16 research outputs found
INTRODUCTION: Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by difficulties in social communication and repetitive behaviors. Early diagnosis is crucial for educational development, as it allows the implementation of appropriate interventions in the first years of life, enhancing the cognitive and social skills of autistic children. METHODOLOGY: This study used a literature review in databases such as Google Scholar, PubMed, Google Scholar and SciELO, focusing on articles on "ASD", "family acceptance" and "educational development". Articles from the last 20 years were qualitatively analyzed to identify patterns and effective intervention strategies. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: The results indicate that early diagnosis and family acceptance are crucial for the educational development of autistic children. Interventions such as ABA, occupational therapies and communication programs, when supported by the family, show significant improvements. Furthermore, emotional support and parental education are key to maximizing the benefits of interventions. FINAL CONSIDERATIONS: The combination of effective interventions and family emotional support promotes better educational and behavioral results.INTRODUÇÃO: O autismo é um transtorno neurodesenvolvimental caracterizado por dificuldades na comunicação social e comportamentos repetitivos. O diagnóstico precoce é crucial para o desenvolvimento educacional, pois permite a implementação de intervenções adequadas nos primeiros anos de vida, potencializando as habilidades cognitivas e sociais das crianças autistas. METODOLOGIA: Este estudo utilizou uma revisão de literatura em bases de dados como Google Acadêmico, PubMed, Google Scholar e SciELO, focando em artigos sobre "TEA", "aceitação familiar" e "desenvolvimento educacional". Foram analisados qualitativamente artigos dos últimos 20 anos para identificar padrões e estratégias de intervenção eficazes. RESULTADOS E DISCUSSÃO: Os resultados indicam que o diagnóstico precoce e a aceitação familiar são cruciais para o desenvolvimento educacional de crianças autistas. Intervenções como ABA, terapias ocupacionais e programas de comunicação, quando apoiadas pela família, mostram melhorias significativas. Além disso, o suporte emocional e a educação dos pais são fundamentais para maximizar os benefícios das intervenções. CONSIDERAÇÕES FINAIS: A combinação de intervenções eficazes e suporte emocional familiar promove melhores resultados educacionais e comportamentais
Os impactos do iam para o sistema único de saúde e para o Brasil / The impacts of iam for the unique health system and for Brazil
A partir da década de 1960 vem ocorrendo diminuição das doenças infecto-parasitárias (DIP) e aumento das Doenças Crônicas Não Transmissíveis (DCNT). O Infarto Agudo do Miocárdio (IAM) é a principal causa das Doenças Cardiovasculares (DCV). Dados do Departamento de Informática do Sistema Único de Saúde (DATASUS) de 2013 revelavam que o IAM foi a principal causa de morte por doença cardíaca no Brasil e os especialistas projetam que assim seja nos próximos anos caso medidas não sejam instituídas visando inverter essa curva. Dessa forma, é de importância obter atendimento pré-hospitalar rápido e eficiente reduzindo o tempo entre o início do evento isquêmico e necrose até o tratamento. Por isso, o objetivo deste trabalho é interpretar a prevalência do IAM em relação a regiões, sexo e idade no Brasil e o possível impacto disso nos custos pro sistema único de saúde (SUS). A metodologia utilizada foi uma revisão sistemática da literatura, usando como base de dados Pubmed, Scielo e Google Acadêmico a partir das seguintes palavras-chaves: “IAM”. “incidência” e “prevalência”.
ATLANTIC EPIPHYTES: a data set of vascular and non-vascular epiphyte plants and lichens from the Atlantic Forest
Epiphytes are hyper-diverse and one of the frequently undervalued life forms in plant surveys and biodiversity inventories. Epiphytes of the Atlantic Forest, one of the most endangered ecosystems in the world, have high endemism and radiated recently in the Pliocene. We aimed to (1) compile an extensive Atlantic Forest data set on vascular, non-vascular plants (including hemiepiphytes), and lichen epiphyte species occurrence and abundance; (2) describe the epiphyte distribution in the Atlantic Forest, in order to indicate future sampling efforts. Our work presents the first epiphyte data set with information on abundance and occurrence of epiphyte phorophyte species. All data compiled here come from three main sources provided by the authors: published sources (comprising peer-reviewed articles, books, and theses), unpublished data, and herbarium data. We compiled a data set composed of 2,095 species, from 89,270 holo/hemiepiphyte records, in the Atlantic Forest of Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay, and Uruguay, recorded from 1824 to early 2018. Most of the records were from qualitative data (occurrence only, 88%), well distributed throughout the Atlantic Forest. For quantitative records, the most common sampling method was individual trees (71%), followed by plot sampling (19%), and transect sampling (10%). Angiosperms (81%) were the most frequently registered group, and Bromeliaceae and Orchidaceae were the families with the greatest number of records (27,272 and 21,945, respectively). Ferns and Lycophytes presented fewer records than Angiosperms, and Polypodiaceae were the most recorded family, and more concentrated in the Southern and Southeastern regions. Data on non-vascular plants and lichens were scarce, with a few disjunct records concentrated in the Northeastern region of the Atlantic Forest. For all non-vascular plant records, Lejeuneaceae, a family of liverworts, was the most recorded family. We hope that our effort to organize scattered epiphyte data help advance the knowledge of epiphyte ecology, as well as our understanding of macroecological and biogeographical patterns in the Atlantic Forest. No copyright restrictions are associated with the data set. Please cite this Ecology Data Paper if the data are used in publication and teaching events. © 2019 The Authors. Ecology © 2019 The Ecological Society of Americ
Antioxidant activity of essential oils from condiment plants and their effect on lactic cultures and pathogenic bacteria
ABSTRACT: Studies about preservative and antioxidant activity of essential oils have been encouraged in recent years, given their importance to food industry. The aim of the current study was to evaluate the antioxidant properties and antimicrobial activity of essential oils deriving from Syzygium aromaticum, Cymbopogon citratus and Lippia alba against lactic and pathogenic bacteria responsible for food-borne diseases. Essential oil antibacterial activity was assessed through disc diffusion and macrodilution tests conducted in a mixed lactic culture of Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus (YF-L903) and of Escherichia coli (ATCC 8739), Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC 6538), Salmonella enterica (ATCC 6017) strains. Based on the chromatographic analysis results, the essential oils shown to be composed of eugenol (79.41%) which was the prevalent compound in S. aromaticum, geranial (31.89%), neral (24.52%) and β-myrcene (25.37%) in C. citratus, as well as of geranial (33.80%) and neral (25.63%) in L. alba. The observed antibacterial activity confirmed the dose-dependent effect of these three oils on all the assessed bacteria; there was halo inhibition at concentration 20μL mL-1. The essential oil of S. aromaticum presented better antioxidant activity, with IC50 equal to 5.76μg mL-1 and antioxidant activity index of 6.94, and it was considered strong (AAI>2.0) in comparison to the other evaluated oils. This essential oil also presented excellent antioxidant activity at concentrations lower than the one required to inhibit lactic cultures. Based in this outcome, the essential oil from S. aromaticum can be used as preservative agent in processed food whose formulation presents lactic cultures
Hop Tropicalization: Chemical Compositions of Varieties Grown under Organic and Conventional Systems in Subtropical Conditions
The interest in the production of hops in Brazil, motivated by the third position in the world ranking of beer producers and the growth of the craft brewery business, justifies the intensification of studies into its adaptation to local growing conditions. Due to the high internal demand, the aim of this study was to evaluate the phytochemical profiles of hop varieties grown in subtropical conditions under different cropping systems. Studies that promote the expansion of cultivation areas in distinct climate conditions and ensure quality are very important. A randomized block design was adopted with a 2 × 5 subdivided plot. The main factor was the cropping system (organic and conventional), and the secondary factor was the hop variety (Columbus, Chinook, Nugget, Cascade and Hallertau Mittelfrüeh), with four blocks and four plants per plot. The quality parameters monitored in this work were the contents of alpha and beta acids, and xanthohumol in the inflorescences of hops, as well as the relative composition of their essential oils. The variations in the chemical profiles of essential oils showed differences between some varieties, and the different compositions and levels resulting from the two cropping systems show that management and cultural practices can influence the aromatic characteristics of hops; in total, 23 compounds were found. The terpene fraction represented 79.67% of the oil in Hallertau and 93.63% in Cascade, with myrcene being the main compound. The levels of bitter acids and xanthohumol did not differ statistically as a function of the treatments. This study contributes the first records of the chemical profiles of hops grown in subtropical conditions in Brazil, in general, the Nugget variety had the highest qualitative potentia
5) Anticorpos para o vírus da artrite encefálica caprina no município de Castanhal/Pará.
Ministério da Educação e do Desporto / Faculdade de Ciências Agrárias do Pará1) Apresenta uma análise da dinâmica da vegetação arbórea com DAP maior ou igual a 5,0cm, em uma floresta equatorial de terra firme da Estação Experimental de Silvicultura Tropical do INPA, na região de Manaus-Am, submetida a cinco tratamentos de desbastes por anelamento de árvores do dossel. Analisou-se o comportamento das espécies por meio do incremento periódico anual em área basal (m2/ha/ano), por classes de DAP, dentro de grupos funcionais e ecofisiológicos previamente estabelecidos. A composição florística foi
enriquecida pela eliminação das espécies não-listadas. Porém é um efeito reversível, num prazo que depende do grupo ecofisiológico a que pertencem as espécies. Ficou demonstrado que as espécies tolerantes são as principais responsáveis pelo comportamento do grupo de não-listadas, nas classes de DAP de l0cm e de 20cm. Nas classes de diâmetro de 30cm, 40cm, 50cm e de 60cm, houve superestimação do incremento periódico anual em área basal devido ao acúmulo de metabolitos na faixa anelada. De maneira geral, cada grupo ecofisiológico, em cada classe diamétrica, tem sua faixa ótima de crescimento em relação à luminosidade. Evidenciou-se, para as espécies listadas, uma relação direta entre o incremento em área basal e a intensidade de desbaste, nas classes de DAP de l0cm, 40cm e de 50cm, e inversa nas classes diamétricas de 20cm e de 30cm nos tratamentos T00, T01, T02 e T03. Em termos de média individual, não houve predomínio de crescimento em nenhuma classe de DAP. Porém, em termos totais, houve certo predomínio dos indivíduos da classe de 30cm. O incremento periódico anual em área basal das espécies listadas tolerantes e intermediárias aumentou com a intensidade dos desbastes. Todavia, o comportamento do grupo funcional das listadas foi ponderado entre as tolerantes e intermediárias, com maior influência das tolerantes.2) Estudo comparativo entre a interpretação de índices quantitativos de drenagem aplicado a solos, foi determinado a partir de fotografias aéreas na escala 1:70.000 e de imagens TM Landsat na escala 1:100,000. Os parâmetros analisados através de amostras circulares de 10km2 foram: densidade de drenagem, freqüência de rios e razão de textura, entre os quais foi estabelecido um fator de perda de informação em relação às escalas utilizadas. Concluiu-se que o uso das imagens TM, ao apresentarem perdas de detalhe em relação às fotografias aéreas, mostraram-se menos eficientes que estas, apresentando, entretanto, semelhanças entre as associações de solos.3) Os estudos das bacias hidrográficas, apesar da importância que apresentam, não têm sido usados como merecem na avaliação da contribuição da potencialidade dos rios no desenvolvimento regional. Para o Estado do Pará foi escolhido o estudo específico da área das bacias dos rios Capim e Guamá pela significância que apresentam, principalmente, para a região Guajarina. A sua geologia está caracterizada pela presença de terrenos sedimentares da Formação Barreiras, onde, no relevo fortemente dissecado, aparecem com freqüência os baixos platôs. O clima é constantemente quente, sem importantes variações durante o ano. Os solos, dominados pelo Latossolo Amarelo e pelo Podzólico Vermelho-amarelo, necessitam de um manejo adequado para a utilização, tanto com as culturas de ciclo curto quanto as de ciclo longo. Para a análise das bacias, foram realizados estudos que visaram a caracterização do sistema de maior magnitude hidrográfica entre os rios Capim e Guamá. Verificou-se que o sistema é comandado pelo rio Capim, com aproximadamente 967 km de extensão e com 1.500 m de largura na sua desembocadura que, ao juntar-se com o rio Acará, passa a formar a Baía do Guajará. Possui forma retangular pouco sujeita a inundações e apresenta densidade de drenagem baixa. É possuidora de bom escoamento superficial e na hierarquia fluvial a bacia do rio Capim configura-se como sendo de T ordem. Pela avaliação dos recursos naturais existentes, para preservação ou conservação do meio-ambiente há necessidade de um plano de ação a nível governamental para melhor adequação dos problemas da área.4) Apresenta os resultados da aplicação da técnica de abertura do dossel por anelamento de árvore, em uma floresta equatorial próximo de Manaus-AM, na Estação Experimental de Silvicultura Tropical do INPA. A técnica é muito promissora, pois 370 árvores (81,9%) aneladas morreram e a resistência ao anelamento, representada pela sobrevivência de 82 árvores (18,1%), ficou distribuída entre 34 espécies, das quais Aspidosperma oblongum A.D. (carapanaúba), Chimarrhis sp., (canela-de-velho), Geissospermum sehceum
(Sagot) Benth. (acariquara-branca). Duckeodendron cestroides Kuhlm. (pupunharana) e Swartzia reticulata Ducke (arabá-roxo) têm fuste sulcado ou canelado e, por isso, não permitiram a aplicação satisfatória do anelamento. A técnica de anelamento usada neste estudo é simples, demanda mão-de-obra não qualificada, um insignificante custo de equipamentos (somente machados) e nenhum custo com produtos químicos. O alto índice de mortalidade de árvores aneladas nos vários tratamentos indica o sucesso da técnica de abertura do dossel através do anelamento de árvores não-comerciais. Porém, o anelamento causou danos mecânicos nas árvores remanescentes, principalmente nos tratamentos mais fortes (T03 e T04).5) Considerando o quadro clínico e patológico sugestivo de C A E em uma criação de caprinos leiteiros no município de Castanha! - PA, 60 amostras de soro foram testadas pela técnica de imunodifusão em ágar gel, utilizando antígeno derivado de cultivo celular infectado pelo vírus contendo a glicoproteina (gp 135) do envoltório viral e a proteína estrutural (p 27). A reação positiva foi observada no soro de 24 (40%) de animais portadores de anticorpos precipitante contra o CAEV, sendo a maior freqüência de soros positivos na raça parda suiça 6 (60%), enquanto que a raça Saanem apresentou 18 (36.7%). Os resultados obtidos demonstram a presença de caprinos infectados pela CAEV no Pará.1) This paper presents an analysis of tree species dynamic comprising plants 5,0cm DBH and above, in a terra-firme equatorial forest, near Manaus (Brazil), under five thinning intensities by canopy tree girdling. Species behavior was evaluated on basal area annual increment (mVha/year) basis by DBH classes into function and ecophysiological groups stated previously. The floristic composition was enriched owing non listed species elimination. However, this is reversible in a period that depends on ecophysiological group of non listed species. Results showed that shade tolerant species are the main liable for non listed species behavior in l0cm and 20cm DBH classes. In 30cm, 40cm, 50cm and 60cm diameter classes there were overestimation of basal area annual increment owing to compounds accumulation on girdling belt. In general, each ecophysiological group, in each diameter class, has an optimal growing band in relation to ligh. For listed species, from T00 to
T03, a straight relation between thinning intensity and basal area increment became conspicuous in l0cm, 40cm and 50cm DBH classes. Nevertheless, this relation was inverse in 20cm and 30cm DBH classes. There was not growth preponderance in terms of mean for individuais in no DBH class. However, in terms of total basal area, there was preponderance of individuais of 30cm class. The basal area annual increment of shade tolerant and intermediary listed species increased as a function of thinning intensities. Nevertheless, the listed species function group behavior was weighed by shade tolerant and intermediary species mainly by shade tolerant.2) Comparative study between the interpretation of drainage quantitatives index applied to soils was determined by aerial photography in the 1:70.000 scale and the TM LANDSAT images in the 1:100.000 scale. The parameters analysed through of circular samples with 10km2 were drainage density, rivers frequency and textural ratio and among was established a factor of loss information in relations at scales utilized. Concluded that the use of TM images presented loss of details in relation at aerial photography, showing least effícient that this, presenting however similarity between the soils associations.3) The studies of the hidrografic basin, however the importance that they present, don't have been used as earn in the river potential contribution valuation in the regional development. It was chosen the specific study of the Capim/Guamá river Basin area for Staté of Pará for the significance they present, speciaiiy, for the Guajarina region. Its Geology is caracterized for the sedimentary lands' presence of the barricaté's formation, where in the strongly dissected relief, the short platéaus appear frequently. The weather is constantly hot without importam changes during the year. Dominated for the yellow "latos" soil and for the podizolic red-yellow, soils need an adequaté management for them utilization, having as short cycle culture as long cycle. For the basin^ analysis it was realized studies that saught the bigger hidrographic magnitude system
caracterization between Capim and Guamá rivers. It was checked that the system is droven for Capim river, with approachly 967 km in extension and with a width of 1.500 m in its discharge that, joint with the Acará river, it formes the Guajará Bay. It has a retangular form a little submited to inundations and presents a density with a lower drain. It can a good superficial flowage and in the fluvial hierarquic the Capim river basin configure itself as being of the 7a order. For the existent natural recources valuation, for the environment preservation or
conservation of the environment there is a necessity of an action planing in a governmental level for a best adequation of the area problems.4) This paper presents the results ofcanopy opening by tree girdling over an equatorial forest near Manaus (Brazil), at rNPA's Tropical Silvicultural Experimental Station. The tree girdling technique is very promising since 370 girdling trees (81.9%) died and the remainder living trees (18.1%) were distribuited among 34 species, of which Chimarrhis sp. (canela de velho), Geissospermus sericeum (Sagot) Benth. (acariquara-branca). Duckeodendron cestroides Kuhlm. (pupunharana) and Swartzia reticulata Duke (arabá-roxo) are possessed of buttressed or fluted stems which could not receive adequate girdling. This tree girdling technique is simple, demand non qualified manpower, a megligible equipament cost (only axes), and no chemical products cost. The high mortality of tree girdling over the treatments indicates that the canopy opening by no
comercial tree girdlinh was succefull. However, tree girdling resulted in mechanical damages over remainder trees, mainly in the heavy treatments (T03 and T04).5) Considering the clinicai signs and pathologic lesions suggesting C. A . E., in a dairy caprine raising in Castanhal town, state of Pará, 60 blood serum samples were examined by agar gel immunodiffusion test, utilizing antigen derivated from infected cell culture by virus with a surface envelope glycoprotein (gp 135) and a core protein (p 27). The positive reaction was shown in sera of 24 (40%) animal carriers of precipitant antibodies against C. A. E. V., it was observed the most frequency of positive serum in Parda Suiça breed 6 (60%), while the Saanen breed shown 18 (36,7%). The results show the infection in caprines by the virus of caprine arthritis encephalitis in the state of Pará - Brasil