350 research outputs found

    Effects of abiotic conditions on the structure and dynamics of agricultural communities: Avocado agro-ecosystems as study model to evaluate the implications of climate change for biological pest control

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    Climate change might severely disrupt the effective maintenance of agricultural communities under biocontrol management. Most of pests and natural enemies used to control them are arthropods and, as ectothermic organisms, many of their physiological functions, and the features of many of the biotic interactions individuals will establish with other individuals during their life span, are climate-dependent. The future success of biological pest control, thus, might depend on the capacity of predicting how each agricultural community will respond to a changing climate. The main goal of this thesis was to generate knowledge on the effects of changes in abiotic conditions on the way how biotic interactions occur among species that inhabit agricultural communities under biological pest control, and how these effects determine the trophic structure and dynamics of these communities. To achieve this goal, in the present thesis I studied a mite community present in avocado agro-ecosystems in South-eastern Spain. Because this community is composed by a low number of species, it is an optimal study model to understand the effects of abiotic conditions on interactions between pests and their natural enemies. The avocado mite community is composed of the herbivore pest Oligonychus perseae (Tuttle, Baker & Abatiello) (Acari: Tetranychidae) and two species of phytoseiid mites: Neoseiulus californicus (McGregor), which is specialized in tetranychid mites, and Euseius stipulatus (Athias-Henriot), which is preferentially pollen feeder. The work presented in this thesis was addressed from two different approaches. On the one hand, the effects of abiotic conditions on the strength and direction of biotic interactions in the avocado mite community were evaluated at the individual level, and at three combinations of temperature and relative humidity: mild (M), hot and dry (HD) and very hot and dry (VHD). On the other hand, it was studied the impact of abiotic conditions on the community dynamics at M and HD conditions, i.e., how the observed effects on species interactions at the individual level were rendered at the population level, determining the trophic structure and dynamics of the community. The work started evaluating how abiotic conditions affected the strength of predator-prey interactions between either E. stipulatus or N. californicus, and their herbivore prey O. perseae, in the presence and the absence of alternative food (i.e. pollen). Results revealed that changes in abiotic conditions had different effects on predator-prey interactions depending on the species of predator. At M conditions both species of predatory mite preyed on O. perseae females, whereas at HD and VHD conditions only N. californicus fed on the prey. Furthermore, the strength of interaction between N. californicus and O. perseae varied among abiotic conditions, being the highest one at M conditions. The presence of alternative food (i.e. pollen) influenced in predator-prey interaction strength between E. stipulatus and O. perseae, but not between N. californicus and O. perseae. Euseius stipulatus preyed on O. perseae females in the absence of pollen at M conditions, but clearly preferred to forage on pollen when was available. Also, oviposition rates of E. stipulatus were increased in the presence of pollen at the three abiotic conditions. Therefore, the addition of pollen as alternative food for E. stipulatus might promote the growth of its populations and favour pest control through apparent competition between the pest and pollen. Next, I studied the effects of abiotic conditions and presence of alternative food on intraguild interactions between the two predatory mites, E. stipulatus and N. californicus, with O. perseae as shared prey. Results showed that the trophic structure of the avocado mite community changed with changes in abiotic conditions, resulting in community configurations that would be detrimental to pest control. At M conditions, results revealed that the community resembled a trophic chain, with juveniles of N. californicus preyed on O. perseae, and females of E. stipulatus preyed on juveniles of N. californicus. On the other hand, juveniles of E. stipulatus fed on O. perseae and induced antipredator behaviour in females of N. californicus, which did not interact with the pest at all. Increasing unfavourable abiotic conditions shifted the structure of the community to one dominated by exploitative competition between the two species of predators. However, results also revealed that adding pollen to the system would likely enhance pest population control, because trophic interactions between predators ceased due to E. stipulatus preference for pollen, what strengthened the predator-prey interaction between N. californicus and O. perseae, at the three abiotic conditions. Finally, mite predator/prey population dynamics were evaluated in the presence and the absence of alternative food at two different abiotic conditions, M and HD. Contrary to expectations, results revealed that the addition of pollen did not reduce negative trophic interactions occurring between predator species; instead, E. stipulatus excluded N. californicus at both abiotic conditions, independently of the presence or absence of pollen. Also, in spite that the addition of pollen to the system favoured a numerical response of E. stipulatus populations at M conditions, population increase did not translate into a better O. perseae population control. Furthermore, at HD conditions, the growth of E. stipulatus populations was negatively affected by high temperatures and drought. Therefore, results from this thesis evidence that abiotic conditions modify the way in which species interact, affecting trophic structure and dynamics of communities. This implies that in a changing climate the successful use of biocontrol agents will need to take into account the influence that abiotic factors exert on interactions occurring among the components of each specific agricultural community

    El Eportfolio en la Ingeniería del Software como una herramienta de reflexión el proceso de aprendizaje

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    La aplicación de nuevas metodologías de enseñanzaaprendizaje y sistemas de evaluación, basados principalmente en los contratos de aprendizaje, ha conseguido mejorar visiblemente los resultados de los alumnos en la superación de la asignatura ‘Ingeniería del Software’. Sin embargo, el profesorado de dicha asignatura se plantea, con el ánimo de mejorar, si estos cambios hacen que realmente los alumnos estén aprendiendo más. Para dar respuesta a esta cuestión se ha utilizado el eportfolio como una herramienta de evaluación enfocada a la reflexión sobre el propio proceso de aprendizaje. En este artículo, se explica esta experiencia docente, detallando la situación de partida, la planificación, ejecución y evaluación de la misma, así como los resultados obtenidos.Peer Reviewe

    Sensores electroquímicos tipo lengua electrónica voltamétrica aplicados al control medioambiental y a la industria alimentaria

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    En la presente tesis doctoral se exponen los resultados obtenidos en el desarrollo de las lenguas electrónicas para diferentes aplicaciones en el ámbito del medio ambiente y de la industria alimentaria. La lengua electrónica presentada en esta tesis, está basada en la voltametría de pulsos y emplea electrodos metálicos como sensores. Dicha lengua electrónica incluye entre sus sensores, dos conjuntos de metales con reactividades totalmente diferentes como son los por un lado los metales nobles, Pt, Rh, Ir y Au, los cuales son difíciles de oxidar y un conjunto de metales más reactivos como son Co, Cu, Ag y Ni. Estos metales reaccionan con muchos compuestos cambiando su comportamiento electroquímico. Además, en esta tesis también se ha demostrado la importancia que el diseño del de pulsos a aplicar y la duración de la misma tiene en los resultados finales. En el campo del medioambiente, la lengua electrónica ha sido aplicada para la determinación de simulantes de agentes de guerra química o simulantes de agentes nerviosos en agua. En este trabajo se demostró que la lengua electrónica diseñada es capaz de diferenciar entre los simulantes de agentes nerviosos: DCP y DCNP de un conjunto de interferentes, con estructura química de organofosforados. Estudios de PLS han demostrado que la lengua electrónica posee una buena capacidad para cuantificar mezclas de ambos simulantes en presencia de un tercer interferente (OP-2). En la segunda aplicación en este campo, se desarrolló una lengua electrónica aplicada al control de la calidad de las aguas residuales. En este caso, los parámetros más importantes que normalmente se encuentran como contaminantes en las aguas residuales, como la demanda química de oxígeno soluble (DQO), demanda biológica de oxígeno soluble (DBO), nitrógeno amoniacal (NH4-N), ortofosfato (PO4-P) y sulfato (SO4¿S) fueron determinados con resultados satisfactorios. Por último, en el campo de la industria alimentaria se han desarrollado dos aplicaciones distintas. La primera de ella ha sido la determinación simultánea de agentes de curado de carne como son el cloruro, el nitrato y el nitrito en nuestras de carne picada. La segunda aplicación en este campo, ha sido el desarrollo de una lengua electrónica capaz de seguir el proceso de maduración de 7 de las más comunes variedades de uvas (Macabeo, Chardonnay, Pinot Noir, Sauvignon Caberné, Shyrah, Merlot y Bobal), y además, controlar el proceso de fermentación de una variedad en concreto, la uva Macabeo.Campos Sánchez, I. (2013). Sensores electroquímicos tipo lengua electrónica voltamétrica aplicados al control medioambiental y a la industria alimentaria [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/28937TESI

    Study of methodologies and strategies of the Portuguese Programme within the Professional Courses at secondary school level: the case of the borough of Almada

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    O Programa de Português dos Cursos Profissionais de nível secundário decorre da reforma curricular de 2004 e inscreve-se numa série de iniciativas que tiveram largo alcance na natureza da educação, optando pela metodologia cognitivista/construtivista/humanista e por estratégias cognitivas e metacognitivas. Este estudo pretende comprovar se os professores põem em prática as metodologias e as estratégias propostas pelo programa. Utilizámos métodos quantitativos e qualitativos e fizemos a posterior triangulação, ampliando e completando a produção de conhecimento e aportando informação acrescida. Apesar da proposta da metodologia consignada no texto programático e das estratégias específicas para desenvolver competências, os professores utilizam, preferencialmente a metodologia transmissiva, caracterizada como prática apresentativa de conteúdos declarativos, perpetuam as suas práticas pedagógicas, “ensinando todos como se fossem um só” e partindo do princípio que os alunos não são capazes de realizar tarefas complexas o que pode impedir o desenvolvimento da sua plena autonomia.The Portuguese Programme within the Professional Courses at secondary school level resulted from the curriculum reform of 2004 and promoted a series of initiatives that had a wide reach within the nature of education, opting for a cognitive/constructive/humanistic methodology and for cognitive and metacognitive strategies of teaching. This study aims to clarify whether the teachers put into practice the idealized methodologies and strategies from the programme’s outline. We used quantitive and qualitative methods and we drew up a posterior correlation, increasing and completing the information and supplying additional information. Despite the proposal of the consigned methodology in the programme’s outline and the specific strategies to develop skills, teachers use, preferentially, the transmissive methodology, characterized as presentative practice of the named contents, maintaining their teaching practices “teaching all as if they were one” and believing that the students are not capable of carrying out complex tasks, which may lead to impeding the development of their own autonomy

    Obstacles towards gender violence comprehension: Influence of sexism and academic training in gender issues

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    La violencia de género es un problema de gran relevancia social y política. Las creencias distorsionadas sobre este tipo de violencia constituyen obstáculos para su comprensión y suponen un factor de riesgo para su tolerancia y mantenimiento. La identificación de estos obstáculos para la comprensión de la violencia hacia la mujer y de los factores que influyen sobre los mismos, es necesaria en profesionales que tratan este tipo de situaciones. El objetivo de este trabajo fue estudiar la presencia de obstáculos a la comprensión de la violencia de género en estudiantes de Derecho. También se analizó el impacto del género, de los niveles de sexismo y de la formación en género sobre estas creencias obstaculizadoras. Ciento cuarenta y siete estudiantes cumplimentaron un cuestionario anónimo y voluntario. Los resultados del análisis de regresión mostraron que tanto hombres como mujeres presentan obstáculos a la comprensión de violencia de género, siendo más elevada su presencia entre los hombres. Las creencias sexistas hostiles de hombres y mujeres, y las creencias sexistas benévolas de los hombres se relacionaban con una mayor presencia de obstáculos. Finalmente, haber recibido formación sobre materias de violencia de género actuaba como un factor de protección asociado con una menor presencia de obstáculos.Gender violence is a highly important social and political concern. Distorted beliefs about it are obstacles towards its comprehension and an important risk factor for its tolerance and maintenance. Some professionals often deal with gender violence issues. Thus, it is necessary to identify these obstacles towards the comprehension about gender violence and factors affecting them. The aim of this study was to analyze the existence of obstacles towards gender violence comprehension in law university students. We also investigated the impact of participants’ gender, sexist attitudes and gender education on the presence of these obstacles. One-hundred and forty seven law university students completed an anonymous and voluntary survey. Results from regression analysis evidenced that both men and women have obstacles towards gender violence comprehension. Males showed a higher level of obstacles than females. Also, hostile sexism of both, men and women, and men´s benevolent sexism levels were positively related with a higher presence of obstacles. Finally, having received training related to gender violence acted as a protective factor that was associated with lower obstacles towards gender violence comprehension

    Estudio de la explicitación en dos publicaciones periódicas gratuitas bilingües (Ronda Iberia y Sur in English1 ). Análisis de casos

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    Este artículo tiene el propósito de estudiar la prensa gratuita y sus orígenes en general, haciendo especial hincapié en la prensa gratuita de Málaga y provincia. El volumen de revistas bilingües recopiladas está en concordancia con el elevado número de extranjeros residentes en Málaga, su público receptor, o lo que se conoce por turismo residencial. De los textos extraídos de dichas revistas se puede deducir que las técnicas de traducción juegan un papel muy importante, especialmente la explicitación, que es mayor o menor dependiendo del contacto que los lectores tengan con la cultura del lugar en el que habitan, es decir, un turista extranjero que viva en Málaga durante cierto período de tiempo necesitará menos aclaraciones que uno que venga simplemente de vacaciones.

    Perceptual Categorization of Dialect Variation in Spanish

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    Paper presented at the 11th Hispanic Linguistics Symposium, November 1-4, 2007, University of Texas at San Antonio.The present paper explores perceptual categorization of dialect variation in two groups of Spanish speakers from Latin America and Spain. We expand our knowledge of how listeners perceptually categorize different Hispanic dialects, as well as explore the role that linguistic experience and familiarity with a certain dialect play in this process. Twelve talkers, 6 males and 6 females, from six different Hispanic countries (Spain, Chile, Argentina, Colombia, Costa Rica, and Mexico) were selected from the oral corpus Catalogue of Spanish Sounds. The results revealed that contact (e.g., family and friends) has a positive effect on dialect recognition, while experience (e.g., travel) does not show a clear pattern for all groups. Regular contact with other dialects contributes to the encoding and retention in memory of information, which helps listeners to relate different speakers to where they are from

    Deciphering the H-Bonding Preference on Nucleoside Molecular Recognition through Model Copper(II) Compounds

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    The synthetic nucleoside acyclovir is considered an outstanding model of the natural nucleoside guanosine. With the purpose of deepening on the influence and nature of non-covalent interactions regarding molecular recognition patterns, three novel Cu(II) complexes, involving acyclovir (acv) and the ligand receptor N-(2-hydroxyethyl)ethylenediamine (hen), have been synthesized and thoroughly characterized. The three novel compounds introduce none, one or two acyclovir molecules, respectively. Molecular recognition has been evaluated using single crystal X-ray diffraction. Furthermore, theoretical calculations and other physical methods such as thermogravimetric analysis, infrared and UV-Vis spectroscopy, electron paramagnetic resonance and magnetic measurements have been used. Theoretical calculations are in line with experimental results, supporting the relevance of the [metal-N7(acv) + H-bond] molecular recognition pattern. It was also shown that (hen)O-H group is used as preferred H-donor when it is found within the basal coordination plane, since the higher polarity of the terminal (hen)O-H versus the N-H group favours its implication. Otherwise, when (hen)O-H occupies the distal coordination site, (hen)N-H groups can take overThis research was funded by Agencia Estatal de Investigación, Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (MICIU) from Spain and co-funded with FEDER-EU (Projects No. PGC2018-102047-B-I00 and CTQ2017-85821-R); Junta de Andalucía (FQM-283), and University of Granada (Project ref. PPJIA2019-03)S

    Coupling of sensors and machine learning algorithms in the qualitative analysis of wine

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    This article belongs to the Proceedings of The 8th International Symposium on Sensor ScienceThis work attempts the identification of the production year, the cultivar's region and the aging method used in the elaboration of different Spanish red wines, all from the "tempranillo" grape variety. The identification of such characteristics relies on the use of a voltammetric electronic tongue (ET) system formed by modified graphite-epoxy electrodes (GEC) and metallic electrodes to collect a set of six voltammograms per sample, and different chemometric tools to accomplish the final identifications. A large sample set that included 199 different wine samples from commercial and own elaboration origin were analysed with the electronic tongue system, using the cyclic voltammetry technique and without any sample pre-treatment. To process the extremely complex and high-dimensionality generated data, a compression strategy was used for the acquired voltammograms, using discrete wavelet transform (DWT). This treatment reduced the information to ca. 10%, preserving significant features from the voltammetric signals. Compressed data was evaluated firstly by unsupervised methods, i.e., principal component analysis (PCA), without much success as it was found that such methods were unable to unravel the patterns contained within such complex data samples. Finally, the processed electrochemical information was evaluated by supervised methods to accomplish the proper identification; among those methods were linear discriminant analysis (LDA), supported vector machines (SVM) or artificial neural networks (ANN). The best results were obtained using artificial neural networks (ANNs), achieving 96.1% of correct classification for bottled year, 86.8% for elaboration region (protected designation of origin) and 98.6% for maturation type with or without use of wood barrel

    Kids YouTubers generation: analysis of YouTube channels of the new child phenomena

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    YouTube se ha convertido en la plataforma online de visualización de contenido digital por excelencia. En este escenario, se han consolidado ciertos canales, protagoni-zados por niños, como los más visualizados por parte de la población infantil. El objetivo de este trabajo ha sido analizar los canales de los niños YouTubers españoles con mayor influencia. Se ha seguido una metodología basada en la técnica de análisis de contenido, la cual nos ha per-mitido obtener datos cuantitativos sobre una serie de va-riables para determinar la influencia y el tipo de contenido que publican. Entre los resultados encontramos que la mayoría de canales cuentan con un soporte empresarial, con fines puramente económicos, donde la imagen del menor es objeto de negocio. La influencia que ejercen los niños YouTubers en otros menores es altísima, debido a que se encuentran en una etapa de construcción de la identidad, este hecho es aprovechado por las marcas para incluir publicidad. Finalmente, se destaca el carácter glo-bal de este fenómeno, el cual sucede en distintos puntos geográficos del planetaYouTube has become the online platform for viewing digital content par excellence. This is, certain kids channels have been consolidated as the most visualized by children. The purpose of this paper has been to analyse the chan-nels of the Spanish YouTubers children with greater influence. We have followed a methodology based on the technique of content analysis, which has allowed us to obtain quantitative data on a series of variables to deter-mine their influence and the type of content. Among the results we found that most channels have a business sup-port, for purely economic purposes, where the image of the child is the object of business. The influence exercised by children YouTubers in other minors is very high, be-cause they are in a stage of identity construction, this fact is used by brands to include publicity. Finally, the global character of this phenomenon is highlighted, which hap-pens in different geographical points of the plane