2,817 research outputs found

    Income inequalities and risk-perception of crime

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    The contribution of this paper on risk-perception literature is, first, to focus on the effect of local inequalities in risk-perception. I find that higher inequalities imply an increased subjective risk-perception of physical injuries, burglary and theft. This effect can be explained by the fact that inequalities imply a higher climate of violence; both rich and poor people boost this effect. I use a quadratic term to show that inequalities' effect is not necessarily linear, and has to be cleared of the effect of residential segregation. The second contribution is to add features like density, nightlife intensity, police presence, commune's wealth and victimization rate for each type of crime. Each one of these items can have different effects on perception of risk depending on the type of crime. Last but not least, previous victimization is found to have complex effects on risk-perception, showing that people that have been victimized outside tend to feel safer at home. These results are found using cross-sectional data for Chile in 2011 with more than 22.000 individuals

    A two-level enriched finite element method for a mixed problem

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    The simplest pair of spaces is made inf-sup stable for the mixed form of the Darcy equation. The key ingredient is to enhance the finite element spaces inside a Petrov-Galerkin framework with functions satisfying element-wise local Darcy problems with right hand sides depending on the residuals over elements and edges. The enriched method is symmetric, locally mass conservative and keeps the degrees of freedom of the original interpolation spaces. First, we assume local enrichments exactly computed and we prove uniqueness and optimal error estimates in natural norms. Then, a low cost two-level finite element method is proposed to effectively obtain enhancing basis functions. The approach lays on a two-scale numerical analysis and shows that well-posedness and optimality is kept, despite the second level numerical approximation. Several numerical experiments validate the theoretical results and compares (favourably in some cases) our results with the classical Raviart-Thomas elemen

    Nuevas Identidades en la formación del profesorado. La voz del alumnado

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    Presento en este trabajo las nuevas identidades que están formándose entre el alumnado del grado de primaria, como consecuencia de los cambios que están teniendo lugar en el ámbito social, cultural, político y económico. Parto de los resultados de la investigación que el grupo ProCie está realizando acerca de la identidad profesional de los estudiantes de primaria, en la Universidad de Málaga. La investigación aborda los relatos de la experiencia escolar de estudiantes de primer año y analiza cuales son las características de esta experiencia. Son cuatro ejes los que se tienen en cuenta: la idealización de la figura del docente, el foco en las tareas y las rutinas, el lugar central que ocupa la evaluación y el énfasis en el orden y la disciplina en el aula. A partir de esta experiencia se aborda lo que denominamos “conocimiento sedimental”. Este vendría a ser el conocimiento acerca de la profesión docente que se va construyendo por parte de los estudiantes en la escuela como consecuencia de su experiencia y que constituirá el sedimento de la conocimiento profesional. Este será parte fundamental en la construcción de su identidad. Por otro lado, se tiene en cuenta la “moral neoliberal” que funciona en las instituciones escolares, actuando de forma importante en la construcción de una nueva identidad, caracterizada por el pensamiento práctica, el activismo y el cortoplacismo. Esto representa un cambio importante respecto a la identidad redentorista propia de tiempos anteriores. Palabras Clave: Identidad, profesión docente, experiencia escolar, conocimiento profesional Abstract: I present in this paper the new identities that are forming among teacher students as a result of the changes that are taking place in the social, cultural, political and economic spheres. I start from research results that Procie group is conducting about the professional identity of teacher students in the University of Malaga. The research studies the stories of the school experience of freshmen and analyses what are the characteristics of this experience. Four axes are taking into account: the idealization of the figure of the teacher, the focus on tasks and routines, the core place of assessment and the emphasis on order and discipline in the classroom. From this experience, I deal what I call " Sedimental knowledge." This would be the knowledge about the teaching profession that is built by students at school because of their experience and it constitutes the sediment of professional knowledge. This will be a fundamental part in the building of their identity. On the other hand, takes into account the "neoliberal moral" working in the schools, being an important brick in the construction of a new identity, characterized by practical thinking, activism and short-termism. This represents a significant change from the Redemptorist identity proper from earlier times. Keywords: Identity, Teaching, School Experience, Professional Knowledge.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec

    New technical and normative challenges for XBRL : multidimensionality in the COREP taxonomy

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    The New Basel Capital Agreement, known as Basel II, requires some notable changes in the systems of measurement and control of risks of credit entities and investment firms. It introduces new concepts and requirements. The systems of risk management to which the Framework or Agreement makes reference can be implemented in various degrees of sophistication. By measuring the different exposures to risk with greater accuracy, a more advanced system offers such firms and entities the prospect of needing less own funds and using increased financial leverage over secure bases. The national Supervisors, in the various central banks, must approve the systems and instruments established. The new reporting tool that is destined to fulfil this function, for the moment in the context of the European Union only, is the COREP-XBRL Taxonomy. This is based on the mark-up language of the business world, the eXtensible Business Reporting Language, and makes use of the concept of Multidimensionality. This concept is being incorporated into the XBRL specification currently in force, since it is necessary for the structure of the new reporting model that is required.El Nuevo Acuerdo de Capital de Basilea, conocido como Basilea II, requiere algunos cambios notables en el sistema de medida y control de riesgos de entidades de crédito y empresas de inversión. Introduce nuevos conceptos y requisitos. El sistema de gestión de riesgos, al que el marco o acuerdo hace referencia, puede ser implementado en varios niveles de sofisticación. Mediante una mayor precisión en la medida de las diferentes exposiciones al riesgo, un sistema más avanzado ofrece a aquellas empresas y entidades el prospecto de necesitar menos sus propios fondos y usar el aumento de la influencia financiera sobre sus bases seguras. Los supervisores nacionales, en varios bancos centrales, deben aprobar los sistemas e instrumentos establecidos. La nueva herramienta de información que está destinada a cumplir esta función, solo en el contexto de la Unión Europea por ahora, es la Taxonomía COREP-XBRL. Esta está basada en el lenguaje marcado del mundo de los negocios, el Extensible Business Reporting Language (un marco global para intercambiar información en el mundo de los negocios), y hace uso del concepto de carácter multidimensional. Este concepto se está incorporando en la especificación de XBRL actualmente en vigor, debido a que es necesario para la estructura del nuevo modelo de información requerido

    Ethnography inquiry and teacher education. The use of diaries for the comprehension of educational practice

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    We present in this communication a work of inquiry carried our using the diaries of students participating an educational experience in a primary school. Along a semester, a group of 10 students was workomg with a community learning project. These students were engaged with a teacher training experience which is being developed in the Education College at the University of Málaga. In this experience some teacher students attended two subjects of his education as collaborators in this school. His experience was collected systematically in field diaries in which they reflected their everyday experience in the school, as well as his insights, assessments, feelings, etc. These diaries become into the working material to study the school functioning and their experience. For that reason, working meetings were held with teachers of their subjects at the university. Collaboratively, diaries were analyzed, categorized and interpreted in an attempt to understand the school practice, and thus, progress their training process.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    La perspectiva cultural de la organización escolar : marco institucional y comportamiento individual

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    Se habla de una de las perspectivas teóricas en las que actualmente se desenvuelve la organización de la escuela y que presenta a ésta desde el punto de vista de la cultura que en ella se desarrolla, como producto de las interacciones sociales que tienen lugar. Ello constituye un marco institucional preciso y estructurado que condiciona y mediatiza la actuación y los sistemas de pensamiento de las personas que actúan en dicha institución. Bajo estos supuestos, el cambio educativo sólo es posible plantearlo desde el cambio institucional. Se exponen algunas vías de trabajo que estamos desarrollando desde esta perspectiva.Es presenta una de les perspectives teòriques en què actualment es desenvolupa l'organització de l'escola i que la presenta des del punt de vista de la cultura que s'hi desenvolupa com a producte de les interaccions socials que hi tenen lloc. Constitueix un marc social precís i estructurat que condiciona i mediatitza l'actuació i els sistemes de pensament de les persones que actuen en l'esmentada institució. Sota aquests supòsits, el canvi educatiu només és possible plantejar-lo des del canvi institucional. Es presenten algunes vies de treball que desenvolupem des d'aquest perspectiva.It is presented one of the theoretical perspectives in which currently the school management is working. This is explained in terms of the culture that is developed, as product tutional framework that aims the performance and the thought systems of the persons that institutional change. Some work orientations that we are developing from this perspective are presented

    Experiences from the academic training. Study about the identity of the novice teacher, second part.

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    We present some progresses of the current research project we are developing called "The professional identity of teacher studies”. It aims to analyse the training received by students in the faculties of education in the Autonomous Community of Andalusia, especially in the degrees of pre-school education and primary education. To that effect we enquiry about the influence of the experience as school student in their training and what kind of professional identity they are generating along the formation period and after five years of activity as teachers. We present some results from the second phase of the research project: The analysis of the teacher students experience accounts in the collegeUniversidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Counter-hegemonic proposals in teacher training

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    Teacher education in Spanish Universities is suffering the slow but steady progress of neoliberal proposals in education. Academic excesses, highly scholarized model, strong protocolization of their proposals, exacerbated control of educational practices, ... This change comes hand in hand with an important regression in the educational theoretical and ideological frameworks, both in the academic and scientific world, as in educational policies and school practices. Given this situation we present some counterhegemonic practices with which we are trying to break this inertia and starting another teacher education model. For that we start from some premises: on the one hand, the engagement of teacher education colleges with schools in educational system; it is necessary to understand all levels of education as a unit, as a transformative, political and emancipatory practice. On the other hand, we raise the need for future teachers to be part of alternative educational proposals, allowing their education as teachers take place from experiences of social and educational change. By last, a change in educational thinking that breaks with the theory-practice dichotomy is necessary, based on another theory of knowledge from the critical socio-constructivist perspective, in which both dimensions are re-constructed as a single entity.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech