560 research outputs found

    Enabling preemptive multiprogramming on GPUs

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    GPUs are being increasingly adopted as compute accelerators in many domains, spanning environments from mobile systems to cloud computing. These systems are usually running multiple applications, from one or several users. However GPUs do not provide the support for resource sharing traditionally expected in these scenarios. Thus, such systems are unable to provide key multiprogrammed workload requirements, such as responsiveness, fairness or quality of service. In this paper, we propose a set of hardware extensions that allow GPUs to efficiently support multiprogrammed GPU workloads. We argue for preemptive multitasking and design two preemption mechanisms that can be used to implement GPU scheduling policies. We extend the architecture to allow concurrent execution of GPU kernels from different user processes and implement a scheduling policy that dynamically distributes the GPU cores among concurrently running kernels, according to their priorities. We extend the NVIDIA GK110 (Kepler) like GPU architecture with our proposals and evaluate them on a set of multiprogrammed workloads with up to eight concurrent processes. Our proposals improve execution time of high-priority processes by 15.6x, the average application turnaround time between 1.5x to 2x, and system fairness up to 3.4x.We would like to thank the anonymous reviewers, Alexan- der Veidenbaum, Carlos Villavieja, Lluis Vilanova, Lluc Al- varez, and Marc Jorda on their comments and help improving our work and this paper. This work is supported by Euro- pean Commission through TERAFLUX (FP7-249013), Mont- Blanc (FP7-288777), and RoMoL (GA-321253) projects, NVIDIA through the CUDA Center of Excellence program, Spanish Government through Programa Severo Ochoa (SEV-2011-0067) and Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology through TIN2007-60625 and TIN2012-34557 projects.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author’s final draft

    O Programa Nacional Alimentação Escolar (PNAE) Municipal de Foz de Iguaçu e Interface com os Agricultores Familiares conectando Alimentos com Educação

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso apresentado ao Instituto Latino-Americano de Economia, Sociedade e Política da Universidade Federal da Integração Latino-Americana, como requisito parcial à obtenção do título de Bacharel em Desenvolvimento Rural e Segurança Alimentar.O estudo analisa a inserção dos agricultores familiares no Programa Nacional de Alimentação Escolar (PNAE) de Foz do Iguaçu, no que se refere a comercialização de alimentos, no período de 2011 a 2021. Verificando o montante financeiro comercializado, tendo como relação o volume de recursos do Fundo Nacional de Desenvolvimento da Educação (FNDE) bem como observar os aspectos que podem contribuir para que os agricultores possam melhor atender as demandas do PNAE. A metodologia considerou uma revisão da literatura documental e bibliográfica bem como valorizou as palestras realizadas pela nutricionista da Secretaria Municipal de Educação (SME) nos anos de 2021 e 2022, na disciplina de Estado e Políticas Públicas do Curso de Desenvolvimento Rural e Segurança Alimentar. Na revisão bibliográfica foi dado ênfase nos aspectos ligados ao direito humano à alimentação, a segurança alimentar, uma breve história do PNAE e sobre a agricultura familiar. Do período observado, foi no ano de 2016 que os agricultores realizaram o maior volume de vendas ao Programa. Os produtos hortícolas, frutícolas e tubérculos constituem a maior parte da oferta de alimentos para o PNAE, porém os agricultores encontram sérias dificuldades para ofertar produtos de origem animal, exceção do leite tipo C e do pescado de tilapia. A cooperação entre os agricultores familiares, por meio da associação ou cooperativa, tem um papel fundamental para inserir os produtores no mercado institucional do PNAE

    La Música Instrumental y su relación con la Inteligencia Emocional en los estudiantes del primer año de educación secundaria de la Institución Educativa Emblemática “Carlos Wiesse”, Comas, 2011

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    La presente investigación es acerca de la relación entre la Música Instrumental y su relación con la Inteligencia Emocional en los estudiantes del primer año de secundaria de la Institución Educativa Emblemática Carlos Wiesse, Comas, 2011. El tipo de investigación fue sustantiva, con un método descriptivo, un diseño correlacional y con una muestra de 150 encuestados. Para la recolección de datos, se aplicó un cuestionario por cada variable, que fueron previamente validados de acuerdo a los objetivos del estudio. Y el resultado obtenido según Correlación de rho de Spearman fue r =0,652** el cual nos ha permitido determinar que el grado de relación entre las variables, es de correlación fuerte. En conclusión, la hipótesis general como las hipótesis específicas fueron positivas.Tesi

    Prevalencianització de l'eixida de traductors automàtics al català

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    Els traductors automàtics s’utilitzen cada vegada més, però si els volem emprar per a traduir al català, els textos resultants solen presentar formes i expressions pròpies de la varietat oriental, cosa que fa la postedició més pesada si necessitem el text en algun dels estàndards valencians. Aquest treball explora la possibilitat de “prevalencianitzar” l’eixida d’aquests traductors mitjançant operacions de substitució basades en expressions regulars per tal d’alleugerir la postedició. Amb aquest objectiu s’ha recopilat un corpus d’entrenament de textos periodístics que ha estat traduït al català automàticament i a partir del qual s’ha elaborat una llista de mots a substituir basada en la freqüència. A continuació s’han implementat les operacions de substitució en l’entorn de les macroinstruccions del processador de text LibreOffice i finalment han estat provades en quantitats suficients de text. A partir dels resultats es pot concloure que la macroinstrucció realitza la seua funció correctament, encara que presenta algunes limitacions

    Diseño e implementación de un programa de cinco eses en la fábrica de tubos del proyecto Hidroeléctrico Reventazón

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    Proyecto de Graduación (Licenciatura en Ingeniería en Mantenimiento Industria) Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, Escuela de Ingeniería Electromecánica, 2014.For this assignment, 5 S program was designed for implementation in the High Pressure Tube Factory of the Reventazón River Hydroelectric Project. However, due to the time limit applied to this assignment, only the first three S's were tested, and those will be used as the basis for this program. The individuals who worked on the project were educated on the 5 S subject, so that the best results would be obtained. Afterwards, groups were formed among those same individuals and they worked to make the workplace cleaner, more comfortable and more structured. To improve the production process of the factory, we saw it fit to create a procedure for the placement of the equipment that will be made. Furthermore, a wastes management space was created and one factory worker was put in charge of it. The project began with a training which was followed by the manufacturing of the first S. All unnecessary materials and objects were discarded. Then, the materials that were needed to carry out the second S were placed within reach to simplify the manufacturing process. Lastly, for the third S, the workshop along with all of the tools and equipment were cleaned. We made great strides with this project but it is recommended to complete the entire program.Instituto Costarricense de Electricidad Escuela de Ingeniería Electromecánica, Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Ric

    Structure Formation Inside Triaxial Dark Matter Halos: Galactic Disks, Bulges and Bars

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    We investigate the formation and evolution of galactic disks immersed in assembling live DM halos. Disk/halo components have been evolved from the cosmological initial conditions and represent the collapse of an isolated density perturbation. The baryons include gas (which participates in star formation [SF]) and stars. The feedback from the stellar energy release onto the ISM has been implemented. We find that (1) The growing triaxial halo figure tumbling is insignificant and the angular momentum (J) is channeled into the internal circulation; (2) Density response of the disk is out of phase with the DM, thus diluting the inner halo flatness and washing out its prolateness; (3) The total J is neathly conserved, even in models accounting for feedback; (4) The specific J for the DM is nearly constant, while that for baryons is decreasing; (5) Early stage of disk formation resembles the cat's cradle -- a small amorphous disk fueled via radial string patterns; (6) The initially puffed up gas component in the disk thins when the SF rate drops below ~5 Mo/yr; (7) About 40%-60% of the baryons remain outside the SF region; (8) Rotation curves appear to be flat and account for the observed disk/halo contributions; (9) A range of bulge-dominated to bulgeless disks was obtained; Lower density threshold for SF leads to a smaller, thicker disk; Gravitational softening in the gas has a substantial effect on various aspects of galaxy evolution and mimics a number of intrinsic processes within the ISM; (10) The models are characterized by an extensive bar-forming activity; (11) Nuclear bars, dynamically coupled and decoupled form in response to the gas inflow along the primary bars.Comment: 18 pages, 16 figures, accepted by the Astrophysical Journal. Minor revisions. The high-resolution figures can be found at http://www.pa.uky.edu/~shlosman/research/galdyn/figs07a

    Evaluación de 4 puentes vehiculares tipo viga sobre el rio Rìmac utilizando el manual de inspecciòn del MTC y software csibridge, Lima , 2018

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    La investigación realizada tuvo como objetivo principal Evaluar 4 puentes vehiculares tipo viga sobre el rio Rímac utilizando el Manual de inspección del MTC y Software Csibridge en el año 2018. El tipo de investigación fue aplicada, nivel de investigación cuantitativodescriptivo y diseño de investigación no experimental. Se utilizó una población de 4 puentes vehiculares tipo viga que cruzan sobre el rio Rímac y una muestra que fue el puente Nicolás dueñas. La validez del instrumento se obtuvo mediante juicio de expertos y la confiabilidad con el coeficiente Alfa de Cronbach que nos dio resultado de 0.760 es decir aceptable. La recolección de datos se obtuvo a través de fichas de técnicas con 45 ítems con escala de 13 categorías. El análisis de los datos se hizo utilizando el programa estadístico SPSS versión 22.0 y Software Csibridge versión 20.0.0, llegando a evidenciar que el manual de inspección del MTC y el software Csibridge, influirá significativamente en la evaluación de 4 puentes vehiculares tipo viga sobre el río Rímac

    Redisseny i migració d'una web amb Joomla

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    [CATALÀ] Redisseny i migració d'un web amb Joomla. Projecte d'actualització del web de la Societat catalana de genealogia, heràldica, sigil¿lografia i nobiliària fet amb Joomla i redisseny de la plataforma per adaptar-la a les necessitats actuals.[ANGLÈS] Redesign and Migration of a Joomla site. Project update of the site of "Societat catalana de genealogia, heràldica, sigil¿lografia i nobiliària" made it ¿¿with Joomla and redesign the platform to adapt to current needs

    Differential effects on KCC2 expression and spasticity of ALS and traumatic injuries to motoneurons

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    Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a neurodegenerative disease manifested by progressive muscle atrophy and paralysis due to the loss of upper and lower motoneurons (MN). Spasticity appears in ALS patients leading to further disabling consequences. Loss of the inhibitory tone induced by downregulation of the potassium chloride cotransporter 2 (KCC2) in MN has been proposed to importantly contribute to the spastic behavior after spinal cord injury (SCI). The aim of the present study was to test whether the alterations in the expression of KCC2 are linked to the appearance of spasticity in the SOD(G93A) ALS murine model. We compared SOD(G93A) mice to wild type mice subjected to SCI to mimic the spinal MN disconnection from motor descending pathways, and to sciatic nerve lesion to mimic the loss of MN connectivity to muscle. Electrophysiological results show that loss of motor function is observed at presymptomatic stage (8 weeks) in SOD(G93A) mice but hyperreflexia and spasticity do not appear until a late stage (16 weeks). However, KCC2 was not downregulated despite MN suffered disconnection both from muscles and upper MNs. Further experiments revealed decreased gephyrin expression, as a general marker of inhibitory systems, accompanied by a reduction in the number of Renshaw interneurons. Moreover, 5-HT fibers were increased in the ventral horn of the lumbar spinal cord at late stage of disease progression in SOD1(G93A) mice. Taken together, the present results indicate that spasticity appears late in the ALS model, and may be mediated by a decrease in inhibitory interneurons and an increase of 5-HT transmission, while the absence of down-regulation of KCC2 could rather indicate an inability of MNs to respond to insult