248 research outputs found

    Smoking exposure induces human lung endothelial cell adaptation to apoptotic stress

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    Prolonged exposure to cigarette smoking is the main risk factor for emphysema, a component of chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases (COPDs) characterized by destruction of alveolar walls. Moreover, smoking is associated with pulmonary artery remodeling and pulmonary hypertension, even in the absence of COPD, through as yet unexplained mechanisms. In murine models, elevations of intra- and paracellular ceramides in response to smoking have been implicated in the induction of lung endothelial cell apoptosis, but the role of ceramides in human cell counterparts is yet unknown. We modeled paracrine increases (outside-in) of palmitoyl ceramide (Cer16) in primary human lung microvascular cells. In naive cells, isolated from nonsmokers, Cer16 significantly reduced cellular proliferation and induced caspase-independent apoptosis via mitochondrial membrane depolarization, apoptosis-inducing factor translocation, and poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase cleavage. In these cells, caspase-3 was inhibited by ceramide-induced Akt phosphorylation, and by the induction of autophagic microtubule-associated protein-1 light-chain 3 lipidation. In contrast, cells isolated from smokers exhibited increased baseline proliferative features associated with lack of p16(INK4a) expression and Akt hyperphosphorylation. These cells were resistant to Cer16-induced apoptosis, despite presence of both endoplasmic reticulum stress response and mitochondrial membrane depolarization. In cells from smokers, the prominent up-regulation of Akt pathways inhibited ceramide-triggered apoptosis, and was associated with elevated sphingosine and high-mobility group box 1, skewing the cell's response toward autophagy and survival. In conclusion, the cell responses to ceramide are modulated by an intricate cross-talk between Akt signaling and sphingolipid metabolites, and profoundly modified by previous cigarette smoke exposure, which selects for an apoptosis-resistant phenotype

    Stimulation of sphingosine 1-phosphate signaling as an alveolar cell survival strategy in emphysema

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    RATIONALE: Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor (VEGFR) inhibition increases ceramides in lung structural cells of the alveolus, initiating apoptosis and alveolar destruction morphologically resembling emphysema. The effects of increased endogenous ceramides could be offset by sphingosine 1-phosphate (S1P), a prosurvival by-product of ceramide metabolism. OBJECTIVES: The aims of our work were to investigate the sphingosine-S1P-S1P receptor axis in the VEGFR inhibition model of emphysema and to determine whether stimulation of S1P signaling is sufficient to functionally antagonize alveolar space enlargement. METHODS: Concurrent to VEGFR blockade in mice, S1P signaling augmentation was achieved via treatment with the S1P precursor sphingosine, S1P agonist FTY720, or S1P receptor-1 (S1PR1) agonist SEW2871. Outcomes included sphingosine kinase-1 RNA expression and activity, sphingolipid measurements by combined liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry, immunoblotting for prosurvival signaling pathways, caspase-3 activity and terminal deoxynucleotidyltransferase-mediated dUTP nick end labeling assays, and airspace morphometry. MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: Consistent with previously reported de novo activation of ceramide synthesis, VEGFR inhibition triggered increases in lung ceramides, dihydroceramides, and dihydrosphingosine, but did not alter sphingosine kinase activity or S1P levels. Administration of sphingosine decreased the ceramide-to-S1P ratio in the lung and inhibited alveolar space enlargement, along with activation of prosurvival signaling pathways and decreased lung parenchyma cell apoptosis. Sphingosine significantly opposed ceramide-induced apoptosis in cultured lung endothelial cells, but not epithelial cells. FTY720 or SEW2871 recapitulated the protective effects of sphingosine on airspace enlargement concomitant with attenuation of VEGFR inhibitor-induced lung apoptosis. CONCLUSIONS: Strategies aimed at augmenting the S1P-S1PR1 signaling may be effective in ameliorating the apoptotic mechanisms of emphysema development

    A new approach to bias correction in RNA-Seq

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    Motivation: Quantification of sequence abundance in RNA-Seq experiments is often conflated by protocol-specific sequence bias. The exact sources of the bias are unknown, but may be influenced by polymerase chain reaction amplification, or differing primer affinities and mixtures, for example. The result is decreased accuracy in many applications, such as de novo gene annotation and transcript quantification

    Structural and functional characterization of endothelial microparticles released by cigarette smoke

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    Circulating endothelial microparticles (EMPs) are emerging as biomarkers of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) in individuals exposed to cigarette smoke (CS), but their mechanism of release and function remain unknown. We assessed biochemical and functional characteristics of EMPs and circulating microparticles (cMPs) released by CS. CS exposure was sufficient to increase microparticle levels in plasma of humans and mice, and in supernatants of primary human lung microvascular endothelial cells. CS-released EMPs contained predominantly exosomes that were significantly enriched in let-7d, miR-191; miR-126; and miR125a, microRNAs that reciprocally decreased intracellular in CS-exposed endothelium. CS-released EMPs and cMPs were ceramide-rich and required the ceramide-synthesis enzyme acid sphingomyelinase (aSMase) for their release, an enzyme which was found to exhibit significantly higher activity in plasma of COPD patients or of CS-exposed mice. The ex vivo or in vivo engulfment of EMPs or cMPs by peripheral blood monocytes-derived macrophages was associated with significant inhibition of efferocytosis. Our results indicate that CS, via aSMase, releases circulating EMPs with distinct microRNA cargo and that EMPs affect the clearance of apoptotic cells by specialized macrophages. These targetable effects may be important in the pathogenesis of diseases linked to endothelial injury and inflammation in smokers

    Complex circular subsidence structures in tephra deposited on large blocks of ice: Varða tuff cone, Öræfajökull, Iceland

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    Several broadly circular structures up to 16 m in diameter, into which higher strata have sagged and locally collapsed, are present in a tephra outcrop on southwest Öræfajökull, southern Iceland. The tephra was sourced in a nearby basaltic tuff cone at Varða. The structures have not previously been described in tuff cones, and they probably formed by the melting out of large buried blocks of ice emplaced during a preceding jökulhlaup that may have been triggered by a subglacial eruption within the Öræfajökull ice cap. They are named ice-melt subsidence structures, and they are analogous to kettle holes that are commonly found in proglacial sandurs and some lahars sourced in ice-clad volcanoes. The internal structure is better exposed in the Varða examples because of an absence of fluvial infilling and reworking, and erosion of the outcrop to reveal the deeper geometry. The ice-melt subsidence structures at Varða are a proxy for buried ice. They are the only known evidence for a subglacial eruption and associated jökulhlaup that created the ice blocks. The recognition of such structures elsewhere will be useful in reconstructing more complete regional volcanic histories as well as for identifying ice-proximal settings during palaeoenvironmental investigations

    Finite-Temperature Transport in Finite-Size Hubbard Rings in the Strong-Coupling Limit

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    We study the current, the curvature of levels, and the finite temperature charge stiffness, D(T,L), in the strongly correlated limit, U>>t, for Hubbard rings of L sites, with U the on-site Coulomb repulsion and t the hopping integral. Our study is done for finite-size systems and any band filling. Up to order t we derive our results following two independent approaches, namely, using the solution provided by the Bethe ansatz and the solution provided by an algebraic method, where the electronic operators are represented in a slave-fermion picture. We find that, in the U=\infty case, the finite-temperature charge stiffness is finite for electronic densities, n, smaller than one. These results are essencially those of spinless fermions in a lattice of size L, apart from small corrections coming from a statistical flux, due to the spin degrees of freedom. Up to order t, the Mott-Hubbard gap is \Delta_{MH}=U-4t, and we find that D(T) is finite for n<1, but is zero at half-filling. This result comes from the effective flux felt by the holon excitations, which, due to the presence of doubly occupied sites, is renormalized to \Phi^{eff}=\phi(N_h-N_d)/(N_d+N_h), and which is zero at half-filling, with N_d and N_h being the number of doubly occupied and empty lattice sites, respectively. Further, for half-filling, the current transported by any eigenstate of the system is zero and, therefore, D(T) is also zero.Comment: 15 pages and 6 figures; accepted for PR

    MicroScope: a platform for microbial genome annotation and comparative genomics

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    The initial outcome of genome sequencing is the creation of long text strings written in a four letter alphabet. The role of in silico sequence analysis is to assist biologists in the act of associating biological knowledge with these sequences, allowing investigators to make inferences and predictions that can be tested experimentally. A wide variety of software is available to the scientific community, and can be used to identify genomic objects, before predicting their biological functions. However, only a limited number of biologically interesting features can be revealed from an isolated sequence. Comparative genomics tools, on the other hand, by bringing together the information contained in numerous genomes simultaneously, allow annotators to make inferences based on the idea that evolution and natural selection are central to the definition of all biological processes. We have developed the MicroScope platform in order to offer a web-based framework for the systematic and efficient revision of microbial genome annotation and comparative analysis (http://www.genoscope.cns.fr/agc/microscope). Starting with the description of the flow chart of the annotation processes implemented in the MicroScope pipeline, and the development of traditional and novel microbial annotation and comparative analysis tools, this article emphasizes the essential role of expert annotation as a complement of automatic annotation. Several examples illustrate the use of implemented tools for the review and curation of annotations of both new and publicly available microbial genomes within MicroScope’s rich integrated genome framework. The platform is used as a viewer in order to browse updated annotation information of available microbial genomes (more than 440 organisms to date), and in the context of new annotation projects (117 bacterial genomes). The human expertise gathered in the MicroScope database (about 280,000 independent annotations) contributes to improve the quality of microbial genome annotation, especially for genomes initially analyzed by automatic procedures alone

    All-In-One: Advanced preparation of Human Parenchymal and Non-Parenchymal Liver Cells

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    BACKGROUND & AIMS: Liver cells are key players in innate immunity. Thus, studying primary isolated liver cells is necessary for determining their role in liver physiology and pathophysiology. In particular, the quantity and quality of isolated cells are crucial to their function. Our aim was to isolate a large quantity of high-quality human parenchymal and non-parenchymal cells from a single liver specimen. METHODS: Hepatocytes, Kupffer cells, liver sinusoidal endothelial cells, and stellate cells were isolated from liver tissues by collagenase perfusion in combination with low-speed centrifugation, density gradient centrifugation, and magnetic-activated cell sorting. The purity and functionality of cultured cell populations were controlled by determining their morphology, discriminative cell marker expression, and functional activity. RESULTS: Cell preparation yielded the following cell counts per gram of liver tissue: 2.0+/-0.4x107 hepatocytes, 1.8+/-0.5x106 Kupffer cells, 4.3+/-1.9x105 liver sinusoidal endothelial cells, and 3.2+/-0.5x105 stellate cells. Hepatocytes were identified by albumin (95.5+/-1.7%) and exhibited time-dependent activity of cytochrome P450 enzymes. Kupffer cells expressed CD68 (94.5+/-1.2%) and exhibited phagocytic activity, as determined with 1mum latex beads. Endothelial cells were CD146+ (97.8+/-1.1%) and exhibited efficient uptake of acetylated low-density lipoprotein. Hepatic stellate cells were identified by the expression of alpha-smooth muscle actin (97.1+/-1.5%). These cells further exhibited retinol (vitamin A)-mediated autofluorescence. CONCLUSIONS: Our isolation procedure for primary parenchymal and non-parenchymal liver cells resulted in cell populations of high purity and quality, with retained physiological functionality in vitro. Thus, this system may provide a valuable tool for determining liver function and disease

    Amplified melt and flow of the Greenland ice sheet driven by late-summer cyclonic rainfall

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    Intense rainfall events significantly affect Alpine and Alaskan glaciers through enhanced melting, ice-flow acceleration and subglacial sediment erosion, yet their impact on the Greenland ice sheet has not been assessed. Here we present measurements of ice velocity, subglacial water pressure and meteorological variables from the western margin of the Greenland ice sheet during a week of warm, wet cyclonic weather in late August and early September 2011. We find that extreme surface runoff from melt and rainfall led to a widespread acceleration in ice flow that extended 140 km into the ice-sheet interior. We suggest that the late-season timing was critical in promoting rapid runoff across an extensive bare ice surface that overwhelmed a subglacial hydrological system in transition to a less-efficient winter mode. Reanalysis data reveal that similar cyclonic weather conditions prevailed across southern and western Greenland during this time, and we observe a corresponding ice-flow response at all land- and marine-terminating glaciers in these regions for which data are available. Given that the advection of warm, moist air masses and rainfall over Greenland is expected to become more frequent in the coming decades, our findings portend a previously unforeseen vulnerability of the Greenland ice sheet to climate change

    Antioxidant Machinery Differs between Melanic and Light Nestlings of Two Polymorphic Raptors

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    Colour polymorphism results from the expression of multiallelic genes generating phenotypes with very distinctive colourations. Most colour polymorphisms are due to differences in the type or amount of melanins present in each morph, which also differ in several behavioural, morphometric and physiological attributes. Melanin-based colour morphs could also differ in the levels of glutathione (GSH), a key intracellular antioxidant, because of the role of this molecule in melanogenesis. As GSH inhibits the synthesis of eumelanin (i.e. the darkest melanin form), individuals of darker morphs are expected to have lower GSH levels than those of lighter morphs. We tested this prediction in nestlings of two polymorphic raptors, the booted eagle Hieraaetus pennatus and the Eleonora's falcon Falco eleonorae, both of which occur in two morphs differing in the extent of eumelanic plumage. As expected, melanic booted eagle nestlings had lower blood GSH levels than light morph eagle nestlings. In the Eleonora's falcon, however, melanic nestlings only had lower GSH levels after controlling for the levels of other antioxidants. We also found that melanic female eagle nestlings had higher levels of antioxidants other than GSH and were in better body condition than light female eagle nestlings. These findings suggest an adaptive response of melanic nestlings to compensate for reduced GSH levels. Nevertheless, these associations were not found in falcons, indicating species-specific particularities in antioxidant machinery. Our results are consistent with previous work revealing the importance of GSH on the expression of melanic characters that show continuous variation, and suggest that this pathway also applies to discrete colour morphs. We suggest that the need to maintain low GSH levels for eumelanogenesis in dark morph individuals may represent a physiological constraint that helps regulate the evolution and maintenance of polymorphisms