149 research outputs found


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    Universitas Nasional didirikan pada 15 oktober 1949 merupakan salah satu perguruan tinggi swasta tertua kedua di Indonesia dan tertua di Jakarta. Biro Administrasi di Universitas Nasional memiliki karyawan tata usaha yang bertugas memasukan data mahasiswa, dosen, maupun aktivitas perkuliahan. Jika terjadi pergantian atau penambahan karyawan tata usaha maka membutuhkan suatu Sistem Pendukung Keputusan (SPK) berbasis website yang menggunakan PHP dan MySQL. Sistem pada penelitian ini dibuat menggunakan metode waterfall. Pada metode waterfall, setiap tahap harus diselesaikan terlebih dahulu sebelum melanjutkan ke tahap berikutnya. Metode SPK yang digunakan pada penelitian ini yaitu Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) dan Technique for Order Preference by Similarity of Ideal Solution (TOPSIS). SAW adalah suatu metode penjumlahan terbobot pada rating kinerja masing-masing alternatif. TOPSIS adalah metode yang bersifat dinamis dan menunjukan evaluasi ranking dari ranking tertinggi hingga terendah. Pengujian SPK SAW dan TOPSIS pada aplikasi terhadap pemilihan karyawan tata usaha Biro Administrasi di Universitas Nasional diperoleh perankingan pada metode SAW yaitu rank 1 Aldi (0,92), rank 2 Budi (0,737), rank 3 Citra (0,733). Hasil perangkingan metode TOPSIS yaitu rank 1 Aldi (0,726), rank 2 Budi (0,492), rank 3 Citra (0,331)


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    The concept of halal for moslem comprises the whole aspect of good and cleand that can be consumed and used by human based on Islamic sharia. The moslem consumers can easily identify the product with “ Halal “  label  on  it.  This  study  aims  to  determine  whether  there  is  an  influence  of  the  label  of  halal  of  students’ decision in purchasing the cosmetic product and to investigate how much  the students’ atfention on halal label on  cosmetic  product.  102  students  were  the  sample  of  this  study  which  has  selected  by  using  simple  random sampling. The data then were analyzed by using statistical test with simple regression test. The result showed that halal label influenced the student’s decision on purchasing the cosmetic product by 23,4%. The percentage of student’s attention on halal label on cosmetic product stood at 0,484% only. The rest percentage if 76,6% was influenced by other variable that was not mentioned in this model. In terms of micro economy, consumptive behavior affects on the Indonesian economy in islam, it is prohibited due to it can lead to be wasted moslems are guided to fulfill their needs based on syari’ah in order to achieve prosperous and happy lives both in the world and here after.&nbsp

    Perbandingan Penyuluhan Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja terhadap Kepatuhan Pemakaian Alat Perlindungan Diri (APD) Pekerja

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    This study aims to see the effectiveness of occupational safety and health education on using personal protective equipment at PT. Wijaya Karya Tbk Beton Medan. The method used in this study is an experimental quasi-experimental design with a pre-test and post-test design. The sample in this study was 100 workers at PT. Wijaya Karya Beton. The results showed a significant change in the effectiveness of occupational safety and health education with compliance with the use of PPE. The average value of the first observation is 3.97, the second observation is 5.92 and the third observation is 6.00. In conclusion, the counseling carried out proved effective in increasing compliance with PPE at PT. Wijaya Karya Tbk Beton Medan. Keywords: Compliance with the Use of PPE, Safety and Health, Occupational Safety Counselin

    Hubungan Status Gizi dengan Perkembangan Kognitif Anak Usia 2-5 Tahun : Sebuah Tinjauan Naratif

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    Latar Belakang dan Tujuan : Pemenuhan kebutuhan gizi pada anak sangat penting dilakukan untuk mendukung pertumbuhan dan perkembangan secara optimal. Permasalahan gizi dapat memberikan dampak negatif terhadap seluruh aspek perkembangan salah satunya kognitif. Tinjauan ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan status gizi dengan perkembangan kognitif anak yang dilihat dari motorik, bicara, dan perilaku. Metode : Tinjauan ini merupakan tinjauan naratif dari artikel-artikel hasil penelitian cross-sectional yang dipublikasikan tahun 2011-2021.Waktu penelitian dimulai dari Maret 2021 – April 2022.Pencarian artikel dilakukan sejak Oktober 2021 – Maret 2022.Penelusuran artikel dilakukan dengan menggunakan dua database elektronik yaitu Google Scholar dan Pubmed.Artikel yang direview adalah artikel full text berbahasa Indonesia dan bahasa Inggris, tidak berbayar dan dinilai kualitasnya menggunakan The Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI) Critical Appraisal Checklist for Crossectional Studies Hasil dan Kesimpulan :Sebanyak 4.860 literatur didapatkan dari dua database. Terdapat total 18 artikel yang dimasukan ke dalam tinjauan naratif ini.Sebagian besar studi (11 dari 18 artikel) menunjukan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara status gizi dengan perkembangan kognitif anak. Kata Kunci : Status gizi; perkembangan kognitif; anak usia 2-5 tahun; motorik; bicara; perilak


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    Mental health is someone who is free from tension and anxiety. Mental health in general is behavior that can be accepted by the community, his lifestyle is in accordance with the norms prevailing in the community so that there is a satisfying relationship between individuals in his social life, the individual's psychological life is relatively stable, does not harbor many internal conflicts, his mood is calm and even his body is always in good health. Whereas someone with an unhealthy person is someone who is mentally disturbed both because of inner conflict, so that his soul is unstable, does not have attention to the environment, feels always right, separated and or avoided by the environment, feels scared, and is also restless. This study aims to determine the effect of management functions on the mental health status of millennial health workers in Community Health Centers throughout Gorontalo City. This research uses quantitative research methods with a survey approach. The research sample of 116 millennial health workers spread in 10 Community Health Centers throughout Gorontalo City. Data collection uses a questionnaire containing a mental health questionnaire and management functions. Data were analyzed by simple linear regression analysis through the SPSS program for windows. The results showed that the management function had no effect on mental health status with a t-value of 0.730> 0.05. It is expected that in future studies need to consider other factors that affect mental health

    'The plural mania game' enhancing year 4 pupils knowledge in forming plural nouns

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    The title of the research is ‘The Plural Mania Game’: Enhancing Year 4 Pupils’ Knowledge in Forming Plural Nouns.The focus of the research was to enhance the knowledge of plural noun forms among Year 4 pupils by using The Plural Mania Game.This intervention helped by introducing the pupils with all regular forms of plural nouns.The intervention was focusing on the teaching and learning through game.The researcher innovated a ‘bingo’ game into a new game called ‘The Plural Mania Game’ to help the pupils of Year 4 improve their knowledge in forming plural nouns.There were 6 pupils involved with this intervention from Year 4 of Sekolah Kebangsaan A who got the lowest marks from the diagnostic test.The data for this study was collected by using the observation, the result of Pre-Test and Post-Test and interview sessions. Based on the findings of data, it was noted that the participants improved their knowledge in forming plural nouns.The result showed that by using The Plural Mania Game helped the pupils in enhancing their knowledge in forming plural nouns. The researcher would like to suggest for the intervention to be implemented in various language skills in the future

    Descriptive Analysis the Profile of Drug Abuse among Adolescents

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    This study aims to identify the profile of substance abuse among adolescents and to determine the cause of drug addiction, the efforts to prevent drug abuse as well as their expectations after recovery

    Kesan gaya komunikasi doktor perubatan terhadap kepuasan pesakit

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    Kajian ini bertujuan mengkaji kesan gaya komunikasi doktor perubatan terhadap kepuasan pesakit. Terdapat lima objektif utama dalam kajian ini iaitu untuk mengenalpasti perhubungan antara gaya komunikasi doktor yang terdiri daripada gaya berpusatkan pesakit, gaya hubungan dan gaya kawalan terhadap kepuasan pesakit. Kedua, mengenalpasti pengaruh kemahiran teknikal doktor perubatan terhadap kepuasan pesakit. Ketiga, untuk mengenalpasti pengaruh akses kepada perkhidmatan doktor perubatan terhadap kepuasan pesakit. Keempat, mengenalpasti pengaruh masa yang dihabiskan dengan doktor perubatan terhadap kepuasan pesakit dan yang kelima adalah untuk mengenalpasti faktor-faktor yang meramal kepuasan pesakit. Kajian ini dijalankan terhadap pesakit luar yang mendapatkan perkhidmatan dan rawatan di klinik Hospital Seberang Jaya Pulau Pinang, yang merupakan salah sebuah hospital awam di Malaysia. Kaedah tinjauan dengan menggunakan teknik persampelan bertujuan (purposive sampling) dilakukan untuk mendapatkan seramai 115 responden. Bagi tujuan penganalisisan, ujian Korelasi Pearson, Regresi Berganda dan Regresi Berganda Hirearki telah digunakan. Hasil keputusan ujian korelasi yang diperoleh menunjukkan gaya komunikasi berpusatkan pesakit, gaya hubungan, kemahiran teknikal dan akses kepada perkhidmatan doktor mempunyai hubungan yang signifikan dan positif dengan kepuasan pesakit. Walau bagaimanapun, hasil ujian Regresi Berganda menunjukkan bahawa gaya hubungan adalah peramal yang terbaik terhadap kepuasan pesakit diikuti dengan kemahiran teknikal. Dapatan data juga mendapati sumbangan yang besar daripada gaya komunikasi doktor dalam menerangkan kepuasan pesakit berbanding faktor lain yang terdiri daripada kemahiran teknikal doktor, akses kepada perkhidmatan doktor dan masa bersama doktor. Kajian ini menyumbang pada pembangunan perkhidmatan kesihatan di Malaysia

    Penerapan Model Discovery Learning Berbantuan Media Pictorial Timeline untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Berpikir Kronologis Siswa

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    This study aims to determine the use of the Discovery Learning model assisted by the Pictorial Timeline media in improving students' chronological thinking skills on Islamic Cultural History subjects. This type of research is experimental research with a quantitative approach. The design used is the non equivalent control group design. The population in this study were all eighth grade students of MTsN Padang Panjang and the sampling technique was purposive sampling. The sample in this study was class VIII B with 33 students as the control class, class VIII D totaling 33 students as experimental class 1 and class VIII E totaling 33 students as experimental class 2. The research design used was quasi-experimental. The instruments used in this study were chronological thinking skills test questions in the form of multiple choice. Data analysis using one-way ANAVA test. The results of this study are: the average posttest results of students who use discovery learning models assisted by pictorial timeline media are higher than students who use discovery learning models without the help of pictorial timeline media, and the average posttest results of students who use discovery learning models without the help of pictorial timeline media are more higher than students who use conventional learning models that is 84.18> 74.88> 66.76 This study shows that there are differences in the average between the sample classes. In accordance with the ANAVA test that obtained Fcount ≥ F table which is 65.432 ≥ 3.09 so H0 was rejected. &nbsp

    Increasing rice production using different lime sources on an acid sulphate soil in Merbok, Malaysia

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    Acidity is released in high amounts when pyrite-bearing sediments in the coastal plains of Malaysia are drained for development, either agriculture or otherwise. The soils formed from these materials are called acid sulphate soils, which are characterized by low pH and high exchangeable Al that adversely affect plant growth. A study was conducted with the objective of increasing rice yields on these soils under rain-fed condition in Merbok, Kedah, Malaysia, using various lime sources. The acid sulphate soil was treated with ground magnesium limestone (GML), hydrated lime and liquid lime at specified rates. Paddy variety MR 219 was tested in a field experiment as this variety is the most common variety grown in Malaysia. Prior to treatments, the pH of water sample in the rice field was 3.7, while Al concentration was 878 µM. Thus, rice plants grown under these conditions would suffer from H+ and Al3+ stress without amelioration, thus retard and/or minimize rice growth and yield. In the first season (1st season) rice plants were affected by drought during the vegetative period, while in the subsequent season (2nd season), they were infested with rice blast fungus (Magnaporthe grisea). In spite of that, however, the rice yield was 3.5 t ha-1 based on the application of 4 t GML ha-1, which was almost equivalent to the average national yield of 3.8 t ha-1. As a result, it was noted that the ameliorative effects of lime application in the 1st season had continued to the 2nd season. Liming at 4 t GML ha-1 incurs high cost to the farmers. However, the yield obtained is worth the effort and cost