1,341 research outputs found

    Técnicas de reproducción asistida humana: apoyo psicológico y calidad asistencial

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    Describir aspectos psicosociales implicados en las Técnicas de Reproducción Asistida Humana (TRA), en base a la satisfacción, apoyo psicológico e información recibidos por sus usuarias. Estudio transversal descriptivo de tipo encuesta-cuestionario. La encuesta se facilitó por foros de Internet consistentes en grupos de apoyo de usurarias de TRA. Se distinguió entre las usuarias de la Sanidad Pública, la Privada y un grupo mixto (si acudieron a ambos servicios). Las variables se presentan según su distribución de frecuencias. Mediante el test Chi-cuadrado de Pearson, se ha analizado la asociación de las variables cualitativas. Los datos han sido analizados con el programa estadístico IBM SPSS Statistics versión 20.0 para Windows. El nivel de significación establecido fue de p<0,05. La asistencia integral a la pareja estéril debe incluir la evaluación y el apoyo psicológico profesional, que debiera ser ofrecido sistemáticamente en los Servicios de Reproducción Humana Asistida y cualquier miembro del equipo debería ser capaz de proporcionarlo. La satisfacción de la calidad asistencial está determinada en gran medida por la información que reciben los pacientes, por lo que habría que proporcionarla de manera clara, sin tecnicismos y adecuada; por personal sanitario debidamente cualificado, de cara a reducir el porcentaje de pacientes que acuden en busca de información a fuentes no sanitarias.Grado en Medicin

    Estudio palinológico de mieles de montaña de la provincia de Orense (NW-España)

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    In the following study a quantitative and qualitative analysis of thirteen samples of honey is realised. The honey is extracted from beehives all of which are located at an altitude between 600 m to 1000 m in the province of Orense (NW Spain). In eleven of the samples the dominant pollen is Castanea sativa, reaching in three of them a percentage between 80-84%. The pollen of Rubus sp. is also dominant in one of honeys studied, wich a percentage of 67%. The nine remaining honeys are polyfloral and as well as Castanea sativa and Rubus sp. other pollens are commonly present, these being: Adenocarpus complicatus, Campanula sp., Hypericum perforatum, Lotus corniculatus , Prunus sp., Crataegus mono gina and Ericaceae.Se analizan cualitativa y cuantitativamente trece muestras de miel procedentes de colmenares ubicados en la zona montañosa oriental de Galicia, entre los 600 y 1000 m de altitud. En once de las muestras, aparece como polen dominante Castanea sativa Miller, alcanzando valores en tres de ellas entre el 80-84%. Rubus sp. es dominante en una de las mieles estudiadas, en la que alcanza un 67%, mientras que las restantes muestras se consideran multiflorales, con abundancia, además de los táxones citados, de otros tipos polánicos como: Adenocarpus complicatus DC., Campanula sp., Hypericum perforatum L., Lotus corniculatus L., Prunus sp., Crataegus mono gina Jacq. y Ericaceae

    Chemical-structural changes during the thermal treatment of hydrogen-rich vitrinites caused by the presence of terpene-type resin

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    The vitrain from Teruel (North-Eastern Spain) is a good example of a vitrinite whose perhydrous character and anomalous properties are caused by the presence of terpene-type resin. The sample used in this work was isothermally pyrolysed in an open-medium system at temperatures ranging from 250 to 500 °C. A mass balance, a petrographic and geochemical characterisation of the pyrolysates and compositional and structural analyses (GC and NMR) of the generated oils were performed. The results confirm the association of huminite-resinous substances through covalent bonds and also point to the possible incorporation of aliphatic material via covalent oxygen bonds. The side-chains that serve as linkers between the phenolic subunits derived from the lignin contain more labile thermal bonds than those present in other vitrinites not affected by resin saturation. Consequently, this type of vitrinite undergoes a more intense degradation at lower temperatures than non-perhydrous and other hydrogen-rich vitrinites. The vitrinite network itself due to the incorporation of resin-like substances (cycloparaffinic in nature) may serve as a hydrogen donor, enhancing the hydrogenation processes during pyrolysis with respect to the polymerisation and recombination reactions. The higher ability of hydrogen to stabilise the free radicals formed during pyrolysis explains the higher conversion to liquids at lower temperatures than in the case of non-perhydrous vitrinites. At the same time, this ability limits the growth of the aromatic structures. The evolution of the vitrinite modified by the presence of terpene-type resin is, thus, retarded with respect to non-perhydrous vitrinites, although in both cases the trend followed is very close. In contrast the trend of this type of vitrinite differs considerably from that of perhydrous vitrinites which are affected by hydrocarbon impregnation. Only for the most severe treatments (450/500 °C) was some degree of structural uniformity observed in the solid residues

    1D-NMR and 2D-NMR analysis of the thermal degradation products from vitrinites in relation to their natural hydrogen enrichment

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    A study of coal products obtained from Gray-King pyrolysis at 550 °C was carried out in order to obtain information about the chemical modifications of the huminite/vitrinite structure resulting from different processes of natural hydrogen-enrichment. The high oil yield obtained, the similarity between the infrared spectra of the generated oils and those of the parent vitrinite as well as the parallelism between the compositional data deduced for these oils and those obtained by means of Curie point pyrolysis-gas chromatography/mass spectrometry justify the use of this thermal approach. Gray-King pyrolysis is preferable to other techniques because it is possible to make an accurate mass balance, a thorough study of the solid residues and a full characterization of both the volatile and non-volatile fractions of the degradation products. From a study of selected perhydrous coals, mainly composed of the vitrinite maceral group, only in the low reflectance Jurassic coal from the Whitby (England) basin (WJVl) was the incorporation of lipoidal material evident, due to the significant contribution of long-chain alkyl aromatics in its oil. The structure of the vitrinite in the other Jurassic coals, the high reflectance sample from the Whitby basin (WJVh) and the coals from the Asturias (Spain) and Portugal basins (AJV and PGJV, respectively), is probably similar to that described for non-perhydrous vitrinites in the subbituminous coal rank. However, the presence of assimilated hydrogenated substances of a secondary nature, in particular for AJV and PGJV, hinders the cross-linking and condensation processes typical of the transit to the bituminous coal rank. In Cretaceous coals, from Teruel (Spain) and Utah (EEUU), (TCV and UCV, respectively), whose perhydrous character is mainly due to the specific hydrogenated nature of their botanical precursors, the incorporation of aliphatic structures via covalent oxygen linkages is proposed. The results obtained may be useful for establishing accurate structural models for perhydrous vitrinites. At the same time, the data obtained will contribute to explain the involvement of the high hydrogen content in the suppression of vitrinite reflectance

    Functionalization of Cu3BTC2@IL composites with Pd(II) for catalytic applications

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    Comunicación en forma de panel presentada en el congreso 2nd European Conference on Metal Organic Frameworks and Porous Polymers del 29 de octubre al 1 denoviembre de 2017 en Delft, HolandaMetal-organic frameworks could be excellent supports for active catalytic species in order to obtain heterogeneous and reusable catalysts, easily removable from the reaction media.[1,2] Additionally, the presence of unsaturated metal centres in their pores provides a superb opportunity to tackle with reactions that requires more than one type of metal centre.[3] In order to obtain heterometallic catalyst we have immobilized Pd(II) into the pores of the well studied Cu3BTC2 MOF (BTC= benzene-1,3,5-tricarboxilate) with the help of imidazolium derivated ionic liquids (IL). The preparation of the catalyst was made in two steps. Firstly, the Cu3BTC2 was charged with [BMIM][BF4] and [BMIM][PF6] ionic liquids(BMIM= 1-Butyl-3-methylimidazolium). The stability of the composite materials, both chemical and thermal, was studied. Then, the insertion of palladium was made in basic media. By means of EDX the presence of Pd into the structural pores was proved and the quantification was made by ICP-AES. The powder DRX of the Cu3BTC2@[BMIM][Cation]-Pd samples show no structural changes with respect to the pristine Cu3BTC2. The functionalized material was tested as heterogeneous catalyst for Suzuki-Miyaura coupling reactions. The reactions were made in methanol at 70 ºC and using K2CO3 as base. The Pd:substrate molar ratio was set at 0.1 %. The activity was firstly studied using 4-bromotoluene and phenylboronic acid as reagents. The total conversion of the reaction reached 91 % in 1.5 hours with a selectivity towards the cross-coupling product of 67 %. Afterwards, other substrates were tested to study the scope of the reaction. When using 4-bromoanisole and phenylboronic acid, 67% of conversion was reached after 4 hours with a 100 % of selectivity towards the cross-coupling product. References: [1] P. Valvekens, F. Vermoortele and D. D. Vos, Catal. Sci. Technol., 2013, 3, 1435–1445. [2] E. S. Larrea, R. Fernández de Luis, J. Orive, M. Iglesias and M. I. Arriortua, Eur. J. Inorg. Chem., 2015, 2015, 4699–4707. [3] D. Saha, R. Sen, T. Maity and S. Koner, Langmuir, 2013, 29, 3140–3151

    Functionalization of Cu3BTC2@IL composites with Pd(II) for catalytic applications

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    Comunicación en forma de panel presentada en el congreso 2nd European Conference on Metal Organic Frameworks and Porous Polymers del 29 de octubre al 1 denoviembre de 2017 en Delft, HolandaMetal-organic frameworks could be excellent supports for active catalytic species in order to obtain heterogeneous and reusable catalysts, easily removable from the reaction media.[1,2] Additionally, the presence of unsaturated metal centres in their pores provides a superb opportunity to tackle with reactions that requires more than one type of metal centre.[3] In order to obtain heterometallic catalyst we have immobilized Pd(II) into the pores of the well studied Cu3BTC2 MOF (BTC= benzene-1,3,5-tricarboxilate) with the help of imidazolium derivated ionic liquids (IL). The preparation of the catalyst was made in two steps. Firstly, the Cu3BTC2 was charged with [BMIM][BF4] and [BMIM][PF6] ionic liquids(BMIM= 1-Butyl-3-methylimidazolium). The stability of the composite materials, both chemical and thermal, was studied. Then, the insertion of palladium was made in basic media. By means of EDX the presence of Pd into the structural pores was proved and the quantification was made by ICP-AES. The powder DRX of the Cu3BTC2@[BMIM][Cation]-Pd samples show no structural changes with respect to the pristine Cu3BTC2. The functionalized material was tested as heterogeneous catalyst for Suzuki-Miyaura coupling reactions. The reactions were made in methanol at 70 ºC and using K2CO3 as base. The Pd:substrate molar ratio was set at 0.1 %. The activity was firstly studied using 4-bromotoluene and phenylboronic acid as reagents. The total conversion of the reaction reached 91 % in 1.5 hours with a selectivity towards the cross-coupling product of 67 %. Afterwards, other substrates were tested to study the scope of the reaction. When using 4-bromoanisole and phenylboronic acid, 67% of conversion was reached after 4 hours with a 100 % of selectivity towards the cross-coupling product. References: [1] P. Valvekens, F. Vermoortele and D. D. Vos, Catal. Sci. Technol., 2013, 3, 1435–1445. [2] E. S. Larrea, R. Fernández de Luis, J. Orive, M. Iglesias and M. I. Arriortua, Eur. J. Inorg. Chem., 2015, 2015, 4699–4707. [3] D. Saha, R. Sen, T. Maity and S. Koner, Langmuir, 2013, 29, 3140–3151

    Optimization of Charcoal Production Process from Woody Biomass Waste: Effect of Ni-Containing Catalysts on Pyrolysis Vapors

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    Woody biomass waste (Pinus radiata) coming from forestry activities has been pyrolyzed with the aim of obtaining charcoal and, at the same time, a hydrogen-rich gas fraction. The pyrolysis has been carried out in a laboratory scale continuous screw reactor, where carbonization takes place, connected to a vapor treatment reactor, at which the carbonization vapors are thermo-catalytically treated. Different peak temperatures have been studied in the carbonization process (500-900 degrees C), while the presence of different Ni-containing catalysts in the vapor treatment has been analyzed. Low temperature pyrolysis produces high liquid and solid yields, however, increasing the temperature progressively up to 900 degrees C drastically increases gas yield. The amount of nickel affects the vapors treatment phase, enhancing even further the production of interesting products such as hydrogen and reducing the generated liquids to very low yields. The gases obtained at very high temperatures (700-900 degrees C) in the presence of Ni-containing catalysts are rich in H-2 and CO, which makes them valuable for energy production, as hydrogen source, producer gas or reducing agent.The authors thank the Basque Country Government (consolidated research groups funding and Programa predoctoral de formacion de personal investigador no doctor), Befesa Steel R&D company for financial assistance for this work and Biotermiak Zeberio 2009 S.L. for the supply of fresh biomass

    Concursos públicos de adquisición de publicaciones periódicas en bibliotecas de Madrid

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    Sección: La red del CSICDurante 1997 se han realizado en Madrid dos concursos para la adjudicación del suministro de publicaciones periódicas a bibliotecas del CSIC. Han sido dos concursos de distintas características. El primero, individual para la biblioteca del Instituto de Filología, se refería a las revistas del año en curso, pues un concurso anticipado exige el depósito de una fianza que las agencias se arriesgan a perder dada la problemática adquisición de las revistas de humanidades. El segundo concurso fue conjunto, para las bibliotecas del Centro de Información y Documentación (Cindoc), Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas, Centro de Física Miguel Catalán e Instituto de Química Física Rocasolano, y era un concurso anticipado para el suministro en 1998. Sin embargo aunque la convocatoria era conjunta, la licitación era por lotes pudiendo adjudicarse cada biblioteca a una agencia diferente, como así ocurrió.N

    Características palinológicas de las mieles de castaño de Galicia (NO España)

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    Características palinológicas de las mieles de castaño de Galicia (NO España). Se han estudiado melisopalinológicamente 83 muestras de miel de Galicia con porcentajes superiores al 70% de polen de Castanea. El 46% de las muestras presenta porcentajes de este tipo polínico comprendidos entre el 70% y el 79%, el 43% valores entre el 80% y el 89% y el 11% restante valores de este polen superiores al 89%. El número medio de tipos polínicos es de 21 y el índice de mielada es nulo o muy bajo para todas las muestras. En cuanto a la riqueza polínica presentan una media de 26.384 granos de polen por gramo de miel. Otros tipos polínicos presentes en estas mieles son: Rubus, Erica, Eucalyptus, Cytisus y Campanula. Este tipo de mieles se producen, principalmente, en las provincias de Lugo y Ourense. En Lugo, la zona centro y las sierras orientales son las de mayor producción. En Ourense lo son las zonas de montaña de las sierras de Manzaneda, Queixa, San Mamede, el valle del Sil y el límite de la provincia con Portugal. En la provincia de Pontevedra la principal zona de producción es la comarca del Deza, mientras que en A Coruña es la zona Norte. Las principales características diferenciadoras de las mieles de castaño gallegas con respecto a otras de producción española son la ausencia de Lavandula stoechas, Cistus ladanifer, Clematis vitalba, Melilotus y la escasa presencia de Calluna vulgaris

    Study of physical and chemical properties of vitrinites. Inferences on depositional and coalification controls

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    URA. 724 du CNRS a été intégrée dans l'UMR 6113 - CNRS, Université d'Orléans : ISTOInternational audienceA detailed study of petrological, geochemical, textural and coking properties was carried out on vitrains from the Puertollano, Blanzy–Montçeau, Asturias and Teruel. The objective was to determine in depth the physical and chemical properties of a series of natural and pure vitrinites of different rank, and the influence that the sedimentary and post-sedimentary conditions had on them. It is demonstrated that although vitrains are almost entirely made up of the huminite/vitrinite maceral group they have a different composition, thermal behaviour and physical properties. Thus, geochemical and textural properties of Blanzy–Montçeau vitrains can be considered to be representative of the telinite, the major component in both samples (75% vol.) at the beginning of the bituminization stage (subbituminous/high volatile C bituminous coals). The characteristics of the Puertollano vitrains described here can also be attributed to the telocollinite (>80% vol.) for the high volatile C bituminous coal. Variations in physico-chemical properties between Puertollano and Blanzy–Montçeau vitrains are due to the differences in the initial composition of organic matter. Slight differences (i.e., bed moisture content or porosity) between vitrains from the two coal seams in the same basin can be attributed to their stratigraphic position. Several parameters such as S2, HI, oil and extraction yield and fluorescent properties suggest that the Puertollano and Blanzy–Montçeau vitrains have a lower hydrocarbon potential. The relationships between geochemical and textural properties make it possible to distinguish between ‘normal' and perhydrous vitrains. The two different hydrogen-enrichment processes that occur in vitrains from the Teruel and Asturias basins can be distinguished from the extraction yield data