1,828 research outputs found

    Effect of the integration of visual arts in reading and writing skills

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    La educación actual enfrenta grandes desafíos. Anualmente, en Puerto Rico, gran parte de los estudiantes toman pruebas estandarizadas en las que deben demostrar dominio de las competencias en el área académica de español, entre otras. Este artículo presenta una investigación cuyo propósito fue determinar el efecto de la integración de las artes visuales, durante diez semanas, en el desarrollo de las destrezas de lectura y escritura en estudiantes de tercer grado de escuelas públicas del suroeste de Puerto Rico. Se utilizó un enfoque cuantitativo con un diseño cuasi-experimental para determinar la diferencia entre: las puntuaciones de la posprueba de lectura y de escritura, respectivamente, de los estudiantes a los que se le aplicó el tratamiento y a los que no se le aplicó; las puntuaciones de la preprueba y la posprueba de lectura y de escritura, respectivamente, obtenida por los estudiantes de cada grupo. La muestra de 21 estudiantes de tercer grado se seleccionó por conveniencia, en dos escuelas similares. De éstos, 14 formaron parte del grupo control (GC) y 17 del grupo experimental (GE). Los datos se recolectaron mediante la pre y posprueba de lectura y la pre y posprueba de escritura creada por la investigadora. La información recopilada se analizó mediante estadística inferencial paramétrica (t test, ANOVA, regresión lineal) y estadística no paramétrica (Mann Whitney, Wilcoxon). Los resultados evidenciaron diferencias significativas entre GC y GE, en los promedios de las puntuaciones de las prepruebas y de las pospruebas de lectura y escritura, respectivamente. Estos hallazgos sugieren que la integración de las artes visuales tuvo un efecto significativo en el desarrollo de las destrezas de lectura y escrituraToday’s education faces major challenges. Annually, in Puerto Rico, most of the students take standardized tests in which they must demonstrate mastery in the competences in the academic area of Spanish, among others. This article presents an investigation whose purpose was determine the effect of the integration of visual arts, for ten weeks, in the development of Reading and writing skills in third grade students in public schools in southwest of Puerto Rico. A quantitative approach was used with a quasi-experimental design to determine the difference between: the post-test scores of reading and writing, respectively, of the students to whom the treatment was applied and to whom it was not applied; the pre-test and post-test scores of reading and writing, respectively, obtained by the students of each group. The sample of 21 third graders was selected for convenience in two similar schools. Of these, 14 were part of the control group (CG) and 17 of the experimental group (EG). The data were collected through the pre and post reading test and the pre and post writing test created by the researcher. The information collected was analyzed by parametric (t test, ANOVA, lineal regression) and non-parametric (Mann Whitney, Wilcoxon) inferential statistics. The results evidenced significant differences between CG y EG, in the averages of the pre and post Reading and Writing test scores, respectively. These findings suggest that the integration of the visual arts had a significant effect on the development of Reading and writing skill

    Spanish reference values for the Breastfeeding Self-Efficacy Scale-Short Form BSES-SF

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    Fundamento. Describir los valores de referencia para la versión española de la Escala de Autoeficacia para la Lactancia Materna en su versión reducida (BSES-SF), considerando las diferencias según la experiencia previa en lactancia y la paridad. Metodología. Estudio transversal realizado en cinco hospitales de Alicante y uno de la Región de Murcia, con una muestra accidental de 949 mujeres que ofrecieron lactancia materna en el posparto, sin problemas médicos, propios o del recién nacido, que dificultaran la lactancia. Se obtuvieron datos sociodemográficos, obstétricos y sobre autoeficacia materna para la lactancia mediante la escala BSES-SF. Se calcularon datos de tendencia central, dispersión y percentiles de las puntuaciones de la escala BSES-SF para generar valores de referencia para toda la muestra y según la paridad y experiencia previa. Resultados. El nivel de autoeficacia fue significativamente menor (p<0,001) entre las mujeres primíparas (media =47,67±11,03) o sin experiencia previa (media =47,30±11,18) que entre las multíparas (media =52,87±10,66) o con experiencia anterior (media =53,93±9,93). La puntuación de los percentiles P25 y P75 de la escala BSES-SF fue, respectivamente, para toda la muestra de 42 y 59; para las mujeres sin hijos o sin experiencia previos de 39 y 56; para madres con hijos de 46 y 61; y para las madres con experiencia previa de 47 y 62. Conclusión. Los percentiles específicos obtenidos, según la paridad o la experiencia previa, pueden considerarse como valores de referencia para comparar el nivel de autoeficacia de un caso dado, evaluar intervenciones educativas y planificar intervenciones de apoyo durante el posparto.Background. To describe the reference values for the Spanish version of the Breastfeeding Self-Efficacy Scale-Short Form (BSES-SF), considering the differences according to parity and previous breastfeeding experience. Methods. Cross-sectional study in five hospitals in Alicante and one in Murcia, Spain, in a convenience sample of 949 in-hospital breastfeeding women, with no medical problems in the mothers or newborns hindering breastfeeding. Data on sociodemographic and obstetric variables, and on breastfeeding self-efficacy, using the BSES-SF, were collected. Central tendency, dispersion and percentile data were calculated to generate reference values for the entire sample, and by parity and previous experience. Results. The level of self-efficacy was significantly lower (p<0.001) among primiparous women (mean =47.67±11.03) or those without previous experience (mean =47.30±11.18) than among multiparas (mean =52.87±10.66) or women with previous experience (mean =53.93±9.93). The P25 and P75 percentiles for the BSES-SF were, respectively, 42 and 59 for the entire sample; 39 and 56 for women without children or without previous experience; 46 and 61 for mothers with children; and 47 and 62 for mothers with previous experience. Conclusions. The specific percentiles obtained by parity or previous experience should be considered the reference values for comparing the level of self-efficacy of a given case, and for evaluating educational interventions and planning postpartum support interventions.Este estudio recibió financiación del Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (nº de expediente PI09/90899)

    The Semen Microbiome and Semen Parameters in Healthy Stallions

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    Despite the advances in reproductive technology, there is still a considerable number of low sperm quality cases in stallions. Recent studies in humans have detected several seminal microflora–spermatozoa associations behind some idiopathic infertility cases. However, no studies are available on horses, and there is limited information on the microflora present in stallion ejaculates. Accordingly, the objective of this study was to examine associations to the presence of bacteria families with five sperm quality parameters: concentration, total number of spermatozoa, total and progressive motility, and DNA fragmentation. Samples were cryopreserved after their extraction. High-speed homogenization using grinding media was performed for cell disruption. Family identification was performed via 16S rRNA sequencing. Bacterial families were only considered if the relative abundance was higher than 1%. Only two families appeared to have a correlation with two sperm quality parameters. Peptoniphilaceae correlated positively with total sperm motility, whereas Clostridiales Incertae Sedis XI correlated negatively with progressive motility. No significant differences were found for the rest of the parameters. In conclusion, the seminal microbiome may affect spermatozoa activity. Our findings are based on statistical associations; thus, further studies are needed to understand the internal interactions between seminal flora and cells

    Phase profile analysis of transparent objects through the use of a two windows interferometer based on a one beam splitter configuration

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    AbstractIn this research we implemented a two windows interferometer based on polarization phase shifting and grating interferometry techniques in order to retrieve the phase data profile of the object in a single capture. The optical configuration has two optical beams with circular polarization in opposite directions, and it is coupled with a 4-f system. An amplitude grid is used as a filter which is placed at the Fourier plane to obtain replicas of each beam which can properly interfere, depending on the separation between beams. The interferometer presents the capability of changing the beam separation in order to make different orders interfere properly. The interference patterns produced can be separately modulated through the operation of linear polarizer's placed on each interference replica. In order to present the capabilities of the system we will select four interferograms result of contiguous orders interference

    Structure and magnetic properties of Co-doped ZnO nanoparticles

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    In this work we carefully analyze the role of the microstructure on the magnetic properties of Co-doped ZnO nanoparticles prepared by the vaporization-condensation method in a solar reactor. We show that a close correlation exists between microstructural features and the appearance of ferromagnetism. Both shape and size of the particles, as well as the microstructure, can be controlled by changing the pressure inside the evaporation chamber, as evidenced by transmission electron microscopy micrographs and high resolution electron microscopy HREM. X-ray diffraction patterns and HREM make evident the absence of any significant Co segregation or any other phase different from würtzite type ZnO. On the other hand, electron energy loss spectroscopy analyses performed on several particles of würtzite type ZnO yielded an average Co concentration in good agreement with the nominal composition. Samples prepared in low pressure 10 Torr exhibit a very homogeneous microstructure and are ferromagnetic at low temperature but they have a very small saturation moment, well below that expected for a Co2+ ion. Conversely, samples prepared at higher pressure conditions 70–100 Torr show a defective microstructure and are paramagnetic and increasing the Co content does not induce ferromagnetism

    Study of the effects of ionic liquid-modified cathodes and ceramic separators on MFC performance

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    © 2016 Elsevier B.V. Ceramic-based MFC designs have proven to be a low cost alternative for power production and wastewater treatment. The use of ionic liquids in ceramic MFCs is explored for the first time in the present work in order to improve power output. The ionic liquid (IL) 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide, [EMIM][Tf2N], has been selected for this purpose due to its advantageous properties. The performance of activated carbon cathodes using polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) binder and different carbon diffusion layers (DL) (controls) is compared with two types of ionic liquid-modified cathodes (test). This work continues to study the performance of terracotta separators modified with the same ionic liquid, neat and also mixed with PTFE. Whilst the results show operational limitations when the IL is integrated in the ceramic separator, there is a significant enhancement of the MFC performance when added as part of the activated layer mixture of the cathode, achieving up to 86.5% more power output in comparison with IL-free MFCs (from 229.78 μW to 428.65 μW). The addition of a layer of PTFE-mixed ionic liquid spread on the activated layer of the cathode also leads to an increase in power of approximately 37%

    Effect of hydrodrying conditions on shrinkage of pumpkin (Cucurbita maxima) pieces

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    (Spa) El método para secar apropiadamente frutas y vegetales debe garantizar la calidad del producto terminado además de ser económicamente viable. Por tal motivo, se han aplicado y desarrollado tecnologías que incluyen pre-trat - amientos y mejoras a la técnica de secado misma. Mediante la metodología llamada “hidrosecado conductivo” basada en la técnica de Ventana de Refractancia (RW TM ), se deshidrataron trozos rectangulares de zapallo (1.2 x 1.1 x 5.9 cm 3 ). Se empleó un baño termostático con agua a 90±2°C, durante 3 h. Se realizó un diseño factorial 2 2 para analizar el efecto de la convección y la conducción sobre el encogimiento de las muestras. Los factores evaluados fueron el tipo de convección con dos niveles: convección natural (NC) y convección forzada (FC); y el tipo de lámina empleada para el secado con dos niveles: Mylar TM (MY) y Mylar con papel aluminio (MY/AL). Se evaluó el factor de cambio de volumen (V/V 0 ) a partir de las dimensiones primarias (ancho, alto, y largo) de las muestras durante el secado. El menor y el mayor encogimiento de acuerdo al factor de cambio de volumen se observó en los tratamientos de convección natural NC-MY/AL y NC-MY, respectivamente. Se encontró una relación exponencial entre el cambio de volumen y la tasa de secado. El ANOVA indicó que el tipo de convección y la interacción convección-lámina fueron estadísticamente significantes en los diferentes análisis.(Eng) The method for properly drying fruits and vegetables should guarantee the quality of the finished product in addition to being economically viable. For this reason, several technologies, including pre-treatments and improvements to the drying technique itself, have been applied and developed. Using the methodology called “conductive hydro-drying” based on the Refractance Window (RW TM ) technique, rectangular pieces of pump - kin (1.2 x 1.1 x 5.9 cm 3 ) were dehydrated using a thermostatic bath with water at 90±2 °C, for 3 hours. Hence, a 2 2 factorial design were performed to analyse the effect of convection and conduction on the shrinkage of samples. The tested factors were the type of convection with two levels: natural convection (NC) and forced convection (FC); and the type of drying foil with two levels: Mylar TM (MY) and Mylar TM with aluminium foil (MY/AL). The volume change factor (V/V 0 ) from primary dimensions (width, height and length) of the samples was evaluated during drying. The smaller and the larger shrinkage, according to the volume change factor, were observed in natural convection treatments NC-MY/AL and NC-MY, respectively. An exponential relationship between drying rate and volume change factor was found. The ANOVA indicated that convection and convection-film interaction were statistically significant

    Towards the optimisation of ceramic-based microbial fuel cells: A three-factor three-level response surface analysis design

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    © 2019 The Authors Microbial fuel cells (MFCs) are an environment-friendly technology, which addresses two of the most important environmental issues worldwide: fossil fuel depletion and water scarcity. Modelling is a useful tool that allows us to understand the behaviour of MFCs and predict their performance, yet the number of MFC models that could accurately inform a scale-up process, is low. In this work, a three-factor three-level Box–Behnken design is used to evaluate the influence of different operating parameters on the performance of air-breathing ceramic-based MFCs fed with human urine. The statistical analysis of the 45 tests run shows that both anode area and external resistance have more influence on the power output than membrane thickness, in the range studied. The theoretical optimal conditions were found at a membrane thickness of 1.55 mm, an external resistance of 895.59 Ω and an anode area of 165.72 cm2, corresponding to a maximum absolute power generation of 467.63 μW. The accuracy of the second order model obtained is 88.6%. Thus, the three-factor three-level Box–Behnken-based model designed is an effective tool which provides key information for the optimisation of the energy harvesting from MFC technology and saves time in terms of experimental work