11 research outputs found

    Prefrontal gamma oscillations reflect ongoing pain intensity in chronic back pain patients

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    Chronic pain is a major health care issue characterized by ongoing pain and a variety of sensory, cognitive, and affective abnormalities. The neural basis of chronic pain is still not completely understood. Previous work has implicated prefrontal brain areas in chronic pain. Furthermore, prefrontal neuronal oscillations at gamma frequencies (60–90 Hz) have been shown to reflect the perceived intensity of longer lasting experimental pain in healthy human participants. In contrast, noxious stimulus intensity has been related to alpha (8–13 Hz) and beta (14–29 Hz) oscillations in sensorimotor areas. However, it is not fully understood how the intensity of ongoing pain as the key symptom of chronic pain is represented in the human brain. Here, we asked 31 chronic back pain patients to continuously rate their ongoing pain while simultaneously recording electroencephalography (EEG). Time–frequency analyses revealed a positive association between ongoing pain intensity and prefrontal beta and gamma oscillations. No association was found between pain and alpha or beta oscillations in sensorimotor areas. These findings indicate that ongoing pain as the key symptom of chronic pain is reflected by neuronal oscillations implicated in the subjective perception of longer lasting pain rather than by neuronal oscillations related to the processing of objective nociceptive input. The findings, thus, support a dissociation of pain intensity from nociceptive processing in chronic back pain patients. Furthermore, although possible confounds by muscle activity have to be taken into account, they might be useful for defining a neurophysiological marker of ongoing pain in the human brain

    Recursos patrimoniales y organización territorial: el caso de Andalucía

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    El artículo pretende identificar y categorizar el patrimonio natural y cultural que cuenta con algún tipo de reconocimiento oficial en Andalucía, centrando la atención en su dimensión espacial. Para ello se utilizan las unidades territoriales recogidas en las Bases para una Carta sobre Patrimonio y Desarrollo en Andalucía: áreas urbanas, litorales, vegas y campiñas y zonas de montaña. En primer lugar se atiende al patrimonio natural, y posteriormente al cultural. En ambos casos se enumeran cuáles son las figuras de reconocimiento internacional, nacional y autonómico existentes en la región, y posteriormente se atiende a su distribución en las unidades territoriales anteriormente mencionadas. Se concluye argumentando que sólo a través del tratamiento conjunto de los activos patrimoniales con que cuenta un territorio se podrá conseguir que éstos se conviertan en un recurso para su desarrollo y, en este sentido, la territorialización patrimonial planteada en este artículo puede constituir un buen punto de partida

    Optimal Time-Consistent Government Debt Maturity

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    Abstract: This paper develops a model of optimal debt maturity in which the government cannot issue statecontingent debt. As the literature has established, if the government can perfectly commit to fiscal policy, it fully insulates the economy against government spending shocks by purchasing short-term assets and issuing long-term debt. These positions are quantitatively very large relative to GDP and do not need to be actively managed by the government. Our main result is that these conclusions are not robust when lack of commitment is introduced. Under lack of commitment, large and tilted debt positions are very expensive to finance ex-ante since they ex-post exacerbate the government's problem stemming from a lack of commitment. In contrast, a flat maturity structure minimizes the cost entailed by a lack of commitment, though this structure also limits the ability to insure against shocks and increases the volatility of fiscal policy distortions. We show that the optimal time-consistent maturity structure is nearly flat because reducing average borrowing costs is quantitatively more important for welfare than reducing fiscal policy volatility. Thus, under lack of commitment, the government actively manages its debt positions and can approximate optimal policy by confining its debt instruments to consols

    Erratum to: Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays for monitoring autophagy (3rd edition) (Autophagy, 12, 1, 1-222, 10.1080/15548627.2015.1100356

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