643 research outputs found

    Nicolás Ávila Seoane, "Intitulación y data con los hijos de Sancho III el Mayor"

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    Self-regulation in family foster children

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    This poster presents research on foster children’s capacities for self-regulation and its relation to adversity history. Children in family foster care are a vulnerable population due to their experiences of maltreatment and separation from primary caregivers. Research has shown high rates of behavioral problems and impulsivity in these children, as well as other difficulties such as poor academic adjustment. Recent theory and research advances suggest some of these problems are due to deficits in self-regulatory capacities, such as executive functions or emotion regulation. Early adversity in key developmental stages, like that suffered by many foster children, can undermine the normative development of these capacities and, consequently, their psychosocial adjustment. This study explores this topic in a sample of foster children between 4 and 8 years old who were living in non-relative foster families for at least six months in Southern Spain. We used the Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function (BRIEF; Gioia, Isquith, Guy, & Kenworthy, 2000), a widely used parent-reported questionnaire, to assess self-regulation in the foster children. The BRIEF was answered by the primary foster caregiver during a home visit. The information regarding adverse events and trajectory in the child protection services was obtained through case records in collaboration with caseworkers. The results of this study show us information about the capacities of self-regulation of children in family foster care. Due to the centrality of self-regulation in development and the fact that it remains responsive to well-designed interventions beyond early childhood, interventions for foster children and families should consider targeting this dimension to improve their outcomes

    Care plan for elderly people at nutritional risk

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    Introducción: La intervención de enfermería es determinante en la identificación de las personas en riesgo nutricional mediante la inclusión de pruebas de cribado dentro del plan de cuidados enfermero a personas de edad avanzada. Esto facilitaría la identificación precoz de individuos en riesgo nutricional, así como el enunciado de propuestas de intervención para reducir la morbimortalidad de este grupo poblacional. Desarrollo del plan de cuidados: Se han seleccionado dos escalas de cribado nutricional, entre las disponibles en la literatura especializada, para su aplicación por los profesionales de enfermería, y se han propuesto dos diagnósticos enfermeros para el diseño de un plan de cuidados sistematizado que sirva de guía para llevar a cabo una atención individualizada. Discusión: Se propone realizar, mediante intervenciones enfermeras, atención a la salud nutricional, en respuesta a la demanda de las instituciones europeas de luchar contra la desnutriciónIntroduction: Nursing intervention is a key determinant in identifiying people at nutritional risk by including screening tests within the nursing care plan for the elderly. This would facilitate early identification of individuals at nutritional risk, as well as the terms of reference of offers of intervention for to reducing the morbidity and mortality in this population group. Methodology: Select from the available literature two nutritional screening scales to use by the nursing staff. Additionally, add the nursing diagnosis and systematic care plan as a guideline for an individual care. Conclusion: The target is to attend nutritional health using nursing interventions, in response of the European institutions demand to fight against malnutritio

    Imaging Cognitive Impairment and Impulse Control Disorders in Parkinson's Disease

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    Dementia and mild forms of cognitive impairment as well as neuropsychiatric symptoms (i. e., impulse control disorders) are frequent and disabling non-motor symptoms of Parkinson's disease (PD). The identification of changes in neuroimaging studies for the early diagnosis and monitoring of the cognitive and neuropsychiatric symptoms associated with Parkinson's disease, as well as their pathophysiological understanding, are critical for the development of an optimal therapeutic approach. In the current literature review, we present an update on the latest structural and functional neuroimaging findings, including high magnetic field resonance and radionuclide imaging, assessing cognitive dysfunction and impulse control disorders in PD

    Visitas a las páginas de una web docente universitaria

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    El trabajo estudia las visitas recibidas durante un año y medio por las diferentes páginas de una web utilizada como herramienta complementaria para la docencia de una materia en una universidad presencial. Encuentra que dicho número es mayor, aunque de mThe paper studies the visits received over a year and a half by different web-sites used as complementary tools for the teaching of a non-distance university course. The number of visits is greater, although not significantly, to sites containing theoret

    Cambios en la variabilidad interanual del Pacífico Tropical como respuesta a un forzamiento del Atlántico Ecuatorial

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    Previous studies have reported that the tropical Atlantic has had an influence on tropical Pacific interannual variability since the 1970s. This variability is studied in the present work, using simulations from a coupled model in the Indo-Pacific but with observed sea surface temperature (SST) prescribed over the Atlantic. The interannual variability is compared with that from a control simulation in which climatological SSTs are prescribed over the Atlantic. Differences in the Pacific mean state and in its variability are found in the forced simulation as a response to a warming in the equatorial Atlantic, characterized by a cooler background state and an increase in the variability over the tropical Pacific. A striking result is that the principal modes of tropical Pacific SST interannual variability show significant differences before and after the 1970s, providing new evidence of the Atlantic influence on the Pacific Ocean. Significant cooling (warming) in the equatorial Atlantic could have caused anomalous winds in the central-easter Pacific during the summer since 1970s. The thermocline depth also seems to be altered, triggering the dynamical processes involved in the development of El Niño (La Niña) phenomenon in the following winter. An increase in frequency of Niño and Niña events favouring the Central Pacific (CP) ones is observed in the last three decades. Further analyses using coupled models are still necessary to help us to understand the causes of this inter-basin connection.Trabajos previos han puesto de manifiesto como el Atlántico Tropical influye en la variabilidad interanual del Pacífico a partir de los años 70. El presente trabajo estudia la variabilidad del Pacífico Tropical a partir de simulaciones realizadas con un modelo acoplado en el Indo-Pacífico que considera la Temperatura de la Superficie del Mar (TSM) observada en el Atlántico como forzamiento externo. Los resultados de esta simulación son comparados con los obtenidos en una simulación de control, con TSM climatológicas en el Atlántico. La simulación forzada muestra cambios en el estado base y la variabilidad del Océano Pacífico relacionados con un calentamiento en el Atlántico ecuatorial, destacando un aumento de la variabilidad y un enfriamiento del Pacífico ecuatorial. Además, los principales modos de variabilidad del Pacífico antes y después de los 70 son diferentes, reafirmándose la influencia del Atlántico sobre el Océano Pacífico. Un enfriamiento (calentamiento) en el Atlántico ecuatorial podría generar vientos anómalos en el centro-este de la cuenca del Pacífico durante el verano desde dicha década. La profundidad de la termoclina también se modificaría, desencadenándose los procesos dinámicos involucrados en el desarrollo de El Niño (La Niña) en el invierno siguiente. Los resultados muestran un aumento de la frecuencia de Niños y Niñas, favoreciéndose los eventos del Centro del Pacífico (CP) en las últimas décadas. Estudios adicionales mediante el uso de modelos acoplados serían necesarios para poder comprender las causas de la conexión entre cuencas

    Scaling properties of rainfall and desert dust in the Canary Islands

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    Precipitation and desert dust event occurrence time series measured in the Canary Islands region are examined with the primary intention of exploring their scaling characteristics as well as their spatial variability in terms of the island's topography and geographical orientation. In particular, the desert dust intrusion regime in the islands is studied in terms of its relationship with visibility. Analysis of dust and rainfall events over the archipelago exhibits distributions in time that obey power laws. Results show that the rain process presents a high clustering and irregular pattern on short timescales and a more scattered structure for long ones. In contrast, dustiness presents a more uniform and dense structure and, consequently, a more persistent behaviour on short timescales. It was observed that the fractal dimension of rainfall events shows an important spatial variability, which increases with altitude, as well as towards northern latitudes and western longitudes

    Characterization of a two-gene operon epeRA involved in multidrug resistance in Streptomyces clavuligerus

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    [EN] Two genes, epeR and epeA, are located downstream of argH in the Streptomyces clavuligerus genome. EpeR belongs to the TetR family of transcriptional regulators. It is homologous to PqrA of Streptomyces coelicolor (74.3% identity) and to NfxB of Pseudomonas aeruginosa (30.9% identity). EpeA encodes a protein with 14 transmembrane spanning domains (TMS) of the major facilitator superfamily. It shares 68.9% identity to PqrB of S. coelicolor and 46.5% identity to LfrA, conferring resistance to fluoroquinolones in Mycobacterium smegmatis. Disruption of epeR results in a S. clavuligerus epeR::aph mutant which shows increased resistance to ethidium bromide and proflavine (16- and 32-fold higher than the wild type). Taking into consideration the sensitivity to drugs of different transformants carrying functional copies of either epeR or epeA, it might be concluded that both genes appear to be co-transcribed, with epeR encoding a regulatory protein which controls the expression of epeASIThis work was supported by CICYT grant BIO2003-3274 and GEN2003-20245. We thank Matthew Smith (University of Nottingham) and María Alvarez (University of León, Spain) for critical reading of the manuscript

    CcaR is an autoregulatory protein that binds to the ccaR and cefD-cmcI promoters of the cephamycin C-clavulanic acid cluster in Streptomyces clavuligerus

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    [EN] The putative regulatory CcaR protein, which is encoded in the β-lactam supercluster of Streptomyces clavuligerus, has been partially purified by ammonium sulfate precipitation and heparin affinity chromatography. In addition, it was expressed in Escherichia coli, purified as a His-tagged recombinant protein (rCcaR), and used to raise anti-rCcaR antibodies. The partially purified CcaR protein from S. clavuligerus was able to bind DNA fragments containing the promoter regions of the ccaR gene itself and the bidirectional cefD-cmcI promoter region. In contrast, CcaR did not bind to DNA fragments with the promoter regions of other genes of the cephamycin-clavulanic acid supercluster including lat, blp, claR, car-cyp, and the unlinked argR gene. The DNA shifts obtained with CcaR were prevented by anti-rCcaR immunoglobulin G (IgG) antibodies but not by anti-rabbit IgG antibodies. ccaR and the bidirectional cefD-cmcI promoter region were fused to the xylE reporter gene and expressed in Streptomyces lividans and S. clavuligerus. These constructs produced low catechol dioxygenase activity in the absence of CcaR; activity was increased 1.7- to 4.6-fold in cultures expressing CcaR. Amplification of the ccaR promoter region lacking its coding sequence in a high-copy-number plasmid in S. clavuligerus ATCC 27064 resulted in a reduced production of cephamycin C and clavulanic acid, by 12 to 20% and 40 to 60%, respectively, due to titration of the CcaR regulator. These findings confirm that CcaR is a positively acting autoregulatory protein able to bind to its own promoter as well as to the cefD-cmcI bidirectional promoter regionSIThis work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology (FD97-1419-CO2-O2). I. Santamarta received a fellowship from the University of León. We are grateful to A. de la Fuente, F. J. Enguita, and C. de Torre for their interest and helpful discussions, to A. Jiménez for revising the manuscript, and to M. Mediavilla for technical assistance

    Playing against the «Spanish fury» (1910-1936)

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    En los estudios sobre la historia de los deportes, el fútbol practicado por varones ha sido el que mayor número de investigaciones ha recibido. Por esta razón, en este artículo nos preguntamos si en España las mujeres también tuvieron cabida en este deporte y cómo fue la imagen que se proyectó de su juego. A partir de un estudio de prensa del primer tercio del siglo XX, analizamos el imaginario creado alrededor del mito de «la furia española» en los Juegos Olímpicos de Amberes de 1920. Como resultado encontramos, por un lado, que ciertas características físicas y de juego de los varones se proyectaban en los discursos como propias de su sexo. Por otro, los rasgos distintivos del juego masculino, también se relacionaron con la femenina en el céspedIn the field of history of sports, male football has been the most common topic of research. In this article, we wonder whether Spanish women had a place in this sport and, if so, what kind of image their game produced. To answer these questions, we have considered press from the first third of the 20th century. We have focused on the imaginary created around the myth of the «Spanish fury» at the Antwerp Olympics Games in 1920. Our findings show, on the one hand, that certain characteristics of the male footballers and the way they played were interpreted as «natural». On the other hand, we observe the association of the very same features with female presence at the fieldParte de este artículo se enmarca en la investigación predoctoral FPU16/02273 y en el proyecto HAR2016-76398-