97 research outputs found

    The Metadata Education and Research Information Commons (MERIC): A Collaborative Teaching and Research Initiative

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    The networked environment forced a sea change in Library and Information Science (LIS) education. Most LIS programs offer a mixed-mode of instruction that integrates online learning materials with more traditional classroom pedagogical methods and faculty are now responsible for developing content and digital learning objects. The teaching commons in a networked environment is one way to share, modify and repurpose learning objects while reducing the costs to educational institutions of developing course materials totally inhouse. It also provides a venue for sharing ideas, practices, and expertise in order to provide the best learning experience for students. Because metadata education has been impacted by rapid changes and metadata research is interdisciplinary and diffuse, the Metadata Education and Research Information Commons (MERIC) initiative aims to provide a virtual environment for sharing and collaboration within the extensive metadata community. This paper describes the development of MERIC from its origin as a simple clearinghouse proof-of-concept project to a service-oriented teaching and research commons prototype. The problems of enablers and barriers to participation and collaboration are discussed and the need for specific community building research is cited as critical for the success of MERIC within a broad metadata community

    Seeing Grocery in a New Light: Investigating Oda Norway's firm specific advantages in the Finnish grocerymarket.

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    With Oda having experienced a rapid growth ever since its debut in 2013, the increased online interest following the pandemic further accelerated the company’s upwards trajectory. With its 70 percent market share of the online grocery segment in Norway and a unicorn title in 2021, the company attracted powerful investors. This led to the possibility of expanding, where the choice fell on the international scene rather than solely focusing on domestic growth. We investigate Oda’s firm specific advantages (FSAs) and the extent to which these are transferable to the Finnish grocery market. To answer this question, we have mainly utilized secondary sources of information, including financial statements, reports, press releases, news articles, and podcasts. The information has been analyzed through literature frameworks such as, the business model canvas, Porter’s competitive advantage, competition analysis, international business, and behavioral economics. We applied the VRIO framework from the resource-based view, Porter’s ten cost drivers from the activity-based theory, and the complementarity framework by Porter and Siggelkow to identify Oda’s FSAs. The company’s FSAs in its home country are found to be the business model in its entirety. This is substantiated by the many complementary activities and valuable resources found when analyzing the company’s business model. The most important are the interplay between, the logistics competency and self-made logistics system specialized for grocery, the pickers in production and the logistics system, and the integrated delivery service coupled with the order processing system. In addition, the valuable resource found in the company’s centralized warehouse is crucial for Oda’s success. The Lien et al. framework was used to explain the FSAs in the context of the Norwegian grocery market and the associated competition. A comparison between the Norwegian and Finnish grocery market was made to identify differences in the two markets. These were included with the literature of liability of foreignness (LOF) to explain the potential challenges one might face as a foreign company. Oda’s most evident sources of LOF are challenges related to securing supplier deals, the Finnish consumers slightly differing preference, and potential market responses from the established competition. These findings require awareness from Oda, however, the business model in itself is found to be replicable in the Finnish market while still contributing to a FSA. This is especially true as no business model in the Finnish market was of similar nature to Oda’s model.nhhma

    Variability in Uremic Control during Continuous Venovenous Hemodiafiltration in Trauma Patients

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    Introduction. Acute kidney injury (AKI) necessitating continuous renal replacement therapy (CRRT) is a severe complication in trauma patients (TP). We wanted to assess daily duration of CRRT and its impact on uremic control in TP. Material and Methods. We retrospectively reviewed adult TP, with or without rhabdomyolysis, with AKI undergoing CRRT. Data on daily CRRT duration and causes for temporary stops were collected from the first five CRRT days. Uremic control was assessed by daily changes in serum urea (Δurea) and creatinine (Δcreatinine) concentrations. Results. Thirty-six TP were included with a total of 150 CRRT days, 17 (43%) with rhabdomyolysis. The median (interquartile range (IQR)) time per day with CRRT was 19 (15–21) hours. There was a significant correlation between daily CRRT duration and Δurea (r = 0.60, P≤0.001) and Δcreatinine (r = 0.43; P = 0.012). CRRT pauses were caused by filter clotting (54%), therapeutic interventions (25%), catheter related problems (10%), filter timeout (6%), and diagnostic procedures (6%). Rhabdomyolysis did not affect the CRRT data. Conclusions. TP undergoing CRRT had short daily CRRT duration causing reduced uremic control. Clinicians should modify their daily clinical practice to improve technical skills and achieve sufficient dialysis dose

    Forholdet mellom ledelse og bærekraft

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    Temaet for denne studien er ledelse av bærekraft i fiskerinæringen. Målet med studien er å medvirke til økt forståelse for sammenhengen mellom ledelse og bærekraftig verdiskapning. Tematikken blir i denne studien belyst gjennom fiskerederiet Hermes AS. Bedriften har en lang fartstid i næringen og drifter med et bærekraftig fokus. I den forlengelse var vi opptatt av om vi kan forstå en bærekraftig ledelse i bedriften, gjennom å se nærmere på forholdet mellom ledelse og bærekraft. Studiens problemstilling er som følgende: «Hvordan, og i hvilken grad utøves bærekraftig ledelse i Hermes?». For å svare ut problemstillingen, forankres den i et todelt rammeverk som henvender seg til ulike litteraturer for bærekraftig verdiskapning. Først presenterer vi hvordan en bedrift hensyntar de sosiale, miljømessige og økonomiske aspekter gjennom bærekraftige aktiviteter. Videre løfter vi frem teorien om ansvarlig ledelse. Dette er en konseptualisering av ledelse som skal være hensiktsmessig for en bærekraftig drift. Vi begrenser vårt fokus på lederstilen til å kun dypdykke i Maak & Pless (2006) sin rollemodell. Videre kombinerer vi det todelte rammeverket i egenutviklede kombinasjoner og definerer dette som ulike grader for en bærekraftig ledelse. Det teoretiske rammeverket bunner ut i en todelt analysemodell som viser til hvordan problemstillingens «hvordan» og «i hvilken grad» er tiltenkt å svares ut. Vi har metodisk gått til verks gjennom en kvalitativ studie, hvor den bærekraftige ledelsen studeres ved hjelp av dybdeintervjuer med bedriftens ledelse og ansatte. Det ble totalt gjennomført åtte intervjuer. Gjennom vårt empiriske materiale får vi innsikt i den bærekraftige ledelsen i Hermes, og kan forstå denne utøvende i middels grad. Vi får også innsikt i sammenhengen mellom ledelse og bærekraft, og at den utøvende lederstilen i Hermes forstås som viktig overfor bedriftens bærekraftige aktivitet

    Skolehage som en felles pedagogisk ressurs og helhetlig satsing på norske videregående skoler

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    Studien utforsker muligheter og utfordringer tilknyttet skolehager, i undervisning og som en helhetlig satsning, på videregående skoler. Skolehager blir fremmet som en ressursrik og fremtidsrettet læringsarena. Det er imidlertid lite forskning som omhandler skolehager på videregående skoler, og hvordan de kan bestå over tid. Historisk sett har skolehager blitt etablert og vedlikeholdt av enkeltstående ildsjeler i Norge. Dette kan være en utfordring for skolehager sin utvikling og fremtid, fordi det gjør den sårbar for endringer. Studiens hensikt er dermed todelt. For det første undersøker studien hvordan videregående skoler kan benytte skolehage som læringsarena i fag. For det andre undersøker den hvordan skolehager kan bli en integrert del av videregående skoler over tid. For å belyse studiens hensikt har vi gjennomført en flercasestudie med seks caser. En case består av en gruppe informanter fra samme videregående skole. Skolene befinner seg forskjellige steder i Norge, og har ulike forutsetninger og visjoner, samt tilnærminger til skolehage. Fokusgruppeintervju ble benyttet som metode for datagenerering. Utvalget bestod av lærere som har benyttet eller har et ønske om å benytte skolehage i undervisning, samt nøkkelpersoner tilknyttet skolehagene. For å finne sammenhenger og interessante aspekter som belyser studiens hensikt, ble datamaterialet analysert gjennom kvalitativ innholdsanalyse. Studien viser at en skolehage er en allsidig læringsarena som kan benyttes av mangfoldige fag og utdanningsprogram. En skolehage gir mulighet for en rekke tilnærminger som tjener flere formål. Samtidig viser funnene at skolehageundervisning har potensial til å minimere konflikten mellom skolens utdannings- og danningsoppdrag, som er fremtredende på videregående skoler. Resultatene indikerer imidlertid at en svak kobling mellom skolehageundervisning og etterarbeid, kan svekke skolehagens potensial. Studien viser at en skolehage er en arena der flere aktører kan inngå. En helhetlig satsing hvor flere aktører inngår i skolehagen, kan være en løsning for hvordan skolehagen kan bli værende over tid. Dette fordrer imidlertid en aktiv ledelse. Med bakgrunn i studiens resultater og litteratur, bidrar studien med en fasemodell for skolehager sin utvikling i retning mot helskole-tilnærming til skolehage. Modellen er et bidrag til praksisfeltet, men kan også være et utgangspunkt for videre forskning.The study explores the possibilities and challenges associated with school gardens as a learning resource and as a whole-school approach in upper secondary schools. School gardens are promoted as a resourceful and future oriented learning environment. However, there is limited research on school gardens in upper secondary schools, and on how they can be sustained. Historically, school gardens in Norway have been established and maintained by individual enthusiasts. This can be a challenge for the development and future of the school gardens, as they are vulnerable to changes. The purpose of the study is therefore twofolded. Firstly, the study examines how upper secondary schools can use school gardens as a learning environment in subjects. Secondly, the study examines how school gardens can become an integrated part of upper secondary schools. To illustrate the purpose of the study, we conducted a multiple case study with six cases. One case consists of a group of informants from the same upper secondary school. The schools are located in different parts of Norway, and have individual prerequisites, visions, and approaches to school gardens. Focus group interviews were used to generate the data. The sample consisted of teachers who have used or have a desire to use school gardens, as well as key persons associated with the school gardens. The data material was analysed through qualitative content analysis to find interesting aspects that highlight the purpose of the study. The study shows that school gardens are a versatile learning environment that can be used by diverse subjects and education programs. School gardens allow for a range of approaches that serve multiple purposes. At the same time, the findings show that school gardens have the potential to minimize the conflict between the school's twofolded mission, which is prominent in upper secondary schools. However, the results indicate that a weak link between school garden teaching and follow-up work may reduce the potential of the school gardens. The study shows that several contributors can be involved in the school garden project. A whole-school approach to school gardens, where several contributors are involved, can be a solution for how the school garden can be sustained. However, this requires active involvement from the school management. Based on this study's results and literature, we have developed a model towards a whole-school approach to school gardens. The model is a contribution to schools that want to establish a school garden, but the model can also be used for further research

    Personality factors predict sleep-related shift work tolerance in different shifts at 2-year follow-up: a prospective study

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    Objectives: The aim of the present study was to investigate whether the personality variables morningness, flexibility, languidity and hardiness could predict sleep-related shift work tolerance for the day, evening and night shifts, respectively. Design: Prospective study design with questionnaires administered in winter 2008/2009 (wave 1) and 2 years later in spring 2011 (wave 3). Setting: Different healthcare institutions in Norway. Participants: The sample comprised in all 700 nurses working a three-shift rotating schedule. Primary and secondary outcome measures: The personality variables were assessed at wave 1, as were the demographic, lifestyle and work-related variables. Sleep-related shift work tolerance, assessed at wave 3, was measured separately for the day, evening and night shifts with the Bergen Shift Work Sleep Questionnaire. Results: Morningness was positively associated with sleep-related day shift tolerance (p<0.001). Flexibility was positively associated with sleep-related tolerance for the evening as well as night shift (p<0.001). Furthermore, languidity was negatively associated with sleep-related shift tolerance for the day, evening and night shifts (p<0.001, <0.01, <0.05, respectively). Hardiness was positively associated with sleep-related tolerance for the day, evening and night shifts (p<0.001, <0.01, <0.05, respectively). Age was negatively associated with sleeprelated shift tolerance for the day, night (p<0.01) and evening shifts (p<0.001). Conclusions: The findings indicate that hardiness and languidity predict sleep-related shift work tolerance across all shift types among shift working nurses. The effects of flexibility and morningness seem to depend on the shift schedule. By and large, our results are in accordance with previous studies; however, we have now demonstrated the prospective importance of personality in relation to sleep-related shift work tolerance across different shifts.publishedVersio

    Tilbakemeldinger til sykepleiestudenter i praksis : Prosjektrapport 2015-2016

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    Ortopedisk sengepost har gjennom flere år drevet kontinuerlig forbedringsarbeid for å heve kvalitet til studentveiledning i praksis og samarbeidet med Høgskolen i Innlandet. Det allerede veletablert samarbeidet førte til at ortopedisk sengepost våren 2014 søkte på samarbeidsprosjektmidler ved Høgskolen i Innlandet. De søkte om et fagutviklingsprosjekt for å kunne utarbeide et skriftlig tilbakemeldingsskjema til bruk for studenter ved ortopedisk sengepost. Det var en utfordring for både studenter og daglige veiledere med å bruke det eksisterende skjema fokus for uken og arbeidsplan. Bakgrunn for prosjektet var et ønske å kunne gi studenter mer individuell og tilpasset tilbakemeldinger samt et ønske om mer refleksjon og læring. Studentveiledning er et prioritert område fra avdelingens ledelse og fagutviklingssykepleier i gjennom flere år. Hovedveiledermodellen er veletablert og mange av sykepleierne har formell veilederutdanning. Gode rutiner i avdelingen er etablert med en praksismodell som organiserer studentteam for studenter i 6. semester praksis. Det vurderes også muligheter for etablering av studentteam med 3. semester studenter. Et kriterium for praksisprosjektets gjennomføring er at studentene i praksis skal være delaktige i prosjektet. Sykepleierstudentene i praksis har deltatt ved å dele sine erfaringer med skriftlig tilbakemeldinger gjennom refleksjonsnotater og fokusgruppeintervju. Sykepleierne på ortopedisk sengepost har delt sine erfaringer gjennom fokusgruppeintervju. Praksisprosjektet har sin formelle oppstart januar 2015 og ble avsluttet desember 2015

    Combined Anti-Angiogenic Therapy Targeting PDGF and VEGF Receptors Lowers the Interstitial Fluid Pressure in a Murine Experimental Carcinoma

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    Elevation of the interstitial fluid pressure (IFP) of carcinoma is an obstacle in treatment of tumors by chemotherapy and correlates with poor drug uptake. Previous studies have shown that treatment with inhibitors of platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) or vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) signaling lowers the IFP of tumors and improve chemotherapy. In this study, we investigated whether the combination of PDGFR and VEGFR inhibitors could further reduce the IFP of KAT-4 human carcinoma tumors. The tumor IFP was measured using the wick-in-needle technique. The combination of STI571 and PTK/ZK gave an additive effect on the lowering of the IFP of KAT-4 tumors, but the timing of the treatment was crucial. The lowering of IFP following combination therapy was accompanied by vascular remodeling and decreased vascular leakiness. The effects of the inhibitors on the therapeutic efficiency of Taxol were investigated. Whereas the anti-PDGF and anti-VEGF treatment did not significantly inhibit tumor growth, the inhibitors enhanced the effect of chemotherapy. Despite having an additive effect in decreasing tumor IFP, the combination therapy did not further enhance the effect of chemotherapy. Simultaneous targeting of VEGFR and PDGFR kinase activity may be a useful strategy to decrease tumor IFP, but the timing of the inhibitors should be carefully determined

    The symple choice algorythm for estimating of parametersof network protetion prioroties in analitical hierarchic process

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    Humans depend on services provided by ecosystems, and how services are affected by climate change is increasingly studied. Few studies, however, address changes likely to affect services from seminatural ecosystems. We analyzed ecosystem goods and services in natural and seminatural systems, specifically how they are expected to change as a result of projected climate change during the 21st century. We selected terrestrial and freshwater systems in northernmost Europe, where climate is anticipated to change more than the global average, and identified likely changes in ecosystem services and their societal consequences. We did this by assembling experts from ecology, social science, and cultural geography in workshops, and we also performed a literature review. Results show that most ecosystem services are affected by multiple factors, often acting in opposite directions. Out of 14 services considered, 8 are expected to increase or remain relatively unchanged in supply, and 6 are expected to decrease. Although we do not predict collapse or disappearance of any of the investigated services, the effects of climate change in conjunction with potential economical and societal changes may exceed the adaptive capacity of societies. This may result in societal reorganization and changes in ways that ecosystems are used. Significant uncertainties and knowledge gaps in the forecast make specific conclusions about societal responses to safeguard human well-being questionable. Adapting to changes in ecosystem services will therefore require consideration of uncertainties and complexities in both social and ecological responses. The scenarios presented here provide a framework for future studies exploring such issues