Universitas Pesantren Tinggi Darul Ulum Jombang

Unipdu Jombang
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    2854 research outputs found

    Imam Al-Bukhari dan Kontak Lintas Aliran dalam Periwayatan Hadis

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    This research explores Mufti Menk's lecture on jealousy available on YouTube, focusing on linguistic strategies in addressing success-related jealousy. Employing a qualitative descriptive approach, the study categorizes 374 English sentences from the lecture into four types. While predominantly composed of simple sentences, the presence of compound, complex, and compound-complex sentences adds linguistic variation. The research contributes to understanding Mufti Menk's communication strategies, providing insights into his nuanced approach to addressing a significant topic within the Muslim community. The findings not only shed light on linguistic aspects but also lay a foundation for future studies exploring psychological dimensions. Mufti Menk's deliberate use of sentence structures facilitates accessible yet nuanced communication on jealousy-related matters


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    Introduction & Aim: Vocational High School (SMK) is a secondary education level organized to prepare graduates to enter the world of work. Vocational School's flagship program is to make graduates professional, ready, and skilled to synergize with the world of work, and are nursing assistants with specialization skills as caregivers. This community service activity aimed to strengthen alumni as caregivers through the Strengthening Caregivers in Complementary Services for Geriatric workshop. Method of Activity: the method of this community service activity is Participatory Action Research (PAR) with the form of activities What was carried out was a lecture and discussion on the topic of geriatric care and complementary cupping therapy, the activity continued with a simulation of the SOP for implementing cupping therapy and participant participation in cupping therapy activities at community service activities. about therapy in geriatrics and cupping training. The activity continued by involving students in cupping nursing therapy community service activities. Results: The community service activities of workshops, seminars, and complementary cupping therapy training ran smoothly, and were very relevant to the needs of SMK PK Bakti Indonesia Media alumni in providing services to the elderly. Discussion: Cupping therapy is relevant to the competency of vocational school graduates in providing services (caregivers) to the elderly. This is in accordance with the characteristics of Indonesian society, which is predominantly Muslim. Based on the results of community service activities, it was found that cupping therapy is effective for elderly people with hypertension, rheumatoid arthritis, gout, and bone pain. Cupping therapy competency can improve the quality of teaching factory implementation in vocational schools

    Pengaruh Ekstrak Daun Sirsak terhadap Tingkat Mortalitas Pediculosis Capitis pada Santri

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    Head lice infestation with pediculosis capitis is a serious problem that is not well- respected in Indonesia. Most Indonesians tend to let pediculosis capitis multiply on their heads. This head lice infestation causes problems with a lack of focus due to head lice activity. The most effective eradication of head lice is by using chemical pediculosides. Soursop leaves contain many secondary metabolites which have potential as bioinsecticides which can be used as pediculosides (head lice eradication). This study aims to determine the effect of soursop leaf extract on the mortality rate of pediculosis capitis. This study used a Quasy Experiment Time Series Design using a purposive sampling technique. The hypothesis test uses the One Way Annova statistical test with a significance level of α <0.05. The study showed that 56 pediculosis capitis tails were divided into 4 treatments and 3 repetitions, namely not given soursop leaf extract (K0), given soursop leaf extract with a trial time of 5 minutes (P1), given soursop leaf extract with a trial time of 10 minutes (P2). was given soursop leaf extract with a trial time of 15 minutes (P3). The results showed that the percentage of pediculosis capitis mortality from the soursop leaf extract treatment, it was known that the highest mortality was in the P2 and P3 treatments of the soursop leaf extract. While the lowest number of deaths occurred in the K0 treatment without using soursop leaf extract at all 0%. The above results show that the number of head lice deaths increases with increasing time used. Based on the research above, soursop leaf extract by direct spraying method on head lice with 5, 10, 15minute observations had an effect on head lice mortality. The higher the observation time studied, the higher the head lice mortality rate. The results show that the mortality rate is higher the longer the time given


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    This research explores the impact of positive reinforcement, particularly praise and positive words, on motivating and engaging young language learners. Rooted in the Self-Determination Theory and Social Cognitive Development, the study employs a descriptive qualitative approach, analyzing a popular YouTube video featuring an EFL teacher. Findings highlight the diverse functions of positive expressions, such as encouraging engagement, fostering emotional well-being, and promoting positive behavior. The research fills a gap in detailed analyses of positive words used by educators, providing valuable insights for designing effective language teaching strategies. The methodology, findings, and implications contribute to shaping engaging educational materials for children

    Gerakan Masyarakat Anti Jentik (Gemantik) Di Kelurahan Baning Kota Sintang

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    Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) is an infectious disease caused by a virus and spread by vectors. The virus that causes dengue fever is dengue, while the vector that transmits it comes from the Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus mosquitoes. DHF is not a new disease because this disease occurs almost every year. Especially when there is a change in season from the rainy season to the dry season or vice versa (Dewi et al., 2019). Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF), which is usually called Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever (DHF), is one of several infectious diseases that is a health problem in the world, especially in developing countries


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    Pendahuluan: Kecemasan merupakan hal yang normal terjadi dalam kehidupan, namun kecemasan dapat menjadi abnormal apabila respons terhadap stimulus berlebihan. Pada mahasiswa, kecemasan berpengaruh terhadap proses pendidikan. Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) merupakan salah satu bagian dari ujian komprehensif yang menguji keterampilan mahasiswa yang akan memasuki praktik klinik. Ujian ini hampir sama dengan ujian praktikum laboratorium, tetapi materi ujian lebih banyak dan pengaturan ujian juga berbeda sehingga situasi tersebut menimbulkan kecemasan pada mahasiswa menjelang OSCE. Tujuan: mengetahui hubungan tingkat kecemasan dalam menghadapi OSCE dengan kelulusan OSCE pada mahasiwa D3 Keperawatan FIK Unipdu Jombang. Metode: Jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriptif analitik dengan sampel sebanyak 31 orang. Data diperoleh menggunakan kuesioner Hamilton Rating Scale for Anxiety (HRS-A) selanjutnya dianalisis melalui uji korelasi Spearmen Rank. Hasil: Didapatkan nilai koefisien korelasi (r) sebesar -0,253 dan nilai signifikansi p<0,05. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara tingkat kecemasan dalam menghadapi OSCE dengan kelulusan OSCE pada mahasiwa prosdi D3 Keperawatan


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    iabetes Mellitus patients experience chronic metabolic disorders characterized by increased blood glucose due to several factors. Stress is one factor that can cause blood sugar levels to increase. The aim of this research is to determine the description of stress levels in people with type 2 diabetes mellitus. This research used a descriptive design. The place of this research is in the Humaira Room at PMC Hospital. The research sample was taken by non-probability sampling with random sampling technique. The data collection process using two DASS 42 was applied with a rating scale format. The stress levels in this study were normal, light, moderate, severe, very severe, to determine the level of stress in diabetes mellitus patients with a total of 14 questions. Data analysis used univariate. The results of this study were mostly male, namely 17 people (56.7%) and aged 40-60 years. Most of the respondents had no school education, no work and had suffered from diabetes mellitus < 5 years. Respondents experienced mild stress levels of 8 respondents (26.7%), moderate stress 19 respondents (63.3%) and severe stress 3 respondents (10%). The most serious source of stress comes from within themselves, namely, feeling that diabetes controls their life. Another source of stress still comes from outside but originates from interpersonal or relationships with others, sufferers feel that friends and family lack support and respect in treating diabetes mellitus. Therefore, they really need support from family and those closest to them. Keywords: Stress level, Diabetes mellitus patients, Chronic diseases

    Business Process Analysis and Modeling Using Bizagi Software (Case Study : Canteen 375)

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    Canteen 375 yang merupakan usaha dibidang jasa penyediaan makanan dan minuman yang bediri di lingkungan pendidikan yang ada di Peterongan Jombang. Canteen 375 memiliki beberapa proses bisnis yang telah berjalan, diantaranya pemesanan menu, persediaan stok dan pelaporan keuangan. Namun pada proses yang dusah ada akan dilakukan permodelan dan dilakukan Analisa sehingga proses tersebut dinyatakan valid atau tidak valid, jikalaupun valid apakah perlu diusulkan proses bisnis yang lebih baik lagi. Maka penelitian ini akan mencoba membahas permodelan dari proses bisnis yang sedang berjalan dan melakukan Analisa dari sisi kevalidan proses bisnis, Analisa waktu yang dibutuhkan dan sumberdaya yang dibutuhkan dalam simulasi proses bisnis. Dari proses bisnis yang berjalan akan diusulkan proses bisnis yang baru dan diusulkan dan mencoba untuk memberikan tingkat optimalisasi dalam karyawan bekerja. Pada proses bisnis diatas yang telah dibahas, tingkat efektifitas dan efisiensi meningkat dengan dimodelkannya proses bisnis yang diusulkan, dalam hal ini proses bisnis pemesanan menu terdapat peningkatan nilai hasil simulasi sebesra 10%, yang awalnya 80% menjadi 90%, hal ini didorong dengan pengunaan aplikasi yang langsung menyentuh kepada pelanggan dalam pemesanan menu sedangkan dalam pelaporan keuangan terdapat juga efisiensi waktu yang dibutuhkan dalam pelaporan keuangan jika proses pelaporannya disajikan langsung pada aplikasi yang sudah ada


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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan kesalahan siswa dalam menyelesaikan masalah numerasi pada materi bangun datar yang ditinjau dari motivasi belajar siswa. Karena itu penelitian ini termasuk penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Jenis kesalahan yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah jenis kesalahan menurut Tahapan Polya. Pada penelitian ini diambil 3 subjek penelitian, yaitu satu subjek yang memiliki motivasi belajar siswa tinggi dengan jumlah kesalahan terbanyak, satu siswa yang memiliki motivasi belajar siswa sedang dengan jumlah kesalahan terbanyak, satu siswa yang memiliki motivasi belajar siswa rendah dengan jumlah kesalahan terbanyak. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara tes soal tertulis, wawancara dan angket motivasi belajar siswa. Secara umum hasil yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini adalah: subjek yang memiliki motivasi belajar siswa tinggi mengantuk saat mengerjakan saol numerasi, jika jawabannya berbeda dengan temannya subjek akan mengganti jawabannya sehingga sama dengan jawaban temannya akibatnya subjek melakukan kesalahan melaksanakan rencana penyelesaian dan kesalahan memeriksa kembali jawaban. Subjek yang memiliki motivasi belajar siswa sedang cenderung bertindak pasif saat kegiatan berdiskusi dan mengemukakan pendapat serta merasa bergantung pada orang lain dalam menjawab pertanyaan matematika sehingga subjek melakukan kesalahan melaksanakan rencana penyelesaian dan tidak melakukan tahap memeriksa kembali jawaban. Subjek yang memiliki vii motivasi belajar siswa rendah tidak memiliki kegemaran dalam pelajaran matematika, dan tidak berusaha dengan maksimal dalam mengerjakan soal yang dianggap sulit sehingga subjek melakukan kesalahan merencanakan penyelesaian, kesalahan melaksanakan rencana penyelesain, dan tidak melakukan tahap memeriksa kembali jawaban. Kata Kunci : Kesalahan, Masalah Numerasi, Motivasi Belajar Sisw


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