
Implementasi Kearifan Budaya Lokal Dikehidupan Sehari Hari Melalui Program Jumat Manis Dengan Pendekatan Humanistik SDNTulungrejo 04 Bumiaji.


Local cultural wisdom can be considered as national identity, especially in the Indonesian context, making it possible for local cultural wisdom to be transferred transculturally. At SDN Tulungrejo 04 Bumiaji has held a Jumat Manis program which contains values in local wisdom. Implementation of this Jumat Manis program can facilitate all social activities of students to socialize between friends so that there is openness in each child to increase relationships and also in still the value of Bhinneka Tunggal Ika which is in the first principle and the third principle which reads "Belief in One Almighty God." and "Indonesian Unity". This research was conducted to examine local cultural wisdom activities at SDN Tulungrejo 04 Bumiaji in daily life through the Jumat Manis Program with a humanistic approach. This research is a type of qualitative research using a descriptive approach. The research was conducted at SDN Tulungrejo 04 Bumiaji with data collection techniques used, namely interviews, observation and documentation. The research results show that in planning the Jumat Manis program with a humanistic approach in the P5 project. In this research it was found that students had implemented the Sweet Friday program with habituation. In this research it was found that habituation just flowed so that children were trained to uphold human values and local wisdom values that must be preserved, including the culture of commemorating religious holidays

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