224 research outputs found

    Controlled targeting of different subcellular sites by porphyrins in tumour-bearing mice.

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    Unilamellar liposomes of dipalmitoyl-phosphatidylcholine can incorporate various porphyrins in either the phospholipid bilayer or the internal aqueous compartment depending on the water-/lipo-solubility of the drug. Intraperitoneal injection of the liposome-bound porphyrins to mice bearing a MS-2 fibrosarcoma results in remarkably more efficient tumour targeting than that obtained by administration of the same porphyrins dissolved in homogeneous aqueous solution. Moreover, also water-insoluble porphyrins can be transported to the tumour via liposomes. Fractionation of liver and neoplastic cells indicates that the subcellular distribution of liposome-delivered porphyrins is also dependent on their solubility properties: thus, relatively polar porphyrins, such as tetra(4-sulfonatophenyl)porphine and uroporphyrin, are mainly recovered from the soluble fraction, whereas hydrophobic porphyrins, such as haematoporphyrin or porphyrin esters, preferentially partition in the cytoplasmic membrane. As a consequence, different subcellular sites can be targeted by porphyrins and possibly photodamaged through a suitable choice of the drug-carrier system

    Kinetic Generation of Whistler Waves in the Turbulent Magnetosheath

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    The Earth's magnetosheath (MSH) is governed by numerous physical processes which shape the particle velocity distributions and contribute to the heating of the plasma. Among them are whistler waves which can interact with electrons. We investigate whistler waves detected in the quasi-parallel MSH by NASA's Magnetospheric Multiscale mission. We find that the whistler waves occur even in regions that are predicted stable to wave growth by electron temperature anisotropy. Whistlers are observed in ion-scale magnetic minima and are associated with electrons having butterfly-shaped pitch-angle distributions. We investigate in detail one example and, with the support of modeling by the linear numerical dispersion solver Waves in Homogeneous, Anisotropic, Multicomponent Plasmas, we demonstrate that the butterfly distribution is unstable to the observed whistler waves. We conclude that the observed waves are generated locally. The result emphasizes the importance of considering complete 3D particle distribution functions, and not only the temperature anisotropy, when studying plasma wave instabilities.Peer reviewe

    Conformational Changes of Calpain from Human Erythrocytes in the Presence of Ca2

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    Small angle x-ray scattering has been used to monitor calpain structural transitions during the activation process triggered by Ca(2+) binding. The scattering pattern of the unliganded enzyme in solution does not display any significant difference with that calculated from the crystal structure. The addition of Ca(2+) promotes the formation of large aggregates, indicating the exposure of hydrophobic patches on the surface of the protease. In contrast, Ca(2+) addition in the presence of the thiol proteinase inhibitor E64 or of the inhibitor leupeptin causes a small conformational change with no dissociation of the heterodimer. The resulting conformation appears to be slightly more extended than the unliganded form. From the comparison between ab initio models derived from our data with the crystal structure, the major observable conformational change appears to be localized at level of the L-subunit and in particular seems to confirm the mutual movement already observed by the crystallographic analysis of the dII (dIIb) and the dI (dIIa) domains creating a functional active site. This work not only provides another piece of supporting evidence for the calpain conformational change in the presence of Ca(2+), but actually constitutes the first experimental observation of this change for intact heterodimeric calpain in solution

    Thermal Transient Measurements of an Ultra-Low-Power MOX Sensor

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    This paper describes a system for the simultaneous dynamic control and thermal characterization of the heating of an Ultra Low Power (ULP) micromachined sensor. A Pulse Width Modulated (PWM) powering system has been realized using a microcontroller to characterize the thermal behavior of a device. Objectives of the research were to analyze the relation between the time period and duty cycle of the PWM signal and the operating temperature of such ULP micromachined systems, to observe the thermal time constants of the device during the heating phase and to measure the total thermal conductance. Constant target heater resistance experiments highlighted that an approximately constant heater temperature at regime can only be obtained if the time period of the heating signal is smaller than 50 s. Constant power experiments show quantitatively a thermal time constant that decreases during heating in a range from 2.3 ms to 2 ms as a function of an increasing temperature rise between the ambient and the operating temperature. Moreover, we calculated the total thermal conductance. Finally, repeatability of experimental results was assessed by guaranteeing the standard deviation of the controlled temperature which was within C in worst case conditions

    Sub-grid modeling of pitch-angle diffusion for ion-scale waves in hybrid-Vlasov simulations with Cartesian velocity space

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    Numerical simulations have grown to play a central role in modern sciences over the years. The ever-improving technology of supercomputers has made large and precise models available. However, this accuracy is often limited by the cost of computational resources. Lowering the simulation's spatial resolution in order to conserve resources can lead to key processes being unresolved. We have shown in a previous study how insufficient spatial resolution of the proton cyclotron instability leads to a misrepresentation of ion dynamics in hybrid-Vlasov simulations. This leads to larger than expected temperature anisotropy and loss-cone shaped velocity distribution functions. In this study, we present a sub-grid numerical model to introduce pitch-angle diffusion in a 3D Cartesian velocity space, at a spatial resolution where the relevant wave-particle interactions were previously not correctly resolved. We show that the method is successfully able to isotropize loss-cone shaped velocity distribution functions, and that this method could be applied to simulations in order to save computational resources and still correctly model wave-particle interactions.Peer reviewe

    CO2 gasification of chars prepared from wood and forest residue

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    The CO2 gasification of chars prepared from Norway spruce and its forest residue was investigated in a thermogravimetric analyzer (TGA) at slow heating rates. The volatile content of the samples was negligible; hence the gasification reaction step could be studied alone, without the disturbance of the devolatilization reactions. Six TGA experiments were carried out for each sample with three different temperature programs in 60 and 100% CO2. Linear, modulated, and constant-reaction rate (CRR) temperature programs were employed to increase the information content available for the modeling. The temperatures at half of the mass loss were lower in the CRR experiments than in the other experiments by around 120 degrees C. A relatively simple, well-known reaction kinetic equation described the experiments. The dependence on the reacted fraction as well as the dependence on the CO2, concentration were described by power functions (n-order reactions). The evaluations were also carried out by assuming a function of the reacted fraction that can mimic the various random pore/random capillary models. These attempts, however, did not result in an improved fit quality. Nearly identical activation energy values were obtained for the chars made from wood and forest residues (221 and 218 kJ/mol, respectively). Nevertheless, the forest residue char was more reactive; the temperatures at half of the mass loss showed 20-34 degrees C differences between the two chars at 10 degrees C/min heating rates. The assumption of a common activation energy, E, and a common reaction order, v, on the CO2, concentration for the two chars had only a negligible effect on the fit quality

    Influence of moisture contents on the fast pyrolysis of trommel fines in a bubbling fluidized bed reactor

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    In this study, the effect of moisture contents [2.69 wt% (bone-dry), 5 wt% and 10 wt%] on product yields and process conversion efficiency during fast pyrolysis of a pre-treated trommel fines feedstock was investigated at 500 °C. Experiments were carried out using a 300 g h −1 bubbling fluidised bed rig. Yields of organic liquids ranged from 15.2 to 19.6 wt% of feedstock, which decreased with increasing moisture content. Hence, the bone-dry feedstock gave the maximum yield and consequently the highest process conversion efficiency of 43%. Increased moisture content also led to increase formation of unidentified gas products, indicating increased conversion of organic liquids. Due to the high ash content of the feedstocks, about 52 wt% solid residues, containing around 82% ash was recovered in the char pot in each case. Hence, to maximize oil yields during fast pyrolysis, trommel fines would require extensive drying to remove the original 46 wt% moisture as well as reducing the ash content considerably. XRF analysis of the ash in the feedstock and solid residues showed that the main elements present included Ca, Si, Fe, Pb, K, Cl and Al. Apart from the presence of Pb (which may be from the glass contents of the feedstock), the solid residues could be used for land reclamation or co-incinerated at cement kilns for cement manufacture

    The Properties of Lion Roars and Electron Dynamics in Mirror Mode Waves Observed by the Magnetospheric MultiScale Mission

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    Mirror mode waves are ubiquitous in the Earth's magnetosheath, in particular behind the quasi‐perpendicular shock. Embedded in these nonlinear structures, intense lion roars are often observed. Lion roars are characterized by whistler wave packets at a frequency ∌100 Hz, which are thought to be generated in the magnetic field minima. In this study, we make use of the high time resolution instruments on board the Magnetospheric MultiScale mission to investigate these waves and the associated electron dynamics in the quasi‐perpendicular magnetosheath on 22 January 2016. We show that despite a core electron parallel anisotropy, lion roars can be generated locally in the range 0.05–0.2fce by the perpendicular anisotropy of electrons in a particular energy range. We also show that intense lion roars can be observed up to higher frequencies due to the sharp nonlinear peaks of the signal, which appear as sharp spikes in the dynamic spectra. As a result, a high sampling rate is needed to estimate correctly their amplitude, and the latter might have been underestimated in previous studies using lower time resolution instruments. We also present for the first‐time 3‐D high time resolution electron velocity distribution functions in mirror modes. We demonstrate that the dynamics of electrons trapped in the mirror mode structures are consistent with the Kivelson and Southwood (1996) model. However, these electrons can also interact with the embedded lion roars: first signatures of electron quasi‐linear pitch angle diffusion and possible signatures of nonlinear interaction with high‐amplitude wave packets are presented. These processes can lead to electron untrapping from mirror modes

    Finding reconnection lines and flux rope axes via local coordinates in global ion-kinetic magnetospheric simulations

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    Magnetic reconnection is a crucially important process for energy conversion in plasma physics, with the substorm cycle of Earth's magnetosphere and solar flares being prime examples. While 2D models have been widely applied to study reconnection, investigating reconnection in 3D is still, in many aspects, an open problem. Finding sites of magnetic reconnection in a 3D setting is not a trivial task, with several approaches, from topological skeletons to Lorentz transformations, having been proposed to tackle the issue. This work presents a complementary method for quasi-2D structures in 3D settings by noting that the magnetic field structures near reconnection lines exhibit 2D features that can be identified in a suitably chosen local coordinate system. We present applications of this method to a hybrid-Vlasov Vlasiator simulation of Earth's magnetosphere, showing the complex magnetic topologies created by reconnection for simulations dominated by quasi-2D reconnection. We also quantify the dimensionalities of magnetic field structures in the simulation to justify the use of such coordinate systems.</p

    Planck pre-launch status: The optical system

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    Planck is a scientific satellite that represents the next milestone in space-based research related to the cosmic microwave background, and in many other astrophysical fields. Planck was launched on 14 May of 2009 and is now operational. The uncertainty in the optical response of its detectors is a key factor allowing Planck to achieve its scientific objectives. More than a decade of analysis and measurements have gone into achieving the required performances. In this paper, we describe the main aspects of the Planck optics that are relevant to science, and the estimated in-flight performance, based on the knowledge available at the time of launch. We also briefly describe the impact of the major systematic effects of optical origin, and the concept of in-flight optical calibration. Detailed discussions of related areas are provided in accompanying papers
