Jurnal Ilmiah IKOPIN (E-Journals)
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    Penerapan supply chain management di rumah sakit tingkat III Brawijaya Surabaya

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    Rumah sakit adalah institusi pelayanan kesehatan yang menyelenggarakan pelayanan kesehatan perorangan secara paripurna yang menyediakan pelayanan rawat inap, rawat jalan, dan gawat darurat termasuk didalamnya pelayanan kefarmasian. Pelayanan kefarmasian merupakan pelayanan langsung dan bertanggung jawab kepada pasien yang berkaitan dengan sediaan farmasi dengan tujuan untuk meningkatkan mutu kehidupan pasien. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengevaluasi penerapan pedoman proses supply chain dalam pengadaan obat dan alat kesehatan medis di RS Tingkat III Brawijaya Surabaya, mengidentifikasi perencanaan atau strategi RS tersebut dalam menjalankan supply chain, serta menilai tantangan yang dihadapi dan cara mengatasinya. Subjek penelitian adalah RS Brawijaya Surabaya dengan metode penelitian deskriptif analisis yang dilakukan dengan cara melakukan wawancara secara langsung dengan apoteker penanggung jawab pelayanan kefarmasian dan melakukan observasi kegiatan manajemen rantai pasok resiko, tantangan dan cara menghadapi. Hasil penelitian adalah RS. Brawijaya telah menerapkan manajemen rantai pasok namun masih belum maksimal karena terkendala belum berstatus sebagai Badan Layanan Umum sehingga tidak memiliki fleksibilitas dalam mengelola sumber daya

    Minat Dan Literasi Berwirausaha Dan Literasi Mahasiswa Politeknik Negeri Jakarta

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    Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh masih tingginya pengangguran di Indonesia yaitu sebesar 5.32% atau sebesar 7.86 juta, untuk kelompok pendidikan diploma meningkat 0.2%, dan pada kelompok pendidikan sarjana meningkat 0.38%. Tingkat pengangguran terdidik yang berstatus sarjana dikhawatirkan akan terus meningkat jika keinginan mahasiswa setelah lulus kuliah tidak menciptakan lapangan kerja (BPS 2023). Salah satu penyebab fenomena ini adalah rendahnya minat berwirausaha dan atau rendahnya pengetahuan dasar bisnis sehingga hal ini menjadi tantangan bagi institusi pendidikan tinggi agar berupaya merumuskan kebijakan terbaik demi menciptakan lulusan yang berkualitas dan memiliki mental berwirausaha. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui minat berwirausaha mahasiswa Politeknik Negeri Jakarta (PNJ) dan mengetahui literasi mahasiswa PNJ yang berhubungan dengan kewirausahaan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, minat berwirausaha termasuk tinggi, tetapi contoh lebih menyukai berwirausaha sebagai usaha sampingan saja.  Contoh mayoritas mengakses bacaan yang bersifat hiburan, hanya 13.9% saja yang mengakses bacaan dengan tema kewirausahaan

    Pelatihan Peningkatan Kualitas Pengawas Internal Koperasi Provinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta

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    Supervision is the primary function of goal-oriented management. It is basically a comparison between actual performance and cooperative standards to ensure that the actions taken are correct. Every manager must supervise the activities of his subordinates. It can be defined as determining what has been achieved, deciding on performance, if necessary, implementing corrective actions so that performance conforms to the plan. Supervision is very important to achieve the goals of an organization. It is a process that allows management to implement its policies and take corrective action to improve performance if it does not meet predetermined standards. Planning is the beginning of the management process, while monitoring is said to be the final stage of the management process. While planning looks forward, Control looks backward. Supervision is impossible without planning, otherwise planning will mean nothing without supervision

    Pengaruh Pendapat Auditor dan Profitabilitas terhadap Harga Saham Pada Perusahaan Otomotif Yang Terdaftar di BEI

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    Penelitian ini mendalamkan pemahaman mengenai faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi harga saham persekutuan otomotif di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI). Maksud dari ulasan ini adalah mengeksplorasi dan mengevaluasi dampak opini audit dan profitabilitas secara segmental maupun serempak terhadap harga saham persekutuan otomotif di BEI. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan asosiatif kuantitatif, penelitian melibatkan 12 persekutuan otomotif selama periode 2019-2022, dengan delapan persekutuan terpilih sebagai sampel berdasarkan kriteria tertentu. Analisis data menggunakan uji asumsi klasik, regresi berganda, dan uji hipotesis dengan SPSS versi 23. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa opini audit memiliki dampak signifikan terhadap harga saham, menolak Ho dan menunjukkan pengaruh positif. Demikian pula, profitabilitas, diukur dengan ROA, memiliki dampak signifikan terhadap harga saham, menolak Ho dan menunjukkan pengaruh positif. Uji F memperkuat temuan ini dengan mengindikasikan adanya pengaruh bersama-sama dari opini audit dan profitabilitas terhadap harga saham

    The Influence of Electronic Service Quality, Transaction Costs and Experience Value on Online Satisfaction and Loyalty of Halodoc Application Users

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    Telemedicine applications are very necessary in efforts to increase the effectiveness of health services to the community. The telemedicine industry has a great opportunity to create market share by properly understanding the important aspects of customer satisfaction. This research aims to identify the factors that most influence customer loyalty which is mediated by customer satisfaction with the halodoc application as a telemedicine application. This type of research is quantitative research using a questionnaire via Google Form as a primary data collection instrument. Secondary data is used in this research as material for developing hypotheses. 200 questionnaire data were analyzed with partial least structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) using Smart_PLS to validate the model and test hypotheses. The research results show that e-service quality is one of the most influential factors in creating loyalty among halodoc application users, both directly and indirectly, mediated through customer satisfaction. The experience value and transaction cost variables have a positive influence in creating customer satisfaction and loyalty when using the halodoc application. Although this research has several limitations, it is hoped that the research can provide some practical implications for halodoc as a telemedicine company to design application services that produce higher user satisfaction and loyalty

    Pelatihan Perkoperasian, Jati Diri Koperasi, Tujuan dan Ciri-ciri Koperasi Bagi Aparatur Sipil Negara (ASN) Kementrian Negara Koperasi dan UKM Republik Indonesia

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    The Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs routinely organizes training activities for both its employees and cooperative employees every year. This activity is carried out so that the cooperative under its care continues to grow. The training was held regarding basic material about cooperatives so that participants could differentiate between cooperative and non-cooperative companies so that cooperatives in Indonesia could truly grow as they should. The training was held for one week at a hotel in Bandung so that all participants could focus on training activities without any distractions from the workplace. The material provided concerns basic cooperative materials, modern cooperatives, and policies regarding the development of cooperatives in the future. The participants are new employees at the Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs. The trainers are lecturers from Ikopin University, practitioners, and officials from the Ministry of Cooperatives. The results of the training showed satisfaction from the participants and they were able to understand every material presented by the instructors/trainers

    Coding for Kids sebagai Proses Pengenalan Pemrograman Komputer bagi Siswa Sekolah Al Masduqi Boarding School (AMBS) - Garut

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    The teaching and learning process (PBM) for students at Al Masduqi Boarding School (AMBS) - Garut is held intra-curricular and extra-curricular. One of the extra-curricular activities (ekskul) is Coding for Kids (Ekskul Koding) where this activity is managed by the school involving a team that is competent in the field of computer programming. As a PBM, the implementation of coding extracurricular activities must consider and implement the functions of primary and secondary education. The team plans this by preparing Terms of Reference (ToR) which contain the background, aims and objectives, educational methods and the team and instructors involved and the overall series of activities. In the Odd Semester of the 2023/2024 Academic Year, as many as 8 students took part in this activity which was guided by 1 – 2 instructors with a meeting frequency of once a week for an average of 90 minutes. During activities, students are monitored and evaluated by a team consisting of Deputy Director I for Curriculum, Extra-Curricular Coordinator and Instructor

    Respon Dunia Barat Terhadap Ekonomi Syariah Dalam Perspektif Idiologis, Akademis Dan Pragmatis; Antara Peluang Dan Tantangan Era 4.0

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    The goal of this research is to describe and analyze the Western world's response to the development of the Islamic economy, which is examined from the standpoints of idiologic, academic and pragmatic between opportunities and challenges in era 4.0.. The method used in this study is a qualitative approach in which researchers try to find and find qualitative secondary data sourced from books, scientific journals, research results, and articles published both online and in print to then be analyzed normatively (descriptive qualitative). The findings of this study show that, in the eyes of fundamentalist political or ideological, the western response to the development of the Islamic economy is viewed as a political opponent to the continuation of wars and hostilities with Islamophobic weapons bearing the stamps of terrorism, radicalism, backwardness, and other negative attributes. According to moderate thinkers in academic perspective, Islamic economics is a test to see who can solve problems related to welfare, civilization, and other global issues. From a business standpoint or the pragmatic side, the Islamic economy is regarded as a great opportunity because the development of the Muslim population and world sympathy, which is increasingly oriented to the Islamic economy, which is regarded as more fair, profitable, carries minimal risk, and contains benefits, is a necessity, so they are forced to follow the mainstream of the world community to play in the system to take advantage, which, of course, must be suspected that religious interests remain the primary concern.

    Makna Tijarah Dalam Tafsir Ayat Dan Hadits Ekonomi Serta Penerapannya Dalam Praktik Bisnis Islam

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    The meaning of tijarah in the Qur'an is often interpreted as trade, commerce, business or buying and selling. The term tijarah in the Qur'an is often expressed to provide understanding or guidance for conducting commerce or business in Islam. So the aim of this research is to understand the meaning of tijarah in the Al-Qur'an, which then applies this interpretation to Islamic business practices. The method used in this research is a qualitative method with a literature study approach. The results of this research show that the word tijarah in the Al-Qur'an, along with all its derivatives, is repeated eight times, found in Surah Al-Baqarah/2: 16 and 282, An-Nisa/4: 29, At-Taubah/9 : 24, An-Nur/24: 37, Fathir/35: 29, Ash-Shaf/61: 10, and Al-Jumu'ah/62: 11, which shows the meaning of commerce or business in material and immaterial forms. The meaning of tijarah in the Al-Quran provides understanding and guidance that business or commerce practices should be carried out in accordance with the Shari'a by avoiding anything that justifies any means just to gain profit. However, the most important thing is to pursue pleasure to get blessings from the sustenance given by Allah SWT

    Analisis Studi Kelayakan Bisnis Pada Pengembangan Usaha Hotmie Jababeka Cikarang Ditinjau Dari Aspek Hukum, Aspek Pasar & Pemasaran, Aspek Teknik/Produksi Dan Aspek Manajemen

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    Mie pedas saat ini merupakan hidangan yang sedang popular di kalangan masyarakat Indonesia, salah satunya adalah Hotmie Jababeka yang berlokasi di JL.Beruang No 14 Desa Jayamukti, Cikarang Pusat, Kabupaten Bekasi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis kelayakan usaha pada Hotmie Jababeka, untuk mengetahui apakah usaha yang sedang dijalankan bisa mendapatkan keuntungan finansial yang ditinjau dari aspek pasar & pemasaran, aspek tehnik/produksi, aspek manajemen dan aspek hukum. Penelitian in dilakukan pada bulan November – Desember 2023 dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif yaitu suatu prosedur penelitian deksriptif dimana data yang dikumpulkan didapatkan melalui wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Data yang digunakan merupakan data primer sebagai sumber data penelitian. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa analisis aspek hukum Hotmie Jababeka dinyatakan layak dijalankan, dilihat dari kesesuaian surat perizinan yang dimiliki sudah sesuai dengan hukum. Analisis aspek pasar dan pemasaran dinyatakan layak dijalankan, dilihat dari prospek pasar yang besar serta strategi dan bauran 4P yang sudah matang. Analisis aspek teknis/produksi dinyatakan layak, dilihat dari lokasi yang strategis dengan pusat kota. Analisis aspek manajemen sumberdaya manusia menunjukan layak dijalankan, dilihat dari pemilik yang sudah menjalankan fungsi manajemen dengan baik


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