42 research outputs found

    The International Virus Bioinformatics Meeting 2020.

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    The International Virus Bioinformatics Meeting 2020 was originally planned to take place in Bern, Switzerland, in March 2020. However, the COVID-19 pandemic put a spoke in the wheel of almost all conferences to be held in 2020. After moving the conference to 8-9 October 2020, we got hit by the second wave and finally decided at short notice to go fully online. On the other hand, the pandemic has made us even more aware of the importance of accelerating research in viral bioinformatics. Advances in bioinformatics have led to improved approaches to investigate viral infections and outbreaks. The International Virus Bioinformatics Meeting 2020 has attracted approximately 120 experts in virology and bioinformatics from all over the world to join the two-day virtual meeting. Despite concerns being raised that virtual meetings lack possibilities for face-to-face discussion, the participants from this small community created a highly interactive scientific environment, engaging in lively and inspiring discussions and suggesting new research directions and questions. The meeting featured five invited and twelve contributed talks, on the four main topics: (1) proteome and RNAome of RNA viruses, (2) viral metagenomics and ecology, (3) virus evolution and classification and (4) viral infections and immunology. Further, the meeting featured 20 oral poster presentations, all of which focused on specific areas of virus bioinformatics. This report summarizes the main research findings and highlights presented at the meeting

    Computational strategies to combat COVID-19: useful tools to accelerate SARS-CoV-2 and coronavirus research

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    SARS-CoV-2 (severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2) is a novel virus of the family Coronaviridae. The virus causesthe infectious disease COVID-19. The biology of coronaviruses has been studied for many years. However, bioinformaticstools designed explicitly for SARS-CoV-2 have only recently been developed as a rapid reaction to the need for fast detection,understanding and treatment of COVID-19. To control the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, it is of utmost importance to getinsight into the evolution and pathogenesis of the virus. In this review, we cover bioinformatics workflows and tools for theroutine detection of SARS-CoV-2 infection, the reliable analysis of sequencing data, the tracking of the COVID-19 pandemicand evaluation of containment measures, the study of coronavirus evolution, the discovery of potential drug targets anddevelopment of therapeutic strategies. For each tool, we briefly describe its use case and how it advances researchspecifically for SARS-CoV-2.Fil: Hufsky, Franziska. Friedrich Schiller University Jena; AlemaniaFil: Lamkiewicz, Kevin. Friedrich Schiller University Jena; AlemaniaFil: Almeida, Alexandre. the Wellcome Sanger Institute; Reino UnidoFil: Aouacheria, Abdel. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique; FranciaFil: Arighi, Cecilia. Biocuration and Literature Access at PIR; Estados UnidosFil: Bateman, Alex. European Bioinformatics Institute. Head of Protein Sequence Resources; Reino UnidoFil: Baumbach, Jan. Universitat Technical Zu Munich; AlemaniaFil: Beerenwinkel, Niko. Universitat Technical Zu Munich; AlemaniaFil: Brandt, Christian. Jena University Hospital; AlemaniaFil: Cacciabue, Marco Polo Domingo. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro de Investigación En Ciencias Veterinarias y Agronómicas. Instituto de Agrobiotecnología y Biología Molecular. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Instituto de Agrobiotecnología y Biología Molecular; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Chuguransky, Sara Rocío. European Bioinformatics Institute; Reino Unido. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Drechsel, Oliver. Robert Koch-Institute; AlemaniaFil: Finn, Robert D.. Biocurator for Pfam and InterPro databases; Reino UnidoFil: Fritz, Adrian. Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research; AlemaniaFil: Fuchs, Stephan. Robert Koch-Institute; AlemaniaFil: Hattab, Georges. University Marburg; AlemaniaFil: Hauschild, Anne Christin. University Marburg; AlemaniaFil: Heider, Dominik. University Marburg; AlemaniaFil: Hoffmann, Marie. Freie Universität Berlin; AlemaniaFil: Hölzer, Martin. Friedrich Schiller University Jena; AlemaniaFil: Hoops, Stefan. University of Virginia; Estados UnidosFil: Kaderali, Lars. University Medicine Greifswald; AlemaniaFil: Kalvari, Ioanna. European Bioinformatics Institute; Reino UnidoFil: von Kleist, Max. Robert Koch-Institute; AlemaniaFil: Kmiecinski, Renó. Robert Koch-Institute; AlemaniaFil: Kühnert, Denise. Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History; AlemaniaFil: Lasso, Gorka. Albert Einstein College of Medicine; Estados UnidosFil: Libin, Pieter. Hasselt University; BélgicaFil: List, Markus. Universitat Technical Zu Munich; AlemaniaFil: Löchel, Hannah F.. University Marburg; Alemani

    The International Virus Bioinformatics Meeting 2020.

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    The International Virus Bioinformatics Meeting 2020 was originally planned to take place in Bern, Switzerland, in March 2020. However, the COVID-19 pandemic put a spoke in the wheel of almost all conferences to be held in 2020. After moving the conference to 8-9 October 2020, we got hit by the second wave and finally decided at short notice to go fully online. On the other hand, the pandemic has made us even more aware of the importance of accelerating research in viral bioinformatics. Advances in bioinformatics have led to improved approaches to investigate viral infections and outbreaks. The International Virus Bioinformatics Meeting 2020 has attracted approximately 120 experts in virology and bioinformatics from all over the world to join the two-day virtual meeting. Despite concerns being raised that virtual meetings lack possibilities for face-to-face discussion, the participants from this small community created a highly interactive scientific environment, engaging in lively and inspiring discussions and suggesting new research directions and questions. The meeting featured five invited and twelve contributed talks, on the four main topics: (1) proteome and RNAome of RNA viruses, (2) viral metagenomics and ecology, (3) virus evolution and classification and (4) viral infections and immunology. Further, the meeting featured 20 oral poster presentations, all of which focused on specific areas of virus bioinformatics. This report summarizes the main research findings and highlights presented at the meeting

    The International Virus Bioinformatics Meeting 2023

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    The 2023 International Virus Bioinformatics Meeting was held in Valencia, Spain, from 24–26 May 2023, attracting approximately 180 participants worldwide. The primary objective of the conference was to establish a dynamic scientific environment conducive to discussion, collaboration, and the generation of novel research ideas. As the first in-person event following the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, the meeting facilitated highly interactive exchanges among attendees. It served as a pivotal gathering for gaining insights into the current status of virus bioinformatics research and engaging with leading researchers and emerging scientists. The event comprised eight invited talks, 19 contributed talks, and 74 poster presentations across eleven sessions spanning three days. Topics covered included machine learning, bacteriophages, virus discovery, virus classification, virus visualization, viral infection, viromics, molecular epidemiology, phylodynamic analysis, RNA viruses, viral sequence analysis, viral surveillance, and metagenomics. This report provides rewritten abstracts of the presentations, a summary of the key research findings, and highlights shared during the meeting

    Urinary antihypertensive drug metabolite screening using molecular networking coupled to high-resolution mass spectrometry fragmentation

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    Introduction Mass spectrometry is the current technique of choice in studying drug metabolism. High-resolution mass spectrometry in combination with MS/MS gas-phase experiments has the potential to contribute to rapid advances in this field. However, the data emerging from such fragmentation spectral files pose challenges to downstream analysis, given their complexity and size. Objectives This study aims to detect and visualize antihypertensive drug metabolites in untargeted metabolomics experiments based on the spectral similarity of their fragmentation spectra. Furthermore, spectral clusters of endogenous metabolites were also examined. Methods Here we apply a molecular networking approach to seek drugs and their metabolites, in fragmentation spectra from urine derived from a cohort of 26 patients on antihypertensive therapy. The mass spectrometry data was collected on a Thermo Q-Exactive coupled to pHILIC chromatography using data dependent analysis (DDA) MS/MS gas-phase experiments. Results In total, 165 separate drug metabolites were found and structurally annotated (17 by spectral matching and 122 by classification based on a clustered fragmentation pattern). The clusters could be traced to 13 drugs including the known antihypertensives verapamil, losartan and amlodipine. The molecular networking approach also generated clusters of endogenous metabolites, including carnitine derivatives, and conjugates containing glutamine, glutamate and trigonelline. Conclusions The approach offers unprecedented capability in the untargeted identification of drugs and their metabolites at the population level and has great potential to contribute to understanding stratified responses to drugs where differences in drug metabolism may determine treatment outcome

    Computational strategies to combat COVID-19: useful tools to accelerate SARS-CoV-2 and coronavirus research

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    SARS-CoV-2 (severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2) is a novel virus of the family Coronaviridae. The virus causes the infectious disease COVID-19. The biology of coronaviruses has been studied for many years. However, bioinformatics tools designed explicitly for SARS-CoV-2 have only recently been developed as a rapid reaction to the need for fast detection, understanding and treatment of COVID-19. To control the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, it is of utmost importance to get insight into the evolution and pathogenesis of the virus. In this review, we cover bioinformatics workflows and tools for the routine detection of SARS-CoV-2 infection, the reliable analysis of sequencing data, the tracking of the COVID-19 pandemic and evaluation of containment measures, the study of coronavirus evolution, the discovery of potential drug targets and development of therapeutic strategies. For each tool, we briefly describe its use case and how it advances research specifically for SARS-CoV-2. All tools are free to use and available online, either through web applications or public code repositories.Peer Reviewe

    Novel methods for the analysis of small molecule fragmentation

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    Comparing fragmentation trees from electron impact mass spectra with annotated fragmentation pathways

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    Electron impact ionization (EI) is the most common form of ionization for GC-MS analysis of small molecules. This ionization method results in a mass spectrum not necessarily containing the molecular ion peak. The fragmentation of small compounds during EI is well understood, but manual interpretation of mass spectra is tedious and time-consuming. Methods for automated analysis are highly sought, but currently limited to database searching and rule-based approaches. With the computation of hypothetical fragmentation trees from high mass GC-MS data the high-throughput interpretation of such spectra may become feasible. We compare these trees with annotated fragmentation pathways. We find that fragmentation trees explain the origin of the ions found in the mass spectra in accordance to the literature. No peak is annotated with an incorrect fragment formula and 78.7% of the fragmentation processes are correctly reconstructed

    Computational mass spectrometry for small-molecule fragmentation

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    The identification of small molecules from mass spectrometry (MS) data remains a major challenge in the interpretation of MS data. Computational aspects of identifying small molecules range from searching a reference spectral library to the structural elucidation of an unknown. In this review, we concentrate on five important aspects of the computational analysis. We find that novel computational methods may overcome the boundaries of spectral libraries, by searching in the more comprehensive molecular structure databases, or not requiring any databases at all