32 research outputs found

    Berufsbildung und digitalisierte Arbeitswelt: Wer ĂŒbt kognitive RoutinetĂ€tigkeiten in Österreich aus?

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    Wer sind die ArbeitskrĂ€fte, die in Österreich in Berufen tĂ€tig sind, die sich durch ĂŒberwiegend kognitive RoutinetĂ€tigkeiten auszeichnen? Der Beitrag folgt dieser Fragestellung und versucht, mögliche relevante Einflussfaktoren zu identifizieren, die von personenspezifischen Merkmalen, Arbeitsplatzcharakteristika, BeschĂ€ftigungsmerkmalen bis hin zu Unternehmenseigenschaften reichen

    Formal ĂŒberqualifiziert? Eine Analyse der Verwertbarkeit der formalen Ausbildung am österreichischen Arbeitsmarkt

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    Warum eine Arbeitskraft auf einem Arbeitsplatz tĂ€tig ist, der nicht ihrer formalen Qualifikation entspricht, kann viele GrĂŒnde haben. In diesem Beitrag wird untersucht, in welchem Maße die Art der formalen Ausbildung - Allgemeinbildung versus Berufsbildung - das Risiko von MĂ€nnern und Frauen beeinflusst, nicht entsprechend ihrer formalen Qualifikation im Unternehmen eingesetzt zu werden. Kontrolliert wird dabei fĂŒr Arbeitsplatzeigenschaften

    Österreich 2025: Arbeitszeitverteilung in Österreich - Analyse und Optionen aus Sicht der Arbeitnehmerinnen und Arbeitnehmer

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    Die empirische Evidenz zur Verteilung der Arbeitszeit unselbststĂ€ndig BeschĂ€ftigter in Österreich zeigt eine hohe HeterogenitĂ€t, insbesondere zwischen Frauen und MĂ€nnern (Gender-Time-Gap). WĂ€hrend Frauen durchschnittlich mehr Zeit pro Woche fĂŒr unbezahlte TĂ€tigkeiten aufwenden als MĂ€nner, sind MĂ€nner im Durchschnitt einen Vollzeit-Tag pro Woche (8,2 Stunden) lĂ€nger in bezahlter BeschĂ€ftigung als Frauen. Der betrĂ€chtliche Unterschied in der durchschnittlichen Wochenerwerbsarbeitszeit (MĂ€nner 39,8 und Frauen 31,6 Stunden) geht primĂ€r darauf zurĂŒck, dass fast die HĂ€lfte der Frauen (49,4%) teilzeitbeschĂ€ftigt ist und viele MĂ€nner Überstunden leisten. Grund dafĂŒr sind traditionelle Rollenbilder sowie die ungleiche Verteilung der Hausarbeit und der Betreuung von Kindern und PflegebedĂŒrftigen. So dominiert in Paarhaushalten mit Kindern unter 15 Jahren das Zuverdienst-Modell: Der Mann ist in Vollzeit erwerbstĂ€tig, die Frau in Teilzeit. Gleichzeitig entspricht bei rund einem Viertel der unselbststĂ€ndig BeschĂ€ftigten die tatsĂ€chlich geleistete Wochenerwerbsarbeitszeit nicht dem gewĂŒnschten Ausmaß: Frauen wĂŒrden durchschnittlich gerne mehr Stunden pro Woche berufstĂ€tig sein, MĂ€nner weniger. Mit zunehmendem Alter wird der Abstand zwischen gewĂŒnschter und realisierter Arbeitszeit grĂ¶ĂŸer. Die Studie zeigt arbeitszeitbezogene Ansatzpunkte zur Förderung einer ausgeglichenen Verteilung der Erwerbsarbeitszeit von Frauen und MĂ€nnern ĂŒber ihr Erwerbsleben ebenso wie Maßnahmen fĂŒr spezifische Lebensphasen, die eine Anpassung der individuellen Erwerbsarbeitszeit zur Vereinbarkeit von Beruf und außerberuflichen Verpflichtungen bzw. Interessen ermöglichen.The empirical evidence for the distribution of the working hours of dependent workers in Austria shows a high heterogeneity, especially between women and men (gender time gap). While women spend an average more time per week on unpaid activities than men, men are on average a full-time day per week (8.2 hours) longer in paid employment than women. The significant difference in average weekly working hours (men 39.8 and women 31.6 hours) is primarily due to the fact that almost half of women (49.4%) work part-time and many men work overtime. The reason for this is traditional gender roles, as well as the uneven distribution of domestic work and the care of children and dependent persons. For example, in couples with children under the age of 15, the modified breadwinner model dominates: the man is full-time working, the woman part-time. At the same time, about a quarter of the employed is unsatisfied with their actual weekly working hours: on average women prefer working more hours a week, men less. With increasing age, the distance between preferred and realized weekly working hours increases. The study shows working-time approaches to promote a balanced distribution of the working time of women and men over their working lives, as well as measures for specific life stages, which allow an adaptation of the individual working time to reconcile work and non-work commitments or interests

    Postauthorization safety study of betaine anhydrous

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    Patient registries for rare diseases enable systematic data collection and can also be used to facilitate postauthorization safety studies (PASS) for orphan drugs. This study evaluates the PASS for betaine anhydrous (Cystadane), conducted as public private partnership (PPP) between the European network and registry for homocystinurias and methylation defects and the marketing authorization holder (MAH). Data were prospectively collected, 2013–2016, in a noninterventional, international, multicenter, registry study. Putative adverse and severe adverse events were reported to the MAH's pharmacovigilance. In total, 130 individuals with vitamin B6 nonresponsive (N = 54) and partially responsive (N = 7) cystathionine beta-synthase (CBS) deficiency, as well as 5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR; N = 21) deficiency and cobalamin C (N = 48) disease were included. Median (range) duration of treatment with betaine anhydrous was 6.8 (0–9.8) years. The prescribed betaine dose exceeded the recommended maximum (6 g/day) in 49% of individuals older than 10 years because of continued dose adaptation to weight; however, with disease-specific differences (minimum: 31% in B6 nonresponsive CBS deficiency, maximum: 67% in MTHFR deficiency). Despite dose escalation no new or potential risk was identified. Combined disease-specific treatment decreased mean ± SD total plasma homocysteine concentrations from 203 ± 116 to 81 ± 51 Όmol/L (p < 0.0001), except in MTHFR deficiency. Recommendations for betaine anhydrous dosage were revised for individuals ≄ 10 years. PPPs between MAH and international scientific consortia can be considered a reliable model for implementing a PASS, reutilizing well-established structures and avoiding data duplication and fragmentation

    A genome-wide association study of anorexia nervosa suggests a risk locus implicated in dysregulated leptin signaling

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    J. Kaprio, A. Palotie, A. Raevuori-Helkamaa ja S. Ripatti ovat työryhmÀn Eating Disorders Working Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium jÀseniÀ. Erratum in: Sci Rep. 2017 Aug 21;7(1):8379, doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-06409-3We conducted a genome-wide association study (GWAS) of anorexia nervosa (AN) using a stringently defined phenotype. Analysis of phenotypic variability led to the identification of a specific genetic risk factor that approached genome-wide significance (rs929626 in EBF1 (Early B-Cell Factor 1); P = 2.04 x 10(-7); OR = 0.7; 95% confidence interval (CI) = 0.61-0.8) with independent replication (P = 0.04), suggesting a variant-mediated dysregulation of leptin signaling may play a role in AN. Multiple SNPs in LD with the variant support the nominal association. This demonstrates that although the clinical and etiologic heterogeneity of AN is universally recognized, further careful sub-typing of cases may provide more precise genomic signals. In this study, through a refinement of the phenotype spectrum of AN, we present a replicable GWAS signal that is nominally associated with AN, highlighting a potentially important candidate locus for further investigation.Peer reviewe

    Associations between Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and various eating disorders: A Swedish nationwide population study using multiple genetically informative approaches

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    Background Although attention-deficit hyperactivity/impulsivity disorder (ADHD) and eating disorders (EDs) frequently co-occur, little is known about the shared etiology. In this study we comprehensively investigated the genetic association between ADHD and various EDs, including anorexia nervosa (AN) and other EDs (OED, including bulimia nervosa [BN]). Methods We applied different genetically informative designs to register-based information of a Swedish nationwide population (N=3,550,118). We first examined the familial co-aggregation of clinically diagnosed ADHD and EDs across multiple types of relatives. We then applied quantitative genetic modeling in full-sisters and maternal half-sisters to estimate the genetic correlations between ADHD and EDs. We further tested the associations between ADHD polygenic risk scores (PRS) and ED symptoms, and between AN PRS and ADHD symptoms, in a genotyped population-based sample (N=13,472). Results Increased risk of all types of EDs was found in individuals with ADHD (any ED: OR [95% CI]=3.97 [3.81-4.14], AN: 2.68 [2.15-2.86], OED: 4.66 [4.47-4.87], BN: 5.01 [4.63-5.41]) and their relatives compared to individuals without ADHD and their relatives. The magnitude of the associations reduced as the degree of relatedness decreased, suggesting shared familial liability between ADHD and EDs. Quantitative genetic models revealed stronger genetic correlation of ADHD with OED (0.37 [0.31-0.42]) than with AN (0.14 [0.05-0.22]). ADHD PRS correlated positively with ED symptom measures overall and sub-scales “drive for thinness” and “body dissatisfaction”, despite small effect sizes. Conclusions We observed stronger genetic association with ADHD for non-AN EDs than AN, highlighting specific genetic correlation beyond a general genetic factor across psychiatric disorders

    Exploration of Shared Genetic Architecture Between Subcortical Brain Volumes and Anorexia Nervosa

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    Age-specific Employment Forecast for Upper Austria by Sector

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    In the industrialised federal state of Upper Austria structural change will continue to progress in the coming years. The importance of many fields in the service sector is growing, while in the manufacturing sector employment losses are predicted. In absolute terms the number of dependent employees will increase by 36,900 to 563,500 by the year 2010. At the same time the demographic aging of the population presents a major challenge for the labour market: in the period between 2002 and 2010, as a result of the changeover of age groups from years of high birth-rates, massive shifts will be expected from the prime working age into the age group of the over 44-year-olds.ArbeitskrÀfte BeschÀftigung Oberösterreich Branchen Prognose Altersgruppen

    What Causes Gender Differences in the Participation and Intensity of Lifelong Learning?

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    We use recent advances in the statistical analysis of Oaxaca-Blinder decompositions for non-linear models to analyse the contribution of individual variables to total gender differences in participation and duration of training. Results suggest that effects stemming from the intra-household division of labour contribute significantly to gender differences, but that segregation of the labour market as well as differences in the access to training by tenure, age, occupation, profession and sectors are more important.gender differences, training