51 research outputs found

    Challenges and opportunities for ex-offender support through community nursing

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    This study was a qualitative case study underpinned by “The Silences Framework” aimed at mapping the ex-offender health pathway towards identifying “touch points” in the community for the delivery of a nurse-led intervention. Participants meeting the study inclusion criteria were quantitatively ranked based on poor health. Participants scoring the lowest and endorsing their ranking through a confirmation of a health condition were selected as cases and interviewed over 6 months. Individuals in the professional networks of offenders contextualized emergent themes. The study indicated that pre-release, offenders were not prepared in prison for the continuity in access to healthcare in the community. On release, reintegration preparation did not routinely enquire whether offenders were still registered with a general practitioner or had the agency to register self in the community. Participants identified the site of post-release supervision as the “touch point” where a nurse-led intervention could be delivere

    Mixed marriages and transnational families in the intercultural context : a case study of African-Spanish couples in Catalonia, Spain

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    Premi a l'excel·lĂšncia investigadora. Àmbit de les CiĂšncies Socials. 2008One of the consequences of international migration and the permanent settlement of immigrants in southern EU countries is the growing number of inter-country marriages and the formation of transnational families. Using both quantitative and qualitative data, this article examines patterns of endogamy and exogamy (i.e. marriage within/outside a particular group or category) among African immigrants in Catalonia, focusing on bi-national Senegalese- and Gambian-Spanish couples. Socio-demographic profiles, transnationality, the dynamics of cultural change or retention, and the formation of transcultural identities are explored. The evidence presented suggests that social-class factors are more important than cultural origins in patterns of endogamy and exogamy, in the dynamics of living together and in the bringing-up of children of mixed unions. Such a conclusion negates culturalists' explanations of endogamy and exogamy while, at the same time, emphasising the role of social actors as active subjects in these processes. I further argue that mixed couples and their offspring deal-to a greater or lesser extent-with multiple localisations and cultural backgrounds (i.e. here and there), rather than experiencing a 'clash between two cultures'. Therefore, it would be a mistake to pretend that multicultural links do not exist and that they cannot be revitalised and functional. The paper starts and ends by addressing the complexities of processes of interculturalism, resisting an interpretation of hybridity and segregation as contradictory or exclusive realities

    Sarampo: idade Ăłtima e nĂșmero de doses recomendadas para a vacinação no Brasil

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    Este estudo foi inicialmente conduzido em população adulta normal, compreendendo doadores de Banco de Sangue, estudantes universitĂĄrios e parturientes, totalizando 889 indivĂ­duos. Foi observado que cerca de 87% desta população apresentava anticorpos especĂ­ficos para o sarampo, e que o mesmo porcentual de positividade observado nas gestantes, foi encontrado nos seus respectivos conceptos dada a passagem transplacentĂĄria dos anticorpos maternos. Foi verificado o declĂ­nio desses anticorpos apĂłs o 4.° mĂȘs, do recĂ©m-nato. Os resultados Ă  vacinação contra o sarampo foi estudada em 1268 crianças divididas em trĂȘs grupos: I) vacinadas aos 7 meses e revacinadas aos 15 meses; II) vacinadas aos 9 meses e III) vacinadas aos 7 meses e revacinadas aos 9 meses. Os resultados deste estudo indicam que apesar da resposta Ă  vacinação ter sido mais eficiente no grupo de crianças maiores, Ă© importante que se vacine aos 7 meses de idade, embora a porcentagem de soroconversĂŁo tenha sido de 50%. Esta medida deve ser levada em consideração, tendo em vista que a mortalidade por sarampo em crianças com menos de 1 ano representa a metade dos Ăłbitos pela doença. Foi verificado que apĂłs a aplicação da 2.° dose, nĂŁo houve diferença quanto Ă  soroconversĂŁo, tanto no grupo revacinado 2 meses ou 8 meses apĂłs a 1.Âș dose da vacina. Portanto, a vacinação aos 7 meses Ă© necessĂĄria, visando diminuir a mortalidade e a morbidade dentro do 1.Âș ano de vida, e a revacinação aos 9 meses, a fim de imunizar as crianças nĂŁo beneficiadas com a 1.ÂȘ dose

    Is racial mismatch a problem for young ‘mixed race’ people in Britain? The findings of qualitative research.

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    Recent evidence concerning the racial identifications of ‘mixed race’ people suggests growing latitude in how they may identify. In this article, we examine whether mixed race young people believe that their chosen identifications are validated by others, and how they respond to others’ racial perceptions of them. While existing studies tend to assume that a disjuncture between self-identification and others’ perceptions of them is problematic, this was not necessarily the case among our respondents. While a racial mismatch between expressed and observed identifications was a common experience for these individuals, they varied considerably in terms of how they responded to such occurrences, so that they could feel: (1) misrecognized (and there were differential bases and experiences of misrecognition); (2) positive about the mismatch; or (3) indifferent to how others racially categorized them in their day-to-day interactions. Some differences in responses to such mismatch emerged among disparate types of mixed people. This study also found that we need to consider national identity, and other forms of belonging, in making sense of the diverse and often multilayered identifications and experiences of mixed race young people in Britain

    'Mixed Orientations

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    This article thinks about mixed raceness as orientation drawing on personal experience, Black feminism and phenomenology. It argues that mixed orientations are not simply about what a body has, or even what a body can do, but involves a material and affective geography: affecting the way we gather, or ‘the we’ of a gathering: bodies, objects and worlds come together as well as break apart. This article in offering a queer and mixed genealogy gives a different angle on how whiteness is reproduced

    Landscape analysis of interactions between nutrition and vaccine responses in children.

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    The world's poorest children are likely to be malnourished when receiving their childhood vaccines. It is uncertain whether this affects vaccine efficacy and whether the coadministration of nutrient supplements with vaccines has beneficial or detrimental effects. More recently, a detrimental interaction between vitamin A (VA) supplementation (VAS) and the killed diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis vaccine given in early childhood has been suggested. This report provides a critical review of the published interactions between nutritional status and/or supplementation and vaccine responses in children. Due to an absence of evidence for most nutrients, this analysis focused on protein-energy, vitamins A and D, and iron and zinc. All vaccines were considered. Both observational studies and clinical trials that led to peer-reviewed publications in English or French were included. These criteria led to a pool of 58 studies for protein-energy malnutrition, 43 for VA, 4 for vitamin D, 10 for iron, and 22 for zinc. Our analysis indicates that malnutrition has surprisingly little or no effect on vaccine responses. Evidence for definitive adjunctive effects of micronutrient supplementation at the time of vaccination is also weak. Overall, the paucity, poor quality, and heterogeneity of data make it difficult to draw firm conclusions. The use of simple endpoints that may not correlate strongly with disease protection adds uncertainty. A detailed examination of the immunological mechanisms involved in potential interactions, employing modern methodologies, is therefore required. This would also help us understand the proposed, but still unproven, negative interactions between VAS and vaccine safety, a resolution of which is urgently required
