449 research outputs found

    Nonuniform sampling and maximum entropy reconstruction in multidimensional NMR

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    NMR spectroscopy is one of the most powerful and versatile analytic tools available to chemists. The discrete Fourier transform (DFT) played a seminal role in the development of modern NMR, including the multidimensional methods that are essential for characterizing complex biomolecules. However, it suffers from well-known limitations: chiefly the difficulty in obtaining high-resolution spectral estimates from short data records. Because the time required to perform an experiment is proportional to the number of data samples, this problem imposes a sampling burden for multidimensional NMR experiments. At high magnetic field, where spectral dispersion is greatest, the problem becomes particularly acute. Consequently multidimensional NMR experiments that rely on the DFT must either sacrifice resolution in order to be completed in reasonable time or use inordinate amounts of time to achieve the potential resolution afforded by high-field magnets.Maximum entropy (MaxEnt) reconstruction is a non-Fourier method of spectrum analysis that can provide high-resolution spectral estimates from short data records. It can also be used with nonuniformly sampled data sets. Since resolution is substantially determined by the largest evolution time sampled, nonuniform sampling enables high resolution while avoiding the need to uniformly sample at large numbers of evolution times. The Nyquist sampling theorem does not apply to nonuniformly sampled data, and artifacts that occur with the use of nonuniform sampling can be viewed as frequency-aliased signals. Strategies for suppressing nonuniform sampling artifacts include the careful design of the sampling scheme and special methods for computing the spectrum. Researchers now routinely report that they can complete an N-dimensional NMR experiment 3 times faster (a 3D experiment in one ninth of the time). As a result, high-resolution three- and four-dimensional experiments that were prohibitively time consuming are now practical. Conversely, tailored sampling in the indirect dimensions has led to improved sensitivity.Further advances in nonuniform sampling strategies could enable further reductions in sampling requirements for high resolution NMR spectra, and the combination of these strategies with robust non-Fourier methods of spectrum analysis (such as MaxEnt) represent a profound change in the way researchers conduct multidimensional experiments. The potential benefits will enable more advanced applications of multidimensional NMR spectroscopy to study biological macromolecules, metabolomics, natural products, dynamic systems, and other areas where resolution, sensitivity, or experiment time are limiting. Just as the development of multidimensional NMR methods presaged multidimensional methods in other areas of spectroscopy, we anticipate that nonuniform sampling approaches will find applications in other forms of spectroscopy

    Protein folding on the ribosome studied using NMR spectroscopy

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    NMR spectroscopy is a powerful tool for the investigation of protein folding and misfolding, providing a characterization of molecular structure, dynamics and exchange processes, across a very wide range of timescales and with near atomic resolution. In recent years NMR methods have also been developed to study protein folding as it might occur within the cell, in a de novo manner, by observing the folding of nascent polypeptides in the process of emerging from the ribosome during synthesis. Despite the 2.3 MDa molecular weight of the bacterial 70S ribosome, many nascent polypeptides, and some ribosomal proteins, have sufficient local flexibility that sharp resonances may be observed in solution-state NMR spectra. In providing information on dynamic regions of the structure, NMR spectroscopy is therefore highly complementary to alternative methods such as X-ray crystallography and cryo-electron microscopy, which have successfully characterized the rigid core of the ribosome particle. However, the low working concentrations and limited sample stability associated with ribosome-nascent chain complexes means that such studies still present significant technical challenges to the NMR spectroscopist. This review will discuss the progress that has been made in this area, surveying all NMR studies that have been published to date, and with a particular focus on strategies for improving experimental sensitivity

    1H, 13C, 15N backbone resonance assignments of the apo and holo forms of the ABC transporter solute binding protein PiuA from Streptococcus pneumoniae

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    Streptococcus pneumoniae is a Gram-positive human pathogen that causes millions of infections worldwide with an increasing occurrence of antibiotic resistance. Iron acquisition is essential for its survival and virulence, especially under host-imposed nutritional immunity. S. pneumoniae expresses several ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporters to facilitate acquisition under iron limitation, including PitABCD, PiaABCD, and PiuBCDA. The substrate specificity of PiuBCDA is not fully established. Herein, we report the backbone 1H, 13C and 15N resonance assignments of the 31 kDa soluble, extracellular domain of the substrate binding protein PiuA in the apo form and in complex with Ga(III) and the catechol siderophore-mimic 4-LICAM. These studies provide valuable information for further functional studies of interactions with other proteins, metals, and small molecules

    ¹H, ¹⁵N, ¹³C backbone resonance assignments of human phosphoglycerate kinase in a transition state analogue complex with ADP, 3-phosphoglycerate and magnesium trifluoride

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    Human phosphoglycerate kinase (PGK) is an energy generating glycolytic enzyme that catalyses the transfer of a phosphoryl group from 1,3-bisphosphoglycerate (BPG) to ADP producing 3-phosphoglycerate (3PG) and ATP. PGK is composed of two α/β Rossmann-fold domains linked by a central α-helix and the active site is located in the cleft formed between the N-domain which binds BPG or 3PG, and the C-domain which binds the nucleotides ADP or ATP. Domain closure is required to bring the two substrates into close proximity for phosphoryl transfer to occur, however previous structural studies involving a range of native substrates and substrate analogues only yielded open or partly closed PGK complexes. X-ray crystallography using magnesium trifluoride (MgF3(-)) as a isoelectronic and near-isosteric mimic of the transferring phosphoryl group (PO3(-)), together with 3PG and ADP has been successful in trapping human PGK in a fully closed transition state analogue (TSA) complex. In this work we report the (1)H, (15)N and (13)C backbone resonance assignments of human PGK in the solution conformation of the fully closed PGK:3PG:MgF3:ADP TSA complex. Assignments were obtained by heteronuclear multidimensional NMR spectroscopy. In total, 97% of all backbone resonances were assigned in the complex, with 385 out of a possible 399 residues assigned in the (1)H-(15)N TROSY spectrum. Prediction of solution secondary structure from a chemical shift analysis using the TALOS-N webserver is in good agreement with the published X-ray crystal structure of this complex

    NUScon: a community-driven platform for quantitative evaluation of nonuniform sampling in NMR

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    Although the concepts of nonuniform sampling (NUS​​​​​​​) and non-Fourier spectral reconstruction in multidimensional NMR began to emerge 4 decades ago (Bodenhausen and Ernst, 1981; Barna and Laue, 1987), it is only relatively recently that NUS has become more commonplace. Advantages of NUS include the ability to tailor experiments to reduce data collection time and to improve spectral quality, whether through detection of closely spaced peaks (i.e., “resolution”) or peaks of weak intensity (i.e., “sensitivity”). Wider adoption of these methods is the result of improvements in computational performance, a growing abundance and flexibility of software, support from NMR spectrometer vendors, and the increased data sampling demands imposed by higher magnetic fields. However, the identification of best practices still remains a significant and unmet challenge. Unlike the discrete Fourier transform, non-Fourier methods used to reconstruct spectra from NUS data are nonlinear, depend on the complexity and nature of the signals, and lack quantitative or formal theory describing their performance. Seemingly subtle algorithmic differences may lead to significant variabilities in spectral qualities and artifacts. A community-based critical assessment of NUS challenge problems has been initiated, called the “Nonuniform Sampling Contest” (NUScon), with the objective of determining best practices for processing and analyzing NUS experiments. We address this objective by constructing challenges from NMR experiments that we inject with synthetic signals, and we process these challenges using workflows submitted by the community. In the initial rounds of NUScon our aim is to establish objective criteria for evaluating the quality of spectral reconstructions. We present here a software package for performing the quantitative analyses, and we present the results from the first two rounds of NUScon. We discuss the challenges that remain and present a roadmap for continued community-driven development with the ultimate aim of providing best practices in this rapidly evolving field. The NUScon software package and all data from evaluating the challenge problems are hosted on the NMRbox platform

    The C-terminal domain of eukaryotic initiation factor 5 promotes start codon recognition by its dynamic interplay with eIF1 and eIF2 beta

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    Recognition of the proper start codon on mRNAs is essential for protein synthesis, which requires scanning and involves eukaryotic initiation factors (eIFs) eIF1, eIF1A, eIF2, and eIF5. The carboxyl terminal domain (CTD) of eIF5 stimulates 43S preinitiation complex (PIC) assembly; however, its precise role in scanning and start codon selection has remained unknown. Using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, we identified the binding sites of eIF1 and eIF2β on eIF5-CTD and found that they partially overlapped. Mutating select eIF5 residues in the common interface specifically disrupts interaction with both factors. Genetic and biochemical evidence indicates that these eIF5-CTD mutations impair start codon recognition and impede eIF1 release from the PIC by abrogating eIF5-CTD binding to eIF2β. This study provides mechanistic insight into the role of eIF5-CTD's dynamic interplay with eIF1 and eIF2β in switching PICs from an open to a closed state at start codons.publishedVersio

    Probabilistic Interaction Network of Evidence Algorithm and its Application to Complete Labeling of Peak Lists from Protein NMR Spectroscopy

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    The process of assigning a finite set of tags or labels to a collection of observations, subject to side conditions, is notable for its computational complexity. This labeling paradigm is of theoretical and practical relevance to a wide range of biological applications, including the analysis of data from DNA microarrays, metabolomics experiments, and biomolecular nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. We present a novel algorithm, called Probabilistic Interaction Network of Evidence (PINE), that achieves robust, unsupervised probabilistic labeling of data. The computational core of PINE uses estimates of evidence derived from empirical distributions of previously observed data, along with consistency measures, to drive a fictitious system M with Hamiltonian H to a quasi-stationary state that produces probabilistic label assignments for relevant subsets of the data. We demonstrate the successful application of PINE to a key task in protein NMR spectroscopy: that of converting peak lists extracted from various NMR experiments into assignments associated with probabilities for their correctness. This application, called PINE-NMR, is available from a freely accessible computer server (http://pine.nmrfam.wisc.edu). The PINE-NMR server accepts as input the sequence of the protein plus user-specified combinations of data corresponding to an extensive list of NMR experiments; it provides as output a probabilistic assignment of NMR signals (chemical shifts) to sequence-specific backbone and aliphatic side chain atoms plus a probabilistic determination of the protein secondary structure. PINE-NMR can accommodate prior information about assignments or stable isotope labeling schemes. As part of the analysis, PINE-NMR identifies, verifies, and rectifies problems related to chemical shift referencing or erroneous input data. PINE-NMR achieves robust and consistent results that have been shown to be effective in subsequent steps of NMR structure determination

    Allomorphy as a mechanism of post-translational control of enzyme activity

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    Enzyme regulation is vital for metabolic adaptability in living systems. Fine control of enzyme activity is often delivered through post-translational mechanisms, such as allostery or allokairy. β-phosphoglucomutase (βPGM) from Lactococcus lactis is a phosphoryl transfer enzyme required for complete catabolism of trehalose and maltose, through the isomerisation of β-glucose 1-phosphate to glucose 6-phosphate via β-glucose 1,6-bisphosphate. Surprisingly for a gatekeeper of glycolysis, no fine control mechanism of βPGM has yet been reported. Herein, we describe allomorphy, a post-translational control mechanism of enzyme activity. In βPGM, isomerisation of the K145-P146 peptide bond results in the population of two conformers that have different activities owing to repositioning of the K145 sidechain. In vivo phosphorylating agents, such as fructose 1,6-bisphosphate, generate phosphorylated forms of both conformers, leading to a lag phase in activity until the more active phosphorylated conformer dominates. In contrast, the reaction intermediate β-glucose 1,6-bisphosphate, whose concentration depends on the β-glucose 1-phosphate concentration, couples the conformational switch and the phosphorylation step, resulting in the rapid generation of the more active phosphorylated conformer. In enabling different behaviours for different allomorphic activators, allomorphy allows an organism to maximise its responsiveness to environmental changes while minimising the diversion of valuable metabolites