166 research outputs found

    The Cast Structure of High-Speed Steel

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    The cause and effects of the formation of coarse cellular carbides in high-speed steels are reviewed and attention is drawn to possible methods of investigating the problem and perhaps eliminating it

    Online social networking: Relationship marketing in UK hotels

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    The role and the existing and potential use of online social networking as a relationship marketing (RM) tool is evaluated in the context of luxury hotels. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with the persons responsible for the management of social networking in 10 luxury hotels. Constant comparative analysis, applied within a codebook framework, revealed online social networks (OSNs) provided RM opportunities and increased business value. It is acknowledged that the full potential of OSNs has yet to be realised in terms of hotel marketing. Opportunities for extending the utilisation of OSNs are identified alongside recommendations for hotel marketing practitioners with regard to addressing consumers' needs, and areas for further research are outlined. © 2013 Copyright 2013 Westburn Publishers Ltd

    Reconocimiento automatizado de menas metálicas mediante análisis digital de imagen: Un apoyo al proceso mineralúrgico. II: Criterios metalogenéticos discriminantes

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    Demostrada la posibilidad de segmentación efectiva de menas metálicas para la automatización del estudio mineralógico mediante análisis digital de imagen sobre microscopio óptico de reflexión, se procede, ahora, a completar la metodología, integrando criterios complementarios. Se estudian las asociaciones minerales presentes en los yacimientos minerales y se comparan los valores de reflectancia correspondientes. Las posibilidades de confusión son mínimas, si se limita la selección a los componentes presentes en asociaciones reales. Se elaboran tablas con tipologías simplificadas de yacimientos y de las correspondientes asociaciones minerales, ilustrando su aplicación con ejemplos reales. En conclusión, se propone un método integrado que combina criterios físicos cuantitativos, basados en medidas fotoespectrométricas, con criterios geológicos (tipologías y asociaciones minerales). Dicho método no sustituye al experto mineralogista pero potencia, enormemente, su rendimiento y lo capacita, mediante el proceso matemático de datos digitales adquiridos una sola vez, para producir, a la carta, informaciones variadas y rápidas

    The early origin of the Antarctic Marine Fauna and its evolutionary implications

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    The extensive Late Cretaceous – Early Paleogene sedimentary succession of Seymour Island, N.E. Antarctic Peninsula offers an unparalleled opportunity to examine the evolutionary origins of a modern polar marine fauna. Some 38 modern Southern Ocean molluscan genera (26 gastropods and 12 bivalves), representing approximately 18% of the total modern benthic molluscan fauna, can now be traced back through at least part of this sequence. As noted elsewhere in the world, the balance of the molluscan fauna changes sharply across the Cretaceous – Paleogene (K/Pg) boundary, with gastropods subsequently becoming more diverse than bivalves. A major reason for this is a significant radiation of the Neogastropoda, which today forms one of the most diverse clades in the sea. Buccinoidea is the dominant neogastropod superfamily in both the Paleocene Sobral Formation (SF) (56% of neogastropod genera) and Early - Middle Eocene La Meseta Formation (LMF) (47%), with the Conoidea (25%) being prominent for the first time in the latter. This radiation of Neogastropoda is linked to a significant pulse of global warming that reached at least 65°S, and terminates abruptly in the upper LMF in an extinction event that most likely heralds the onset of global cooling. It is also possible that the marked Early Paleogene expansion of neogastropods in Antarctica is in part due to a global increase in rates of origination following the K/Pg mass extinction event. The radiation of this and other clades at ~65°S indicates that Antarctica was not necessarily an evolutionary refugium, or sink, in the Early – Middle Eocene. Evolutionary source – sink dynamics may have been significantly different between the Paleogene greenhouse and Neogene icehouse worlds

    Northern hemisphere stratospheric pathway of different El Niño Flavors in stratosphere-resolving CMIP5 models

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    AbstractThe Northern Hemisphere (NH) stratospheric signals of eastern Pacific (EP) and central Pacific (CP) El Niño events are investigated in stratosphere-resolving historical simulations from phase 5 of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP5), together with the role of the stratosphere in driving tropospheric El Niño teleconnections in NH climate. The large number of events in each composite addresses some of the previously reported concerns related to the short observational record. The results shown here highlight the importance of the seasonal evolution of the NH stratospheric signals for understanding the EP and CP surface impacts. CMIP5 models show a significantly warmer and weaker polar vortex during EP El Niño. No significant polar stratospheric response is found during CP El Niño. This is a result of differences in the timing of the intensification of the climatological wavenumber 1 through constructive interference, which occurs earlier in EP than CP events, related to the anomalous enhancement and earlier development of the Pacific–North American pattern in EP events. The northward extension of the Aleutian low and the stronger and eastward location of the high over eastern Canada during EP events are key in explaining the differences in upward wave propagation between the two types of El Niño. The influence of the polar stratosphere in driving tropospheric anomalies in the North Atlantic European region is clearly shown during EP El Niño events, facilitated by the occurrence of stratospheric summer warmings, the frequency of which is significantly higher in this case. In contrast, CMIP5 results do not support a stratospheric pathway for a remote influence of CP events on NH teleconnections

    Nature and timing of biotic recovery in Antarctic benthic marine ecosystems following the Cretaceous-Paleogene mass extinction

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    Taxonomic and ecological recovery from the Cretaceous–Palaeogene (K–Pg) mass extinction 66 million years ago shaped the composition and structure of modern ecosystems. The timing and nature of recovery has been linked to many factors including palaeolatitude, geographical range, the ecology of survivors, incumbency and palaeoenvironmental setting. Using a temporally constrained fossil dataset from one of the most expanded K–Pg successions in the world, integrated with palaeoenvironmental information, we provide the most detailed examination of the patterns and timing of recovery from the K–Pg mass extinction event in the high southern latitudes of Antarctica. The timing of biotic recovery was influenced by global stabilization of the wider Earth system following severe environmental perturbations, apparently regardless of latitude or local environment. Extinction intensity and ecological change were decoupled, with community scale ecological change less distinct compared to other locations, even if the taxonomic severity of the extinction was the same as at lower latitudes. This is consistent with a degree of geographical heterogeneity in the recovery from the K–Pg mass extinction. Recovery in Antarctica was influenced by local factors (such as water depth changes, local volcanism, and possibly incumbency and pre‐adaptation to seasonality of the local benthic molluscan population), and also showed global signals, for example the radiation of the Neogastropoda within the first million years of the Danian, and a shift in dominance between bivalves and gastropods

    Detection of non-thermal X-ray emission in the lobes and jets of Cygnus A

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    This article has been published in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society © 2018 The Author(s). Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society. All rights reserved. 21 pages, 8 figuresWe present a spectral analysis of the lobes and X-ray jets of Cygnus A, using more than 2 Ms of Chandra\textit{Chandra} observations. The X-ray jets are misaligned with the radio jets and significantly wider. We detect non-thermal emission components in both lobes and jets. For the eastern lobe and jet, we find 1 keV flux densities of 7110+1071_{-10}^{+10} nJy and 244+424_{-4}^{+4} nJy, and photon indices of 1.720.03+0.031.72_{-0.03}^{+0.03} and 1.640.04+0.041.64_{-0.04}^{+0.04} respectively. For the western lobe and jet, we find flux densities of 5013+1250_{-13}^{+12} nJy and 135+513_{-5}^{+5} nJy, and photon indices of 1.970.10+0.231.97_{-0.10}^{+0.23} and 1.860.12+0.181.86_{-0.12}^{+0.18} respectively. Using these results, we modeled the electron energy distributions of the lobes as broken power laws with age breaks. We find that a significant population of non-radiating particles is required to account for the total pressure of the eastern lobe. In the western lobe, no such population is required and the low energy cutoff to the electron distribution there needs to be raised to obtain pressures consistent with observations. This discrepancy is a consequence of the differing X-ray photon indices, which may indicate that the turnover in the inverse-Compton spectrum of the western lobe is at lower energies than in the eastern lobe. We modeled the emission from both jets as inverse-Compton emission. There is a narrow region of parameter space for which the X-ray jet can be a relic of an earlier active phase, although lack of knowledge about the jet's electron distribution and particle content makes the modelling uncertain.Peer reviewedFinal Published versio

    Well flow and dilution measurements for characterization of vertical hydraulic conductivity structure of a carbonate aquifer

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    The paper aims to characterize vertical variations in horizontal hydraulic properties in a fractured carbonate aquifer, the Cretaceous Chalk in East Yorkshire, UK. Two approaches are used: an inverse model of well flow applied to flow logs of pumped open wells, and open well dilution testing. In this case study, transmissivity in the unconfined part of the aquifer is dominated by the highly permeable zone of water table fluctuation, where carbonate dissolution has occurred enhancing fracture aperture; a similar enhanced permeability zone is present at the top of the aquifer where it is confined beneath glacial deposits, although periglacial physical weathering during Quaternary cold periods, rather than carbonate dissolution, is responsible. The aquifer is also shown to contain deeper permeable horizons of stratigraphic origin, which are better developed in the unconfined section