58 research outputs found

    Apical endosomes isolated from kidney collecting duct principal cells lack subunits of the proton pumping ATPase.

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    Endocytic vesicles that are involved in the vasopressin-stimulated recycling of water channels to and from the apical membrane of kidney collecting duct principal cells were isolated from rat renal papilla by differential and Percoll density gradient centrifugation. Fluorescence quenching measurements showed that the isolated vesicles maintained a high, HgCl2-sensitive water permeability, consistent with the presence of vasopressin-sensitive water channels. They did not, however, exhibit ATP-dependent luminal acidification, nor any N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive ATPase activity, properties that are characteristic of most acidic endosomal compartments. Western blotting with specific antibodies showed that the 31- and 70-kD cytoplasmically oriented subunits of the vacuolar proton pump were not detectable in these apical endosomes from the papilla, whereas they were present in endosomes prepared in parallel from the cortex. In contrast, the 56-kD subunit of the proton pump was abundant in papillary endosomes, and was localized at the apical pole of principal cells by immunocytochemistry. Finally, an antibody that recognizes the 16-kD transmembrane subunit of oat tonoplast ATPase cross-reacted with a distinct 16-kD band in cortical endosomes, but no 16-kD band was detectable in endosomes from the papilla. This antibody also recognized a 16-kD band in affinity-purified H+ ATPase preparations from bovine kidney medulla. Therefore, early endosomes derived from the apical plasma membrane of collecting duct principal cells fail to acidify because they lack functionally important subunits of a vacuolar-type proton pumping ATPase, including the 16-kD transmembrane domain that serves as the proton-conducting channel, and the 70-kD cytoplasmic subunit that contains the ATPase catalytic site. This specialized, non-acidic early endosomal compartment appears to be involved primarily in the hormonally induced recycling of water channels to and from the apical plasma membrane of vasopressin-sensitive cells in the kidney collecting duct

    Participation of metallothionein and superoxide dismutase in the blood of smoking smelters

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    Objectives: Metallothionein (MT) and two forms of superoxide dismutase (SOD), which are dependent on zinc and copper ions, are involved in defense against the same superoxide anion radicals and are present in extra- and intracellular compartments. The aim of our study was to investigate MT concentration and Cu/Zn SOD activity in the plasma and erythrocyte lysate of the non-smoking and smoking smelters. Material and Methods: The investigations were performed in the blood of 300 male smelters and 100 non-exposed male subjects. We have measured zinc, copper, malondialdehyde (MDA) and MT concentrations as well as SOD activity. Results: We have observed an increase of Cu/Zn coefficient and decrease of Zn/Cu coefficient in the serum of smelters in comparison with the non-smoking control group. Concentration of MDA in the plasma of smelters was higher in comparison with its concentration in the non-smoking control group. The plasma and the erythrocyte lysate MT concentration increased significantly in the whole group of smelters as compared to the non-smoking control group. The mean value of MT concentration in plasma of the smoking smelters was above 2-fold higher than in the non-smoking control group. The activity of Cu/Zn SOD in plasma of the smoking and non-smoking smelters was decreased in comparison with the smoking and non-smoking control groups, respectively. The lowest activity of Cu/Zn SOD, about 2-3‑fold decreased in comparison with the smoking and non-smoking control groups, was detected in plasma of the smelters. An inverse relationship was observed in the erythrocyte lysate. The highest activity of Cu/Zn SOD was reported in the erythrocyte lysate of the smoking smelters and it was about 2-fold higher than in the non-smoking control group. Conclusions: In extracellular environment MT plays a crucial role in comparison with the SOD, while in the intracellular compartment Cu/Zn SOD and MT cooperate with each other

    Još o toksičnosti kadmija - s posebnim osvrtom na nastanak oksidacijskoga stresa i na interakcije s cinkom i magnezijem

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    Discovered in late 1817, cadmium is currently one of the most important occupational and environmental pollutants. It is associated with renal, neurological, skeletal and other toxic effects, including reproductive toxicity, genotoxicity, and carcinogenicity. There is still much to find out about its mechanisms of action, biomarkers of critical effects, and ways to reduce health risks. At present, there is no clinically efficient agent to treat cadmium poisoning due to predominantly intracellular location of cadmium ions. This article gives a brief review of cadmium-induced oxidative stress and its interactions with essential elements zinc and magnesium as relevant mechanisms of cadmium toxicity. It draws on available literature data and our own results, which indicate that dietary supplementation of either essential element has beneficial effect under condition of cadmium exposure. We have also tackled the reasons why magnesium addition prevails over zinc and discussed the protective role of magnesium during cadmium exposure. These findings could help to solve the problem of prophylaxis and therapy of increased cadmium body burden.Iako je otkriven tek 1817. godine, kadmij je trenutačno jedan od najvažnijih onečišćivača životne i radne sredine. Štetno djeluje na bubrege, živčani sustav, kosti, reproduktivni sistem, a ima i genotoksične i karcinogene efekte. Nužna su dalja istraživanja vezana za mehanizme njegove toksičnosti, biomarkere efekata, kao i načine smanjenja rizika za zdravlje. Osim toga, do danas nije otkriven agens efikasan u terapiji trovanja kadmijem s obzirom na to da je kadmij intracelularni kation. U ovom radu dan je sažet pregled važnih mehanizama toksičnosti kadmija, kao što su nastanak oksidativnog stresa i interakcije s esencijalnim elementima, cinkom i magnezijem, na osnovi dostupnih literaturnih podataka, kao i naših ispitivanja koja upućuju na to da povećani unos navedenih esencijalnih elemenata pokazuje pozitivne efekte pri ekspoziciji kadmiju. Obrazložena je prednost suplementacije magnezijem pred suplementacijom cinkom i razmatrana preventivna uloga magnezija pri intoksikaciji kadmijem. Ovi su rezultati doprinos rješavanju problema profi lakse i terapije trovanja kadmijem

    Organization and training at national level of antimicrobial stewardship and infection control activities in Europe: an ESCMID cross-sectional survey

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    Antimicrobial stewardship (AMS) and Infection prevention and control (IPC) are two key complementary strategies that combat development and spread of antimicrobial resistance. The ESGAP (ESCMID Study Group for AMS), EUCIC (European Committee on Infection Control) and TAE (Trainee Association of ESCMID) investigated how AMS and IPC activities and training are organized, if present, at national level in Europe. From February 2018 to May 2018, an internet-based cross-sectional survey was conducted through a 36-item questionnaire, involving up to three selected respondents per country, from 38 European countries in total (including Israel), belonging to the ESGAP/EUCIC/TAE networks. All 38 countries participated with at least one respondent, and a total of 81 respondents. Education and involvement in AMS programmes were mandatory during the postgraduate training of clinical microbiology and infectious diseases specialists in up to one-third of countries. IPC was acknowledged as a specialty in 32% of countries. Only 32% of countries had both guidance and national requirements regarding AMS programmes, in contrast to 61% for IPC. Formal national staffing standards for AMS and IPC hospital-based activities were present in 24% and 63% of countries, respectively. The backgrounds of professionals responsible for AMS and IPC programmes varied tremendously between countries. The organization and training of AMS and IPC in Europe are heterogeneous and national requirements for activities are frequently lacking

    Proton pathways in rat renal brush-border and basolateral membranes

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    The quenching of acridine orange fluorescence was used to monitor the formation and dissipation of pH gradients in brush-border and basolateral membrane vesicles isolated from rat kidney cortex. The fluorescence changes of acridine orange were shown to be sensitive exclusively to transmembrane delta pH and not to membrane potential difference. In brush-border membrane vesicles, an Na+ (Li+)-H+ exchange was confirmed. At physiological Na+ concentrations, 40-70% of Na+-H+ exchange was mediated by the electroneutral Na+-H+ antiporter; the remainder consisted of Na+ and H+ movements through parallel conductive pathways. Both modes of Na+-H+ exchange were saturable, with half-maximal rates at about 13 and 24 mM Na+, respectively. Besides a Na+ gradient, a K+ gradient was also able to produce an intravesicular acidification, demonstrating conductance pathways for H+ and K+ in brush-border membranes. Experiments with Cl- or SO2-4 gradients failed to demonstrate measurable Cl--OH- or SO2-4-OH- exchange by an electroneutral antiporter in brush-border membrane vesicles; only Cl- conductance was found. In basolateral membrane vesicles, neither Na+(Li+)-H+ exchange nor Na+ or K+ conductances were found. However, in the presence of valinomycin-induced K+ diffusion potential, H+ conductance of basolateral membranes was demonstrated, which was unaffected by ethoxzolamide and 4,4'-diisothiocyanostilbene-2,2-disulfonic acid. A Cl- conductance of the membranes was also found, but antiporter-mediated electroneutral Cl--OH- or SO2-4-OH- exchange could not be detected by the dye method. The restriction of the electroneutral Na+-H+ exchanger to the luminal membrane can explain net secretion of protons in the mammalian proximal tubule which leads to the reabsorption of bicarbonate

    ATP-driven proton transport in vesicles from the kidney cortex

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    Publisher Summary: This chapter describes an improved preparation of endocytotic vesicles from rat renal cortex. This method yields vesicles that are more enriched in proton pump activity. The preparation of endocytotic vesicles takes about 6 hr and does not require an ultracentrifuge. Therefore, endocytotic vesicles from kidney can serve as an excellent model to study the characteristics of the vacuolar proton pump (H+-ATPase). This chapter describes the way of tissue homogenization is of critical importance for the success of the preparation. Although the proton pump (H+- adenosine tri-phosphate (ATP)-ase) in isolated endocytotic vesicles is strongly inhibited by N,N'-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide (DCCD), N-Ethylmaleimide (NEM), and diethylstilbestrol (DES), neither of these inhibitors can be used as a specific marker for the pump. Experiments showing the distribution of inhibitor-sensitive ATPases indicate that much higher activities of DCCD-, NEM-, and DES-sensitive ATPases are present in fractions of the Percoll gradient that do not contain endocytotic vesicles with an ATP-driven proton pump