520 research outputs found


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    Retinoblastoma is one of the malignant diseases of the eye originating from embryonal tissue. This disease most often occurs in children aged less than 5 years. The prevalence of retionoblastoma ranges from 2-4% of all pediatric malignancies with an incidence of 1 from 15,000-20,000 birth rates. This disease can occur unilaterally or bilaterally. The most common initial symptom is leukoria. The diagnosis of retinoblastoma are biopsy, X photos, ultrasound, Ct-Scan and MRI. However, this detection methods has side effects in children, so a diagnostic method is needed that has minimal side effects. As for the treatment of retinoblastoma are chemotherapy, surgery, focal therapy (cryotherapy, laser thermotherapy), external radiation and enucleation. However, this methods of therapy has side effects in the form of orbital bone growth disorders and mortality due to secondary malignancy. The use of chemotherapy not only attacks cancer cells but also can attack healthy cells so that patients can experience disorders such as diarrhea, anemia, etc. So from tha , the right and effective method of detection and therapy is needed. The writing of this review is to examine the most effective and efficient detection and therapy methods for treating retinoblastoma. In this review, there were Pubmed and Google Scholar-based data searches and no factor index restrictions using the keywords Gold Nanoparticle, fucoidan, nanoparticle, retinoblastoma and Surgassum sp. A review showed that Gold Nanoparticle (GNP) effectively used in the detection of retinoblastoma and Fucoidan nanoparticle is effective for the treatment of retinoblastoma. Gold Nanoparticle (GNP) and Fucoidan nanoparticle are potentially diagnostic and therapy on retinoblastoma .

    TINJAUAN TEORI HUKUM EKONOMI PADA PERJANJIAN SEWA BARANG MILIK NEGARA (Studi Kasus Kantor Unit Penyelenggara Pelabuhan Kelas III Kuala Samboja Direktorat Jenderal Perhubungan Laut dengan PT. Tanjung Berlian Samboja)

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    The purpose of this study is to determine the lease agreement of State Property (BMN) in terms of economic law theory. The research method uses a Doctrinal approach which is normative in character with research targets from a set of norms, at the application level, or research depth. Current infrastructure development requires efficiency, effectiveness of state spending and increased state revenue. In practice, Non-Tax State Revenue (PNBP) as state revenue has not been implemented optimally by the Ministry of State / Department. One of them is PNBP derived from the management of State assets, namely State Property (BMN). Alternative utilization of BMN by leasing BMN implemented by Ministries / Institutions in the scope of East Kalimantan, namely the utilization of BMN located at the Kuala Samboja Class III Port Operator Unit Office, the asset is leased for the stockpiling of land construction goods at Ambarawang Laut Port. So the researcher wants to know how the BMN utilization lease agreement from the Economic Analysis of Law theory, Investment theory, and how the BMN utilization Lease Agreement at the Kuala Samboja Class III Port Operator Unit Office in terms of agreement law. The results: (1) The BMN utilization lease agreement from the Economic Analysis of Law theory sees the role of law in terms of value, usefulness, and efficiency can be applied; (2) The contract signing process takes a long time, because on the leasing side there are several agencies in the approval, such as the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Transportation internally; (3) BMN utilization is seen by investment theory to be very beneficial for both parties; (4) BMN utilization lease agreement seen from the elements of the agreement, legally valid

    Peningkatan Respon Siswa Pada Pembelajaran Matematika Melalui Pendekatan Pakem(PTK Pembelajaran Matematika Kelas IV SD N Ngemplak Lasem Rembang)

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah meningkatkan respon, keaktifan, dan kreativitas siswa terhadap matematika sampai 75 % dengan menggunakan pendekatan pembelajaran aktif, kreatif, efektif, dan menyenangkan (PAKEM). Subyek penelitiannya adalah seluruh siswa kelas IV SD Negeri Ngemplak Lasem Rembang sejumlah 33 orang. Data dikumpulkan melalui metode observasi, tes, catatan lapangan, dan dokumentasi. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian tindakan kelas bersifat kolaboratif antara peneliti, guru matematika, dan kepala sekolah. Analisis data secara kualitatif melalui tiga alur. Data hasil penelitian menyimpulkan terdapat peningkatan respon siswa terhadap matematika, yaitu : 1) kesiapan siswa menerima pelajaran pada putaran I 48,48%, putaran II 69,69%, dan putaran III 81,81%, 2) siswa yang membawa buku paket pada putaran I 33,33%, putaran II 63,63%, dan putaran III 78,78%, 3) siswa yang mempersiapkan tugas/PR pada putaran I 72,72%, putaran II 84,84%, dan putaran III 93,93%, 4) siswa yang konsentrasi mengikuti kegiatan belajar mengajar pada putaran I 42,42%, putaran II 57,57%, dan putaran III 75,75%, serta 5) siswa yang mencatat hasil pembahasan pada putaran I 72,72%, putaran II 81,81%, dan putaran III 87,87%. Keaktifan siswa mengalami peningkatan, yaitu : 1) keaktifan bertanya pada putaran I 45,45%, putaran II 57,57%, dan putaran III 78,78%, 2) keaktifan menjawab pertanyaan pada putaran I 54,54%, putaran II 66,66%, dan putaran III 75,75%, serta 3) keaktifan mengerjakan soal pada putaran I 51,51%, putaran II 60,60%, dan putaran III 78,78%. Kreativitas siswa mengalami peningkatan, yaitu : 1) kreativitas menggunakan alat peraga pada putaran I 33,33%, putaran II 75,75%, dan putaran III 84,84%, serta 2) kreativitas mengemukakan ide pada putaran I 27,27%, putaran II 51,51%, dan putaran III 75,75%. Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah bahwa penerapan pendekatan PAKEM dalam pembelajaran matematika dapat meningkatkan respon, keaktifan, dan kreativitas siswa mencapai 75%


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeetahui hubungan pemakaian suntik KB 3 bulan Depo Medroxyprogesterone Asetat (DMPA) dengan efek samping pada akseptor kb di Puskesmas Teluk Bayur. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu deskriptif analitik dengan pendekatan metode cross sectional. Populasi adalah wanita usia subur yang sudah terdaftar menggunakan KB Suntik DMPA di Puskesmas Teluk Bayur periode Januari-Juni 2022 sebanyak 893 akseptor, berdasarkan rumus Slovin diperoleh sampel berjumlah 90 responden. Analisis data menggunakan uji chi square. Hasil dari penelitian ini Sebagian besar lama pemakaian KB Suntik 3 Bulan (DMPA) lebih dari 1 tahun (lama) (61,8%), berat badan naik (76,6%), ada gangguan haid (73.3%), ada penurunan libido (71,1%). Ada hubungan pemakaian suntik KB 3 bulan (DMPA) dengan efek samping pada akseptor kb (p=0.000, α < 0.05). Pada penelitian ini terdapat hubungan pemakaian suntik KB 3 bulan Depo Medroxyprogesterone Asetat (DMPA) dengan efek samping pada akseptor kb


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    NUNUN INDRASARI , 2012. The Effectiveness of Using Fix Up Strategy to Teach Reading Viewed from Students’ Self-confidence (An Experimental Research at the Eighth Grade Students of SMP Negeri 2 Temanggung in the Academic Year of 2011/2012). Thesis. Surakarta. English Education Department of Graduate School, Sebelas Maret University. 2012.The objectives of this study are: (1) to reveal whether Fix-Up Strategy is more effective than Direct Teaching to teach reading; (2) to reveal whether students having high self-confidence have better reading skill than those having low self-confidence; and (3) to reveal whether there is an interaction effect between teaching strategies and the students’ self-confidence on the students’ reading skill.The experimental research was conducted at SMP Negeri 2 Temanggung, from March to April 2012. The sample of the research was two classes; those were VIIID which was treated as experimental class taught by using fix up strategy and VIIIG which was treated as control class taught using by direct teaching. Each of them consisted of 26 students. The data were in the form of quantitative data that were taken from reading test and self-confidence questionaire. The data of reading test were used to know the students’ reading skill. The data of self-confidence questionaire were used to know the students’ level of self-confidence. The data of reading test were the scores of students’ reading test that was administered after having eight times treatment for each class. The researcher analyzed the data using ANOVA or analysis of variance.Based on the result of data analysis, the research findings are: (1) Fix up strategy is more effective than direct teaching to teach reading; (2) the achievement of students’ skill in reading does not depend on the level of the students’ self-confidence; and (3) there is an interaction between teaching strategies and students’ self-confidence. Based on these research findings, it can be concluded that fix up strategy is an effective way to teach reading for the eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 2 Temanggung. From that result, fix up strategy can be implemented at class in order to achieve optimal result. By applying this, the teacher has to facilitate the students to think creatively and actively in reading text by giving fix- up tools, such as previewing, predicting, rereading, monitoring, making connection, visualizing, making inference, and retelling the text


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    Students' low scores and interest in accounting major at SMKN 1 Nanga Pinoh became the main issues in conducting this research. Learning outcomes are low because students are not able to understand the material well. Besides, learning activities were boring for the students. This research aims to improve student learning outcomes in English using the Cooperative Learning Type Number Head Together (NHT) learning model. The research method used was classroom action research. Data collection tools used were observation, test questions, questionnaires, and interviews. The findings showed that in the first cycle, there was a 60% increase in student learning activities, and only 57% of students completed. Meanwhile, more than 50% of the students liked the learning model used. A greater increase was shown by students after the second cycle was implemented. Observation results showed 90% of students were active while studying. Learning outcomes also increase to 90% of students complete. Meanwhile, the response questionnaire shows that almost 100% of students like learning English using the Cooperative Learning Type Number Head Together (NHT) learning model


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    Komplikasi pada penderita diabetes melitus yang tidak terkontrol menyebabkan peningkatan kadar kolesterol darah yang disebut dengan dislipidemia. Dislipidemia dapat disebabkan meningkatnya kadar asam lemak bebas di dalam tubuh akibat kegagalan glukosa masuk ke dalam sel dan menurunnya produksi insulin pada penderita diabetes. Salah satu bahan yang dapat membantu kerja insulin masuk ke dalam sel adalah kayu manis. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui kayu manis dapat menurunkan kadar kolesterol tikus putih jenis Rattus novergicus strain wistar yang mengalami diabetes melitus. Penelitian ini menggunakan studi true eksperimental dengan “Post Control Group Design”. Hewan coba 15 tikus jantan dirandomisasi dalam 3 kelompok, yaitu : tikus normal (Kontrol negatif), tikus diabetes (kontrol positif), dan tikus diabetes yang diberi ekstra kayu manis dengan 400mg/hari selama 24 hari. Variable independent adalah kayu manis dan variable dependen adalah penurunan kadar kolesterol. Data yang disajikan adalah data dari perolehan Uji one way ANOVA dengan tingkat signifikan. Berdasarkan nilai rata- rata terendah terdapat pada perlakuan kontrol negatif dan pada perlakuan kayu manis (0,000) dibandingkan dengan kelompok kontrol positif (0,013). Berdasarkan Uji Statistik One way ANOVA (α = 0,05). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat penurunan kadar kolesterol yang signifikan terhadap kelompok kontrol positif (p = 0.013 ) dan kontrol negatif (p = 0.000) pada dosis 400mg/hari (0,000). Dapat ditarik kesimpulan yang dapat diperoleh dari penelitian ini adalah pemberian ekstra kayu manis dosis 400mg/hari efektif dalam menurunkan kadar kolesterol pada tikus diabetes melitus

    Project Based Learning in English for Specific Purposes (ESP) Course for Pre-Service Teacher

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    This paper attempts to explore the benefits and how Project Based Learning (PBL) is actually applied in ESP course. It also aims to investigate the problems arising in ESP course for pre-service teachers in English Education in IAIN Raden Intan Lampung. Teaching ESP course should cover both theoretically and practically. Pre-service teachers in IAIN Raden Intan Lampung tend to understand the theory but have no idea in applying it in real situation. PBL can be an alternative in teaching ESP course in which students are not only learning the theory but also making the project to implement the theory they have gotten. Besides presenting theories, the students of ESP course were asked to design course books for certain field of study. The books were designed based on the target need analysis that they have done by interviewing and observing the target situation. Assigning the book project enabled to raise the students\u27 creativity in designing an ESP course book both content focus and language focus. It can also stimulate the students\u27 ability in creating book design and template all at once. However, the lecturers\u27 guidance is necessary since some students are confused in determining and arranging exercises on the book

    Improving Students\u27 Writing Skill of Narrative Texts by Using Short Videos (a Classroom Action Research at the Eighth Grade Students of SMP Negeri 2 Temanggung in the Academic Year of 2009/2010)

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    This research aims to find out whether short videos can improve students\u27 writing skill and how far the short videos can improve students\u27 writing skill at the eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 2 Temanggung. It is also aimed to find out the strengths and weakness of using short videos in the writing class. The approach used in this research is a classroom action research. The action research was conducted in two cycles, in which in the first cycle there were 4 meetings and in the second cycle there were 3 meetings. Every cycle consisted of four steps; planning, implementing, evaluation, and reflection. In collecting the data, the researcher used observation, questionnaires, interviews, field notes, photographs, and tests. The tests were conducted before the action (pre-test) and after the action (post-test). The researcher analyzed the mean score of each test to find out the improvements of students\u27 writing skill after the action was conducted. The result of the research shows that there are positive improvements in either students\u27 writing skill or the class situation during the teaching learning process. It can be seen from the result of the test which is improved, from the comparison between the pre-test conducted before the action and the post-test conducted after the action. The mean scores of the test result are 68.22 for the pretest, 75.58 for the post-test in cycle 1, and 78.31 for the post-test in cycle 2. By watching the videos, the students get the stimulus about certain topics so that they can easily construct and generate the ideas into a narrative story based on the video given. They can also arrange better paragraphs based on the generic structure of narrative text. From the t-test computation in the students\u27 test score, it is showed that the improvement of the students writing skill by using short videos is significant. The t-test computation between the pre-test and the post-test 2 was 8.77. Meanwhile, the t table (tt) for 34 students is 2.04. Since (to)2 is higher than tt, it means that there is a significant difference between the score in the pretest and post-test 2. Some strengths of using short videos in teaching writing which could improve the students\u27 attitude towards writing in the writing class situation during the teaching learning process were: the students were more motivated in joining the writing class, the videos present the attractive moving pictures and sounds so that they got feeling of relax before they wrote their story, they paid much attention when the videos were played, they were also more confident when they were asked to write individually. However, a weakness of using short videos in writing class was a few students still got difficulties in finding appropriate words with the correct spelling
