149 research outputs found

    The ATPase activity of the DNA transporter TrwB is modulated by protein TrwA: implications for a common assembly mechanism of DNA translocating motors

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    Conjugative systems contain an essential integral membrane protein involved in DNA transport called the Type IV coupling protein (T4CP). The T4CP of conjugative plasmid R388 is TrwB, a DNA-dependent ATPase. Biochemical and structural data suggest that TrwB uses energy released from ATP hydrolysis to pump DNA through its central channel by a mechanism similar to that used by F1-ATPase or ring helicases. For DNA transport, TrwB couples the relaxosome (a DNA-protein complex) to the secretion channel. In this work we show that TrwA, a tetrameric oriT DNA-binding protein and a component of the R388 relaxosome, stimulates TrwBDeltaN70 ATPase activity, revealing a specific interaction between the two proteins. This interaction occurs via the TrwA C-terminal domain. A 68-kDa complex between TrwBDeltaN70 and TrwA C-terminal domain was observed by gel filtration chromatography, consistent with a 1:1 stoichiometry. Additionally, electron microscopy revealed the formation of oligomeric TrwB complexes in the presence, but not in the absence, of TrwA protein. TrwBDeltaN70 ATPase activity in the presence of TrwA was further enhanced by DNA. Interestingly, maximal ATPase rates were achieved with TrwA and different types of dsDNA substrates. This is consistent with a role of TrwA in facilitating the interaction between TrwB and DNA. Our findings provide a new insight into the mechanism by which TrwB recruits the relaxosome for DNA transport. The process resembles the mechanism used by other DNA-dependent molecular motors, such as the RuvA/RuvB system, to be targeted to the DNA followed by hexamer assembly

    Mary Fairfax Somerville: lo científico sublime

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    La historia de las mujeres de ciencia cuenta ya con cierta tradición. Desde los estudios biográficos iniciales con perspectiva de género hasta los actuales que inciden en el análisis contextual de las aportaciones de las mujeres de ciencia, las imágenes que de ellas tienen sus coetáneos y las propias auto-representaciones, conforman complejos tapices de tópicos relacionados que contribuyen a la comprensión de las contribuciones de las mujeres de ciencia. El caso de Mary Somerville ilustra estos aspectos e introduce uno más de especial relevancia: el carácter de su escritura científica.When referring to the history of women in science, we may speak of the tradition that runs from the initial biographical studies from the gender perspective to the current ones that deal with the contextual analysis of scientist women’s contributions. Female scientist images built both by themselves and by those contemporary with them conform complex tapestries of related topics. These foster the understanding of the contributions of women to science. The case of Mary Somerville illustrates these aspects and simultaneously enriches them by the added relevance attributed to her scientific writing

    Furrow and Ridge Soil Nitrogen Mineralization in a Surface Irrigated Artichoke Field

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    [EN] Quantitative knowledge of soil organic nitrogen net mineralization (NNM) in field conditions is crucial to optimize N fertilization of crops. In a field fertilization trial of artichokes 48 PE tubes were inserted to 20 cm depth in the soil in plant row and irrigation furrows and soil samples were periodically taken during two and a half months to determine NNM. A parallel essay with disturbed samples from the same procedence was carried out in the laboratory at 25ºC and 10 kPa soil water tension. Soil sample position (ridge and furrow) did not significantly determined NNM in the laboratory essay. Although NNM (obtained from laboratory incubation and corrected to field soil temperature and moisture monitored during the experimental period) overpredicted measured field NNM, matching of both was better than those reported in other studies. NNM rate for the 76 days period of incubation predicted from lab data was 22.9 kg N/ ha x 0.1 m while corresponding field values corrected by Br- or Cl- mass balance were 10% and 20% lower respectively in ridge position and under 40% lower by either method in furrow position.The research reported in this paper was supported by a fund from CICYT-INIA (project RTA01-117-C2-2)Lidón, A.; Bautista, I.; De La Iglesia, F.; Oliver Talens, J.; Llorca, R.; Cruz-Romero, G. (2006). Furrow and Ridge Soil Nitrogen Mineralization in a Surface Irrigated Artichoke Field. Acta Horticulturae. (700):71-74. https://doi.org/10.17660/ActaHortic.2006.700.7S717470

    A comparison of Clinical Risk Index for babies (CRIB-II), Score for Neonatal Acute Physiology (SNAP-II) and SNAPPE-II in predicting parenteral nutrition necessity in low birth weight preterm neonates.

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    Advances in perinatal care have made it possible to improve survival of low birth weight neonates. Clinical risk index for babies (CRIB-II), score for neonatal acute physiology (SNAP-II), and SNAP-perinatal extension-II (SNAPPE-II) have been used as mortality predictors for preterm infants. Feeding intolerance is very frequent in preterm neonates, and the development of an early effective biomarker for its prediction could be useful for carrying out a proper feeding strategy. Our aim was to compare the ability of CRIB-II, SNAP-II and SNAPPE-II in predict the feeding intolerance and parenteral nutrition necessity in preterm neonates. Methods: A retrospective cohort study on preterm neonates’ born at Jaen Hospital Complex with low birth weight and ≤ 36 weeks of gestation was done. Epidemiological, clinical and clinical scores CRIB II, SNAP-II and SNAPPE-II were recorded. Results: 255 low birth weight preterm neonates, 131 males (51.4%), aged ≤32 weeks of gestation (71%), were enrolled at our hospital. Parenteral nutrition needed were significantly higher in preterm neonates weighed 2500-1500 g (73.3%) and ≤ 1000g (87%). CRIB-II, SNAP-II and SNAPPE-II mean values were higher in neonates group subjected to parenteral nutrition compared with oral nutrition (p<0.05). CRIB-II and SNAPPE-II scores significantly correlated with parenteral nutrition days (p<0.05). Overall mortality rate was 11%. The 78.6% of all deceased infants needed parenteral nutrition. Conclusion: Clinical Risk Index for babies (CRIB-II) better than SNAPPE-II correlated with the feeding intolerance and thus the parenteral nutrition days in preterm neonates with low birth weight.Subvencionado: Ayuda del Plan Propio de Investigación de la UMA. Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Implicación De Las Empresas En La Formación Profesional Para El Empleo. Análisis Sobre La Idoneidad De La Selección De Sus Acciones Formativas

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    The purpose of this paper is to approach the development of Vocational Training for Employment in Spanish companies. The research carried out follows a descriptive methodology with which it evaluated the essential aspects for the selection of training actions by companies. Among the results we find that this selection of training can be improved and pedagogical and training factors must be prioritized over economic. In summary, the data lead us to an analysis and reflection on the reality that is presented in terms of Training for Employment in Spain

    Accurate Prediction of Children's ADHD Severity Using Family Burden Information: A Neural Lasso Approach

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    The deep lasso algorithm (dlasso) is introduced as a neural version of the statistical linear lasso algorithm that holds benefits from both methodologies: feature selection and automatic optimization of the parameters (including the regularization parameter). This last property makes dlasso particularly attractive for feature selection on small samples. In the two first conducted experiments, it was observed that dlasso is capable of obtaining better performance than its non-neuronal version (traditional lasso), in terms of predictive error and correct variable selection. Once that dlasso performance has been assessed, it is used to determine whether it is possible to predict the severity of symptoms in children with ADHD from four scales that measure family burden, family functioning, parental satisfaction, and parental mental health. Results show that dlasso is able to predict parents’ assessment of the severity of their children’s inattention from only seven items from the previous scales. These items are related to parents’ satisfaction and degree of parental burden.This research has been partially supported by the Spanish National Project No. RTI2018-101857-B-I00. This research was also partly financed by the Community of Madrid in the framework of the multi-annual agreement with the University Carlos III Madrid in its line of action Excellence for University Teaching Staff. They are established within the framework of the V Regional Plan for Scientific Research and Technological Innovation 2016–2020

    Comunication and cultural diversity. Attitudes and opinios about education community around the temporal classroom of lingüístic acceleration

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    En este estudio nos centramos en una investigación llevada a cabo en un centro educativo SemiD de la provincia de Huelva acogido al Plan de Educación Compensatoria por su alto porcentaje de alumnado extranjero, el cual cuenta con la única maestra de ATAL permanente de dicha provincia. Uno de los principales objetivos que nos planteábamos en tal investigación, era conocer la opinión de los diferentes agentes de la comunidad educativa con mayor presencialidad en el centro (director, orientadora, maestra de Educación Especial y tutores) sobre la Educación Intercultural y la Atención a la Diversidad dentro de las ATAL. Para ello, nos hemos basado en una metodología cualitativa, centrada esencialmente en la entrevista y la observación participante. Como resultados principales, se puede destacar que el desconocimiento, por parte de todos los agentes, de las culturas presentes en el centro y la falta de participación en la vida escolar, así como las dificultades en la comunicación con el alumnado y las familias extranjeras hacen que las relaciones y las actitudes hacia este colectivo se vean afectadas negativamente en un alto porcentaje. Podemos concluir, tras este proceso investigativo, que los problemas de comunicación debido a la pluralidad de idiomas existentes en el centro influye desfavorablemente en el ámbito y desarrollo escolar de este centro educativo.The present work emerges from the I+D+I Project “Building differences at the school. Studies of the evolution of the ATAL in Andalusia, their teachers and students”. In this case, we focus on a research done in a SemiD school in the province of Huelva included in the Compensatory Education Plan due to its high percentage of foreign students, which counts with the only permanent ATAL teacher of the aforesaid province. One of the main aims that are set out in the research, was to know the opinion of the different agents in the educational community with more attendance in the center (headmaster, counselor, Special Needs teacher and tutors) about the Intercultural Education and Diversity Awareness in the ATAL. For that, we have followed a qualitative methodology, specially based on the interview and participant observation. As main results, we noticed the ignorance, by all the agents, of the cultures present in the center and the lack of involvement in the school life, as well as the difficulties in the communication with the students and the foreign families which affects negatively the relationship and attitudes towards this collective in a high percentage. We can conclude, after this research process, that the communication problems due to the plurality of languages existing in the school influences unfavourably in the ambit and development of this education center

    Extra Virgin Oil Polyphenols Improve the Protective Effects of Hydroxytyrosol in an In Vitro Model of Hypoxia-Reoxygenation of Rat Brain

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    Hydroxytyrosol (HT) is the component primarily responsible for the neuroprotective effect of extra virgin olive oil (EVOO). However, it is less effective on its own than the demonstrated neuroprotective effect of EVOO, and for this reason, it can be postulated that there is an interaction between several of the polyphenols of EVOO. The objective of the study was to assess the possible interaction of four EVOO polyphenols (HT, tyrosol, dihydroxyphenylglycol, and oleocanthal) in an experimental model of hypoxia-reoxygenation in rat brain slices. The lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) efflux, lipid peroxidation, and peroxynitrite production were determined as measures of cell death, oxidative stress, and nitrosative stress, respectively. First, the polyphenols were incubated with the brain slices in the same proportions that exist in EVOO, comparing their effects with those of HT. In all cases, the cytoprotective and antioxidant effects of the combination were greater than those of HT alone. Second, we calculated the concentration–effect curves for HT in the absence or presence of each polyphenol. Tyrosol did not significantly modify any of the variables inhibited by HT. Dihydroxyphenylglycol only increased the cytoprotective effect of HT at 10 μM, while it increased its antioxidant effect at 50 and 100 μM and its inhibitory effect on peroxynitrite formation at all the concentrations tested. Oleocanthal increased the cytoprotective and antioxidant effects of HT but did not modify its inhibitory effect on nitrosative stress. The results of this study show that the EVOO polyphenols DHPG and OLC increase the cytoprotective effect of HT in an experimental model of hypoxia-reoxygenation in rat brain slices, mainly due to a possibly synergistic effect on HT’s antioxidant action. These results could explain the greater neuroprotective effect of EVOO than of the polyphenols alone