1,009 research outputs found

    Polynomials with no zeros on the bidisk

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    We prove a detailed sums of squares formula for two variable polynomials with no zeros on the bidisk D2\mathbb{D}^2 extending previous versions of such a formula due to Cole-Wermer and Geronimo-Woerdeman. The formula is related to the Christoffel-Darboux formula for orthogonal polynomials on the unit circle, but the extension to two variables involves issues of uniqueness in the formula and the study of ideals of two variable orthogonal polynomials with respect to a positive Borel measure on the torus which may have infinite mass. We present applications to two variable Fej\'er-Riesz factorizations, analytic extension theorems for a class of bordered curves called distinguished varieties, and Pick interpolation on the bidisk.Comment: 52 page

    Nevanlinna-Pick interpolation on distinguished varieties in the bidisk

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    This article treats Nevanlinna-Pick interpolation in the setting of a special class of algebraic curves called distinguished varieties. An interpolation theorem, along with additional operator theoretic results, is given using a family of reproducing kernels naturally associated to the variety. The examples of the Neil parabola and doubly connected domains are discussed.Comment: 31 pages. The question left open at the end of version 1 has been answered in the affirmative; see Theorem 1.12 and Corollary 1.13 in version

    Realization of functions on the symmetrized bidisc

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    We prove a realization formula and a model formula for analytic functions with modulus bounded by 1 on the symmetrized bidisc G = def {( z + w , z w ) : | z | < 1 , | w | < 1} . As an application we prove a Pick-type theorem giving a criterion for the existence of such a function satisfying a finite set of interpolation conditions
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