336 research outputs found


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    Islamic Bank officially use the term "Islamic Bank" or the complete called "Sharia Bank". Indonesia as a country with a majority Muslim population is also the largest in the world have felt the need for a bank that is expected to provide easiness and banking services to all units of Islam and the population in Indonesia that operates without usury. Noting that this study aims to determine the factors that affect depositor funds on Islamic Banking in East Java. Variables used in this study are compiled Amount Islamic Bank as the dependent variable (Y), Profit Sharing ratio (X1), Total Office Bank (X2), Per Capita Income (X3) and the inflation rate (X4) as independent variables. The data used in this study is secondary data in the period 2001-2010. The analytical method used is to use the classical assumption, further processed using multiple linear regression with SPSS. Results of this study explain that simultaneous or jointly independent variable, profit sharing ratio (X1), Number of Bank Offices (X2), Per Capita Income (X3) and the inflation rate (X4) simultaneously and real influence on the dependent variable The collection Islamic Banking fund (Y). Based on the test results in partial Revenue ratio (X1), Number of Bank Offices (X2), and the rate of inflation (X4) has a significant influence on Islamic Banking The collection fund (Y). while the per capita income variable (X3) had no significant effect on Islamic Banking The collection fund (Y). As well as the most dominant independent variable is the Number of Bank Offices (X2)


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan uniuk mengetahui pengaruh Investasi Jepang, Kurs Valuta Asing, Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Jepang dan Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Indonesia terhadap Nilai Ekspor Non Migas Indonesia ke Jepang. Variabel penelitian ini adalah terdiri variabel bebas yaitu Investasi Jepang, Kurs Valuta Asing, Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Jepang dan Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Indonesia. Sedangkan variabel terikat yaitu Nilai Ekspor Non Migas Indonesia ke Jepang. Pengumpulan data menggunakan data sekunder diperoleh dari Badan Pusat Statistik Jawa Timur dan Bank Indonesia mulai tahun 1992-2005, data tersebut dianalisa dengan menggunakan analisis regresi linier berganda melalui uji-F dan uji-t dengan asumsi klasik BLUE. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukan bahwa secara silmutan ada hubungan yang nyata antara variabel bebas Investasi Jepang, Kurs Valuta Asing, Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Jepang, dan Pertumbuhan Ekonomi indonesia terhadap Ekspor Non Migas Indonesia Ke Jepang. Secara parsial Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Jepang tidak berpengaruh secara berarti terhadap Ekspor Non Migas indonesia Ke Jepang. Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Indonesia berpengaruh secara berarti terhadap Ekspor Non Migas Indonesia Ke Jepan


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    Karl Raimund Popper: Problem Neopositivistik dan Teori Kritis Falsifikasi

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    Karl Popper once criticizes the positivistic paradigm by means of what he calls the theory of falsification. To him, the positivistic paradigm constitutes a failure simply because it cannot distinguish between science and prude science, that is, between empirical method and non-empirical method. In the scientific knowledge, empirical science, mathematics and logic must be differentiated, something that the positivistic paradigm has failed to do. This paradigm furthermore, did not have a clear picture what logic-based science is, empirical knowledge and psychology of knowledge. It also fails to properly understand knowledge that springs from tradition, emotion, authority and so forth. All positivistic paradigms such as that of Karl Max?s Historicism, Freud?s theory of Psycho Analysis, Adler?s theory of Individual Analysis and Newton?s theory of Gravitation fall into this trap of failure


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    Abstract In the conventional learning process, most of the material submitted by teachers were not completely understand by the students. This is  because there is no feedback between the material provided by the teacher and a student. It brings a bad result to the unmaximal student’s ability. Students will have under value of the KKM and percentage of students who no success more than 80%. It Seen from the initial assessment has been carried out on the material before forward rolling motion gymnastics floor, there are 12 students or 46.15% gain  criterion of "less" and 14 students received a score of 70 to the top or 53.85% got the criteria of "moderate" and "good". So the researchers will use a type STAD cooperative learning model in this study, because the researcher as the novice teachers and the other benefits in this model  is that students can also  play an active role both  students who able to todo and the unable. The purpose of this study is to determine the improvement of psychomotor skills of students in forward rolling movement by using the model of student teams learning achievement division (STAD). The study, conducted by researchers is action research within the scope of the classroom action research (PTK). Subjects of the study were fifth grade students Creative Schools 16 Surabaya Muhammadiyah elementary school. This is because all of the problems that show in this class. The results are as follows: In cycle 1, the number of students who succeeded beyond KKM as many as 21 students. While the percentage is 81.41%. Because the percentage of students who successfully more than 80%, then it can be said that the results of the application type STAD cooperative learning model to improve the forward rolling is completed at the first cycle. Then increase the forward rolling test results of students learning before and after receiving cooperative learning model type that is  27.56% of  STAD. Keywords: Classroom Action Research (PTK), Cooperative Learning Model Type STAD, Forward rolling, Elementary Schoo


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    AbstrakPembangunan PLTU II di Indramayu menyebabkan berkurangnya lahan pertanian terutama lahan persawahan karena adanya alih fungsi lahan. Salah satu upaya pembekalan dan pemberdayaan yang diberikan pada warga terdampak proyek yaitu dengan melakukan peningkatan ekonomi di bidang agribisnis salah satu caranya adalah dengan budidaya jamur tiram. Budidaya jamur tiram kelompok “Kepuh Makmur” telah beroperasi selama 3 bulan dan telah melakukan proses budidaya, pemanenan, dan pemasaran.  Proses evaluasi perlu dilakukan untuk melihat budidaya jamur tiram ini sebagai sebuah bisnis yang berkelanjutan bukan dilihat hanya sebagai program hibah. Pengumpulan data dalam kegiatan ini dilakukan dengan beberapa cara yaitu melalui observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Analisis yang digunakan untuk menilai kelayakan usaha budidaya meliputi aspek pasar dan pemasaran; aspek teknis dan produksi; aspek organisasi dan manajemen; aspek keuangan : payback period (PP), net present value (NPV), internal rate of return (IRR), dan profitability index (PI). Aspek pasar, aspek teknis, dan aspek organisasi Kepuh Makmur dinilai sudah cukup layak untuk menjalankan usaha budidaya jamur tiram. Namun aspek keuangan masih belum layak, berdasarkan analisis cash flow dengan jumlah baglog 5000 buah selama 3 bulan terjadi minus dimana pengeluaran lebih besar dibandingkan pendapatan. Agar usaha budidaya jamur tiram layak dijalankan sebagai bisnis yang berkelanjutan, jumlah minimal baglog dalam satu kali musim panen minimal 9000 buah baglog dan produktivitas hasil panen ditingkatkan. Hasil analisis kriteria kelayakan investasinya meliputi PBP di 2 tahun 5 bulan, NPV positif di Rp 4.756.750, IRR 23,5%, dan PI 1,07 kali

    Academic Supervision of Madrasah Supervisors in Improving Professional Competencies of Teachers

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    Academic supervision is important to improve teacher’s competency. This study aimed at revealing how thep academic supervision for Madrasah supervisor was implemented to improve the professional competence of religion teachers at MTS N 8 Bungo, Jambi. This study also explained some factors which affected the process of implementation, barriers and efforts in conducting that academic supervision. This study used qualitative method with a case study approach. The subjects of the research were Madrasah supervisors, Madrasah headmasters, and the teachers. The results of the study showed that the performance of Madrasah supervisors at MTS N 8 Bungo, Jambi was not optimal. It can be seen from the fact that the process of the supervision had not been conducted based on laws. As the result, the teachers’ professionalism had not been improved yet

    Pengaruh Laporan Arus Kas Dan Total Asset Turnover Terhadap Return Saham

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui serta mendeskripsikan pengaruh arus kas operasi, arus kas pendanaan, arus kas investasi dan total asset turnover secara parsial maupun simultan terhadap return saham pada perusahaan sub sektor kontruksi bangunan yang terdaftar di bursa efek indonesia periode 2017-2022. Metode penelitian ini yaitu secara deskriptif dan verifikatif. Data sampel yang terpilih pada penelitian ini kemudian di uji menggunakan model analisis regresi linier berganda. Hasil penelitian ini menginformasikan bahwa secara parsial arus kas operasi dan arus kas investasi tidak mempunyai pengaruh terhadap return saham, sedangkan arus kas pendanaan dan total asset turnover mempengaruhi secara signifikan terhadap return saham. Pengujian secara simultan bahwa arus kas operasi, arus kas pendanaan, arus kas investasi, dan total asset turnover secara simultan mempunyai pengaruh signifikan terhadap return saham. Kondisi tersebut menunjukkan informasi laporan arus kas dan total asset turnover dapat menjelaskan sebagian keadaan perusahaan sehingga dapat dijadikan sebagai salah satu landasan dalam mengambil keputusan investasi saham pada suatu perusahaan, yang mana jika kondisi laporan arus kas dan total asset turnover mengalami kondisi baik maka bisa meningkatkan keinginan investor dalam berinvestasi saham pada perusahaan tersebut sehingga kemudian dapat meningkatkan return saham perusahaan.This study aims to determine and describe the effect of operating cash flow, funding cash flow, investment cash flow and total asset turnover partially or simultaneously on stock returns in building construction sub-sector companies listed on the Indonesian stock exchange for the 2017-2022 period. This research method is descriptive and verification. The sample data selected in this study were then tested using multiple linear regression analysis models. The results of this study inform that partially operating cash flows and investment cash flows have no effect on stock returns, while funding cash flows and total asset turnover significantly affect stock returns. Simultaneous testing that operating cash flow, funding cash flow, investment cash flow, and total asset turnover simultaneously have a significant effect on stock returns. This condition shows that cash flow statement information and total asset turnover can explain part of the company's condition so that it can be used as a basis for making stock investment decisions in a company. investors in investing shares in the company so that it can then increase the company's stock return
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