512 research outputs found

    Poverty or Politics: A Study of Targeted Community-Based Development Programs in Indonesia

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    This paper aims to study the politics of economic redistribution. Basically, there are two competing models of redistributive politics in the literature. First, Cox and McCubbins (1986) suggest that incumbent governments should distribute economic benefits toward core voters because they are considered as a safer investment compared to other groups. Second, Lindbeck and Weibull (1993) and Dixit and Londregan (1996) develop electoral competition models in which incumbent governments attempt to get political support by disproportionately channeling particularistic benefits to swing voters. I use the PNPM Mandiri community-driven development program in Indonesia to test whether they are any political motives behind the allocation of PNPM Mandiri block grants from the central to lower-level governments. The study finds that presidential politics does matter in the distribution of block grants. Districts that were major supporters of the incumbent president in the past election are largely rewarded, whereas swing districts are not targeted


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    Does the Rabbits Foot Actually Work? The Causal Effect of Foreign Ownership on Firm Productivity in Three ASEAN Countries

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    Voluminous studies have examined the relationship between foreign ownership and firm productivity. Two general patterns emerge at the empirical level: they are essentially correlational and results are mixed. This paper estimates the causal effect of foreign presence on a variety of productivity measures. We rely on a selection on observables approach based on the idea that all variables that influence foreign ownership status and firm productivity are fully captured by the available control variables, eliminating the problem of selection bias. Using firm-level data from three ASEAN countries, the study finds that productivity of foreign-owned firms is consistently above that of domestically-owned firms regardless of different productivity measures and types of matching algorithms. This result suggests to a large extent the benefits of foreign participation in the economy

    Penerapan Business Process Analysis Sebagai Upaya Untuk Mencapai Cost Reduction Pada PT. C.O. A. Di Surabaya

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    Saat ini maraknya usaha dengan sistem MLM, sangat terlihat. Hal ini dilatarbelakangi oleh adanya daya tarik dari sistem MLM itu sendiri. Karena persaingan yang ketat maka perlu adanya efisiensi dan efektivitas untuk dapat bertahan. PT.C.O.A merupakan badan usaha yang bergerak dalam bidang distribusi alat-alat rumah tangga yang memasarkan produknya melalui personal selling, dan menerapan pendekatan fungsional dalam aktivitas opersasi yang mendorong tiap fungsi untuk mementingkan kepentingan fungsinya sendiri sehingga dalam memecahkan permasalahan yang ada hanya berusaha dengan mengidentifikasikan dimana masalah itu terjadi tanpa mencari akar permasalahan tersebut. Pendekatan ini menyebabkan badan usaha terjebak dalam suatu permasalahan yang kompleks dan akan terbawa ke periode-periode berikutnya. Business process analysis merupakan konsep manajamen lintas fungsi, yang tidak memandang suatu badan usaha sebagai kumpulan fungsi yang terpisah, melainkan memandang badan usaha sebagai suatu kumpulan proses. Dengan adanya konsep ini, badan usaha diharapkan dapat menyingkirkan batas-batas yang memisahkan antar fungsi yang satu dengan fungsi yang lain. Analisa ini dimulai dengan mengidentifikasikan proses menjadi beberapa sub proses, dan selanjutnya akan dijabarkan lebih lanjut dalam bentuk aktivitas-aktivitas. Dalam penerapannya pada PT.C.O.A prosesnya terdiri proses penyimpanan,proses penerimaan order penjualan, proses penjadwalan pengiriman dan proses pengiriman. Penerapan business process anlysis sangat membantu badan usaha untuk mengidentifikasikan aktivitas-aktivitas yang tidak memberikan nilai tambah, yang ada pada aktivitas operasinya. Setelah semua aktivitas teridentifikasi, maka langkah selanjutnya adalah mencari akar permasalahan yang menyebabkan terjadinya peningkatan biaya yang dapat menurunkan tingkat efesiensi sehingga dapat menyebabkan penurunan kinerja badan usaha. Setelah itu badan usaha juga perlu mengembangkan rencana perbaikan untuk mengatasi akar permasalahan yang telah diidentifikasi.. Rencana perbaikan yang telah disusun dengan tepat diharapkan dapat mengeliminasi aktivitas yang tidak bemilai tambah.Dengan penerapan business process analysis pada PT. C.O.A dalam menentukan tingkat efisiensi dan tingkat ketidakefisiensian yang terjadi untuk mencapai cost reduction. Dengan demikian maka badan usaha telah meningkatkan kinerjanya dan dapat bertahan dalam persaingan


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    This study, focusing on the rebana art course as one of the extracurricular program at SDN Cangkuang V, aims to investigate the teaching method, content and evaluation of the teacher to see if the rebana art course can successfully be applied to the students. This study develops a descriptive-qualitative approach which focuses on the observation technique, interview and documentation. Furthermore, all the data is processed by the technique of reduction, display and data verification. The study finds out that the rebana art course at SDN Cangkuang V includes several components that seriously become the key factors in the successful rebana art course such as the method of description, method of demonstration, method of imitation and method of drill. The teaching material that is given at class are the history of the tambourine itself, the pattern and structure of the rebana and its function when assembled to the other instruments. In the evaluation step, there are two types of tests called formative and summative test, applied only at the end of the course. Generally speaking the tambourine course at SDN Cangkuang V is considered succeed and well-applied regarding to the teaching goals (to invoke students’ creativity in music and to conserve and to develops local arts in Cangkuang village) are already reached. ;---Pembelajaran kesenian rebana pada kegiatan ekstrakurikuler di SDN Cangkuang V Kecamatan Leles Kabupaten Garut adalah judul dari penelitian ini, tujuannya adalah untuk mendeskripsikan masalah mengenai metode yang diterapkan dalam pembelajaran, materi yang diberikan dalam pembelajaran serta evaluasi yang dilakukan untuk memperoleh hasil dari pembelajaran kesenian rebana tersebut. Untuk menggali data-data digunakan metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Secara operasional data terkumpul melalui teknik observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Seluruh data diolah dengan teknik reduksi, display dan verifikasi data. Temuan dan hasil penelitian pembelajaran kesenian rebana yaitu mengenai beberapa komponen yang berpengaruh di dalam pembelajaran kesenian rebana. Dalam metode pembelajaran yang diterapkan dalam pembelajaran kesenian rebana di SD Cangkuang V seperti metode ceramah (penjelasan materi), metode demonstrasi (pemberian contoh dalam menabuh instrumen rebana), metode imitasi (peniruan), dan metode Drill (pengulangan dan latihan). Materi pembelajaran yang diberikan selama proses pembelajaran yaitu mengenai sejarah kesenian rebana, pola tabuh instrumen rebana serta pengaplikasian pola tabuh tersebut pada lagu persaudaraan. Evaluasi yang dilakukan pengajar dalam pembelajaran kesenian rebana dilakukan dengan dua tes, yaitu tes formatif dan sumatif. Tes formatif ini dilakukan selama berlangsungnya proses pembelajaran, sedangkan tes sumatif dilakukan pada saat akhir pembelajaran saja. Pembelajaran kesenian rebana pada kegiatan ekstrakurikuler di SD Cangkuang V berlangsung dengan baik. Dikatakan seperti itu karena pencapaian tujuan dari pembelajaran tersebut sudah tercapai, selain untuk mengembangkan kreativitas bermusik yang dimiliki siswa, pembelajaran ini juga sebagai salah satu cara untuk mempertahankan dan mengembangkan kesenian rebana yang ada di Desa Cangkuang

    PEMAKNAAN LIRIK LAGU GLOOMY SUNDAY KARYA REZSO SERESS (Studi Semiotika Tentang Pemaknaan Lirik Lagu Gloomy Sunday Karya Rezso Seress)

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    This watchfulness based on mysterious phenomenon of a song that cause for whoever that hear it can do suicide act, that is "Gloomy Sunday". It happen at various countries outside Indonesia, at Hungarian especially. Even the creator also do the suicide after this song explodes became his first hit. Along with case quantity of suicides that happen because the consequence of "Gloomy Sunday", then it had became a phenomenon in the entire world, belong in Indonesia. This matter also become pros and contra among Indonesia society, so that to make various of reactions and negative conceptions of this song. Method that used in this watchfulness is qualitative descriptive, where in this watchfulness interpreting in detail of " Gloomy Sunday" song lyric by Rezso Seress. This watchfulness used Saussure semiotic method which to accentuate to sign, and that are signifier (penanda) and signified (petanda), form (bentuk) and content (isi), langue (bahasa) and parole (tuturan, ujaran), synchronic (sinkronik) and diachronic (diakronik), and then syntagmatic (sintagmatik) and associative (paradigmatik). Based on this “Gloomy Sunday” song lyric analysis is describe about in a gloomy Sunday had happen something unexpected that her boyfriend had passed away to leave her. After the death of her boyfriend,her life became so gloomy and her life that through is full with the shadows of her beloved boyfriend. Then that person also through her daily day with full of unbearable restless. At last, that person make a decision to end everything with suicide. The decision had made just for meet and can be with her beloved boyfriend. That is all only happen in the gloomy Sunday. The conclusion of this “Gloomy Sunday” song lyric is somebody that to experience the thing above that is mean depression

    Implementasi Kearifan Budaya Lokal Dikehidupan Sehari Hari Melalui Program Jumat Manis Dengan Pendekatan Humanistik SDNTulungrejo 04 Bumiaji.

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    Local cultural wisdom can be considered as national identity, especially in the Indonesian context, making it possible for local cultural wisdom to be transferred transculturally. At SDN Tulungrejo 04 Bumiaji has held a Jumat Manis program which contains values in local wisdom. Implementation of this Jumat Manis program can facilitate all social activities of students to socialize between friends so that there is openness in each child to increase relationships and also in still the value of Bhinneka Tunggal Ika which is in the first principle and the third principle which reads "Belief in One Almighty God." and "Indonesian Unity". This research was conducted to examine local cultural wisdom activities at SDN Tulungrejo 04 Bumiaji in daily life through the Jumat Manis Program with a humanistic approach. This research is a type of qualitative research using a descriptive approach. The research was conducted at SDN Tulungrejo 04 Bumiaji with data collection techniques used, namely interviews, observation and documentation. The research results show that in planning the Jumat Manis program with a humanistic approach in the P5 project. In this research it was found that students had implemented the Sweet Friday program with habituation. In this research it was found that habituation just flowed so that children were trained to uphold human values and local wisdom values that must be preserved, including the culture of commemorating religious holidays

    A CORRELATION STUDY: Understanding and Ability to Appreciate Proverbs in Semantics Class

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    The purpose of this article is to investigate the correlation between students' understanding in semantics and their ability to appreciate English proverbs at the seventh semester of English department students in Lancang Kuning University, Pekanbaru. Based on the findings and discussion in chapter IV, the result was in line with the researcher's hypothesis that there was significant correlation between students' understanding in semantics and their ability to appreciate English at the Seventh Semester of English Education Department Faculty of Education and Teachers Training University of Lancang Kuning. The result of semantics test could be categorized “very good” because the percentage of the students who got very good category was 75%. Whereas, the result of English proverbs test could be categorized “very good” because of the percentage of the students who got very good category was 72%. It was found that the more increases semantics score, the more increases also English proverbs score. So, it was strong influence for variable X which was semantics to influence variable Y which was English proverbs and vice versa. The data reveals that the correlation coefficient was 0.846 which was close to +1.00, it meant that there was positive correlation between students' understanding in semantics and their ability to appreciate English proverbs


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    This paper attempts to investigate whether financial development leads to growth in developing country like Indonesia. It is found that there is stable long-run equilibrium relationship between the development of financial sector and the real output. Granger causality test suggests the bi-directional causality for real output and credit volume and one-way causality from spread to real output. Vector Error Correction methodology results seem to give strong support to the hypothesis that financial system can be an engine of growth in this country. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia : Tulisan ini mencoba menginvestigasi peranan sektor keuangan dalam memicu pertumbuhan ekonomi di negara berkembang, seperti Indonesia. Hasil-hasil empiris mengindikasikan, dalam jangka panjang, terdapat hubungan ekuilibrium antara perkembangan sektor keuangan dan output riil. Uji kausalitas Granger menunjukkan bi-directional causality diantara output riil dan volume kredit serta one-way causality yang berasal dari spread menuju output riil. Hasil dari Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) cenderung mendukung hipotesis bahwa sistem keuangan dapat menjadi mesin pertumbuhan di negara ini. Kata kunci: perkembangan sektor keuangan, pertumbuhan ekonomi, kausalitas, VECM


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    ABSTRAK Indonesia merupakan salah satu negara yang banyak melakukan kegiatan ekspor. Ekspor merupakan kegiatan yang memiliki peran penting bagi perekonomian Indonesia. Ekspor akan memberikan efek yang positif terhadap kegiatan ekonomi Negara karena dapat meningkatkan pendapatan nasional. Indonesia dikenal sebagai negaraagraris yang memiliki kekayaan sumber daya alam yang beranekaragam, terutama dari hasil sector pertanian. Salah satu komoditas hasil dari pertanian Indonesia adalah biji kakao. Biji kakao merupakan hasil dari sub sector perkebunan. Biji kakao Indonesia sudah termasuk dalam komoditas andalan dalam kegiatan ekspor Indonesia. Negara tujuan utama ekspor biji kakao Indonesia adalah Malaysia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh produksi (Q), harga pesaing (P), dan nilai tukar (Er) terhadap ekspor biji kakao Indonesia ke Malaysia (EX). Penelitian ini menggunakan metode regresi linear berganda dengan jenis data penelitian adalah data sekunder dari tahun 2000 – 2014. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah Ordinary Least Square (OLS). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa secara parsial (uji t-statistik) produksi mempunyai hubungan positif dan tidak signifikan terhadap ekspor biji kakao Indonesia ke Malaysia dengan koefisien sebesar 0.034318. Harga pesaing mempunyai hubungan positif dan signifikan terhadap ekspor biji kakao Indonesia ke Malaysia dengan koefisien sebesar 0.981934. Nilai tukar mempunyai hubungan negatif dan tidak signifikan terhadap ekspor biji kakao Indonesia ke Malaysia dengan koefisien sebesar -1.863939. Namun secara simultan (F-statistik) semua variabel dalam penelitian ini berpengaruh signifikan terhadap ekspor biji kakao Indonesia ke Malaysia. Kata kunci: ekspor biji kakao Indonesia, produksi, nilai tukar, harga pesain
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