2,268 research outputs found

    Adecuación del laboratorio de Autotrónica del taller de ingeniería en Mantenimiento Automotriz de la Universidad Técnica del Norte

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    Adecuar el Laboratorio de autotrónica del taller de Ingeniería en mantenimiento automotriz de la Universidad Técnica del Norte para mejorar su ergonomía y funcionalidad en el proceso de formación de la carrera.El presente trabajo de investigación denominado ¿ADECUACIÓN DEL LABORATORIO DE AUTOTRÓNICA DEL TALLER DE INGENIERÍA EN MANTENIMIENTO AUTOMOTRIZ DE LA UNIVERSIDAD TÉCNICA DEL NORTE¿ surgió de la vivencia de los estudiantes de la carrera durante las prácticas de laboratorio, donde se pudo comprobar que si bien la Universidad Técnica del Norte, con autonomía presupuestaria y capacidad de gestión para implementar los ambientes más adecuados y funcionales donde se forman los futuros ingenieros en mantenimiento automotriz, quedan aún detalles y trabajos complementarios que pueden hacer más ergonómico el laboratorio de autotrónica. Así, es posible aportar a través del diseño y elaboración de proyectos que desde la investigación experimental contribuya a mejorar su presentación y cumplan con las especificaciones técnicas de un laboratorio pedagógico: instalaciones eléctricas que cumplan estándares de calidad, ergonomía y seguridad, para el funcionamiento óptimo de los equipos especiales que forman parte del taller, adecuación del piso y cielo falso, así como la colocación de puertas. Trabajos indispensables para que el ambiente cumpla con las normas relacionadas con la limpieza, purificación del aire, aislamiento y otras condiciones de este tipo de talleres, donde se manipulan partes de los vehículos que deben tener un rendimiento y funcionamiento óptimo, y que son además sensibles a las impurezas del ambiente, iluminación no controlada, corrientes de aire, ruido y temperatura. La propuesta final de la investigación es la adecuación del Laboratorio de Autotrónica del taller de Ingeniería en Mantenimiento Automotriz de la Universidad Técnica del Norte, cuyo diseño y proceso de implementación es detallado con precisión y detalle para facilitar la comprensión de los lectores

    Natural Language Explanation Model for Decision Trees

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    This study describes a model of explanations in natural language for classification decision trees. The explanations include global aspects of the classifier and local aspects of the classification of a particular instance. The proposal is implemented in the ExpliClas open source Web service [1], which in its current version operates on trees built with Weka and data sets with numerical attributes. The feasibility of the proposal is illustrated with two example cases, where the detailed explanation of the respective classification trees is shown

    Big data and automatic detection of topics: social network texts

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    This paper proposes the analysis of the influence of terms that express feelings in the automatic detection of topics in social networks. This proposal uses an ontology-based methodology which incorporates the ability to identify and eliminate those terms that present a sentimental orientation in social network texts, which can negatively influence the detection of topics. To this end, two resources were used to analyze feelings in order to detect these terms. The proposed system was evaluated with real data sets from the Twitter and Facebook social networks in English and Spanish respectively, demonstrating in both cases the influence of sentimentally oriented terms in the detection of topics in social network texts

    Translocação e redistribuição de enxofre em plantas de milho e de soja

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    The objective of this work was to study the S translocation and redistribution by acropetal and basipetal transport in corn and soybean plants. Plants of both species were cultivated in nutritive solution containing labeled 35S, in a greenhouse. The 35S applied to only one root was absorbed quickly and transported to the shoot, as well as to the other roots cultivated in non-labeled solution. The 35S applied to only one leaf was transported both to acropetal and basipetal direction. However, corn and soybean showed different behaviors in S absorption and redistribution. In spite of having larger root absorption, corn retained great part of that S in the root, while soybean absorbed considerably less, but presented greater translocation efficiency. The upper leaves, mainly the youngest, showed to be the main physiologic sinks for S in soybean plants.O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar a translocação e a redistribuição de S pelo transporte acrópeto e basípeto em plantas de milho e de soja. Plantas das duas espécies foram cultivadas em solução nutritiva contendo 35S em casa de vegetação. O 35S aplicado em uma única raiz foi prontamente absorvido e translocado para a parte aérea, assim como para as demais raízes cultivadas na ausência de enxofre. O radioisótopo aplicado em uma única folha foi transportado tanto na direção acrópeta quanto na basípeta. Entretanto, o milho e a soja mostraram comportamentos diferentes na absorção e na redistribuição do enxofre. O milho, apesar de ter apresentado maior absorção radicular, reteve grande parte desse elemento na raiz, enquanto a soja absorveu consideravelmente menos, porém apresentou maior eficiência de translocação. Nas plantas de soja, as folhas superiores, principalmente as mais novas, mostraram ser os principais drenos fisiológicos do enxofre

    São Camilo de Léllis: Caridade e bondade na prestação do cuidado

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    O objeto do estudo é a representação pictórica do cuidado prestado por Camilo de Léllis, tendo por objetivo: apresentar a trajetória de vida de Camilo de Lellis; mostrar os cuidados prestados por Camilo de Léllis, por meio da representação pictórica de Pierre Hubert Subleyras (1745) e comentar a trajetória dos cuidados por ele prestada, como contribuição para a construção do conhecimento da História da Enfermagem. Método: Os passos seguidos para atendimento da investigação foram à busca de literatura de aderência articulada à representação pictórica proposta. Isto implicou, em síntese, na apresentação da biografia de Camilo de Léllis e a decodificação dos atributos em tela analisada. O resultado evidenciou o cuidado, para além do corpo físico, mas da alma, na cura das enfermidades com normas e sistematização no século XVIII.El objeto de estudio es la representación pictórica de los cuidados prestados por Camilo de Lelis, teniendo como objetivo: presentar la trayectoria de vida de Camillus de Lellis; mostrar los cuidados realizados por Camilo de Léllis, por medio de la representación pictórica del Pierre Hubert Subleyras (1745) y comentar su trayectoria de los cuidados como contribución a la construcción del conocimiento de la historia de la enfermería. Método: los pasos seguidos para la investigación se ciñeron a la búsqueda de la literatura de la propuesta de adhesión articulada representación pictórica propuesta. Esto exigió, en resumen, la presentación de la biografía de Camilo de Léllis y la descodificación de los atributos de pantalla examinados. El resultado mostró el cuidado, además del cuerpo físico, sino el alma, la curación de enfermedades con estándares y sistematización en el siglo XVIII.The object of this study is the pictorial representation of the care provided by Camilo de Léllis, which has as objective: to present the life trajectory of Camillus de Lellis; to show the care provided by Camilo de Léllis, through the pictorial representation of Pierre Hubert Subleyras (1745) and comment the trajectory of caring given by him, as a contribution to the construction of the knowledge of the history of nursing. Method: steps followed for the investigation were the search of the literature of the articulated pictorial representation adhesion proposal. This entailed, in summary, a presentation of a biography of Camilo de Léllis and the decoding of the screen attributes examined. The result showed a care of the soul, beyond the physical body, in healing of illnesses with standards and systematization in the 18th century

    Mobility and distribution of whey solutions in soil columns

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    In Brazil’s food industry, dairy production is one of the most important sectors, whose most relevant byproduct is whey. Due to the difficulties of reuse and environmental impacts caused when discarded as effluent in water bodies, an alternative for its final destination would be the application of this residue in the soil. The purpose of this study was to determine chemical changes and mobility and distribution of solutes in the soil after applications of whey rates, as well as to analyze the leachate collected after each application. The test was carried out in a laboratory, in PVC columns filled with soil. The treatments consisted of 2 x 2 samples of a typical dystrophic Red-Yellow Oxisol   (Oxisol) and a typical dystrophic fluvic Inceptisol (Inceptisol), sampled in the layers 0- 20 and 20-40 cm. Each experimental unit consisted of 11 PVC rings (diameter of 6.6 cm, height of 7 cm). The columns were arranged in a randomized complete block design with five replications. Four whey rates were applied, corresponding to a soil pore volume of 0.2, at intervals of six days. The leachate was collected 24 and 120 hours after each application to measure pH, electrical conductivity (EC), chemical oxygen demand (COD), contents of total N, N-NH4+, N-NO3-, Na, K, Ca, and Mg. Six days after the last whey application, the columns were opened and the soil of each ring was analyzed for pH, EC, total N, N-NH4+, N-NO3-, Na, K, Ca, and Mg. The high electrolyte concentrations of whey resulted in a general increase in soil EC. The increase of N-NH4+ and N-NO3- in the soil was high due to mineralization. High concentrations of K, Na and Ca caused displacement of Mg from the exchange complex. It was concluded that from an environmental standpoint, whey soil application is a viable alternative, given that problems of salinization and leaching of undesirable elements are avoided by an adequate management

    Sex-dependent role of CD300f immune receptor in generalized anxiety disorder.

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    Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) presents a high prevalence in the population, leading to distress and disability. Immune system alterations have been associated with anxiety-related behaviors in rodents and GAD patients. CD300f immune receptors are highly expressed in microglia and participate not only in the modulation of immune responses but also in pruning and reshaping synapses. It was recently demonstrated that CD300f might be influential in the pathogenesis of depression in a sex-dependent manner. Here, we evaluated the role of CD300f immune receptor in anxiety, using CD300f knockout mice (CD300f-/-) and patients with GAD. We observed that male CD300f-/- mice had numerous behavioral changes associated with a low-anxiety phenotype, including increased open field central locomotion and rearing behaviors, more exploration in the open arms of the elevated plus-maze test, and decreased latency to eat in the novelty suppressed feeding test. In a cross-sectional population-based study, including 1111 subjects, we evaluated a common single-nucleotide polymorphism rs2034310 (C/T) in the cytoplasmatic tail of CD300f gene in individuals with GAD. Notably, we observed that the T allele of the rs2034310 polymorphism conferred protection against GAD in men, even after adjusting for confounding variables. Overall, our data demonstrate that CD300f immune receptors are involved in the modulation of pathological anxiety behaviors in a sex-dependent manner. The biological basis of these sex differences is still poorly understood, but it may provide significant clues regarding the neuropathophysiological mechanisms of GAD and can pave the way for future specific pharmacological interventions

    Lixiviação de glyphosate e imazapyr em solos com diferentes texturas e composição química. I - método do bioensaio

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    A mobilidade dos herbicidas no perfil do solo é influenciada por vários processos, tais como, retenção, transformação e transporte. O conhecimento destes fenômenos é fundamental para a perfeita compreensão do destino de tais produtos no ambiente. Dentre as várias técnicas utilizadas nesses estudos, o método do bioensaio apresenta-se como de ótima representatividade e reprodutibilidade. Em razão dessas características, associadas a poucas informações sobre a mobilidade de herbicidas nos solos sob condições tropicais, foi conduzido um bioensaio objetivando verificar o movimento vertical do glyphosate e do imazapyr, em colunas de solos de diferentes texturas e composição química, utilizando-se o tomateiro (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill var. Santa Clara) como planta-teste. Os resultados desse estudo permitiram concluir que: a) o limite de detecção do bioensaio para o glyphosate e para o imazapyr corresponde ao menor valor de I50, obtido na curva padrão, 331,52 e 5,4 µg L-1, respectivamente; b) as concentrações do glyphosate biologicamente ativo nos lixiviados dos solos de Viçosa e de Sabará encontram-se abaixo do limite de detecção do bioensaio; c) o glyphosate apresentou, na coluna de 1 cm, mobilidade muito baixa nos solos estudados; d) a mobilidade do imazapyr, na coluna de 30 cm, é maior no solo de textura francoarenosa de Viçosa; e) o alto teor de argila e de matéria orgânica do solo de Sabará apresentam-se como os principais fatores de retenção do imazapyr nesse solo.The herbicide mobility in the soil profile is influenced by several processes: retention, transformation and transport. This phenomenon knowledge is essential to the perfect comprehension of these product destines in the environment. Among the several techniques used in such studies, the bioassay method presents optimum representativeness. Because these characteristics and the scarce information about the herbicide mobility in soils under tropical conditions, a bioassay was carried out aiming to verify the vertical movement of glyphosate and imazapyr in soil columns with different textures and chemical composition using the tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill var. Santa Clara) as test-plant. According to the results it may be concluded that: a) the bioassay detection boundary for both the glyphosate and imazapyr corresponds to the lowest I50 value obtained in the pattern curve that is 331.52 and 5.4 µg L-1 respectively; b) the concentrations of the biologically active glyphosate in the leaching products of Viçosa and Sabará soils are bellow the bioassay detection boundary; c) in the 1 cm column, the glyphosate presented a very low mobility in the studied soils; d) in the 30 cm column, the imazapyr mobility is greater in the sandy loam texture soil of Viçosa; e) the high clay and organic matter contents in Sabará soil present as the main retention factors of imazapyr in this soil

    Specific surface of oxisols and its relationship with water retention

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    Se estimó la superficie específica (SE) de muestras de suelos mediante el método de adsorción de nitrógeno a 78 K, y se la relacionó con la capacidad de retención hídrica (RH), el contenido de arcilla, la capacidad de intercambio catiónico efectiva (CIC), y la cantidad de agua retenida sobre la superficie expuesta del suelo, en una aproximación de capas superpuestas. Se trabajó con veintisiete Oxisoles a potenciales hídricos equivalentes de -33, -500, -1000 y -1500 kPa. Se encontró una correlación positiva significativa entre la SE y RH, así como con el contenido de arcilla. No hubo una relación significativa de la dependencia entre la SE y la CIC. Entre la SE y el contenido de materia orgánica la correlación fue débil. La SE se relacionó con la RH por medio de ecuaciones de regresión lineal para cada potencial aplicado. Los resultados mostraron que la SE de estos Oxisoles puede ser estimada adecuadamente por la retención de agua en el suelo en una amplia gama de potenciales matriciales. Finalmente, de la información de SE y RH para cada suelo se pudo estimar la cantidad de capas de agua que cubren toda la superficie de los poros expuesta al aire.The specific surface area of soil samples was estimated by the method of nitrogen adsorption at 78 K, and it was related to the water retention capacity, clay content, cation exchange capacity, and the amount of water retained on the exposed soil surface, in an approximation of superimposed layers. Twenty seven Oxisols were investigated. Soil moisture retention was studied at water potentials -33, -500, -1000 and -1500 kPa. The specific surface area was positively correlated to soil moisture and with clay content. No relationship was found between specific surface area and cation exchange capacity. Between specific surface area and soil organic content only a weak correlation was found. The specific surface area was related with soil moisture content by linear equations obtained by the regression method of data, for each water potential applied. The results showed that the specific surface area of these Oxisols can be reasonable estimated by water retention in a wide range of matrix potentials. Finally, from the obtained data on specific surface area and water retention it was possible to estimate the thickness of the water film covering the entire surface of the soil pores exposed to the air.Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale

    La superficie específica de oxisoles y su relación con la retención hídrica

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    The specific surface area of soil samples was estimated by the method of nitrogen adsorption at 78 K, and it was related to the water retention capacity, clay content, cation exchange capacity, and the amount of water retained on the exposed soil surface, in an approximation of superimposed layers. Twenty seven Oxisols were investigated. Soil moisture retention was studied at water potentials -33, -500, -1000 and -1500 kPa. The specific surface area was positively correlated to soil moisture and with clay content. No relationship was found between specific surface area and cation exchange capacity. Between specific surface area and soil organic content only a weak correlation was found. The specific surface area was related with soil moisture content by linear equations obtained by the regression method of data, for each water potential applied. The results showed that the specific surface area of these Oxisols can be reasonable estimated by water retention in a wide range of matrix potentials. Finally, from the obtained data on specific surface area and water retention it was possible to estimate the thickness of the water film covering the entire surface of the soil pores exposed to the air.Se estimó la superficie específica (SE) de muestras de suelos mediante el método de adsorción de nitrógeno a 78 K, y se la relacionó con la capacidad de retención hídrica (RH), el contenido de arcilla, la capacidad de intercambio catiónico efectiva (CIC), y la cantidad de agua retenida sobre la superficie expuesta del suelo, en una aproximación de capas superpuestas. Se trabajó con veintisiete Oxisoles a potenciales hídricos equivalentes de -33, -500, -1000 y -1500 kPa. Se encontró una correlación positiva significativa entre la SE y RH, así como con el contenido de arcilla. No hubo una relación significativa de la dependencia entre la SE y la CIC. Entre la SE y el contenido de materia orgánica la correlación fue débil. La SE se relacionó con la RH por medio de ecuaciones de regresión lineal para cada potencial aplicado. Los resultados mostraron que la SE de estos Oxisoles puede ser estimada adecuadamente por la retención de agua en el suelo en una amplia gama de potenciales matriciales. Finalmente, de la información de SE y RH para cada suelo se pudo estimar la cantidad de capas de agua que cubren toda la superficie de los poros expuesta al aire