984 research outputs found

    Distinction between clouds and ice/snow covered surfaces in the identification of cloud-free observations using SCIAMACHY PMDs

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    SCIAMACHY on ENVISAT allows measurement of different trace gases including those most abundant in the troposphere (e.g. CO<sub>2</sub>, NO<sub>2</sub>, CH<sub>4</sub>, BrO, SO<sub>2</sub>). However, clouds in the observed scenes can severely hinder the observation of tropospheric gases. Several cloud detection algorithms have been developed for GOME on ERS-2 which can be applied to SCIAMACHY. The GOME cloud algorithms, however, suffer from the inadequacy of not being able to distinguish between clouds and ice/snow covered surfaces because GOME only covers the UV, VIS and part of the NIR wavelength range (240-790 nm). As a result these areas are always flagged as clouded, and therefore often not used. Here a method is presented which uses the SCIAMACHY measurements in the wavelength range between 450 nm and 1.6 &micro;m to make a distinction between clouds and ice/snow covered surfaces. The algorithm is developed using collocated MODIS observations. The algorithm presented here is specifically developed to identify cloud-free SCIAMACHY observations. The SCIAMACHY Polarisation Measurement Devices (PMDs) are used for this purpose because they provide higher spatial resolution compared to the main spectrometer measurements

    On graphs with a large chromatic number containing no small odd cycles

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    In this paper, we present the lower bounds for the number of vertices in a graph with a large chromatic number containing no small odd cycles

    Basal Chromospheric Flux and Maunder Minimum-type Stars: The quiet-Sun Chromosphere as a Universal Phenomenon

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    Aims: We demonstrate the universal character of the quiet-Sun chromosphere among inactive stars (solar-type and giants). By assessing the main physical processes, we shed new light on some common observational phenomena. Methods: We discuss measurements of the solar Mt. Wilson S-index, obtained by the Hamburg Robotic Telescope around the extreme minimum year 2009, and compare the established chromospheric basal Ca II K line flux to the Mt. Wilson S-index data of inactive ("flat activity") stars, including giants. Results: During the unusually deep and extended activity minimum of 2009, the Sun reached S-index values considerably lower than in any of its previously observed minima. In several brief periods, the Sun coincided exactly with the S-indices of inactive ("flat", presumed Maunder Minimum-type) solar analogues of the Mt. Wilson sample; at the same time, the solar visible surface was also free of any plages or remaining weak activity regions. The corresponding minimum Ca II K flux of the quiet Sun and of the presumed Maunder Minimum-type stars in the Mt. Wilson sample are found to be identical to the corresponding Ca II K chromospheric basal flux limit. Conclusions: We conclude that the quiet-Sun chromosphere is a universal phenomenon among inactive stars. Its mixed-polarity magnetic field, generated by a local, "fast" turbulent dynamo finally provides a natural explanation for the minimal soft X-ray emission observed for inactive stars. Given such a local dynamo also works for giant chromospheres, albeit on larger length scales, i.e., l ~ R/g, with R and g as stellar radius and surface gravity, respectively, the existence of giant spicular phenomena and the guidance of mechanical energy toward the acceleration zone of cool stellar winds along flux-tubes have now become traceable.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures; Astronomy & Astrophysics (Research Note), in pres

    Lifting Bell inequalities

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    A Bell inequality defined for a specific experimental configuration can always be extended to a situation involving more observers, measurement settings, or measurement outcomes. In this article, such "liftings" of Bell inequalities are studied. It is shown that if the original inequality defines a facet of the polytope of local joint outcome probabilities then the lifted one also defines a facet of the more complex polytope

    Newly Discovered Global Temperature Structures in the Quiet Sun at Solar Minimum

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    Magnetic loops are building blocks of the closed-field corona. While active region loops are readily seen in images taken at EUV and X-ray wavelengths, quiet Sun loops are seldom identifiable and therefore difficult to study on an individual basis. The first analysis of solar minimum (Carrington Rotation 2077) quiet Sun (QS) coronal loops utilizing a novel technique called the Michigan Loop Diagnostic Technique (MLDT) is presented. This technique combines Differential Emission Measure Tomography (DEMT) and a potential field source surface (PFSS) model, and consists of tracing PFSS field lines through the tomographic grid on which the Local Differential Emission Measure (LDEM) is determined. As a result, the electron temperature Te and density Ne at each point along each individual field line can be obtained. Using data from STEREO/EUVI and SOHO/MDI, the MLDT identifies two types of QS loops in the corona: so-called "up" loops in which the temperature increases with height, and so-called "down" loops in which the temperature decreases with height. Up loops are expected, however, down loops are a surprise, and furthermore, they are ubiquitous in the low-latitude corona. Up loops dominate the QS at higher latitudes. The MLDT allows independent determination of the empirical pressure and density scale heights, and the differences between the two remain to be explained. The down loops appear to be a newly discovered property of the solar minimum corona that may shed light on the physics of coronal heating. The results are shown to be robust to the calibration uncertainties of the EUVI instrument.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal, waiting for the full biblio inf

    Ontwikkeling en validatie van analysemethoden voor de bepaling van (sporen)elementen in kunststoffen

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    Polymeermaterialen zijn niet meer weg te denken uit ons dagelijks leven. Hun succes is mede te danken aan de mogelijkheid om additieven toe te voegen aan het materiaal waardoor de eigenschappen, zoals o.m. de hardheid, de thermische weerstand en de rekbaarheid, verbeteren. Er bestaat een brede waaier aan additieven, elk met een specifieke functie. Voor de polymeerindustrie is het bijgevolg noodzakelijk om meer dan 60 elementen zowel kwalitatief als kwantitatief te kunnen bepalen en dit in concentraties gaande van percent tot ppb niveau. Ter ondersteuning van de productontwikkeling, de productiecontrole en het kwaliteitsmanagement is elementanalyse zeer belangrijk. In verschillende sectoren worden bovendien nieuwe normen en reglementeringen aangaande het toevoegen van metalen aan polymeren geĂŻntroduceerd of wordt de bestaande regelgeving verstrengd waardoor accurate controle een absolute must is. Hoewel elementanalyse (bepaling van elementen gaande van H tot U) vaak wordt toegepast in de polymeerindustrie voor de hierboven vermelde redenen, is het zo dat de gebruikte analytische methoden zeer verschillend zijn en binnen de Europese Unie niet geharmoniseerd zijn, laat staan wereldwijd. Bovendien worden de gestelde eisen inzake o.m. detectievermogen en analysesnelheid steeds strenger. Dit alles illustreert het belang van de ontwikkeling van betrouwbare, krachtige en praktische methoden voor de bepaling van additieven in polymeren. Een brede waaier aan digestiemethoden alsook aan spectrometrische technieken kan worden ingezet voor de bepaling van (sporen)elementen in polymeren. De doelstelling van dit werk was de ontwikkeling van adequate methoden voor de bepaling van additieven in polymeermaterialen. Hierbij diende telkens een weloverwogen keuze gemaakt te worden van de aan te wenden monstervoorbereiding, de analysemethode en de monsterintroductie (analyse na voorafgaande monsterdigestie of solid sampling)

    Water vapour total columns from SCIAMACHY spectra in the 2.36 ÎĽm window

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    The potential of the shortwave infrared channel of the atmospheric spectrometer SCIAMACHY on Envisat to provide accurate measurements of total atmospheric water vapour columns is explored. It is shown that good quality results can be obtained for cloud free scenes above the continents using the Iterative Maximum Likelihood Method. In addition to the standard cloud filter employed in this method, further cloud screening is obtained by comparing simultaneously retrieved methane columns with values expected from models. A novel method is used to correct for the scattering effects introduced in the spectra by the ice layer on the detector window. The retrieved water vapour total vertical columns for the period 2003–2007 are compared with spatially and temporally collocated values from the European Centre for Mid-Range Weather Forecast (ECMWF) data. The observed differences for individual measurements have standard deviations not higher than 0.3 g/cm^2 and an absolute mean value smaller than 0.01 g/cm^2 with some regional excursions. The use of recently published spectroscopic data for water vapour led to a significant improvement in the agreement of the retrieved water vapour total columns and the values derived from ECMWF data. This analysis thus supports the superior quality of the new spectroscopic information using atmospheric data

    The effect of magnetic activity saturation in chromospheric flux-flux relationships

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    We present a homogeneous study of chromospheric and coronal flux-flux relationships using a sample of 298 late-type dwarf active stars with spectral types F to M. The chromospheric lines were observed simultaneously in each star to avoid spread due to long term variability. Unlike other works, we subtract the basal chromospheric contribution in all the spectral lines studied. For the first time, we quantify the departure of dMe stars from the general relations. We show that dK and dKe stars also deviate from the general trend. Studying the flux-colour diagrams we demonstrate that the stars deviating from the general relations are those with saturated X-ray emission and that those stars also present saturation in the Hα\alpha line. Using several age spectral indicators, we show that they are younger stars than those following the general relationships. The non-universality of flux-flux relationships found in this work should be taken into account when converting between fluxes in different chromospheric activity indicators.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Societ

    Can surface flux transport account for the weak polar field in cycle 23?

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    To reproduce the weak magnetic field on the polar caps of the Sun observed during the declining phase of cycle 23 poses a challenge to surface flux transport models since this cycle has not been particularly weak. We use a well-calibrated model to evaluate the parameter changes required to obtain simulated polar fields and open flux that are consistent with the observations. We find that the low polar field of cycle 23 could be reproduced by an increase of the meridional flow by 55% in the last cycle. Alternatively, a decrease of the mean tilt angle of sunspot groups by 28% would also lead to a similarly low polar field, but cause a delay of the polar field reversals by 1.5 years in comparison to the observations.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figures, Space Science Reviews, accepte

    Microbial community management in aquaculture

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    Microbial community management in aquaculture creates benefits at the nutritional as well as at health level for cultured species. In addition, in case of biofloc application, it allows to link species at different trophic levels, making bioflocs the potential link in integrated multispecies aquaculture
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