657 research outputs found

    Evaluation of quality level in managing the development of industrial enterprises

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    The research focuses on the substantiation of theoretical aspects and practical support for assessing the quality level of managing enterprises development taking into account the influence of the external and internal environment. The conceptual apparatus for estimation of quality development of enterprise management was refined, which makes it possible to determine reasonably the level of management according to the generally known elements (economic, social and ecological) that are proposed to be supplemented with an energy component. A new conceptual approach to the procedure of evaluation of the quality of development management by levels, the stages of which are proposed to expand by: the formation of the database by levels of management (state, regional), choice and evaluation of indicators by components of development and spheres of activity, development of the tools for management improvement. The integrated indicator has been proposed, which differs from the existing ones by the fact that it estimates the quality of development management, rather than the development level. In contrast to the previously proposed ones, the integrated indicator takes into account the influence of external environment by the components of development and of the internal environment – by the areas of activity for each component. That is why it has practical significance, since it allows performing monitoring and detecting the negative influence of management on the enterprise development. Taking coke plants as an example, the structures of the indicators that characterize the management quality were determined. A large number of indicators were reduced by the method of expert assessments, which increases the validity of the choice. Indicator estimates were constructed solely based on relative indicators (indices), which improves consistency. Using the integrated method, the estimation of the indicators by individual components and on the whole was performed. The scale for evaluation of the quality level of enterprise development management was constructed using the Harrington function. The new approach to assessing the quality of the enterprise development management and a complex of mathematical support will lead to the uniform economic, social, environmental and energy development of enterprises.Роботу присвячено обґрунтуванню теоретичних аспектiв та практичного забезпечення оцiнки якiсного рiвня управлiння розвитком пiдприємств з урахуванням впливу зовнiшнього та внутрiшнього середовища. Уточнено понятiйний апарат щодо оцiнки якiсного розвитку управлiння пiдприємствами, який дозволяє обґрунтовано визначати рiвень управлiння за загальновiдомими складовими (економiчної, соцiальної та екологiчної), до яких запропоновано додати енергетичну складову. Побудовано новий концептуальний пiдхiд до процедури оцiнки якостi управлiння розвитком за рiвнями, етапи якої запропоновано розширити за: формуванням бази даних за рiвнями управлiння (державний, регiональний), вибiр та оцiнка iндикаторiв за складовими розвитку та сферами дiяльностi, розробка iнструментiв щодо покращення управлiння. Запропоновано iнтегральний показника, який вiдрiзняється вiд iснуючих тим, що оцiнює якiсть управлiння розвитком, а не рiвень розвитку. На вiдмiну вiд запропонованих ранiше iнтегральний показник враховує вплив зовнiшнього середовища за складовими розвитку та внутрiшнього – за сферами дiяльностi по кожнiй складовiй. Тому, має практичну значимiсть, оскiльки стає можливим проводити монiторинг та виявляти негативний вплив управлiння на розвиток пiдприємства. На прикладi коксохiмiчних пiдприємств визначено склад iндикаторiв, якi характеризують якiсть управлiння. Велику кiлькiсть iндикаторiв скорочено за допомогою методу експертних оцiнок, що пiдвищує обґрунтованiсть вибору. Iндикаторнi оцiнки побудовано виключно за вiдносними показниками (iндексами), що покращує узгодженiсть. За iнтегральним методом проведена оцiнка iндикаторiв за окремими складовими та у цiлому. За функцiєю Харрiнгтону побудовано шкалу оцiнки якiсного рiвня управлiння розвитком пiдприємств. Новий пiдхiд щодо оцiнки якостi управлiння розвитком пiдприємств та комплекс математичного забезпечення приведе до рiвномiрного економiчного, соцiального, екологiчного i енергетичного розвитку пiдприємств

    Elastic systems with correlated disorder: Response to tilt and application to surface growth

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    We study elastic systems such as interfaces or lattices pinned by correlated quenched disorder considering two different types of correlations: generalized columnar disorder and quenched defects correlated as ~ x^{-a} for large separation x. Using functional renormalization group methods, we obtain the critical exponents to two-loop order and calculate the response to a transverse field h. The correlated disorder violates the statistical tilt symmetry resulting in nonlinear response to a tilt. Elastic systems with columnar disorder exhibit a transverse Meissner effect: disorder generates the critical field h_c below which there is no response to a tilt and above which the tilt angle behaves as \theta ~ (h-h_c)^{\phi} with a universal exponent \phi<1. This describes the destruction of a weak Bose glass in type-II superconductors with columnar disorder caused by tilt of the magnetic field. For isotropic long-range correlated disorder, the linear tilt modulus vanishes at small fields leading to a power-law response \theta ~ h^{\phi} with \phi>1. The obtained results are applied to the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang equation with temporally correlated noise.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figures, revtex

    Simple and complex dynamics for circle maps

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    The continuous self maps of a closed interval of the real line with zero topological entropy can be characterized in terms of the dynamics of the map on its chain recurrent set. In this paper we extend this characterization to continuous self maps of the circle. We show that, for these maps, the chain recurrent set can exhibit a new dynamic behaviour which is specific of the circle maps of degree one

    Statics and dynamics of elastic manifolds in media with long-range correlated disorder

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    We study the statics and dynamics of an elastic manifold in a disordered medium with quenched defects correlated as r^{-a} for large separation r. We derive the functional renormalization-group equations to one-loop order, which allow us to describe the universal properties of the system in equilibrium and at the depinning transition. Using a double epsilon=4-d and delta=4-a expansion, we compute the fixed points characterizing different universality classes and analyze their regions of stability. The long-range disorder-correlator remains analytic but generates short-range disorder whose correlator exhibits the usual cusp. The critical exponents and universal amplitudes are computed to first order in epsilon and delta at the fixed points. At depinning, a velocity-versus-force exponent beta larger than unity can occur. We discuss possible realizations using extended defects.Comment: 16 pages, 11 figures, revtex

    Density of states in an optical speckle potential

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    We study the single particle density of states of a one-dimensional speckle potential, which is correlated and non-Gaussian. We consider both the repulsive and the attractive cases. The system is controlled by a single dimensionless parameter determined by the mass of the particle, the correlation length and the average intensity of the field. Depending on the value of this parameter, the system exhibits different regimes, characterized by the localization properties of the eigenfunctions. We calculate the corresponding density of states using the statistical properties of the speckle potential. We find good agreement with the results of numerical simulations.Comment: 11 pages, 11 figures, revtex

    Cooperation and perception specifics of working students by employers

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    У представленій статті зазначено, що сьогодні конкуренція за привабливі робочі місця між різними за віком, досвідом та освітою категоріями працівників активно підвищується. Гострота цієї конкуренції зростає і  за рахунок студентів вищих навчальних закладів. Далі автором описані результати власного дослідження особливостей  взаємодії і сприйняття працюючих студентів роботодавцями. Виявлено та проаналізовано основні тенденції ставлення роботодавців до працюючих студентів: зацікавленість у співпраці, основні причини, які спонукають роботодавців взаємодіяти зі студентами,  думки роботодавців щодо мотивів, які спонукають студентів працювати, особливості сприйняття роботодавцями  студентів як працівників, які види діяльності зазвичай пропонують виконувати роботодавці студентам, на які поступки щодо потреб студентів готові йти роботодавці. В дослідженні описуються питання формальних взаємовідносин роботодавців зі студентами. Відповіді респондентів також дозволили проаналізувати особливості сприйняття роботодавцями працюючих студентів і  скласти ієрархію позитивних та негативних якостей працюючих студентів з точки зору роботодавців. У висновках статті підсумовуються особливості сприйняття і взаємодії роботодавців зі студентами та  йдеться про те, чи вдається  студентам реалізовувати себе у додатковій трудовій діяльності та формувати необхідні їм професійні вміння і навички.  У представленій статті зазначено, що сьогодні конкуренція за привабливі робочі місця між різними за віком, досвідом та освітою категоріями працівників активно підвищується. Гострота цієї конкуренції зростає і  за рахунок студентів вищих навчальних закладів. Далі автором описані результати власного дослідження особливостей  взаємодії і сприйняття працюючих студентів роботодавцями. Виявлено та проаналізовано основні тенденції ставлення роботодавців до працюючих студентів: зацікавленість у співпраці, основні причини, які спонукають роботодавців взаємодіяти зі студентами,  думки роботодавців щодо мотивів, які спонукають студентів працювати, особливості сприйняття роботодавцями  студентів як працівників, які види діяльності зазвичай пропонують виконувати роботодавці студентам, на які поступки щодо потреб студентів готові йти роботодавці. В дослідженні описуються питання формальних взаємовідносин роботодавців зі студентами. Відповіді респондентів також дозволили проаналізувати особливості сприйняття роботодавцями працюючих студентів і  скласти ієрархію позитивних та негативних якостей працюючих студентів з точки зору роботодавців. У висновках статті підсумовуються особливості сприйняття і взаємодії роботодавців зі студентами та  йдеться про те, чи вдається  студентам реалізовувати себе у додатковій трудовій діяльності та формувати необхідні їм професійні вміння і навички.  The article describes that competition for attractive working position is actively growing up between categories of employees which are different in age, experience and educational level. The severity of this competition is also increasing for the account of students. Further the author describes results of personal research regarding cooperation and perception specifics of working students with the relation to employers. The main trends of employers attitude toward working students are defined and described: interest in cooperation, underlying factors that redound to cooperation between employers and students, employers suggestions toward reasons that lead students to work, particularities in perception of students as employees by employers, job usually offered students by employers, concessions on the needs of students employers are ready to fit. The research presents items of formal relationships between employers and students. Respondent’s answers also allow to analyze particularities in perception of working students by employers and draw up hierarchy of positive and negative qualities of working students according to the viewpoint of employers. The conclusions of the article summarize particularities in perception and relationships between students and employers and indicate whether students are able to realize themselves in additional employment and to form necessary professional skills and abilities. Today, competition for attractive workplaces between different age, experience and education categories by workers is increasing. The acuteness of this competition is growing at the expense of students of higher educational institutions, which appear on various labor markets. In a situation where the diploma of higher education is no longer a guarantee of employment and successful professional self-fulfillment, full-time students actively probing labor markets, working in non-formal and part-time, and at school time, in order not only to improve their financial position, but also to find a place work that you can take after obtaining a diploma in education. The labor market receives very clear signals that determine the behavior of current and potential employees. These signals give impetus to the development of education. Higher education is currently perceived as an imperative requirement of the employer as necessary, but insufficient conditions for obtaining a job in an effective segment of the labor market. At the same time, the complexities and dynamics inherent in the labor sphere are not sufficiently felt and perceived by young professionals, generating inaccurate ideas and inadequate expectations for a future career. On the other hand, in many cases, the employer does not receive the worker that he needs. In order to adapt more effectively to the requirements of the labor market, students are included in secondary employment and try to gain work experience for a successful successful career. In this way, students face a number of problems: the complexity of employment in the profession, the lack of information on the expectations of modern employers, the stereotyped perception of working students as unskilled workers, making it difficult for students to form their skills and skills

    The substantiation of the maximum daily permissible doses of lead and cadmium in everyday diet.

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    The article is dedicated to the bright memory of Prof. Shtabsky B.M. (the 90th anniversary) and comprises a fragment of results of experimental investigations conducted under his supervision in 1984-1989 years. They are related to the methodological approaches to the conducting acute, subacute, and chronic experiments, as well as analysis of the results and verification of the maximum daily permissible dose (DPD) of lead and cadmium in the everyday diet. In the acute experiments it has been established that lead nitrate belongs to the group of the low-toxic compounds, Cadmium nitrate belongs to the mid-toxic compounds, while both are considered to be highly cumulative. The toxicity and the level of cumulation does not depend on the carrier –  water, milk, vegetable oil. In subacute and chronic experiments the comparative toxicity of Ionic (comes with water and nourishment) and biocommunicated (liver and kidney homogenate, cottage cheese) forms of metals in the range of doses 1/10-1/100000 LD50 and additionally 1/500000 LD50 for cadmium has been studied. Toxicometrically significant distinctions under the action of the afore-mentioned forms have not been detected. The excretion of δ-aminolevulinic acid and coproporphyrin with urine, and concentration of SH-groups in the blood plasma and liver tissue and protein in urine under the effect of cadmium in the effect of lead appeared to bethe most demonstrative. Both metals possess clear gonadotoxical effect, they cause genetic effects, which can be determined by cytogenetic method, and in the Ames test with presence of liver S-9 microsomal fraction. Maximal non-effective supra-background dose DE050 0,0015 mg/kg for lead, and 0,00005 mg/kg for cadmium have been established on the basis of analysis of “dose-effect” dependency in subacute and chronic experiments, having taken into consideration results obtained according to the method of loading by same metals. Taking into the account natural metallic background dose of with daily diet (0,0025 mg/kg for lead, 0,0005 mg/kg for cadmium of the body weight), the DPD of lead and cadmium in everyday diet is recommended at the level of 0,004 mg/kg and 0,00055 mg/kg of the weight of the body respectively

    The substantiation of the maximum daily permissible doses of lead and cadmium in everyday diet.

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    The article is dedicated to the bright memory of Prof. Shtabsky B.M. (the 90th anniversary) and comprises a fragment of results of experimental investigations conducted under his supervision in 1984-1989 years. They are related to the methodological approaches to the conducting acute, subacute, and chronic experiments, as well as analysis of the results and verification of the maximum daily permissible dose (DPD) of lead and cadmium in the everyday diet. In the acute experiments it has been established that lead nitrate belongs to the group of the low-toxic compounds, Cadmium nitrate belongs to the mid-toxic compounds, while both are considered to be highly cumulative. The toxicity and the level of cumulation does not depend on the carrier –  water, milk, vegetable oil. In subacute and chronic experiments the comparative toxicity of Ionic (comes with water and nourishment) and biocommunicated (liver and kidney homogenate, cottage cheese) forms of metals in the range of doses 1/10-1/100000 LD50 and additionally 1/500000 LD50 for cadmium has been studied. Toxicometrically significant distinctions under the action of the afore-mentioned forms have not been detected. The excretion of δ-aminolevulinic acid and coproporphyrin with urine, and concentration of SH-groups in the blood plasma and liver tissue and protein in urine under the effect of cadmium in the effect of lead appeared to bethe most demonstrative. Both metals possess clear gonadotoxical effect, they cause genetic effects, which can be determined by cytogenetic method, and in the Ames test with presence of liver S-9 microsomal fraction. Maximal non-effective supra-background dose DE050 0,0015 mg/kg for lead, and 0,00005 mg/kg for cadmium have been established on the basis of analysis of “dose-effect” dependency in subacute and chronic experiments, having taken into consideration results obtained according to the method of loading by same metals. Taking into the account natural metallic background dose of with daily diet (0,0025 mg/kg for lead, 0,0005 mg/kg for cadmium of the body weight), the DPD of lead and cadmium in everyday diet is recommended at the level of 0,004 mg/kg and 0,00055 mg/kg of the weight of the body respectively.

    ω-граничнi множини для iмпульсно-збуреного параболiчного рiвняння в просторi неперервних функцiй

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    We consider an important class of disturbed infinite-dimensional systems provided by evolutionary equations with impulsive effects. An impulsive dynamical system acting in the phase space H is a hybrid system described by an evolutionary equation together with impulsive disturbances which, in turn, are characterized by a closed set M ⊂ H (impulsive set) and a mapping I: M -&gt; H (impulsive mapping). A solution of such a system, by definition, is a left-continuous function y satisfying evolutionary equation for all times t for which y(t) \notin M and jumping to a new state I(y(t)) at all times t for which y(t) reaches M. The main problem in the study of qualitative behavior of impulsive dynamical systems by classical methods is that solutions usually do not depend continuously on initial data. A number of examples illustrate already in the finite-dimensional case that new complex scenarios of possible limit behaviors of impulsive trajectories can occur, which are fundamentally impossible in the non-impulsive case. Results concerning attracting sets for infinite-dimensional impulsive systems have appeared only a few years ago. But all those results concern the limit behavior of impulsive semiflows in Hilbert space and the presence of scalar product played crucial role in those construction. In this paper we want to investigate ω-limit attracting sets for impulsive-disturbed parabolic system in the sup-norm of Banach space of continuous functions. Pages of the article in the issue: 42 - 48 Language of the article: UkrainianВ роботi розглядається iмпульсно-збурена нескiнченновимiрна задача, яка складається з параболiчного рiвняння, розв’язки якого зазнають iмпульсного збурення при досягненнi iнтегральним функцiоналом певного порогового значення. Доведено, що при певних умовах на коефiцiєнти така задача в фазовому просторi неперервних функцiй породжує iмпульсну динамiчну систему, кожна траєкторiя якої в sup-нормi притягується до компактної ω-граничної множини