2,649 research outputs found

    Improved determination of the 1(0)-0(0) rotational frequency of NH3D+ from the high resolution spectrum of the v4 infrared band

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    The high resolution spectrum of the v4 band of NH3D+ has been measured by difference frequency IR laser spectroscopy in a multipass hollow cathode discharge cell. From the set of molecular constants obtained from the analysis of the spectrum, a value of 262817(6) MHz (3sigma) has been derived for the frequency of the 1(0)-0(0) rotational transition. This value supports the assignment to NH3D+ of lines at 262816.7 MHz recorded in radio astronomy observations in Orion-IRc2 and the cold prestellar core B1-bS.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal Letters 04 June 201

    Death receptor 5 expression is inversely correlated with prostate cancer progression.

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    Prostate carcinoma (PCa) is one of the most common cancers in men. Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) has been widely used to predict the outcome of PCa and screening with PSA has resulted in a decline in mortality. However, PSA is not an optimal prognostic tool as its sensitivity may be too low to reduce morbidity and mortality. Consequently, there is a demand for additional robust biomarkers for prostate cancer. Death receptor 5 (DR5) has been implicated in the prognosis of several cancers and it has been previously shown that it is negatively regulated by Yin Yang 1 (YY1) in prostate cancer cell lines. The present study investigated the clinical significance of DR5 expression in a prostate cancer patient cohort and its correlation with YY1 expression. Immunohistochemical analysis of protein expression distribution was performed using tissue microarray constructs from 54 primary PCa and 39 prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia (PIN) specimens. DR5 expression was dramatically reduced as a function of higher tumor grade. By contrast, YY1 expression was elevated in PCa tumors as compared with that in PIN, and was increased with higher tumor grade. DR5 had an inverse correlation with YY1 expression. Bioinformatic analyses corroborated these data. The present findings suggested that DR5 and YY1 expression levels may serve as progression biomarkers for prostate cancer

    New accurate measurement of 36ArH+ and 38ArH+ ro-vibrational transitions by high resolution IR absorption spectroscopy

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    The protonated Argon ion, 36^{36}ArH+^{+}, has been identified recently in the Crab Nebula (Barlow et al. 2013) from Herschel spectra. Given the atmospheric opacity at the frequency of its JJ=1-0 and JJ=2-1 rotational transitions (617.5 and 1234.6 GHz, respectively), and the current lack of appropriate space observatories after the recent end of the Herschel mission, future studies on this molecule will rely on mid-infrared observations. We report on accurate wavenumber measurements of 36^{36}ArH+^{+} and 38^{38}ArH+^{+} rotation-vibration transitions in the vv=1-0 band in the range 4.1-3.7 μ\mum (2450-2715 cm1^{-1}). The wavenumbers of the RR(0) transitions of the vv=1-0 band are 2612.50135±\pm0.00033 and 2610.70177±\pm0.00042 cm1^{-1} (±3σ\pm3\sigma) for 36^{36}ArH+^{+} and 38^{38}ArH+^{+}, respectively. The calculated opacity for a gas thermalized at a temperature of 100 K and a linewidth of 1 km.s1^{-1} of the RR(0) line is 1.6×1015×N1.6\times10^{-15}\times N(36^{36}ArH+^+). For column densities of 36^{36}ArH+^+ larger than 1×10131\times 10^{13} cm2^{-2}, significant absorption by the RR(0) line can be expected against bright mid-IR sources

    On the performances of different nodal integration techniques and their stabilization

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    Finite element method was successfully applied in the simulation of several forming processes; however, it does not represent an absolute reference point. In fact, large deformation corresponds to a heavy mesh distortion. Powerful rezoning-remeshing algorithms strongly reduce the effects of such a limitation but the computational time significantly increases and additional errors occur. Nodal Integration is a recently introduced technique that allows finite element method to provide reliable results also when meshes becomes distorted in traditional FEMs. Furthermore, volumetric locking problems seem to be avoided using this integration technique instead of other methods such as coupled formulations. Nevertheless, spurious low-energy modes appear due to the nodal averaging of strain. For this reason stabilizing methods application seems to be suitable. What is more, different nodal integration techniques have been proposed, although spurious modes are a common problem. In this paper the performances of three different nodal integration techniques and the effects of a recently introduced stabilization methodology are studied simulating a classical forming process

    A new generation of real-time simulation techniques

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    This work presents a novel methodology for the development of real-time simulation techniques. They are focused on the PGD method, which allows the solution of complex problems by pre-calculating all the possible results. Subsequently, applications efficiently process these data to show particular results on demand

    Education Trajectories : From Early Childhood to Early Adulthood in Peru

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    Over the past few decades, every President in Peru has proclaimed education as a priority; yet, in spite of recent progress across several indicators, educational outcomes are still on average low, and gaps between students large and closely linked with their individual and family background. This paper looks at the education trajectories of children in different stages of life, using data from Young Lives, an international study that follows two groups of children: an Older Cohort (born in 1994) and a Younger Cohort (born in 2001). According to the Peruvian Constitution and General Education Law, education is considered a human right, and all students should have access to a quality service. However, results from our study and others suggest that while there have been important advances over the past two decades, there is still a long way to go for this to become a reality for everyone. Peruvian early childhood education consists of two types of preschool: Jardines, which are located in urban areas, and PRONOEI, which are usually in rural or impoverished areas. While attendance in preschool education has increased recently, our results show that by the age of 5 there are already differences in abilities that are related to family background. Furthermore, even after adjusting for these, children from Jardines have higher results in primary school than children from PRONOEI. Peruvian children are expected to attend primary school during middle childhood (ages 6 to 12), and most do. When we compare overage instances between the Older and Younger Cohort, it has been reduced, which is positive as more children are in their normative grade. Achievement in national and international assessments, as well as our own data, also show increases on average scores along with large gaps by wealth, area of residence, maternal education, and ethnicity. Regarding the latter, while Peruvian law states that children have the right to learn in their mother language, our results show that almost 39 per cent of indigenous children learn in Spanish only. In general, we find that educational opportunities are not fairly distributed. For example, urban schools (public and private) congregate richer, Spanish-speaking students and have better resources and more pedagogically able teachers; these students in turn have higher test results. During adolescence, children are expected to attend secondary schools. Overage at age 15 is higher than in primary, and continues to be related to the family background of students. During this period, we also find large gaps in achievement by student background. In regards to early adulthood, by about age 17 children should have finished secondary school: we found that nearly 68 per cent of our cohort had finished school at age 19 (42 per cent finished on age and 26 per cent overage); 20 per cent of adolescents had dropped out of school. Beyond secondary, young adults from Spanish-speaking homes, wealthier, and with more educated mothers (who had completed secondary education or above), are more likely to attend universities. Additionally, more than 38 per cent of the sample only worked and did not study at age 19; and in the case of women, 25 per cent already had children. Progress in enrolment and average achievement is clear in the educational trajectories of the two cohorts of children from early childhood to adulthood. This reflects the importance the population and successive governments have attributed to education. However, large disparities remain, related to students´ and family’s characteristics. In basic education, inequality is not related so much to access to school as it is to the educational opportunities children have at school, and their results in standardised tests. Children who come from relatively poor families, are indigenous, have a mother with less than complete secondary education, or who live in a rural family tend to have fewer opportunities and lower outcomes than their peers; the situation is worse for those who combine several of these family characteristics. Fortunately, disparities in opportunities and achievement by sex are relatively small. In tertiary education, there are still large gaps in access between groups, with privileged students having more access to university studies. Our conclusion is that the educational system may be reinforcing inequalities since it does not provide equal opportunities for all children; ideally, it should prioritise the opportunities of children and young adults who we know are more likely to have poor educational outcomes (i.e. vulnerable children). This should start at a young age, as we have found that gaps in achievement are evident by the age of 5. There are reasons to be optimistic, however, as public funding in education is increasing rapidly. In this scenario, we suggest that inequality in educational opportunities and outcomes becomes a priority

    The Promotion of Eating Behaviour Change through Digital Interventions.

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    Diet-related chronic disease is a global health epidemic giving rise to a high incidence of morbidity and mortality. With the rise of the digital revolution, there has been increased interest in using digital technology for eating behavioural change as a mean of diet-related chronic disease prevention. However, evidence on digital dietary behaviour change is relatively scarce. To address this problem, this review considers the digital interventions currently being used in dietary behaviour change studies. A literature search was conducted in databases like PubMed, Cochrane Library, CINAHL, Medline, and PsycInfo. Among 119 articles screened, 15 were selected for the study as they met all the inclusion criteria according to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) search strategy. Four primary digital intervention methods were noted: use of personal digital assistants, use of the internet as an educational tool, use of video games and use of mobile phone applications. The efficiency of all the interventions increased when coupled with tailored feedback and counselling. It was established that the scalable and sustainable properties of digital interventions have the potential to bring about adequate changes in the eating behaviour of individuals. Further research should concentrate on the appropriate personalisation of the interventions, according to the requirements of the individuals, and proper integration of behaviour change techniques to motivate long-term adherence

    Detection of the Ammonium Ion in Space

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    We report on the detection of a narrow feature at 262816.73 MHz towards Orion and the cold prestellar core B1-bS, that we attribute to the 1(0)-0(0) line of the deuterated Ammonium ion, NH3D+. The observations were performed with the IRAM 30m radio telescope. The carrier has to be a light molecular species as it is the only feature detected over 3.6 GHz of bandwidth. The hyperfine structure is not resolved indicating a very low value for the electric quadrupolar coupling constant of Nitrogen which is expected for NH3D+ as the electric field over the N nucleus is practically zero. Moreover, the feature is right at the predicted frequency for the 1(0)-0(0) transition of the Ammonium ion, 262817(6) MHz (3sigma), using rotational constants derived from new infrared data obtained in our laboratory in Madrid. The estimated column density is 1.1(0.2)e12 cm-2. Assuming a deuterium enhancement similar to that of NH2D, we derive N(NH4+) sim 2.6e13 cm-2, i.e., an abundance for Ammonium of a few 1e(-11).Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal Letters 04 June 201

    An error estimator for real-time simulators based on model order reduction

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    Model order reduction (MOR) is one of the most appealing choices for real-time simulation of non-linear solids. In this work a method is presented in which real time performance is achieved by means of the o-line solution of a (high dimensional) parametric problem that provides a sort of response surface or computational vademecum. This solution is then evaluated in real-time at feedback rates compatible with haptic devices, for instance (i.e., more than 1kHz). This high dimensional problem can be solved without the limitations imposed by the curse of dimensionality by employing Proper Generalized Decomposition (PGD) methods. Essentially, PGD assumes a separated representation for the essential eld of the problem. Here, an error estimator is proposed for this type of solutions that takes into account the non-linear character of the studied problems. This error estimator allows to compute the necessary number of modes employed to obtain an approximation to the solution within a prescribed error tolerance in a given quantity of interest