195 research outputs found

    Flipped Classroom al laboratori

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    L'article presenta una experiència d'aprenentatge de la geologia mitjançant el treball en grups d'experts. Els alumnes han d'indagar i promoure el seu propi aprenentatge per a assolir un repte que se'ls proposa, i consensuar els criteris per els que avaluaran els seus propis resultats mitjançant rúbriques. L'activitat inclou aspectes artístics, TIC i matemàtics, i segueix un esquema similar al de les WebQuest. Els resultats de l'activitat es presenten juntament amb una enquesta realitzada entre l'alumnat participant.This paper proposes a learning experience, implemented in the course "Scientific Me-thods" for the first year of the Technical-scientific in upper secondary school studies at Francesc Tàrrega High School in Vila-real. With the aim of achieving an educational im-provement, a "Fliped Classroom" methodology has been used. The general idea is to pro-vide educational content to students who will work with it at home and, thus, take advanta-ge of the laboratory sessions in which students will perform the experimental and collabo-rative work. In this manner, the students will take the initiative during the activity

    Estilos de aprendizaje y materiales de educación en abierto: análisis del tamaño del efecto

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    La evaluación de la personalidad y los estilos de aprendizaje son variables relevantes dentro del aprendizaje. Sin embargo, pocos estudios han analizado los estilos de aprendizaje y la formación con materiales on-line. Los objetivos son: conocer el grado de conexión a Internet, analizar la relación entre los estilos de aprendizaje y el uso de los materiales educativos abiertos y relacionar el estilo de aprendizaje con el uso y valoración de los materiales Open Course Ware. La muestra está formada por 367 estudiantes de Psicología (Universidad de Valencia) con una edad media de 21.03 años (SD= 4.31). Los instrumentos incluyen un cuestionario que evalúan cada uno de los estilos de aprendizaje: activo, reflexivo, teórico y pragmático (instrumento CHAEA) y un cuestionario sobre conocimiento y uso de los materiales en Internet tipo OCW y material gratuito para su formación académica. Los resultados señalan una alta percepción de conexión a Internet (media= 8.13, DT=1.35 en una escala de 1 a 10). Se detecta que el estilo de aprendizaje que predomina es el reflexivo. Nuestro trabajo concluye con recomendaciones e implicaciones para la educación mediante materiales educativos en abierto. Investigación financiada por el ‘Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad’, España (EDU2011-22862)

    Impacto de la reforma estadística en los docentes de Psicología y de Educación: tamaño del efecto y de la muestra

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    La estadística es una materia difícil de enseñar y aprender y hay evidencia que señala que su aplicación es deficiente en Psicología y Educación. Los errores metodológicos incluyen los aspectos de diseño, análisis, generación de informes e interpretación. Nuestra investigación tiene dos objetivos: evaluar si los profesores universitarios españoles estiman la potencia estadística en la fase de planificación de sus estudios y, por lo tanto, cómo definen el tamaño óptimo de la muestra. Y analizar en qué grado ha impactado la reforma estadística entre los profesores españoles de Psicología y Educación. La muestra está formada por 744 profesores de las disciplinas de Psicología y Educación, con una antigüedad media de 12.85 años (SD=9.23) en la universidad, procedentes de universidades públicas (84.9%) y privadas (13.2%). En consonancia con otros estudios, los principales resultados señalan la presencia de errores de interpretación de los valores p, la falta de planificación del tamaño de la muestra así como del tamaño del efecto. Por lo tanto, el impacto de las indicaciones de la reforma estadística en España aún no se ha producido, manteniéndose un modelo tradicional de la conducta metodológica del investigador. Investigación financiada por el ‘Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad’, España (EDU2011-22862)

    Patterns of genetic diversity and linkage disequilibrium in a highly structured Hordeum vulgare association-mapping population for the Mediterranean basin

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    Population structure and genome-wide linkage disequilibrium (LD) were investigated in 192 Hordeum vulgare accessions providing a comprehensive coverage of past and present barley breeding in the Mediterranean basin, using 50 nuclear microsatellite and 1,130 DArT® markers. Both clustering and principal coordinate analyses clearly sub-divided the sample into five distinct groups centred on key ancestors and regions of origin of the germplasm. For given genetic distances, large variation in LD values was observed, ranging from closely linked markers completely at equilibrium to marker pairs at 50 cM separation still showing significant LD. Mean LD values across the whole population sample decayed below r 2 of 0.15 after 3.2 cM. By assaying 1,130 genome-wide DArT® markers, we demonstrated that, after accounting for population substructure, current genome coverage of 1 marker per 1.5 cM except for chromosome 4H with 1 marker per 3.62 cM is sufficient for whole genome association scans. We show, by identifying associations with powdery mildew that map in genomic regions known to have resistance loci, that associations can be detected in strongly stratified samples provided population structure is effectively controlled in the analysis. The population we describe is, therefore, shown to be a valuable resource, which can be used in basic and applied research in barle

    Necesidad de re-educación estadística en profesores universitarios: errores de interpretación valores p y tamaño del efecto

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    La estadística es una materia difícil de enseñar y aprender y hay amplia evidencia que señala que su aplicación a menudo es deficiente. Las interpretaciones incorrectas de los valores p de probabilidad vinculados a una prueba de significación estadística afectan a las decisiones de los profesionales, ponen en peligro la calidad de las intervenciones y la acumulación de conocimiento científico válido. Nuestro estudio analiza los errores de razonamiento estadístico que los profesores universitarios realizan ante los resultados que aporta una prueba de inferencia estadística. La muestra está compuesta por 230 profesores del área de las Ciencias de la Educación. El 55.2% son hombres (n=127) y el 44.8% son mujeres (n=103). La media de años como profesor universitario es 12.22 (DT = 9.22). Nuestros hallazgos sugieren que muchos profesores no saben interpretar correctamente los valores de p de probabilidad. Los profesores adscritos al área de MIDE también cometen errores de interpretación. Estos resultados resaltan la importancia de la re-educación estadística de los profesores y la necesidad de una formación continuada. Finalmente se ofrecen recomendaciones para la mejora de la enseñanza y práctica estadística

    Statistics anxiety in university students in assessment situations

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    [EN] Many students have feelings of state anxiety when exams, and these feelings probably affect their performance. Statistics courses have been identified as producing the most anxiety. The purpose of our study is to measure statistics anxiety throughout an academic course (pre-test and three assessments) in order to observe its change and analyze the relationship between statistics anxiety and academic achievement. The sample is composed of 30 Psychology students taking a course in research designs and statistics (26.7% men and 73.3% women) with a mean age of 20.31 years (SD = 3.76). The results show that the students begin with a high level of statistics anxiety that gradually declines as the course progresses and they study the course materials. Moreover, the final achievement in the subject maintains an inverse relationship with the level of statostics anxiety. The recommendation is to present the detailed contents of the teaching guide on the first day of the course in order to reduce students' anxiety and uncertainty when beginning a statistics course.http://ocs.editorial.upv.es/index.php/HEAD/HEAD18Frias-Navarro, D.; Monterde-I-Bort, H.; Navarro-Gonzalez, N.; Molina-Palomero, O.; Pascual-Soler, M.; Perezgonzalez, J.; Longobardi, C. (2018). Statistics anxiety in university students in assessment situations. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 337-345. https://doi.org/10.4995/HEAD18.2018.7990OCS33734

    Three dimensional reconstruction to visualize atrial fibrillation activation patterns on curved atrial geometry

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    Background: The rotational activation created by spiral waves may be a mechanism for atrial fibrillation (AF), yet it is unclear how activation patterns obtained from endocardial baskets are influenced by the 3D geometric curvature of the atrium or 'unfolding' into 2D maps. We develop algorithms that can visualize spiral waves and their tip locations on curved atrial geometries. We use these algorithms to quantify differences in AF maps and spiral tip locations between 3D basket reconstructions, projection onto 3D anatomical shells and unfolded 2D surfaces. Methods: We tested our algorithms in N = 20 patients in whom AF was recorded from 64-pole baskets (Abbott, CA). Phase maps were generated by non-proprietary software to identify the tips of spiral waves, indicated by phase singularities. The number and density of spiral tips were compared in patient-specific 3D shells constructed from the basket, as well as 3D maps from clinical electroanatomic mapping systems and 2D maps. Results: Patients (59.4±12.7 yrs, 60% M) showed 1.7±0.8 phase singularities/patient, in whom ablation terminated AF in 11/20 patients (55%). There was no difference in the location of phase singularities, between 3D curved surfaces and 2D unfolded surfaces, with a median correlation coefficient between phase singularity density maps of 0.985 (0.978-0.990). No significant impact was noted by phase singularities location in more curved regions or relative to the basket location (p>0.1). Conclusions: AF maps and phase singularities mapped by endocardial baskets are qualitatively and quantitatively similar whether calculated by 3D phase maps on patient-specific curved atrial geometries or in 2D. Phase maps on patient-specific geometries may be easier to interpret relative to critical structures for ablation planning

    Atrial fibrillation signatures on intracardiac electrograms identified by deep learning

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    Automatic detection of atrial fibrillation (AF) by cardiac devices is increasingly common yet suboptimally groups AF, flutter or tachycardia (AT) together as 'high rate events'. This may delay or misdirect therapy. Objective: We hypothesized that deep learning (DL) can accurately classify AF from AT by revealing electrogram (EGM) signatures. Methods: We studied 86 patients in whom the diagnosis of AF or AT was established at electrophysiological study (25 female, 65 ± 11 years). Custom DL architectures were trained to identify AF using N = 29,340 unipolar and N = 23,760 bipolar EGM segments. We compared DL to traditional classifiers based on rate or regularity. We explained DL using computer models to assess the impact of controlled variations in shape, rate and timing on AF/AT classification in 246,067 EGMs reconstructed from clinical data. Results: DL identified AF with AUC of 0.97 ± 0.04 (unipolar) and 0.92 ± 0.09 (bipolar). Rule-based classifiers misclassified ∼10-12% of cases. DL classification was explained by regularity in EGM shape (13%) or timing (26%), and rate (60%; p 15% timing variation, <0.48 correlation in beat-to-beat EGM shapes and CL < 190 ms (p < 0.001). Conclusions: Deep learning of intracardiac EGMs can identify AF or AT via signatures of rate, regularity in timing or shape, and specific EGM shapes. Future work should examine if these signatures differ between different clinical subpopulations with AF

    Mapping adaptation of barley to droughted environments

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    Identifying barley genomic regions influencing the response of yield and its components to water deficits will aid in our understanding of the genetics of drought tolerance and the development of more drought tolerant cultivars. We assembled a population of 192 genotypes that represented landraces, old, and contemporary cultivars sampling key regions around the Mediterranean basin and the rest of Europe. The population was genotyped with a stratified set of 50 genomic and EST derived molecular markers, 49 of which were Simple Sequence Repeats (SSRs), which revealed an underlying population sub-structure that corresponded closely to the geographic regions in which the genotypes were grown. A more dense whole genome scan was generated by using Diversity Array Technology (DArT®) to generate 1130 biallelic markers for the population. The population was grown at two contrasting sites in each of seven Mediterranean countries for harvest 2004 and 2005 and grain yield data collected. Mean yield levels ranged from 0.3 to 6.2 t/ha, with highly significant genetic variation in low-yielding environments. Associations of yield with barley genomic regions were then detected by combining the DArT marker data with the yield data in mixed model analyses for the individual trials, followed by multiple regression of yield on markers to identify a multi-locus subset of significant markers/QTLs. QTLs exhibiting a pre-defined consistency across environments were detected in bins 4, 6, 6 and 7 on barley chromosomes 3H, 4H, 5H and 7H respectivel