94 research outputs found

    A Bibliometric review of sociocybernetics

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    Sociocyberetics is an emerging field of research, innovation and development whose proposed goal is the construction of knowledge on social systems from the systems science and cybemetics perspectives. Sociocyberetics assumes that social systems belong to the superclass of complex systems and promotes the computational modeling and simulation approach to support decision-making processes when dealing with social systems problems. In the present work, the results and analysis of a bibliometric review on sociocyberetics is reported. The main conclusion of the present work is the fact that at the present, sociocyberetics is at its initial stage of development but widely extended both geographcally and across scientific disciplines whch justifies efforts directed towards a sustained work in its development and its consolidation

    Object oriented modeling frameworks for the social systems

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    In the present study, an object oriented approach and modeling framework is proposed for the construction of synthetic, computational models of social systems. The conventional approach to model and study social systems will be reviewed and outlined, indicating its limitations to deal with their associated complex turbulent phenomena. The proposed object oriented integrative modeling will be explained emphasizing its advantages compared to reductionist methods when dealing with complex systems. Finally, the main architecture of the UTOPIA computational modeling framework, an ongoing, development is shown and described

    Multiphysics modeling for bone remodeling simulation: A methodological framework

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    In the present study an object oriented integrative modeling methodology is proposed for the construction of synthetic, computational models of bone-bone environment system that allow its simulation under in vivo conditions. The analytical mathematical approach to model and study ordinary materials will be outlined, indicating its limitations when dealing with biomaterials in physiological environments. The proposed object oriented integrative modeling will be explained emphasizing its advantages and possibilities. Finally, the architecture of the "in vivo" modeling and simulation software framework is shown, described and explained indicating further work based on this framework

    Academic engagement: A diary study on the mediating role of academic support

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    © 2020 Elsevier Inc. Based on the Job Demands-Resources (JD-R) model, this diary study investigated the mediator role of academic resources in the relationship between personal resources and variables of well-being. The study postulates that the perceived level of academic support received by students during the day mediates the relationship between the levels of self-efficacy and curiosity, measured early in the day, and the level of academic engagement measured at the end of the day. Ninety-four undergraduates filled in a general questionnaire and subsequently completed a daily questionnaire, for 5 consecutive academic days (470 diary entries). The multilevel analysis showed a positive relationship between self-efficacy and curiosity and academic engagement. In addition, the results revealed a positive relationship between academic support and academic engagement. Finally, the results showed partial mediation of academic support in the relationship between self-efficacy and academic engagement and in the relationship between curiosity and academic engagement. The results can be used to improve teaching and learning programs in colleges and universities.This research was supported by the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de NĂ­vel Superior – CAPES (Brazil), through a scholarship granted to the first author (process n° 99999.004301/2015-03

    Voxel based stochastic modeling of complex materials

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    In the present study an object oriented stochastic approach is proposed for the construction of synthetic, computational models of complex materials. The conventional approach to model and study materials mechanics will be outlined, indicating its limitations to deal with complex heterogeneous materials. The proposed object oriented integrative modeling will be explained emphasizing its advantages compared to continuum mechanics when dealing with complex materials. Finally, the stochastic assembly of complex materials synthetic samples is described and the architecture of the 3M2S (multiphysics materials modeling and simulation system) is shown, indicating further work based on 3M2s

    Voxel based stochastic modeling of complex materials

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    In the present study an object oriented stochastic approach is proposed for the construction of synthetic, computational models of complex materials. The conventional approach to model and study materials mechanics will be outlined, indicating its limitations to deal with complex heterogeneous materials. The proposed object oriented integrative modeling will be explained emphasizing its advantages compared to continuum mechanics when dealing with complex materials. Finally, the stochastic assembly of complex materials synthetic samples is described and the architecture of the 3M2S (multiphysics materials modeling and simulation system) is shown, indicating further work based on 3M2s

    Beneficios del uso de vitamina C en el paciente séptico: ¿qué tanto la apoya la evidencia esta indicación?

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    Objetivo: resumir y analizar la evidencia mĂĄs reciente sobre el efecto de la administraciĂłn de vitamina C en el paciente con sepsis. MĂ©todos: revisiĂłn narrativa. Se realizĂł una bĂșsqueda bibliogrĂĄfica, utilizando los tĂ©rminos de bĂșsqueda “Vitamina C” y “Sepsis”, ademĂĄs de sinĂłnimos, los cuales fueron combinados con los operadores “AND” y “OR”, en las bases de datos PubMed, ScienceDirect, Web of Science, y MEDLINE. Resultados: basados en los Ășltimos estudios celulares y moleculares, se ha evidenciado que la vitamina C posee propiedades antioxidantes, antiinflamatorias, y microbicidas, pudiĂ©ndose obtener cierto beneficio de su uso en sepsis. Mientras algunos ensayos controlados aleatorizados han encontrado un incremento del riesgo de hasta el 20% de morir o presentar falla orgĂĄnica persistente, otros han observado una disminuciĂłn de la mortalidad de hasta un 40%, ademĂĄs de la estancia hospitalaria y duraciĂłn de ventilaciĂłn mecĂĄnica. ConclusiĂłn: a la fecha, la evidencia es heterogĂ©nea respecto al posible beneficio en el uso de vitamina C intravenosa como terapia sola o combinada en el manejo del paciente con sepsis o shock sĂ©ptico. Mientras los ensayos controlados aleatorizados parecieran demostrar ausencia de beneficio, principalmente respecto a mortalidad o persistencia de falla orgĂĄnica a los 28 dĂ­as, algunos meta-anĂĄlisis tienden a mostrar una reducciĂłn del riesgo de muerte. Por lo tanto, sigue faltando evidencia que amplĂ­e este panorama

    Impaired Carbohydrate Digestion and Transport and Mucosal Dysbiosis in the Intestines of Children with Autism and Gastrointestinal Disturbances

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    Gastrointestinal disturbances are commonly reported in children with autism, complicate clinical management, and may contribute to behavioral impairment. Reports of deficiencies in disaccharidase enzymatic activity and of beneficial responses to probiotic and dietary therapies led us to survey gene expression and the mucoepithelial microbiota in intestinal biopsies from children with autism and gastrointestinal disease and children with gastrointestinal disease alone. Ileal transcripts encoding disaccharidases and hexose transporters were deficient in children with autism, indicating impairment of the primary pathway for carbohydrate digestion and transport in enterocytes. Deficient expression of these enzymes and transporters was associated with expression of the intestinal transcription factor, CDX2. Metagenomic analysis of intestinal bacteria revealed compositional dysbiosis manifest as decreases in Bacteroidetes, increases in the ratio of Firmicutes to Bacteroidetes, and increases in Betaproteobacteria. Expression levels of disaccharidases and transporters were associated with the abundance of affected bacterial phylotypes. These results indicate a relationship between human intestinal gene expression and bacterial community structure and may provide insights into the pathophysiology of gastrointestinal disturbances in children with autism
