149 research outputs found

    The LGBT community in Israel: access to the surrogacy procedure and legal right for equality, family life and parenthood

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    In Israel’s legal system, equality is a fundamental principle. LGBT people in Israel suffer from discrimination due to their sexual orientation and their right to equality, parenting, and family life is impaired. Regarding the surrogacy procedure, the Supreme Court has unequivocally stated that the relevant laws discriminate against LGBT people and their fundamental rights when compared to heterosexual people. The main problem is that the statutes block the access to the surrogacy procedure of single men and male couples, harming their right to equality, right to a family life and parenting. The article suggests adopting the minority ruling of Justice Uzi Vogelman in HCJ 781/15 and declaring the nullity of the sections in the laws that discriminate against single men and male couples. This remedy is a lawful and operative solution for the inequality rooted in the surrogacy arrangements towards homosexuals that want to establish a family and become parents. The expectation from the legislature to amend the law is unrealistic, due to the political construction of the Israeli Knesset (parliament). An innovative approach for the amendment of the inequality towards LGBT people should be the nullity of the discriminating sections of the law

    Social Inheritance Can Explain the Structure of Animal Social Networks

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    The social network structure of animal populations has major implications to survival, reproductive success, sexual selection, and pathogen transmission. Recent studies showed in various species that the structure of social networks and individuals’ positions in it are influenced by individual traits such as sex, age, and social rank, and can be heritable between generations. But as of yet, no general theory of social network structure exists that can explain the diversity of social networks observed in nature, and serve as a null model for detecting species and population-specific factors. Here we propose such a general model of social network structure. We consider the emergence of network structure as a result of two types of social bond formation: via social inheritance, in which newborns are likely to bond with maternal contacts, and via forming bonds randomly. We compare model output to data from several species, showing that it can generate networks with properties such as those observed in real social systems. Our model demonstrates that some of the observed properties of social networks, such as heritability of network position or assortative associations, can be understood as a consequence of social inheritance. Our results highlight the need to consider the dynamic processes that generate social structure in order to explain patterns of variation in social networks

    Analysing animal social network dynamics: the potential of stochastic actor-oriented models

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    This is the final version of the article. Available from the publisher via the DOI in this record.Animals are embedded in dynamically changing networks of relationships with conspecifics. These dynamic networks are fundamental aspects of their environment, creating selection on behaviours and other traits. However, most social network-based approaches in ecology are constrained to considering networks as static, despite several calls for such analyses to become more dynamic. There are a number of statistical analyses developed in the social sciences that are increasingly being applied to animal networks, of which stochastic actor-oriented models (SAOMs) are a principal example. SAOMs are a class of individual-based models designed to model transitions in networks between discrete time points, as influenced by network structure and covariates. It is not clear, however, how useful such techniques are to ecologists, and whether they are suited to animal social networks. We review the recent applications of SAOMs to animal networks, outlining findings and assessing the strengths and weaknesses of SAOMs when applied to animal rather than human networks. We go on to highlight the types of ecological and evolutionary processes that SAOMs can be used to study. SAOMs can include effects and covariates for individuals, dyads and populations, which can be constant or variable. This allows for the examination of a wide range of questions of interest to ecologists. However, high-resolution data are required, meaning SAOMs will not be useable in all study systems. It remains unclear how robust SAOMs are to missing data and uncertainty around social relationships. Ultimately, we encourage the careful application of SAOMs in appropriate systems, with dynamic network analyses likely to prove highly informative. Researchers can then extend the basic method to tackle a range of existing questions in ecology and explore novel lines of questioning

    Efektivitas Aromatherapy Lemon Balm dan Terapi Musik untuk Mengatasi Ansietas Pasien COVID-19

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    COVID-19 has become a world health issue due to the speed of its spread which is challenging to control. In addition, COVID-19 does not only cause problems in the physical health aspect and has an impact on the patient's psychological health. This situation causes a person who is confirmed to have COVID-19 to experience many psychological disorders such as anxiety; this will affect the immune system and the length of the healing process in patients. The purpose of this article is to determine the effectiveness of lemon balm aromatherapy (Melissa Officinalis) and music therapy in overcoming anxiety in COVID-19 patients in a literature review. The method in writing this article uses a literature review. Articles obtained through search sites: Google Scholar, Science Direct, Scopus, NCBI, and ProQuest. The criteria used in the search are Indonesian and English with a range of publication years 2015-2020. Eight leading journals were used as references in this study; from those journals, it was concluded that lemon balm contains anxiolytic which can improve the state of sleep disorders (insomnia) in clients with anxiety because of COPD, and it was found that music therapy can reduce anxiety in patients who on ventilators. Aromatherapy interventions made from lemon balm and the provision of music therapy are practical efforts to overcome anxiety in COVID-19 patient

    Identification process and denial in the shadow of Nazism identification process

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    W artykule przedstawiono analizę zmian w procesach identyfikacji indywidualnej i grupowej u osób ocalonych, podczas i po okresie Holokaustu. Rozważany jest mechanizm identyfikacji z reprezentacjami dobrych obiektów jako kluczowy w walce o psychiczne przetrwanie, w opozycji do dotychczas częściej uwzględnianego mechanizmu identyfikacji z agresorem. Omawiany jest także mechanizm zaprzeczania (swoisty dla tej grupy osób jako zaprzeczenie podtrzymywane przez fantazje, słowa i działanie) i jego znaczenie w konfrontacji ze zmasowaną traumą, oraz w okresie readaptacji i reintegracji do życia. Wszystkie wymienione procesy pozostają w związku z trudem przeżycia żałoby i procesem reindywiduacji koniecznym dla zdrowia psychicznego i radzenia sobie w życiu kolejnych pokoleń - dzieci osób ocalonych z Holokaustu. Kazuistyka zaprezentowana w artykule ilustruje omawiane mechanizmy oraz pokazuje, jak w drugim pokoleniu proces żałoby dotyczy zaprzeczania żałoby rodziców, przez identyfikowanie się z ich "Mitem Przetrwania".The paper presents an analysis of the vicissitudes of individual and group identification processes during and after the Holocaust. We also examine denial as a defense mechanism when confronted with massive traumatization, and in the period of readaptation and reintegration to life. Identification with (idealized) lost objects and with group myths, in fantasy as well as in action, and denial sustained by fantasy, words and acts, were connected to the mourning processes which helped to initiate the re-individuation process developing in face of danger. We consider some of the basic problems of survivors of the Holocaust such as avoidance of mourning and rebuilding of self-structure with reemergence of superego, in connexion to various processes of identification and denial. We focus on the "Myths of Survival" which reveals a special way of coping with life and death problems, and attempt to show how processes of identification connected with it, influence the survivors way of mourning up to the second and third generation. The aim of therapy with children of survivors is to aid the process of mourning for lost objects, to free them from the burden of the past, by differentiating between their own experience and that of their parents, thus helping them in the process of re-individuation

    Do Singing Rock Hyraxes Exploit Conspecific Calls to Gain Attention?

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    Signal detection theory predicts that signals directed at distant or busy receivers in noisy backgrounds will begin with an alert component, in order to draw attention. Instead of an alert component, however, animals could get the same effect by using an external stimulus. Here we combined observations of free-living rock hyraxes (Procavia capensis) with playback experiments to elucidate the circumstances under which males begin singing. We show that males sing following hyrax pup screams, which elicit a strong response from hyraxes within hearing distance, which are potential receivers. We hypothesize that singers enhance their singing display by exploiting the rarely emitted pup screams. To our knowledge, our findings are the first indication that animals may enhance signal reception by exploiting conspecifics' signals and the differential attention to these signals. We suggest that the utilization of external stimuli by signalers may be widespread, as an adaptive strategy for communication in complex environments

    Spatial-Temporal Dynamics of High-Resolution Animal Social Networks: What Can We Learn from Domestic Animals?

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    Recent studies of animal social networks have significantly increased our understanding of animal behavior, social interactions, and many important ecological and epidemiological processes. However, most of the studies are at low temporal and spatial resolution due to the difficulty in recording accurate contact information. Domestic animals such as cattle have social behavior and serve as an excellent study system because their position can be explicitly and continuously tracked, allowing their social networks to be accurately constructed. We used radio-frequency tags to accurately track cattle position and analyze high-resolution cattle social networks. We tested the hypothesis of temporal stationarity and spatial homogeneity in these high-resolution networks and demonstrated substantial spatial-temporal heterogeneity during different daily time periods (feeding and non-feeding) and in different areas of the pen (grain bunk, water trough, hay bunk, and other general pen area). The social network structure is analyzed using global network characteristics (network density, exponential random graph model structure), subgroup clustering (modularity), triadic property (transitivity), and dyadic interactions (correlation coefficient from a quadratic assignment procedure). Cattle tend to have the strongest and most consistent contacts with others around the hay bunk during the feeding time. These results cannot be determined from data at lower spatial (aggregated at entire pen level) or temporal (aggregated at daily level) resolution. These results reveal new insights for real-time animal social network structure dynamics, providing more accurate descriptions that allow more accurate modeling of multiple (both direct and indirect) disease transmission pathways.Comment: 4 figure

    “Atividades Investigativas Autênticas” para o Ensino de Razão e Proporção na Formação de Professores de Matemática para os Níveis Elementar e Médio

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    We present some elements related to the creation, implementation, and evaluation of the impact of “authentic investigative activities” that focus on the content as well as pedagogical knowledge and attitudes in pre-service education of elementary and high school mathematics teachers. A special learning model was developed, implemented, and tested as part of activities developed in institutions that provide pre-service teacher education in Israel. The model was developed following pilot studies investigating the change in mathematical and pedagogical knowledge of pre- and inservice mathematics teachers due to the application of “authentic investigative activities”. The conclusion of the study is that application of the model, incorporating theory and practice, leads to a dramatic positive change in the pre-service teachers’ content and pedagogical knowledge. In addition, an improvement occurred in their attitudes and beliefs towards learning and teaching mathematics in general, and ratio and proportion in particular. Keywords: Authentic Investigative Activities. Ratio and Proportion. Proportional Reasoning. Mathematics Teacher Education. Preservice Teacher Education.Neste artigo são apresentados elementos relacionados à criação, implementação e avaliação do impacto das chamadas “atividades investigativas autênticas” que focam tanto o conteúdo quanto o conhecimento pedagógico e as atitudes na formação inicial de professores de Matemática para os níveis de ensino elementar e médio. Um modelo especial de aprendizagem foi desenvolvido, implementado e testado como parte de atividades desenvolvidas em instituições israelenses voltadas à formação de professores. O modelo foi desenvolvido segundo estudos-piloto, investigando as alterações nos conhecimentos matemático e pedagógico de professores de Matemática – em formação e em atuação – ocorridas com a aplicação das “atividades investigativas autênticas”. As conclusões do estudo apontam que a aplicação do modelo – por meio do qual os professores ganham experiência e são expostos a atividades de raciocínio proporcional “autêntico”, incorporando teoria (pela leitura e análise de relevantes textos de pesquisa) e prática – produz uma alteração significativa quanto à abordagem ao conteúdo matemático e quanto ao conhecimento pedagógico. Além disso, alterações significativamente positivas ocorreram nas atitudes e crenças desses professores em relação ao ensino e à aprendizagem de Matemática, em geral e, em particular, em relação aos conceitos de razão e proporção. Palavras-chave: Atividades Investigativas Autênticas, Razão e Proporção, Raciocínio Proporcional, Formação de Professores de Matemática

    The prospective kindergarten and elementary school teachers’ understanding of the ratio concept

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    Este artigo centra-se na compreensão que futuros educadores e professores dos primeiros anos de escolaridade evidenciam do conceito de razão. No estudo participaram 81 estudantes do 2º ano da Licenciatura em Educação Básica, de uma universidade portuguesa, aos quais foi aplicado um questionário, incidindo em quatro dimensões: significado de razão; usos do conceito de razão; representação simbólica de razão; e representações para explicação do conceito de razão. Em termos de resultados, as maiores frequências foram obtidas para a: ideia de razão como comparação/relação entre grandezas; crença em que o conceito de razão pode ser usado em contextos diversificados; crença em que pode ser representado através de operações envolvendo letras, números ou apenas os sinais das operações, quando é pedida a sua representação simbólica, e através de diagramas e representações gráficas, quando é solicitada a descrição da sua explicação. Estes resultados revelam fragilidades no conhecimento matemático dos estudantes, sobretudo no que se refere à definição do conceito de razão e às suas representações.This paper focuses on the prospective kindergarten and elementary school teachers’ understanding of the ratio concept. Eighty-one undergraduates preparing to become kindergarten and primary school teachers, in a Portuguese university, participated in the study. They answered to a questionnaire aiming at evaluating their understanding of the ratio concept based on four dimensions: meaning of ratio; use of the ratio concept; symbolic representations of ratio; and representations for explaining the ratio concept. As far as results are concerned, the highest frequencies were obtained for: the idea of ratio as a comparison/relationship between two magnitudes; the belief that this concept is used in several contexts; the belief that it can be represented through operations with letters, figures or operation signals, as in symbolic representations; and through diagrams and graphical representations, as in representations for explaining the ratio concept. The results show weaknesses in prospective teachers’ mathematical knowledge of ratio, namely with regard to its definition and representations.Este trabalho contou com o apoio de Fundos Nacionais através da FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia no âmbito do projecto PEst-OE/CED/UI1661/2014 do CIEd-UM.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Animal escapology I: theoretical issues and emerging trends in escape trajectories

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    Escape responses are used by many animal species as their main defence against predator attacks. Escape success is determined by a number of variables; important are the directionality (the percentage of responses directed away from the threat) and the escape trajectories (ETs) measured relative to the threat. Although logic would suggest that animals should always turn away from a predator, work on various species shows that these away responses occur only approximately 50–90% of the time. A small proportion of towards responses may introduce some unpredictability and may be an adaptive feature of the escape system. Similar issues apply to ETs. Theoretically, an optimal ET can be modelled on the geometry of predator–prey encounters. However, unpredictability (and hence high variability) in trajectories may be necessary for preventing predators from learning a simple escape pattern. This review discusses the emerging trends in escape trajectories, as well as the modulating key factors, such as the surroundings and body design. The main ET patterns identified are: (1) high ET variability within a limited angular sector (mainly 90–180deg away from the threat; this variability is in some cases based on multiple peaks of ETs), (2) ETs that allow sensory tracking of the threat and (3) ETs towards a shelter. These characteristic features are observed across various taxa and, therefore, their expression may be mainly related to taxon-independent animal design features and to the environmental context in which prey live – for example whether the immediate surroundings of the prey provide potential refuges