187 research outputs found

    Projeto de cooperação técnica para consolidação da estratégia de apoio ao desenvolvimento dos territórios rurais - PCT BRA/12/002: documento de revisão no.02

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    Este Projeto de Cooperação Técnica – PCT visa contribuir para a consolidação da estratégia de apoio ao desenvolvimento dos territórios rurais posta em prática pelo governo federal através do Programa de Desenvolvimento Sustentável dos Territórios Rurais - Pronat, coordenada no âmbito da SDT/MDA e do Programa Territórios da Cidadania, coordenada pela Casa Civil da Presidência da República junto com o Ministério do Planejamento , Orçamento e Gestão. Por consolidação entende-se o reconhecimento político e social da estratégia como inovação para a gestão de políticas públicas de combate à pobreza e uma maior institucionalização desta na estrutura administrativa do Estado

    Combining ability among apomictic and sexual parents of Urochloa humidicola.

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    The diallel cross constitutes an informative genetic design for choosing genitors and crosses in breeding programmes since it provides estimates of general (GCA) and specific (SCA) combining abilities. Because the breeding programme for Urochloa humidicola ([Rendle] Morrone & Zuloaga; syn. Brachiaria humidicola [Rendle] Schweick) at Embrapa Beef Cattle is recent, these estimates are still unknown. Thus, the aim of this study was to obtain the estimates of GCA and SCA from the partial diallel cross design between sexual and apomictic parents. The crosses involved nine sexual and ten apomictic parents. Seventy‐one full‐sib progenies were obtained and evaluated in an incomplete block design, using all parents and the cv. BRS Tupi as a check. The agronomic and forage quality traits were evaluated using seven harvests. Statistical analysis was performed using the mixed model approach. Significant variations were associated with GCA among sexual parents for biomass yield and forage quality traits. However, this cannot be observed for apomictic parents for GCA. The SCA effect was not significant for the assessed traits. These results showed the predominance of additive effects. Sexual parents SEX3 and SEX4 presented the highest potential for contributing favourable alleles in hybrid combinations. The absence of GCA among apomictic parents and SCA suggests the need to increase genetic variability for the generation of breeding populations of U. humidicola

    Nitrogen supply method affects growth, yield and must composition of young grape vines (Vitis vinifera L. cv Alicante Bouschet) in southern Brazil.

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate yield and chemical composition of the must in grapevines subjected to Nitrogen (N) supply methods in sandy soils. The vineyard cultivar was ?Alicante Bouschet? (Vitis vinifera L.) grafted on 1103 Paulsen rootstock, in southern Brazil. The treatments consisted of the application of 20+20 kg N ha−1 without irrigation (NWI), 20+20 kg N ha−1 followed by irrigation (NFI), 20+20 kg N ha−1 via fertigation (NF), 20 kg N ha−1 via fertigation (½NF), and a control (C) without N application. The study was conducted during four crop seasons. Leaves were collected at flowering and veraison to determination N concentration. Stem diameter, grape yield and its components were determined. In the must were evaluated the total soluble solids (TSS), pH, total titratable acidity (TTA) and total anthocyanins (TA). The concentration of nitrate and ammonium in soil solution was determined. N application followed by irrigation or N supplied via fertigation provided to the vines larger stem diameters and leaf N concentrations, in most crop seasons. Grapevines submitted to N application via fertigation or followed by irrigation presented higher yields than conventional application without irrigation, and between two and three times higher than the control. N supply methods little affected total soluble solids contents. The application of N to the soil, regardless of the N supply method, decreased the anthocyanin concentration in the grape must, due to the dilution effect on the pulp/skin ratio, promoted by the yield increase

    Nutritional status and growth of indigenous Xavante children, Central Brazil

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The aim of this study was to characterize the nutritional status of Xavante Indian children less than 10 years of age in Central Brazil and to evaluate the hypothesis of an association between child nutrition and socioeconomic differentiation in this population.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A cross-sectional study was conducted in July 2006 that included all children under the age of 10 from the Xavante village Pimentel Barbosa in Mato Grosso, Brazil. The data collected included weight, height, and sociodemographic information. Sociodemographic data were used to generate two indices ("income" and "wealth") and to determine the proportion of adults in each household. Descriptive analyses were performed for weight-for-age (W/A), height-for-age (H/A), and weight-for-height (W/H) using the NCHS and the WHO growth references. Univariate and multivariate analyses were conducted using H/A and W/A as a response variables.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Of a total of 246 children under the age of ten residing in the village, 232 (94.3%) were evaluated. Following the NCHS reference, 5.6% of children under the age of ten presented low W/A and 14.7% presented low H/A. Among children under the age of five, deficit percentages for weight and height were 4.5% and 29.9%, respectively, following the WHO curves. Among children < 2 years of age, H/A index variability was found to be directly related to child's age and inversely related to the proportion of adults in the household. Maternal BMI was positively associated with growth for children from 2 to 4 years of age, explaining 11.5% of the z-score variability for the H/A index. For children 5 years of age and older, the wealth index and maternal height were positively associated with H/A. No significant associations were found using W/A as the dependent variable.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This study demonstrated that undernutrition, in particular linear growth deficit, is a notable health issue for Xavante children. These findings contrast with the nutritional profile observed among Brazilian children nationally, which is characterized by a sharp decline in child undernutrition in recent decades, even in the poorest regions of the country. This discrepancy calls attention to the persistent health disparities that exist between indigenous and non-indigenous people in Brazil.</p

    Causes and consequences of liana infestation in southern Amazonia

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    1. Lianas, a key component of tropical forests, can limit growth of trees, impacting both the structure and functioning of forests, and are expected to benefit from fragmentation and potentially from global climatic changes. While it is critical to understand the impacts of liana infestation on contemporary tropical forests across large geographical areas, to date most liana studies have been focussed on single or few sites. 2. We measured and quantified liana infestation of 16,066 trees with diameter ≥10 cm in 27 plots distributed across southern Amazonia, a region characterized by substantial ecological and environmental variation and environmental change. We examined the influence of potential drivers of liana infestation at the plot, species and individual tree level. Additionally, we evaluated the effect of liana infestation on tree growth. 3. More than half of all trees had lianas in their crown. At the plot level, infestation by lianas was driven by forest structure but not by the studied climate or soil fertility variables, though low levels of liana infestation were found in seasonally flooded forests. 4. At the tree level, larger and stouter trees had a greater proportion of their crown infested with lianas. At the species level, trees belonging to intrinsically slow‐growing, dense‐wooded species were more susceptible to liana infestation. 5. Liana infestation had a negative impact on tree growth, with growth of heavily infested trees reduced by 33% compared to non‐infested. The impact of liana infestation on tree growth was strongest for the best‐lit tree crowns, indicating that lianas act to reduce the large competitive advantage that well‐lit trees otherwise hold over their neighbours. 6. Synthesis. Lianas are a pervasive and influential feature of the extensive forests at the southern edge of Amazonia. The degree of liana infestation in forests was closely linked to species‐level variables such as potential growth and wood density as well as the size of the individual tree. The growth of heavily infested trees was particularly restricted by lianas, and especially so for trees growing in otherwise favourable conditions, indicating the potential for lianas not only to reduce forest growth rates overall, but also to modify competitive hierarchies among trees within tropical forests

    Acordo cooperativo entre a EMBRAPA e o INPA

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    Trabalhos de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento em Aquicultura-projeto Pirarucu da Amazôni