Proceedings of the ICECRS
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    184 research outputs found

    Keterampilan Sosial Pengrajin Tatah Sungging Cilik Kepuhsari

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    This study aims to describe the findings social skills about The little craftsman of tatah sungging in Kepuhsari, Wonogiri. Those things observed; 1) description founds mony forms social skills about The little craftsman of tatah sungging in Kepuhsari, 2) description founds on the process of the forms social skills about The little craftsman of tatah sungging in Kepuhsari, and 3) description of supporting factors for the form about social skills of The little craftsman of tatah sungging in Kepuhsari. The subjects of this study were early childhood in the Kepuhsari region who were skilled in making tatah sungging works. This research is a qualitative research with an ethnographic approach. The results of this study indicate that the involvement of the litte craftsman on making tatah sungging works reflects their social skills such as the ability to work together, empathize, and communicate that is formed through exemplary and encouragement to produce precise work. It was also found that there were supporting factors such as philosophical values and perceptions of the Kepuhsari community towards tatah sungging art which stimulated the formation of social skills of the litte craftsman on the region.

    Quantum Learning Membangun Pendidikan Karakter Kejujuran Siswa

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    Attending education for developing the potential of domain students, affective and psychomotor. One of domains in achieving elementary school education is fundamental education to build the character of children while sitting in school. One of the values of character education is honest behavior. Honesty is a behavior that is shown to be in accordance with the real conditions without manipulating by lying. Methods of research using quantum learning methods, followed by quantitative methods with data collection techniques using open poll and supporting tools during the research voucher honesty. The study subject of elementary school students of Muhammadiyah 2 Kauman Surakarta class 4A with 30 students. The results of the study that there are positive behaviors from students in acting honestly without teacher observation in class. This is evidenced from the sale of vouchers, where the number of vouchers purchased and the amount of money received are appropriate

    Pengaruh Model Problem Based Learning terhadap Self-Confident dan Hasil Belajar Siswa

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    That many students have difficulties in understanding the materials is conveyed by the teachers in addition to low self-confidence. The importance of self-confidence is not supported by the facts. Therefore, this research aims to improve the students' self-confidence and student learning outcomes by using Problem Based Learning Model in SDN 1 . Design used is Quasi Experimental Design. The form is None Equivalent Control Design Group. In this design, the researchers used two groups, namely, control group and experimental group. Class A is the experimental class, while class B is the control class. The findings show that through Poblem based Learning, both students' self confidence and achievement are improved.

    Improving the Speaking Ability through Role Playing Model in Learning Indonesian Language

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    This research is motivated by the students' low speaking ability in Indonesian language learning, which aims to improve students' speaking skills through the application of the Role Playing Model. This research is a Classroom Action Research (CAR) carried out in cycles II using a model from Kemmis and MC. Taggart, each action in each cycle consists of four stages, namely planning, action, observation, reflection. This research was conducted at elementary school of Rancagoong, District of Cilaku, Cianjur Regency. The subjects of this study were fourth-grade students, amounting to 24 students, consisting of 13 female students and 11 male students. Data collection techniques used are process tests, observations, interviews, and documentation. The data obtained are in the form of test results as primary data as well as observations, while the interviews and documentation as supporting data. The data analysis technique used is descriptive quantitative analysis. The results of the study show that the use of the Role Playing Model can improve students' speaking ability. This is indicated by an increase in the average value from before the action is taken until the implementation of the cycle II. The average value obtained in cycle 1 after being given action reached 66.88% with a graduation percentage of 54.17%. Then in the cycle II the average value obtained increased to 77.40% with a graduation percentage of 83.33%. In general, it can be concluded that the application of the Role Playing Model can improve students' speaking ability in learning the Indonesian Language in grade IV at Elementary school of  Rancagoong, District of Cilaku,  Cianjur Regency

    Intellectual Capital dan Knowledge Management dalam Inovasi dan Kreasi Media Pembelajaran Berbasis Kemampuan 4C dan Literasi

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    Education is the key to improving the quality of the nation's generation that is dynamic, following the needs and developments that exist. Industrial Revolution 4.0, where technological sophistication can do things that were previously considered difficult to do, also have an impact on education. This is a challenge for schools, especially in terms of preparing their educators to be able to form learners to be tough and ready to compete in the world of technology. Learning media is one of the factors that play an important role in learning that intersects with technology and gives a big influence on students. The use of internet-based technology has also been widely applied in learning media in schools. But the problem is, educators need to take an important role in terms of innovation and the creation of learning media that they use daily in classroom learning activities so as to support the needs of students in accordance with 4C skills (communicative, cooperative, creative, and critical thinking) and literacy culture. In this case, it is very important for schools to identify intellectual capital, namely the knowledge capital that is in school, which is the educators and how to properly manage all existing knowledge. This article examines the importance of intellectual capital and knowledge management in a school organization so that schools can manage existing knowledge in order to create innovation and learning media creation

    Menumbuhkan Karakter Anak Usia Dini Melalui Cerita Boneka Tangan dalam Model Tadzkirah

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    The growth of early childhood character in the golden age is a very important thing that affects behavior and character in the future and it is the responsibility of all parties. Various models, methods and media can be used as a means to grow characters in early childhood. One is using hand puppets through storytelling methods. This research is aimed to know how the use of hand puppet through story with tadzkirah model can grow character in early childhood. Kindergarten / PAUD students will be more interested in recognizing characters as well as emulating those characters in the story. Methods of telling stories with hand puppets in line with the tadzkirah learning model, emphasizing on exemplary (T), guidance on guidance (A), encouragement (D), planting value (Z), continuity principle (K) repetition (R), organizing knowledge and experience (A), touching heart (H). Methods in this study are qualitative methods. The conclusions of this study are the use of hand puppets through story methods and tadzkirah models containing stories of honesty, independence, sense of responsibility and tolerance can grow characters in early childhood.

    Media Photo Story dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia di Sekolah Dasar

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    At present the use of learning media is not optimal. Media that is widely used is only limited to visual print media so that learning still cannot bring out the curiosity of students during learning. Even though learning media is one of the most important elements to support the success of the learning process. In the process of Indonesian language learning in elementary school, students are required to be able to develop four language skills, listening, speaking, reading, and writing. The photo story media includes audio visual media that can help students master the four language skills. Photo story media is a picture of a story that has meaning, displayed through video shows using a computer or laptop device. The use of photo story media can stimulate the imagination of students and increase motivation in learning Indonesian. Thus, learning Indonesian in elementary schools by utilizing photo story media is able to accommodate learning to be more meaningful, stimulate the imagination of students, motivate learning activities and of course help students develop their language skills

    Kompetensi Kultural Pendidik Anak Usia Dini

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    This study is a descriptive qualitative research. This research aim to analyze and express cultural competence among early childhood teachers in Sidoarjo. Data collection was done by observation, interview and documentation. The subjects in this study were early childhood teachers in Sidoarjo from both homogeneous and heterogeneous schools. This study resulted the findings that educators can be competent in culturally diverse classroom teaching, he must have a cultural component of cultural awareness, cultural knowledge, cultural attitudes and cultural skills. Cultural awareness and cultural attitudes can be developed through cultural experience or cross-cultural interaction. While cultural knowledge can be developed through training such as workshops, seminars, conferences etc. And cultural teaching skills can be developed through teaching experience

    Pendekatan Agama Membaharui Kondisi Psikologis Siswa Terindikasi Nomophobia

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    The development of technology communication in the era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 has become epidemic and has not only given a negative impact on youth communities in big cities but also to all residents in the Indonesian regions. When communication technology began to develop in Indonesia, it was assumed not to be considered as causing problems in academic values, morals, and student faith, so teachers and spiritual counselors did not feel the need to anticipate. Nowadays, dependence on cellphones facilitating digital communication and online games become difficult to overcome and has develops nomophobia. Based on the WHO reference, the Indonesian government has declared that since 2018 the addiction to online games has enters the category of psychiatric disorders. This research is an attempt to find a solution to overcome the disorders, so that questions about psychological conditions of students indicated with nomophobia can be renewed through religious approaches. Religion has a basic function where its essence be able to direct views or orientation, motivate and help humans tobehave properly according to their beliefs. Results of this study are expected benefiting teachers and observers of Education in the era of the 4.0 Industrial Revolution in overcoming the problem of nomophobia which can seize the human health.

    Media Gambar dan Pesan Berantai sebagai Strategi Efektif Pembelajaran Menyimak Bahasa Indonesia di Sekolah Dasar

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    This study is a study of the use of chain messages techniques to streamline learning to listen to students in learning Indonesian in grade IV SDN Tarikolot I with legend stories. This research was conducted to improve the ability to listen to students, then the class teacher did not use this chain message technique. In this class action research researchers used Jhon Elliot's model. This research was conducted in three cycles. In each of its actions the researcher uses various data collection tools in the form of tests and non tests. At the implementation of this learning students look very enthusiastic, because in this learning given a piece of story that they must understand and tell a group of friends, so that each student has responsibility. The results of the study showed that learning Indonesian with reading material from a legend could improve the process and ability to listen to students. The learning process every cycle has increased. This can be seen from the average value of the process test in the cycle 1: 66.33; cycle 2: 70.3; and cycle 3: 77.3. The ability to listen to students also experiences an increase in each cycle seen in the average value of the evaluation test cycle 1: 67.5; cycle 2: 71,47; and in the 3: 75.5 cycle. And can also be seen also from the average results of observations of student activities in the cycle 1: 67.04; cycle 2: 73; and in the 3: 76.8 cycle


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