RNA profiles. Similar operational parameters affected the bacterial and archaeal community, yet, the differentiating effect between DNA and RNA was much stronger for archaea. In conclusion, a clear difference in active (RNA) and total (DNA) community profiles was observed, implying the need for a combined approach to estimate community stability in anaerobic digestion

    Self-generated ethanol in stillage fermentation for carboxylate upgrade

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    IntroductionVolatile fatty acids (VFA) are intermediates of the biogas process, thus can be produced from waste streams, and have a higher economic value as they can be used as industrial precursors and bulk chemicals. Several specific organisms present in mixed cultures have the capacity to elongate short VFA to caproate or others with a higher value using ethanol as a reducing agent. In this study we investigated different operational conditions to enhance VFA production from stillage of a bio-ethanol biorefinery. The main goals were to i) increase the titers of VFA; and ii) evaluate the ethanol requirements for carboxylate upgrade. MethodsTwo continuous reactors were fed with distilled stillage and operated at pH 5.5 and 6.5. They run for 300 days at different HRT. Batch tests with inoculum from reactor 5.5 were performed with different proportions of beer and stillage. ResultsA decrease of HRT improved the production rate of VFA from 2.7 to 8.8 g COD L-1d-1, but final concentration and composition remained similar within the same reactor (Fig.1). A decrease of pH inhibited methane production by VFA present in acidic form, but also reduced VFA concentrations in the broth. pH reduction induced ethanol production and therefore, a higher presence of longer carboxylates.Mixing beer (ethanol-rich stream) in a fermentation broth included active yeast in the system and this used VFA to generate more ethanol available for chain elongation (Fig.2). However, high concentrations of ethanol inhibited VFA production.ConclusionsLow pH induces ethanol generation in stillage fermentation and the introduction of small portions of beer can enhance the generation of ethanol and thus elongate carboxylates.<br/

    The ICC Compression Questionnaire: A Comprehensive Tool to Evaluate Compression Materials or Devices Applied in Subjects with Lymphedema or Chronic Venous Disease

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    Background: Compression therapy is an important part of the treatment of patients with lymphedema or chronic venous disease. However, there is no validated questionnaire evaluating the effect of compression and its acceptance by the patient. Therefore, the aims of this study were to construct a questionnaire evaluating the effect of compression and its acceptance by the patient, that is, the Dutch ICC Compression Questionnaire (ICC-CQ), to investigate its reliability and validity, and to translate it into English. Methods and Results: Eleven experts in applying compression and 51 Dutch patients with experience of using compression were involved in the construction process. One part of the ICC-CQ has to be completed by the patient and evaluates seven domains. The other part has to be completed by the health care provider and comprises three domains. Reliability and validity of the final version was investigated in a new group of 79 Dutch-speaking patients with lymphedema or chronic venous disease, wearing compression garments (N = 52) or bandages (N = 27). Except for one domain, the Intraclass Correlation Coefficients for test-rest/interrater reliability ranged from 0.55 to 0.93. Cronbach's alpha for internal consistency ranged from 0.71 to 0.97. Eighty-nine percent of the patients fully understood the questionnaire indicating good face validity, and 87% found it complete indicating good content validity. Construct validity was considered good since 10 out of 11 hypotheses were accepted. Conclusion: The ICC-CQ is the first reliable and valid questionnaire evaluating different kinds of compression and the experience by patients with lymphedema or chronic venous disease

    National Protocol for Model-Based Selection for Proton Therapy in Head and Neck Cancer

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    In the Netherlands, the model-based approach is used to identify patients with head and neck cancer who may benefit most from proton therapy in terms of prevention of late radiation-induced side effects in comparison with photon therapy. To this purpose, a National Indication Protocol Proton therapy for Head and Neck Cancer patients (NIPP-HNC) was developed, which has been approved by the health care authorities. When patients qualify according to the guidelines of the NIPP-HNC, proton therapy is fully reimbursed. This article describes the procedures that were followed to develop this NIPP-HNC and provides all necessary information to introduce model-based selection for patients with head and neck cancer into routine clinical practice.</p

    Transcriptomics reveal an integrative role for maternal thyroid hormones during zebrafish embryogenesis

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    Thyroid hormones (THs) are essential for embryonic brain development but the genetic mechanisms involved in the action of maternal THs (MTHs) are still largely unknown. As the basis for understanding the underlying genetic mechanisms of MTHs regulation we used an established zebrafish monocarboxylic acid transporter 8 (MCT8) knock-down model and characterised the transcriptome in 25hpf zebrafish embryos. Subsequent mapping of differentially expressed genes using Reactome pathway analysis together with in situ expression analysis and immunohistochemistry revealed the genetic networks and cells under MTHs regulation during zebrafish embryogenesis. We found 4,343 differentially expressed genes and the Reactome pathway analysis revealed that TH is involved in 1681 of these pathways. MTHs regulated the expression of core developmental pathways, such as NOTCH and WNT in a cell specific context. The cellular distribution of neural MTH-target genes demonstrated their cell specific action on neural stem cells and differentiated neuron classes. Taken together our data show that MTHs have a role in zebrafish neurogenesis and suggest they may be involved in cross talk between key pathways in neural development. Given that the observed MCT8 zebrafish knockdown phenotype resembles the symptoms in human patients with Allan-Herndon-Dudley syndrome our data open a window into understanding the genetics of this human congenital condition.Portuguese Fundacao para Ciencia e Tecnologia (FCT) [PTDC/EXPL/MARBIO/0430/2013]; CCMAR FCT Plurianual financing [UID/Multi/04326/2013]; FCT [SFRH/BD/111226/2015, SFRH/BD/108842/2015, SFRH/BPD/89889/2012]; FCT-IF Starting Grant [IF/01274/2014]info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Intestinal Ralstonia pickettii augments glucose intolerance in obesity

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    An altered intestinal microbiota composition has been implicated in the pathogenesis of metabolic disease including obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). Low grade inflammation, potentially initiated by the intestinal microbiota, has been suggested to be a driving force in the development of insulin resistance in obesity. Here, we report that bacterial DNA is present in mesenteric adipose tissue of obese but otherwise healthy human subjects. Pyrosequencing of bacterial 16S rRNA genes revealed that DNA from the Gram-negative species Ralstonia was most prevalent. Interestingly, fecal abundance of Ralstonia pickettii was increased in obese subjects with pre-diabetes and T2DM. To assess if R. pickettii was causally involved in development of obesity and T2DM, we performed a proof-of-concept study in diet-induced obese (DIO) mice. Compared to vehicle-treated control mice, R. pickettii-treated DIO mice had reduced glucose tolerance. In addition, circulating levels of endotoxin were increased in R. pickettii-treated mice. In conclusion, this study suggests that intestinal Ralstonia is increased in obese human subjects with T2DM and reciprocally worsens glucose tolerance in DIO mice.Peer reviewe

    Organic waste as a sustainable feedstock for platform chemicals

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    Biorefineries have been established since the 1980s for biofuel production, and there has been a switch lately from first to second generation feedstocks in order to avoid the food versus fuel dilemma. To a lesser extent, many opportunities have been investigated for producing chemicals from biomass using by-products of the present biorefineries, simple waste streams. Current facilities apply intensive pre-treatments to deal with single substrate types such as carbohydrates. However, most organic streams such as municipal solid waste or algal blooms present a high complexity and variable mixture of molecules, which makes specific compound production and separation difficult. Here we focus on flexible anaerobic fermentation and hydrothermal processes that can treat complex biomass as a whole to obtain a range of products within an integrated biorefinery concept