Biosynthesis of landomycin E deoxysugar part in Streptomyces globisporus 1912: sequencing and analysis of lndZ1 and lndZ3 genes


DNA fragment of landomycin E biosynthesis gene cluster 1.5 kb in size has been completely sequenced and two open reading frames were identified. Gene lndZ1 resembles NDP-hexose-3,5-epimerase and lndZ3 is similar to NDP-hexose-4-ketoreductases. LndZ1 and LndZ3 proteins are suggested to accomplish two last catalytic steps towards deoxysugar L-rhodinose present in landomycin E carbohydrate moietyThis work was supported by grant BG-117b from Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (to V.F). We are gratefull to the staff of DNA sequencing facility at the Dept. of Biochemistry of Cambridge University (John Lester, Tania Mironenko, Nataliya Scott) for help in sequencing

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