1,763 research outputs found

    Competitiveness Model of Bioethanol Industry

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    The need for energy is increasing every year. More than 80% of energy needs met by fossil fuels derived from petroleum and natural gas. To anticipate, the Government issued Presidential Regulation No. 5 of 2006 on the national energy. In this regulation, the government took steps to saving energy and looking for new sources of energy that are renewable and environmentally friendly. One is bioethanol. This study aims to analyze the competitiveness of bioethanol industry in Bekonang Sukoharjo. This study used mixed methods, namely the incorporation of quantitative and qualitative methods in a single study. The measurement of competitiveness is using Porter\u27s Diamond Model. The results show the competitiveness of bioethanol industry is influenced by business strategy, potential buyers, working capital and innovation. Currently, bioethanol industry competitiveness is low

    Intelligent agent simulator in massive crowd

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    Crowd simulations have many benefits over real-life research such as in computer games, architecture and entertainment. One of the key elements in this study is to include elements of decision-making into the crowd. The aim of this simulator is to simulate the features of an intelligent agent to escape from crowded environments especially in one-way corridor, two-way corridor and four-way intersection. The addition of the graphical user interface enables intuitive and fast handling in all settings and features of the Intelligent Agent Simulator and allows convenient research in the field of intelligent behaviour in massive crowd. This paper describes the development of a simulator by using the Open Graphics Library (OpenGL), starting from the production of training data, the simulation process, until the simulation results. The Social Force Model (SFM) is used to generate the motion of agents and the Support Vector Machine (SVM) is used to predict the next step for intelligent agent

    Wall slip and flow of concentrated hard-sphere colloidal suspensions

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    We present a comprehensive study of the slip and flow of concentrated colloidal suspensions using cone-plate rheometry and simultaneous confocal imaging. In the colloidal glass regime, for smooth, non-stick walls, the solid nature of the suspension causes a transition in the rheology from Herschel-Bulkley (HB) bulk flow behavior at large stress to a Bingham-like slip behavior at low stress, which is suppressed for sufficient colloid-wall attraction or colloid-scale wall roughness. Visualization shows how the slip-shear transition depends on gap size and the boundary conditions at both walls and that partial slip persist well above the yield stress. A phenomenological model, incorporating the Bingham slip law and HB bulk flow, fully accounts for the behavior. Microscopically, the Bingham law is related to a thin (sub-colloidal) lubrication layer at the wall, giving rise to a characteristic dependence of slip parameters on particle size and concentration. We relate this to the suspension's osmotic pressure and yield stress and also analyze the influence of van der Waals interaction. For the largest concentrations, we observe non-uniform flow around the yield stress, in line with recent work on bulk shear-banding of concentrated pastes. We also describe residual slip in concentrated liquid suspensions, where the vanishing yield stress causes coexistence of (weak) slip and bulk shear flow for all measured rates

    Control Radiation Pattern for Half Width Microstrip Leaky Wave Antenna by Using PIN Diodes

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    In this paper, a novel design for single-layer half width microstrip leakywave antenna (HW-MLWA) is demonstrated. This model can be digitally control its radiation pattern at operation frequency and uses only two values of the bias voltage, with better impedance matching and insignificant gain variation. The scanning and controlling the radiation pattern of leaky-wave antennas (LWA) in steps at an operation frequency, by using switches PIN diodes, is investigated and a novel HW-MLWA is introduced. A control cell reconfigurable, that can be switched between two states, is the basic element of the antenna. The periodic LWA is molded by identical control cells where as a control radiation pattern is developed by combining numerous reconfigurable control cells. A gap capacitor is independently connected or disconnected in every unit cell by using a PIN diode switch to achieve fixedfrequency control radiation pattern scanning. The profile reactance at the free edge of (HW-MLWA) and thus the main lobe direction is altered by changing the states of the control cell. The antenna presented in this paper, can scan main beam between 18o to 44o at fixed frequency of 4.2 GHz with measured peak gain of 12.29 dBi

    Keterkaitan Karakteristik Kawasan Transit Berdasarkan Prinsip Transit Oriented Development (TOD) terhadap Tingkat Penggunaan Kereta Komuter Koridor Surabaya-Sidoarjo

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    Koridor Surabaya-Sidoarjo telah dilayani dengan kereta komuter dalam mendukung tulang punggung transportasi perkotaan Surabaya. Namun penggunaan moda ini belum optimal. Hal ini dilihat dari besarnya pergerakan penduduk yang masih didominasi oleh penggunaan kendaraan pribadi menyebabkan kemacetan. Untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut diperlukan strategi inovatif yang mengedepankan integrasi antara penggunaan lahan dengan transportasi, salah satunya melalui konsep Transit Oriented Development (TOD) di kawasan stasiun kereta di sepanjang koridor Surabaya-Sidoarjo. Sebagai upaya pengimplementasiannya, perlu dilakukan studi mengenai keterkaitan karakteristik kawasan transit berbasis TOD terhadap jumlah penggunaan kereta komuter koridor Surabaya-Sidoarjo. Melalui analisis korelasi diperoleh hasil penelitian bahwa kepadatan penggunaan lahan (KLB), index keberagaman guna lahan (mixed use entrophy index) perdagangan dan jasa dan fasilitas umum, rata-rata lebar jalur pejalan kaki, dan luas jalur pejalan kaki signifikan memiliki hubungan korelasi yang kuat dengan tingkat penggunaan kereta komuter. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa adanya potensi pengembangan kawasan transit berbasis TOD pada koridor Surabaya-Sidoarjo dalam mendorong penggunaan kereta komuter

    Enhancement of boresight radiation for leaky wave antenna array

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    An array of half-width microstrip leaky-wave antennas (HW-MLWAs) of two uniform elements was designed to obtain maximum boresight radiation. Achieve this, two uniform of HW-MLWAs are placed at 180◦ and fed by a probe located at the center between the elements, two uniforms of HW-MLWAs, loaded terminated by 50Ω lumped element. Two beams from two branches individual merge to form the resultant directive beam. The simulation represents the susceptibility of the proposed array of uniform HW-MLWAs to the radiation broadside direction effectively. The predict bandwidth matched of the array is 582 MHz (4.18–4.76 GHz). The direction of its main beam in boresight happens over a wide 13%, relatively (4.18-4.76 GHz) band. The proposed peak gain at the boresight direction of the array is 9.91 dBi

    A multiscale approach to the adsorption of core-shell nanoparticles at fluid interfaces

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    Self-assembly of colloidal particles at liquid–liquid interfaces is a process with great potential for the creation of controlled structures, due to the trapping of the particles in the plane of the interface combined with their lateral mobility. Here we present a multiscale characterisation of the adsorption and interfacial behaviour of core–shell iron oxide–poly(ethylene glycol) nanoparticles at a water–n-decane interface using three complementary, in situ, methods, which span many different length scales. First, dynamic interfacial measurements are taken to follow the adsorption of particles from the bulk aqueous phase to the interface. The mechanical properties of the interface are then probed using micron-sized tracers in probe-particle tracking and nano-tracers in fluorescence correlation spectroscopy. The results show that the rate of particle adsorption to the interface scales with the square of bulk concentration, as predicted by a recent model. In addition, we show that despite full monolayers of nanoparticles forming, the interface remains unexpectedly fluid, with only a slowing of tracer particle mobility but no evidence of interface jamming as seen for hard nanoparticles. Our results illustrate that nanoparticles stabilised by soft, extended polymeric shells, display distinct features at fluid interfaces that can be harnessed for the fabrication of functional materials.ISSN:1744-683XISSN:1744-684

    Deskripsi Kebutuhan Belajar Masyarakat Desa Sukamulya

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Kebutuhan Belajar Masyarakat di Desa Sukamulya Kecamatan Wonosari Kabupaten Penelitian ini dilakukan menggunakan metode deskriptif.Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini berupa observasi, dokumentasi, dan wawancara. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa terdapat beberapa kebutuhan belajar masyarakat di desa Sukamulya Kecamatan Wonosari Kabupaten Boalemo yakni kebutuhan belajar masyarakat yang berkaitan dengan pertanian, kebutuhan belajar pendidikan kesetaran paket, kebutuhan belajar keterampilan serta kebutuhan belajar tentnag kepemudaan serta kebutuhan belajar keaksaraan fungsional. Program PLS yang dapat dikembangkan yaitu pendidikan kesetaraan, kebutuhan belajar masyarakat tentang keterampilan mengolah hasil pertanian serta kebutuhan belajar mengenai keaksaraan fungsional dan program pembinaan pemuda
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