180 research outputs found

    Analytic Criteria for Power Exhaust in Divertors due to Impurity Radiation

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    Present divertor concepts for next step experiments such ITER and TPX rely upon impurity and hydrogen radiation to transfer the energy from the edge plasma to the main chamber and divertor chamber walls. The efficiency of these processes depends strongly on the heat flux, the impurity species, and the connection length. Using a database for impurity radiation rates constructed from the ADPAK code package, we have developed criteria for the required impurity fraction, impurity species, connection length and electron temperature and density at the mid-plane. Consistent with previous work, we find that the impurity radiation from coronal equilibrium rates is, in general, not adequate to exhaust the highest expected heating powers in present and future experiments. As suggested by others, we examine the effects of enhancing the radiation rates with charge exchange recombination and impurity recycling, and develop criteria for the minimum neutral fraction and impurity recycling rate that is required to exhaust a specified power. We also use this criteria to find the optimum impurity for divertor power exhaust.Comment: Preprint for the 11th PSI meeting, Adobe pdf with 14 figures, 15 page

    Radiation Rates for Low Z Impurities in Edge Plasmas

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    The role of impurity radiation in the reduction of heat loads on divertor plates in present experiments such as DIII-D, JET, JT-60, ASDEX, and Alcator C-Mod, and in planned experiments such as ITER and TPX places a new degree of importance on the accuracy of impurity radiation emission rates for electron temperatures below 250 eV for ITER and below 150 eV for present experiments. We have calculated the radiated power loss using a collisional radiative model for Be, B, C, Ne and Ar using a multiple configuration interaction model which includes density dependent effects, as well as a very detailed treatment of the energy levels and meta-stable levels. The "collisional radiative" effects are very important for Be at temperatures below 10 eV. The same effects are present for higher Z impurities, but not as strongly. For some of the lower Z elements, the new rates are about a factor of two lower than those from a widely used, simpler average-ion package (ADPAK) developed for high Z ions and for higher temperatures. Following the approach of Lengyel for the case where electron heat conduction is the dominant mechanism for heat transport along field lines, our analysis indicates that significant enhancements of the radiation losses above collisional radiative model rates due to such effects as rapid recycling and charge exchange recombination will be necessary for impurity radiation to reduce the peak heat loads on divertor plates for high heat flux experiments such as ITER.Comment: Preprint for the 11th PSI meeting, gzipped postscript with 11 figures, 14 page

    Calculations of Energy Losses due to Atomic Processes in Tokamaks with Applications to the ITER Divertor

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    Reduction of the peak heat loads on the plasma facing components is essential for the success of the next generation of high fusion power tokamaks such as the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) 1 . Many present concepts for accomplishing this involve the use of atomic processes to transfer the heat from the plasma to the main chamber and divertor chamber walls and much of the experimental and theoretical physics research in the fusion program is directed toward this issue. The results of these experiments and calculations are the result of a complex interplay of many processes. In order to identify the key features of these experiments and calculations and the relative role of the primary atomic processes, simple quasi-analytic models and the latest atomic physics rate coefficients and cross sections have been used to assess the relative roles of central radiation losses through bremsstrahlung, impurity radiation losses from the plasma edge, charge exchange and hydrogen radiation losses from the scrape-off layer and divertor plasma and impurity radiation losses from the divertor plasma. This anaysis indicates that bremsstrahlung from the plasma center and impurity radiation from the plasma edge and divertor plasma can each play a significant role in reducing the power to the divertor plates, and identifies many of the factors which determine the relative role of each process. For instance, for radiation losses in the divertor to be large enough to radiate the power in the divertor for high power experiments, a neutral fraction of 10-3 to 10-2 and an impurity recycling rate of netrecycle of ~ 10^16 s m^-3 will be required in the divertor.Comment: Preprint for the 1994 APSDPP meeting, uuencoded and gzipped postscript with 22 figures, 40 pages

    A Review of Recent Developments in Atomic Processes for Divertors and Edge Plasmas

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    The most promising concepts for power and particle control in tokamaks and other fusion experiments rely upon atomic processes to transfer the power and momentum from the edge plasma to the plasma chamber walls. This places a new emphasis on processes at low temperatures (1-200 eV) and high densities (10^20-10^22 m^-3). The most important atomic processes are impurity and hydrogen radiation, ionization, excitation, recombination, charge exchange, radiation transport, molecular collisions, and elastic scattering of atoms, molecules and ions. Important new developments have occurred in each of these areas. The best available data for these processes and an assessment of their role in plasma wall interactions are summarized, and the major areas where improved data are needed are reviewed.Comment: Preprint for the 11th PSI meeting, postscript with 22 figures, 40 page

    Trade patterns facilitating highly pathogenic avian influenza virus dissemination in the free-grazing layer duck system in Vietnam

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    Highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) viruses continue to threaten smallholder poultry producers in several South‐east Asian countries, including Vietnam. In particular, the free‐grazing duck system has been repeatedly highlighted as a major risk factor for HPAI outbreaks. Free‐grazing ducks, which scavenge on rice paddies after the harvest, account for a large proportion of the duck population in Vietnam and the wider South‐east Asian region. However, the structure and dynamics of the free‐grazing duck production from farm to consumption has not been described for Vietnam. In this study, we used a value chain approach to provide a complete picture of the actors involved in the production and marketing of free‐grazing duck eggs and spent layer ducks, as well as to investigate the governance structure of this food system. Group interviews and key informant interviews were conducted in two provinces located in the Mekong River Delta (MRD) and the Red River Delta (RRD). The results presented here highlight similarities and differences in farming and trade practices between the two provinces. The trade of spent layer ducks involved large volumes of live ducks being sent to China and Cambodia for consumption, generating a substantial risk of transboundary spread of pathogens, including HPAI viruses. We describe the major role of “duck yards”, which act as hubs in the northbound trade of spent layer ducks. These yards should be considered as essential links in the value chain of spent layer ducks when considering HPAI surveillance and control. The veterinary authorities are only marginally involved in the value chain activities, and their influence could be strengthened by increasing surveillance activities for instance in duck yards. Last, we discuss the dynamics of the duck value chain and further implications for future HPAI management policies

    Avian Influenza Virus (H5N1) Replication in Feathers of Domestic Waterfowl

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    We examined feathers of domestic ducks and geese inoculated with 2 different avian influenza virus (H5N1) genotypes. Together with virus isolation from the skin, the detection of viral antigens and ultrastructural observation of the virions in the feather epidermis raise the possibility of feathers as sources of infection