1,700 research outputs found

    Experiences and perceptions of bilingual Spanish-English Latinx clients and bilingual Spanish-English Latinx therapists in psychotherapy: a systematic review

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    As the bilingual Spanish-English Latinx population in the United States increases, so will the need for culturally and linguistically competent mental health therapists. While past research has focused on providing culturally competent care, the role of language in the process of psychotherapy has received limited attention. This study aimed to comprehensively analyze the existing literature on bilingual Spanish-English Latinx clients’ and bilingual Spanish-English Latinx therapists’ experiences and perceptions within a bilingual psychotherapy setting and identify recommendations to enhance language proficiency. A systematic review was conducted and identified nine studies for inclusion. Results highlight seven themes focusing on bilingual Spanish-English Latinx clients, six themes related to bilingual Spanish-English Latinx therapists, and six themes focusing on recommendations to enhance language proficiency. Limitations of the reviewed studies are considered, and recommendations and implications for future research and practices are discussed for language use in a bilingual psychotherapeutic setting, which may prove valuable for therapists working with bilingual clients regardless of their bilingualism

    Bulge RR Lyrae stars in the VVV tile b201\textit{b201}

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    The VISTA Variables in the V\'ia L\'actea (VVV) Survey is one of the six ESO public surveys currently ongoing at the VISTA telescope on Cerro Paranal, Chile. VVV uses near-IR (ZYJHKsZYJHK_{\rm s}) filters that at present provide photometry to a depth of Ks∼17.0K_{\rm s} \sim 17.0 mag in up to 36 epochs spanning over four years, and aim at discovering more than 106^6 variable sources as well as trace the structure of the Galactic bulge and part of the southern disk. A variability search was performed to find RR Lyrae variable stars. The low stellar density of the VVV tile b201\textit{b201}, which is centered at (ℓ,b\ell, b) ∼\sim (−9∘,−9∘-9^\circ, -9^\circ), makes it suitable to search for variable stars. Previous studies have identified some RR Lyrae stars using optical bands that served to test our search procedure. The main goal is to measure the reddening, interstellar extinction, and distances of the RR Lyrae stars and to study their distribution on the Milky Way bulge. A total of 1.5 sq deg were analyzed, and we found 39 RR Lyrae stars, 27 of which belong to the ab-type and 12 to the c-type. Our analysis recovers all the previously identified RR Lyrae variables in the field and discovers 29 new RR Lyrae stars. The reddening and extinction toward all the RRab stars in this tile were derived, and distance estimations were obtained through the period--luminosity relation. Despite the limited amount of RR Lyrae stars studied, our results are consistent with a spheroidal or central distribution around ∼8.1\sim 8.1 and ∼8.5\sim 8.5 kpc. for either the Cardelli or Nishiyama extinction law.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Spontaneous symmetry breaking as a resource for noncritically squeezed light

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    In the last years we have proposed the use of the mechanism of spontaneous symmetry breaking with the purpose of generating perfect quadrature squeezing. Here we review previous work dealing with spatial (translational and rotational) symmetries, both on optical parametric oscillators and four-wave mixing cavities, as well as present new results. We then extend the phenomenon to the polarization state of the signal field, hence introducing spontaneous polarization symmetry breaking. Finally we propose a Jaynes-Cummings model in which the phenomenon can be investigated at the single-photon-pair level in a non-dissipative case, with the purpose of understanding it from a most fundamental point of view.Comment: Review for the proceedings of SPIE Photonics Europe. 11 pages, 5 figures

    Inducing nonclassical lasing via periodic drivings in circuit quantum electrodynamics

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    We show how a pair of superconducting qubits coupled to a microwave cavity mode can be used to engineer a single-atom laser that emits light into a nonclassical state. Our scheme relies on the dressing of the qubit-field coupling by periodic modulations of the qubit energy. In the dressed basis, the radiative decay of the first qubit becomes an effective incoherent pumping mechanism that injects energy into the system, hence turning dissipation to our advantage. A second, auxiliary qubit is used to shape the decay within the cavity, in such a way that lasing occurs in a squeezed basis of the cavity mode. We characterize the system both by mean-field theory and exact calculations. Our work may find applications in the generation of squeezing and entanglement in circuit QED, as well as in the study of dissipative few- and many-body phase transitions

    Degeneracion de semilla de papa: factores importantes a considerar.

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    Tallers de consciència i regulació emocional per a persones afectades de fibromiàlgia

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    Postgrau en Educació Emocional i Benestar, Facultat de Pedagogia, Departament de Mètodes d’Investigació i Diagnòstic en Educació, Universitat de Barcelona, curs: 2009-2010, Tutor/Tutora: Josep TollEl present treball consisteix en el disseny i l'aplicació d'un projecte consistent en tallers de consciència i regulació emocional per a persones afectades de fibromiàlgia. El projecte s'aplica en dos contexts diferents: un grup de dones del Poblenou de Barcelona que dinamitza l’Associació Catalana d’Afectats de Fibromiàlgia del Poblenou(ACAF)i un grup de dones de St. Joan de Vilatorrada (Bages) que pateixen la malaltia

    Producción de huevos en Eurypodius latreillii Guérin, 1828 (Decapoda: Majidae) en el Estrecho de Magallanes, sur de Chile

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    Egg production and reproductive investment were studied in the spider crab Eurypodius latreillii from the Straits of Magellan, southern Chile. A total of 66 ovigerous females were analyzed, ranging in size from 29.0 to 62.9 mm carapace length. E. latreillii produced up to 15886 embryos, and clutch size increased with maternal size. Initial egg size was large (0.162 mm3), and the embryo volume increase during the incubation period was 32 %. Brood mortality was substantial (83 %), and since egg volume increase could not compensate for the egg loss, average egg mass volume decreased considerably during embryogenesis. The average brood mass at laying accounted for 13 % of the maternal body mass (on a wet mass basis), and this value coincides with previous findings concerning energy allocation for egg production in other brachyuran crabs. In general, our data regarding E. latreillii correspond well with those from spider crab species inhabiting the northern hemisphere. The large egg size of E. latreillii compared with majids from other geographical regions may be an indication of a latitudinal gradient in the reproductive biology of majid crabs. Future studies with spider crabs from the southern hemisphere are desirable to substantiate this assumption.Se estudió la producción de huevos y la inversión reproductiva del cangrejo araña Eurypodius latreillii proveniente del Estrecho de Magallanes, sur de Chile. Se analizaron un total de 66 hembras ovígeras con un rango de tamaños entre 29,0 y 62,9 mm de longitud de caparazón. E. latreilli produjo hasta un máximo de 15886 embriones, y el número de huevos aumentó con el tamaño de la hembra. El tamaño inicial del huevo fue grande (0,162 mm3) y el aumento del volumen embrionario durante el período de incubación fue de 32 %. La mortalidad de huevos fue considerable (83 %), y como el aumento en el volumen de los huevos no pudo compensar la pérdida de huevos, el promedio del volumen de la masa de los huevos disminuyó de forma considerable durante la embriogénesis. La masa de huevos representó un 13 % de la masa corporal de la madre, y este valor coincide con observaciones previas sobre la asignación de energía para la producción de huevos en otros braquiuros. En general, nuestros datos sobre E. latreillii concuerdan con datos sobre especies del cangrejo araña del hemisferio norte. El tamaño grande de huevos de E. latreillii comparado con Majidae de otras regiones geográficas podría ser interpretado como una indicación de un gradiente latitudinal en la biología reproductiva de cangrejos májidos. Para corroborar esta interpretación se requerirían estudios futuros con cangrejos araña del hemisferio sur

    Hacia un manejo integrado de la degeneracion de la semilla de papa en Ecuador.

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    Near-IR period-luminosity relations for pulsating stars in ω\omega Centauri (NGC 5139)

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    ω\omega Centauri (NGC 5139) hosts hundreds of pulsating variable stars of different types, thus representing a treasure trove for studies of their corresponding period-luminosity (PL) relations. Our goal in this study is to obtain the PL relations for RR Lyrae, and SX Phoenicis stars in the field of the cluster, based on high-quality, well-sampled light curves in the near-infrared (IR). ω\omega Centauri was observed using VIRCAM mounted on VISTA. A total of 42 epochs in JJ and 100 epochs in KSK_{\rm S} were obtained, spanning 352 days. Point-spread function photometry was performed using DoPhot and DAOPHOT in the outer and inner regions of the cluster, respectively. Based on the comprehensive catalogue of near-IR light curves thus secured, PL relations were obtained for the different types of pulsators in the cluster, both in the JJ and KSK_{\rm S} bands. This includes the first PL relations in the near-IR for fundamental-mode SX Phoenicis stars. The near-IR magnitudes and periods of Type II Cepheids and RR Lyrae stars were used to derive an updated true distance modulus to the cluster, with a resulting value of (m−M)0=13.708±0.035±0.10(m-M)_0 = 13.708 \pm 0.035 \pm 0.10 mag, where the error bars correspond to the adopted statistical and systematic errors, respectively. Adding the errors in quadrature, this is equivalent to a heliocentric distance of 5.52±0.275.52\pm 0.27 kpc.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in A&
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